Search API
- 7.x modules/admin/
- 6.x modules/admin/
- 4.x modules/admin/
- 5.x modules/admin/
modules/admin/admin.degrees.incView source
- <?php
- function admin_display_degrees_popup_add_group2() {
- $semester_num = trim($_GET["semester_num"]);
- $school_id = intval($_GET["school_id"]);
- $de_catalog_year = admin_get_de_catalog_year(TRUE, $school_id);
- $school_name = "";
- if ($school_id > 0) $school_name = " School-" . $school_id;
- if (module_enabled("schools")) {
- $defs = schools_get_school_definitions();
- if (isset($defs[$school_id])) $school_name = $defs[$school_id];
- }
- fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/js/admin.js");
- $rtn = "";
- $rtn .= "<b>" . t("Add an elective group to block number: @semester_num in catalog year @de_catalog_year", array("@semester_num" => ($semester_num + 1), "@de_catalog_year" => $de_catalog_year)) . "</b><br>";
- if ($school_name) {
- $rtn .= "<div class='add-group-popup-school-line'><strong>" . t("Groups in School: %school", array("%school" => $school_name)) . "</strong></div>";
- }
- $rtn .="<span class='tenpt'>" . t("Use keyboard shortcut CTRL-F to find groups quickly.") . "</span>
- <br><br>
- " . t("First, select a group (from @cat)", array("@cat" => $de_catalog_year));
- if ($school_name) {
- $rtn .= " " . t(" and school <b>%school</b>", array("%school" => $school_name));
- }
- $rtn .= ":
- <div class='tenpt'
- style='height:200px; overflow-y: scroll; border: 1px solid black;
- margin:5px;'>
- <table border='0' cellspacing='5'>";
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_groups
- WHERE catalog_year = ?
- AND delete_flag = 0
- AND school_id = ?
- ORDER BY title ", $de_catalog_year, $school_id);
- while($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- extract($cur, 3, "db");
- $rtn .= "<tr><td valign='middle'>
- <input type='radio' name='rgroups' value='$db_group_id'></td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>
- $db_title<br><i>$db_group_name</i>
- </td>
- </tr>
- ";
- }
- $min_grades = csv_to_array(variable_get_for_school("group_min_grades", "A,B,C,D", $school_id));
- $rtn .= "</table></div>
- " . t("Next, select properties for this group:") . "
- <a href='javascript: adminPopupAlertHelp(\"group_properties\");'>?</a>
- <div class='tenpt' style='padding-top: 5px;'>
- " . t("Hrs:") . " <input type='text' name='hours' id='hours' size='2'>
- " . t("Min Grade:") . " <select name='min_grade' id='min_grade'>
- <option value=''>--</option>
- ";
- foreach ($min_grades as $g) {
- $rtn .= "<option value='$g'>$g</option>";
- }
- $rtn .= "
- </select>
- Type: <select name='type' id='type'>";
- // Get our list of requirement types from our settings.
- $types = fp_get_requirement_types($school_id);
- foreach ($types as $code => $desc) {
- $rtn .= "<option value='$code'>$code - $desc</option>";
- }
- $rtn .= "
- </select>
- " . fp_render_button("Add group »", "adminPopupAddGroup2(\"$semester_num\");") . "
- </div>";
- return $rtn;
- }
- /**
- * This form lets the user copy a degree and all of it's tracks & concentrations.
- */
- function admin_copy_degree_form() {
- $de_catalog_year = admin_get_de_catalog_year();
- fp_set_title(t("Copy Degree for") . " $de_catalog_year");
- $form = array();
- $m = 0;
- $form["mark" . $m++] = array(
- "type" => "markup",
- "value" => t("Use this form to duplicate a degree plan in this catalog year."),
- "weight" => 10,
- );
- $form["de_catalog_year"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $de_catalog_year,
- );
- $form["source_major_code"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 35,
- "label" => t("Enter the SOURCE major code you wish to copy:"),
- "required" => TRUE,
- "description" => t("Ex: ART or GBUS. Do not enter any track or concentration codes here."),
- "weight" => 20,
- );
- /* use default school_id */
- $form['school_id'] = array(
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'value' => '0',
- );
- $form["include_tracks"] = array(
- "type" => "checkboxes",
- "label" => t("Include tracks/level-3 degrees?"),
- "options" => array("yes" => "Yes, include all associated tracks (level-3 degrees)."),
- "description" => t("Check this box if you wish to also copy any tracks/level-3 degrees
- this major code may have associated with it. If you do not check this box,
- only the base degree will be copied. If the major does not have
- tracks/level-3 degrees, leave this unchecked."),
- "weight" => 30,
- );
- $form['destination_school_id'] = array(
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'value' => '0',
- );
- $form["destination_major_code"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 35,
- "label" => t("Enter the DESTINATION major code you wish to create/overwrite:"),
- "required" => TRUE,
- "description" => t("Ex: CHEM or XYZ. Do not enter any track or concentration codes here."),
- "weight" => 40,
- );
- $form["allow_overwrite"] = array(
- "type" => "radios",
- "label" => t("Overwrite if major code already exists?"),
- "options" => array(
- "no" => t("No, DO NOT delete and overwrite any existing major codes & associated tracks/level-3 degrees. Instead, return here with a warning message."),
- "yes" => t("Yes, if my destination major already exists, overwrite <b>and delete all associated tracks/level-3 degrees</b> for this year. (Use caution with this option!)"),
- ),
- "value" => "no",
- "weight" => 50,
- );
- // Our submit button.
- $form["submit"] = array(
- "type" => "submit",
- "value" => "Submit",
- "prefix" => "<hr>",
- "weight" => 200,
- );
- return $form;
- }
- /**
- * Validate handler.
- * Make sure our allow_overwrite setting is working. Check for existing major code.
- */
- function admin_copy_degree_form_validate($form, $form_state) {
- $values = $form_state["values"];
- $de_catalog_year = $values["de_catalog_year"];
- $destination_major_code = trim(strtoupper($values["destination_major_code"]));
- $school_id = intval($values['school_id']);
- $destination_school_id = intval($values['destination_school_id']);
- $source_major_code = trim(strtoupper($values["source_major_code"]));
- $include_tracks = $values["include_tracks"]["yes"];
- $for_school = $school_name = "";
- if (module_enabled("schools")) {
- $for_school = " for school %school";
- $source_school_name = schools_get_school_name_for_id($school_id);
- $dest_school_name = schools_get_school_name_for_id($destination_school_id);
- }
- if (admin_string_contains_illegal_chars($destination_major_code)) {
- form_error("destination_major_code", t("Sorry, the destination major code must contain only numbers, letters, and dashes (-)."));
- return;
- }
- if ($values["allow_overwrite"] == "no") {
- // Check to see if destination major code already exists.
- // First thing's first. Make sure the sourceMajorCode exists.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE major_code = ?
- AND catalog_year = ?
- AND school_id = ? ", $destination_major_code, $de_catalog_year, $destination_school_id) ;
- if (db_num_rows($res) != 0) {
- // Meaning, it WAS be found.
- form_error("destination_major_code", t("The destination major, %dest, was found for %year$for_school. Since you selected not to overwrite
- existing majors, your submission was not processed. Please try again.", array("%dest" => $destination_major_code, "%year" => $de_catalog_year, "%school" => $dest_school_name)));
- }
- } // allow_overwrite == no
- // First thing's first. Make sure the sourceMajorCode exists.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE (major_code = ?
- OR major_code LIKE ?)
- AND catalog_year = ?
- AND school_id = ? ", $source_major_code, "$source_major_code|%", $de_catalog_year, $school_id) ;
- if (db_num_rows($res) == 0) {
- // Meaning, it could not be found.
- form_error("source_major_code", t("The source major, %source, could not be found for %year$for_school.", array("%source" => $source_major_code, "%year" => $de_catalog_year, "%school" => $source_school_name)));
- }
- } // validate
- /*
- From:
- We will use this function to make sure a major code doesn't contain any "illegal" characters.
- */
- function admin_string_contains_illegal_chars($testString) {
- // These are characters we will allow:
- static $MsgAry1 = array("a","b","c","d",
- "e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n",
- "o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x",
- "y","z","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8",
- "9","0","-");
- $test = str_ireplace($MsgAry1, '', $testString);
- if (strstr($test, " ")) return TRUE; // contains an illegal character!
- // test should be empty if we only used valid chars!
- if (trim($test) == "") return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- function admin_copy_degree_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
- global $db;
- $values = $form_state["values"];
- $de_catalog_year = $values["de_catalog_year"];
- $school_id = intval($values['school_id']);
- $destination_school_id = intval($values['destination_school_id']);
- $source_major_code = trim(strtoupper($values["source_major_code"]));
- $destination_major_code = trim(strtoupper($values["destination_major_code"]));
- $include_tracks = $values["include_tracks"]["yes"];
- // Alright, if we got to here, we can proceed. We need to
- // delete everything involving the destination major.
- // First, get the degree_id's in a select...
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE (major_code = ?
- OR major_code LIKE ?)
- AND catalog_year = ?
- AND school_id = ? ", $destination_major_code, "$destination_major_code|%", $de_catalog_year, $destination_school_id ) ;
- if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) {
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $degree_id = $cur["degree_id"];
- $res2 = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degree_requirements
- WHERE degree_id='?' ", $degree_id) ;
- $res2 = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE degree_id = '?' ", $degree_id) ;
- }
- // Now, delete the tracks.
- $res2 = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degree_tracks
- WHERE major_code = ?
- AND catalog_year = ?
- AND school_id = ?", $destination_major_code, $de_catalog_year, $destination_school_id) ;
- }
- // Okay, with the destination major good and deleted, we can proceed with
- // the copy.
- // Let's build up an array of all the degrees we will be copying.
- $source_array = array();
- // First, the base degree...
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE major_code = ?
- AND catalog_year= ?
- AND school_id = ? ", $source_major_code, $de_catalog_year, $school_id) ;
- $cur = db_fetch_array($res);
- $source_array[] = $cur;
- // Now, any tracks or concentrations?
- if ($include_tracks == "yes") {
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE major_code LIKE ?
- AND catalog_year = ?
- AND school_id = ? ", "$source_major_code|%", $de_catalog_year, $school_id) ;
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $source_array[] = $cur;
- }
- // While we're here, let's go ahead and make a copy of the tracks.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_tracks
- WHERE (major_code = ?
- OR major_code LIKE ? )
- AND catalog_year = ?
- AND school_id = ? ", $source_major_code, "$source_major_code|%", $de_catalog_year, $school_id) ;
- while($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- extract($cur, 3, "db");
- $dest_code = $destination_major_code;
- if (strstr($db_major_code, "|")) {
- // We need to adjust the destCode to match
- //the source.
- $dest_code = str_replace("$source_major_code|", "$destination_major_code|", $db_major_code);
- }
- $res2 = db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degree_tracks
- (catalog_year, major_code, track_code,
- track_title, track_short_title, track_description, school_id)
- (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ",
- $de_catalog_year, $dest_code, $db_track_code,
- $db_track_title, $db_track_short_title,
- $db_track_description, $destination_school_id) ;
- }
- }
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- // Okay, now it's time to go through the sourceArray
- // and duplicate them.
- foreach ($source_array as $src) {
- extract($src, 3, "src");
- $dest_code = $destination_major_code;
- if (strstr($src_major_code, "|")) {
- // We need to adjust the destCode to match
- //the source.
- $dest_code = str_replace("$source_major_code|", "$destination_major_code|", $src_major_code);
- }
- //var_dump($dest_code);
- $dest_degree_id = $db->request_new_degree_id();
- // Let's save our src_degree_id and dest_degree_id in $form_state, for other possible modules to use.
- $form_state['degrees'][] = array(
- 'src' => $src_degree_id,
- 'src_catalog_year' => $de_catalog_year,
- 'school_id' => $school_id,
- 'dest' => $dest_degree_id,
- 'dest_major_code' => $dest_code,
- 'dest_catalog_year' => $de_catalog_year,
- );
- // Create the entry in the degrees table.
- $res = db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degrees
- (degree_id, major_code, degree_type, degree_level, degree_class, title,
- public_note, semester_titles_csv,
- catalog_year, exclude, allow_dynamic, advising_weight, override_degree_hours,
- min_tracks, max_tracks, default_tracks, track_selection_config, school_id)
- (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ",
- $dest_degree_id, $dest_code, $src_degree_type, $src_degree_level, $src_degree_class, $src_title,
- $src_public_note, $src_semester_titles_csv,
- $de_catalog_year, $src_exclude, $src_allow_dynamic, $src_advising_weight, $src_override_degree_hours,
- $src_min_tracks, $src_max_tracks, $src_default_tracks, $src_track_selection_config, $destination_school_id);
- // Now, go through the source's degree requirements and copy those over.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_requirements
- WHERE degree_id = ?", array($src_degree_id));
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- extract($cur, 3, "db");
- $res2 = $db->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
- (degree_id, semester_num, group_id,
- group_requirement_type,
- group_hours_required,
- group_min_hours_allowed,
- group_min_grade, course_id,
- course_min_grade,
- course_requirement_type,
- data_entry_value)
- (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ",
- $dest_degree_id, $db_semester_num, $db_group_id,
- $db_group_requirement_type,
- $db_group_hours_required,
- $db_group_min_hours_allowed,
- $db_group_min_grade, $db_course_id,
- $db_course_min_grade,
- $db_course_requirement_type,
- $db_data_entry_value);
- }
- }
- // Make a - entry into the draft_instruction table so it will
- // remind the administrator to apply draft changes.
- $res = db_query("INSERT INTO draft_instructions
- (instruction) VALUES ('-') ");
- $for_school = $school_name = "";
- if (module_enabled("schools")) {
- $for_school = " for school %school";
- $school_name = schools_get_school_name_for_id($destination_school_id);
- }
- watchdog("admin", "Copied degree $source_major_code to $destination_major_code,school id: $school_id, ($de_catalog_year) successfully.
- Source degree id: $src_degree_id. New degree id = $dest_degree_id");
- fp_add_message(t("Degree %source has been copied to %dest for %year$for_school.",
- array("%source" => $source_major_code, "%dest" => $destination_major_code, "%year" => $de_catalog_year, "%school" => $school_name)));
- }
- /**
- * This form lets the user add a degree to the database.
- */
- function admin_add_degree_form() {
- $de_catalog_year = admin_get_de_catalog_year();
- fp_set_title(t("Add Degree for") . " " . $de_catalog_year);
- $form = array();
- $m = 0;
- $form["markup" . $m++] = array(
- "type" => "markup",
- "value" => t("You may use this screen to add a new degree,
- by entering a new degree code (Level 1 or 2) or <em>track</em> (Level-3 degree) code.
- <br><br><em>Note: For simplicity, FlightPath refers to Level-1 and -2 degree codes as \"major codes\" and Level-3 degree codes as \"track codes\".</e>"),
- );
- $bool_legacy_concentrations = variable_get("enable_legacy_concentrations", FALSE);
- $legacy_text = "";
- if ($bool_legacy_concentrations) {
- $legacy_text = " [and concentration] ";
- }
- $form["de_catalog_year"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $de_catalog_year,
- );
- $form["new_major"] = array(
- "type" => "radios",
- "label" => t("Are you entering a new major code $legacy_text,<br>
- or an existing major code $legacy_text (so you can add a new track)?"),
- "options" => array(
- "new" => t("Entering a <b>new</b> major code"),
- "existing" => t("Entering an <b>existing</b> major code (only adding a new Level-3 track)"),
- ),
- "required" => TRUE,
- "weight" => 10,
- );
- $desc = "Enter the Level-1 or -2 Major Code here.
- Do not enter any Level 3 codes (ex: Tracks or Concentrations).
- <br>For example, enter ACCT or ENGL. <i><b>But not ENGL|_TRKA, etc</b></i>";
- if ($bool_legacy_concentrations) {
- $desc = "To enter a concentration code, use MAJOR|CONC.
- The | character is call the pipe, and it should under the backspace key.
- If adding a new concentration to an existing major, you still put this in as a
- NEW major code. Do not have any spaces in this box. The concentration code
- is optional. If the major does not have a concentration,
- then simply enter the major code by itself. The combined major code and optional track
- code can only be 18 characters maximum.";
- }
- $form["major_code"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 15,
- "label" => t("Level-1 or -2 Major Code:"),
- "description" => t($desc),
- "required" => TRUE,
- "weight" => 20,
- "description" => t("Enter only letters, numbers, or dash (-). NO other symbols of any kind."),
- );
- $form["new_track"] = array(
- "type" => "radios",
- "label" => t("Are you entering a new Level-3 track code?"),
- "options" => array(
- "new" => t("Entering a <b>new</b> track code"),
- "none" => t("None - Not adding a track. Leave blank"),
- ),
- "required" => TRUE,
- "weight" => 30,
- );
- $form["track_code"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 15,
- "label" => t("Level-3 Track code:"),
- "description" => t("Leave blank if you selected None above. This code must not contain spaces,
- and combined with the major code it must not exceed 18 characters."),
- "weight" => 40,
- "description" => t("Enter only letters, numbers, or dash (-). NO other symbols of any kind."),
- );
- // Our submit button.
- $form["submit"] = array(
- "type" => "submit",
- "value" => "Submit",
- "prefix" => "<hr>",
- "weight" => 999,
- );
- return $form;
- }
- /**
- * Validate handler for add_degree_form
- */
- function admin_add_degree_form_validate($form, $form_submit) {
- $values = $form_submit["values"];
- // Make sure neither major code nor track code contains any spaces.
- $de_catalog_year = $values["de_catalog_year"];
- $major_code = trim(strtoupper($values["major_code"]));
- $track_code = trim(strtoupper($values["track_code"]));
- $school_id = intval($values["school_id"]);
- $new_major = $values["new_major"];
- $new_track = $values["new_track"];
- if ($major_code != "" && admin_string_contains_illegal_chars($major_code)) {
- form_error("major_code", t("The major code may not contain spaces or symbols. Please enter a new one containing only letters, numbers, and -."));
- }
- if ($track_code != "" && admin_string_contains_illegal_chars($track_code)) {
- form_error("track_code", t("The track code may not contain spaces or symbols. Please enter a new one containing only letters, numbers, and -."));
- }
- // Make sure the major + |_ + track_code doesn't exceed 20 characters.
- if (strlen("$major_code|_$track_code") > 20) {
- form_error("major_code", t("The major and track code combined may not exceed 18 characters. Please shorten one or the other."));
- }
- if ($new_track == "new" && $track_code == "") {
- form_error("track_code", t("You selected to add a track, but did not specify a track code."));
- }
- $for_school = $school_name = "";
- if (module_enabled("schools")) {
- $for_school = " for school %school";
- $school_name = schools_get_school_name_for_id($school_id);
- }
- // Check to see if it already exists...
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE catalog_year = ?
- AND major_code = ?
- AND school_id = ?", $de_catalog_year, $major_code, $school_id);
- if (db_num_rows($res) > 0 && $new_major == "new") {
- // Meaning, it already exists, yet we are trying to add it as a new
- // major. This is an error!
- form_error('major_code', t("The major code %major_code already exists for %year$for_school. You cannot add it as a new major.", array("%major_code" => $major_code, "%year" => $de_catalog_year, "%school" => $school_name)));
- }
- if (db_num_rows($res) == 0 && $new_major == "existing") {
- // This is another error. We are trying to add a track to an existing
- // major code, but none was found.
- form_error('major_code', t("The major code %major_code could not be found in the system for %year$for_school. Perhaps you need to add it first?", array("%major_code" => $major_code, "%year" => $de_catalog_year, "%school" => $school_name)));
- return;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Submit handler for the add_degree_form.
- */
- function admin_add_degree_form_submit($form, $form_submit) {
- $values = $form_submit["values"];
- $degree_id = -1;
- $de_catalog_year = $values["de_catalog_year"];
- // This will be used to add a new degree (and possibly track)
- // to the database.
- $major_code = trim(strtoupper($values["major_code"]));
- $track_code = trim(strtoupper($values["track_code"]));
- $school_id = intval($values["school_id"]);
- $new_major = $values["new_major"];
- $new_track = $values["new_track"];
- $allow_dynamic = variable_get("admin_degrees_default_allow_dynamic", "1");
- $for_school = $school_name = "";
- if (module_enabled("schools")) {
- $for_school = " for school %school";
- $school_name = schools_get_school_name_for_id($school_id);
- }
- // First, deal with the major/concentration.
- if ($new_major == "new") {
- // This means we are trying to add a new major to the degrees table.
- // We may proceed with this.
- $db2 = new DatabaseHandler();
- $degree_id = $db2->request_new_degree_id();
- $db2->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degrees
- (degree_id, major_code, catalog_year, allow_dynamic, title, school_id)
- values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ", $degree_id, $major_code, $de_catalog_year, $allow_dynamic, $major_code, $school_id);
- }
- if ($new_track == "new") {
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Now, let's see about adding ourself a track...
- // First, check to see if it exists...
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_tracks
- WHERE catalog_year = ?
- AND major_code = ?
- AND track_code = ? ", $de_catalog_year, $major_code, $track_code);
- if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) {
- // Meaning, it already existed, so we can't create it.
- fp_add_message(t("The major and track code %major_code already exists for %year. You cannot add it as a new major/track code.", array("%major_code" => "$major_code $track_code", "%year" => $de_catalog_year)), "error");
- return;
- }
- else {
- // We can add it to the tracks table...
- $db2 = new DatabaseHandler();
- $db2->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degree_tracks
- (catalog_year, major_code, track_code)
- values ('?', '?', '?') ", $de_catalog_year, $major_code, $track_code);
- // Now, we also need to add this major & track code to the degrees table.
- $new_major_code = $major_code;
- if (strstr($major_code, "|")) {
- // Already has a pipe, so it has a concentration.
- $new_major_code .= "_$track_code";
- }
- else {
- // No concentration...
- $new_major_code .= "|_$track_code";
- }
- $degree_id = $db2->request_new_degree_id();
- $db2->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degrees
- (degree_id, major_code, catalog_year, allow_dynamic, title, school_id)
- values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ", $degree_id, $new_major_code, $de_catalog_year, $allow_dynamic, $new_major_code, $school_id);
- }
- }
- // Let's add some default semester blocks for this degree (0 - 3).
- if ($degree_id > 0) {
- for ($t = 0; $t <= 3; $t++) {
- db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
- (degree_id, semester_num, course_id, course_min_grade, course_requirement_type, data_entry_value)
- values (?,?,?,?,?,?) ", $degree_id, $t, 0, '', '', "#");
- }
- }
- watchdog("admin", "Degree $major_code $track_code,school id: $school_id, ($de_catalog_year) has been created successfully. Degree id = $degree_id");
- // Success! We are done.
- fp_add_message(t("The new degree %major_code was added successfully for %year$for_school.
- You may add another degree, or use the menu at the top of the page to return to your list
- of degrees, so you may begin editing the degree.", array("%major_code" => "$major_code $track_code", "%year" => $de_catalog_year, "%school" => $school_name)));
- clear_session_form_values("admin_add_degree_form");
- }
- /*
- * This function lists all of our degrees on the screen, for a given year
- */
- function admin_display_degrees() {
- // Do this using $render array, so it can be altered
- // by hook_content_alter
- $render = array();
- $render['#id'] = 'admin_display_degrees';
- $de_catalog_year = admin_get_de_catalog_year();
- $rtn = "";
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/css/admin.css");
- fp_set_title(t("Degrees for @year", array("@year" => $de_catalog_year)));
- $render['upper_links'] = array(
- 'value' => "<div class='admin-degrees-upper-links'>
- " . l("Add new degree plan (major, degree plan, or track)", "admin/degrees/add-degree", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "
- |
- " . l("Copy a degree plan", "admin/degrees/copy-degree", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "</div>",
- );
- $html = "";
- $html .= "<div class='degrees-filter'>";
- $html .= fp_render_form("admin_degrees_list_filter_form");
- $html .= "</div>";
- $render['degrees_filter'] = array(
- 'value' => $html,
- );
- $render['degrees_table_top'] = array(
- 'value' => "<table class='degrees-table' border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='5' cellspacing='0'>
- <tr>
- <th width='8%'>Type</th>
- <th width='8%'>Level</th>
- <th width='15%'>Class</th>
- <th width='60%'>Title</th>
- <th>Code</th>
- </tr>",
- );
- $params = array();
- $params[":catalog_year"] = $de_catalog_year;
- $filter_class_value = @$_SESSION['degrees_filter_class'];
- $filter_level_value = @$_SESSION['degrees_filter_level'];
- $filter_school_value = @intval($_SESSION['degrees_filter_school']);
- $extra_where_conditions = "";
- watchdog("admin", "Viewed admin degree list. Class option: $filter_class_value ($de_catalog_year), School id: $filter_school_value", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
- // Let's adjust the query based on filter selections (if any exist)
- if ($filter_class_value) {
- $extra_where_conditions .= " AND degree_class = :degree_class ";
- $params[":degree_class"] = $filter_class_value;
- }
- if ($filter_level_value) {
- $extra_where_conditions .= " AND degree_level = :degree_level ";
- $params[":degree_level"] = $filter_level_value;
- }
- if (module_enabled('schools')) {
- if ($filter_school_value) {
- $extra_where_conditions .= " AND school_id = :school_id ";
- $params[":school_id"] = $filter_school_value;
- }
- }
- else {
- // schools not enabled, so only search for school = 0
- $extra_where_conditions .= " AND school_id = 0 ";
- }
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE catalog_year = :catalog_year
- $extra_where_conditions
- ORDER BY degree_type, major_code, title ", $params);
- while($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $db_exclude = 0;
- extract($cur, 3, "db");
- $disp_level = strtoupper($db_degree_level);
- if ($db_degree_type == "NA" && strstr($db_major_code, "|")) {
- $db_degree_type = " -- ";
- }
- $extra_class = "";
- if ($db_exclude == "1") {
- $extra_class = "list-degree-row-excluded";
- }
- $degree_title = $db_title;
- // get JUST the major code...
- $temp = explode("|", $db_major_code);
- $just_major = trim(@$temp[0]);
- $just_conc = trim(@$temp[1]);
- $outside = "";
- //if ($just_conc != "" && strstr($just_conc, "_"))
- if (strstr($just_conc, "_")) {
- // If the concentration has an underscore, it's actually
- // a track. Let's get the track title...
- $temp2 = explode("_",$just_conc);
- $just_track = trim($temp2[1]);
- // Might need to add the first part BACK onto the major...
- if (trim($temp2[0]) != "")
- {
- $just_major .= "|" . trim($temp2[0]);
- }
- $res2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_tracks
- WHERE catalog_year = ?
- AND major_code = ?
- AND track_code = ?
- AND school_id = ? ", $de_catalog_year, $just_major, $just_track, $db_school_id);
- if (db_num_rows($res2) > 0) {
- $cur2 = db_fetch_array($res2);
- $db_title = trim($cur2["track_title"]);
- $outside = "$degree_title » ";
- if (strstr($just_major, "|")) {
- // both a conc AND a track. Denote it special.
- $outside = ">>" . $outside;
- }
- $db_degree_type = "";
- }
- }
- else if($just_conc != "") {
- // Meaning, this is a concentration, NOT a track.
- $db_degree_type = "";
- $outside = ">>";
- }
- $url = fp_url("admin/degrees/edit-degree/$db_degree_id/$de_catalog_year", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year", array("class" => "degree-$db_degree_class"));
- $class_details = fp_get_degree_classification_details($db_degree_class);
- $disp_class = $class_details["title"];
- $on_mouse_over = "
- onmouseover='$(this).addClass(\"selection_highlight\");'
- onmouseout='$(this).removeClass(\"selection_highlight\");'
- ";
- $render['degree_row_' . $db_degree_id] = array(
- 'value' => "<tr
- $on_mouse_over
- style='cursor:pointer;'
- onClick='window.location=\"$url\"'
- class='$extra_class class-$db_degree_class class-level-" . $class_details["level_num"] . " '
- >
- <td valign='top' class='degree-type'>$db_degree_type</td>
- <td valign='top' class='degreee-level'>$disp_level</td>
- <td valign='top' class='degreee-class'>$disp_class</td>
- <td valign='top' class='degree-title'>$outside$db_title</td>
- <td valign='top' class='degree-major-code'>$db_major_code</td>
- </tr>
- ",
- 'data' => array(
- 'degree_id' => $db_degree_id,
- 'major_code' => $db_major_code,
- 'title' => $db_title,
- 'catalog_year' => $db_catalog_year,
- 'degree_type' => $db_degree_type,
- 'degree_class' => $db_degree_class,
- 'db_row' => $cur,
- ),
- );
- }
- //$rtn .= "</table>";
- $render['degrees_table_bottom'] = array(
- 'value' => "</table>",
- );
- $rtn .= fp_render_content($render);
- return $rtn;
- }
- function admin_degrees_list_filter_form() {
- $form = array();
- $form['mark_top'] = array(
- 'type' => 'markup',
- 'value' => "<strong>" . t('Filter by...') . "</strong>",
- 'weight' => 0,
- );
- $filter_class_options = array('' => t("- All -"));
- $degree_classes = fp_get_degree_classifications();
- foreach ($degree_classes["levels"] as $level => $details) {
- foreach ($degree_classes["levels"][$level] as $machine_name => $title) {
- $filter_class_options[$machine_name] = "$level - $title";
- }
- }
- $filter_class_value = @$_SESSION['degrees_filter_class'];
- $form['filter_class'] = array(
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'label' => t('Class:'),
- 'options' => $filter_class_options,
- 'value' => $filter_class_value,
- 'hide_please_select' => TRUE,
- 'weight' => 10,
- );
- $filter_level_options = array('' => t("- All -"), "UG" => t("Under Grad"), "GR" => t("Grad"));
- $filter_level_value = @$_SESSION['degrees_filter_level'];
- $form['filter_level'] = array(
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'label' => t('Level:'),
- 'options' => $filter_level_options,
- 'value' => $filter_level_value,
- 'hide_please_select' => TRUE,
- 'weight' => 15,
- );
- $filter_school_value = 0;
- // If we have enabled the schools module, then have a selector for that as well
- if (module_enabled('schools')) {
- $filter_school_value = @intval($_SESSION['degrees_filter_school']);
- $options = schools_get_schools_for_fapi(TRUE, TRUE, 'degree', TRUE);
- $options[0] = t('- All / Default -');
- $form['filter_school'] = array(
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'label' => t('School:'),
- 'options' => $options,
- 'value' => $filter_school_value,
- 'weight' => 20,
- 'hide_please_select' => TRUE,
- );
- } // if schools enabled
- $form['submit_btn'] = array(
- 'type' => 'submit',
- 'value' => t('Apply'),
- 'weight' => 100,
- );
- $form['reset_btn'] = array(
- 'type' => 'submit',
- 'value' => t('Reset'),
- 'weight' => 110,
- );
- return $form;
- }
- function admin_degrees_list_filter_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- $values = $form_state['values'];
- unset($_SESSION['degrees_filter_class']);
- unset($_SESSION['degrees_filter_school']);
- unset($_SESSION['degrees_filter_level']);
- if ($values['submit_btn'] != '') {
- $_SESSION['degrees_filter_class'] = trim($values['filter_class']);
- $_SESSION['degrees_filter_school'] = $values['filter_school'];
- $_SESSION['degrees_filter_level'] = $values['filter_level'];
- }
- }
- /**
- * Meant to replace the old-fashioned display_edit_degree function...
- */
- function admin_edit_degree_form($degree_id, $de_catalog_year) {
- $form = array();
- $degree = new DegreePlan($degree_id, null, false, false, true);
- $degree->load_descriptive_data();
- $major_code = $degree->major_code;
- fp_set_title(t("Edit Degree") . " $major_code - $de_catalog_year");
- // Add in our CSS and JS
- fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/js/admin.js");
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/css/admin.css");
- $button_msg = trim(addslashes(@$_REQUEST["button_msg"]));
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- if (user_has_permission("can_view_advanced")) {
- $form["markup_adv"] = array(
- "value" => "<span class='tenpt deg-advanced-msg' style='background-color: yellow; margin-left: 20px;'>
- Advanced: degree_id = $degree_id. catalog_year: $de_catalog_year
- </span>",
- );
- }
- $form["degree_id"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $degree_id,
- );
- $form["major_code"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $major_code,
- );
- $form["de_catalog_year"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $de_catalog_year,
- );
- $form["scroll_top"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => '',
- );
- $form["perform_action2"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => '',
- );
- $form["markup_degree_header"] = array(
- "value" => "<h3>$degree->degree_type $degree->title<br>$major_code ($de_catalog_year)</h3>",
- "weight" => 1010,
- );
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Top part of degree entry....
- $form["degree_type"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Degree Type:"),
- "size" => 3,
- "value" => $degree->degree_type,
- "popup_description" => t("For example: BS, BA, Ph.D, etc."),
- "weight" => 1020,
- );
- // Display degree_class pulldown.
- $options = array();
- $degree_classes = fp_get_degree_classifications();
- foreach ($degree_classes["levels"] as $level => $details) {
- foreach ($degree_classes["levels"][$level] as $machine_name => $title) {
- //$rtn .= "<option value='$machine_name' $sel>$level - $title</option>";
- $options[$machine_name] = "$level - $title";
- }
- }
- $form["degree_class"] = array(
- "type" => "select",
- "label" => t("Classification:"),
- "options" => $options,
- "value" => $degree->degree_class,
- "hide_please_select" => TRUE,
- "popup_description" => t("Select which classification this degree plan is listed under. The number beside the title is the 'level' of the degree classification.
- <br>
- <br>1 - Degrees which a student may graduate in. Ex: Majors.
- <br>2 - Degree plans which are secondary to top level degree plans. Ex: Minors.
- <br>3 - Degree plans which are only selectable as add-ons to an existing degree plan. Ex: Concentrations.
- <br><br>
- You may edit these classifications in the Configure School Data form, from the Admin Console."),
- "weight" => 1030,
- );
- $form["degree_level"] = array(
- "type" => "select",
- "label" => t("Level:"),
- "size" => 1,
- "options" => array('UG' => 'UG - Under Grad', 'GR' => 'GR - Grad'),
- "value" => $degree->degree_level,
- "hide_please_select" => TRUE,
- "popup_description" => t("Select the degree level code in this box. By default, it is assumed to be an \"Undergraduate\" (UG) degree.
- Select \"GR\" for a degree which should only be accessible to Graduate students in What If mode.
- "),
- "weight" => 1040,
- );
- $form["advising_weight"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Advising Weight:"),
- "size" => 1,
- "value" => $degree->db_advising_weight,
- "popup_description" => t("If this degree is ever combined with another degree, this value, the advising weight, determines
- the order in which the degrees will be displayed on the View tab and in What If mode.
- <br><br>
- The default is zero (0). To place this degree above normal degrees, set it to a negative value (ex: -1, -10, etc.).
- <br><br>
- Set it higher to place it below normal degrees. (Ex: 10, 20, 30, etc).
- <br><br>
- To prevent confusion, it's recommended that a degree's tracks have the same advising weight as the main degree.
- <br><br>
- If you are unsure what to enter, leave it set to 0 (zero)."),
- "weight" => 1050,
- );
- $form["title"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Title:"),
- "size" => 80,
- "maxlength" => 100,
- "value" => $degree->title,
- "popup_description" => t("This is the full title of the degree. Ex: Computer Science, Accounting, etc."),
- "weight" => 1060,
- );
- $form["exclude"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Exclude:"),
- "size" => 1,
- "value" => intval($degree->db_exclude),
- "popup_description" => t("If the Exclude value is set to 1 (the number one), then this degree will show up in gray on the list of degrees. It will also not be selectable in What If mode in FlightPath.
- <br><br>
- If you are not sure what to enter, either leave it blank or enter a 0 (zero)."),
- "weight" => 1070,
- );
- $form["allow_dynamic"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Allow Dynamic:"),
- "size" => 1,
- "value" => intval($degree->db_allow_dynamic),
- "popup_description" => t("If this value is set to 1 (the number one), then this degree plan is able to be combined with other degrees which are also set to Allow Dynamic.
- <br><br>
- If you are unsure what to enter, either leave blank or enter a 0 (the number zero)."),
- "weight" => 1080,
- );
- $form["override_degree_hours"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Override Degree Hours:"),
- "size" => 1,
- "value" => $degree->db_override_degree_hours,
- "popup_description" => t("You may specify a number of degree hours here (ex: 125). FlightPath will use this value, instead of calculating the number of hours
- required for this degree. If you are unsure what to put here, leave it blank, or enter zero, for FlightPath to calculate hours normally."),
- "weight" => 1090,
- );
- $form['below_degree_details_markup'] = array(
- 'value' => "<div style='clear: both;'></div>",
- "weight" => 1110,
- );
- // Is this a "track"?
- if (strstr($major_code, "_"))
- {
- $form['track_info_markup'] = array(
- 'value' => "<h3>" . t("Track (Level-3) Information") . "</h3>",
- "weight" => 1120,
- );
- $form['track_title'] = array(
- 'type' => 'textfield',
- 'label' => t("Track (Level-3) Title:") . " ",
- 'size' => 60,
- 'maxlength' => 100,
- 'value' => $degree->track_title,
- "weight" => 1130,
- );
- $form['track_description'] = array(
- 'type' => 'textarea',
- 'label' => t("Track (Level-3) Description:"),
- 'rows' => 4,
- 'cols' => 60,
- 'value' => $degree->track_description,
- 'description' => t("You may enter simple HTML in this field. Ex: <b>bold</b> or <i>italics</i>"),
- 'popup_description' => t("This is where you can enter a short description of this Level-3 degree track (also called a Degree Option) which will display for the user in a pop-up when they select to change degree options.
- <br><br>
- To enter a default message, which will display at the top of the selection window, begin the description with:
- <br><b>DEFAULT:</b>
- (It must be in all caps, and you must have the colon (:) after it.)
- <br>By doing this in ANY of the track descriptions for a major, FP will ignore all other track descriptions and ONLY display the default.
- <br><br>Example of usage: DEFAULT: You may select any of these degree options."),
- "weight" => 1140,
- );
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // Semester Blocks //
- //////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- $groups_counter = 0; // used to create unique variables for groups
- $js_existing_semesters = array();
- $degree_sort_policy = variable_get_for_school("degree_requirement_sort_policy", "alpha", $degree->school_id);
- $form['blocks_top_markup'] = array(
- 'type' => 'markup',
- 'value' => "<div style='clear: both;'></div>
- <hr>
- <div class='add-new-sem-block' style='float: right; margin-top: 5px;'>" . fp_render_button(t("Add New Semester Block"), "adminAddNewSemesterBlock();") . "</div>
- <h2>Semester Blocks</h2>
- ",
- "weight" => 2010,
- );
- $base_weight = 30000;
- $first_semester_num = -999;
- $degree->list_semesters->reset_counter();
- while ($degree->list_semesters->has_more()) {
- $semester = $degree->list_semesters->get_next();
- if ($semester->semester_num < 0) {
- continue;
- }
- $js_existing_semesters["semester_" . $semester->semester_num] = $semester->semester_num;
- // Record what is the first semester num we have...
- if ($first_semester_num == -999) {
- $first_semester_num = $semester->semester_num;
- }
- $sem_default_title = admin_get_semester_name($semester->semester_num);
- if ($semester->title == $sem_default_title) {
- $semester->title = "";
- }
- $form["semester_{$semester->semester_num}_very_top_markup"] = array(
- "value" => "",
- "weight" => $base_weight + ($semester->semester_num * 100) + 10,
- );
- $form['semester_title_' . $semester->semester_num] = array(
- 'type' => 'textfield',
- 'prefix' => "<div style='padding-bottom: 3px; margin-top:20px;'><b>" . t("Block number: ") . ($semester->semester_num + 1) . "</b>
- <a href='javascript:adminEditBlockNumber($semester->semester_num);' title='" . t("Edit block number") . "'><i class='fa fa-pencil'></i></a>
- <a href='javascript:adminDeleteSemesterBlock($semester->semester_num);'>Delete?</a>
- Default Title: <em>$sem_default_title</em></div>",
- 'label' => 'Override Title:',
- 'value' => $semester->title,
- 'size' => 20,
- 'popup_description' => t("You may override the default title for a block. For example, if instead of Freshman Year you want it to read Pre-Pharmacy Year 1 in FlightPath,
- then you would enter that in this box and hit save.
- <br><br>
- To change a title back to the default, just leave it blank."),
- "weight" => $base_weight + ($semester->semester_num * 100) + 20,
- );
- // Show the courses for this semester...
- $contents = "";
- if ($degree_sort_policy == 'database') {
- $semester->list_courses->sort_degree_requirement_id();
- }
- else {
- // Default, sort alphabetically
- $semester->list_courses->sort_alphabetical_order();
- }
- $semester->list_courses->reset_counter();
- while($semester->list_courses->has_more()) {
- $course = $semester->list_courses->get_next();
- $course->load_descriptive_data();
- $contents .= "$course->subject_id $course->course_num $course->requirement_type";
- if ($course->min_grade != variable_get_for_school("minimum_passing_grade", "D", $degree->school_id) && $course->min_grade != "") {
- $contents .= " ($course->min_grade)";
- }
- $contents .= "\n";
- }
- $form["semester_{$semester->semester_num}_top_table_markup"] = array(
- "value" => "<div class='edit-degree-semester-block'>
- <table border='1' width='100%' class='edit-degree-semester-block-table'>
- <td valign='top' width='30%'>",
- "weight" => $base_weight + ($semester->semester_num * 100) + 30,
- );
- $form['courses_' . $semester->semester_num] = array(
- 'type' => 'textarea',
- 'prefix' => "",
- 'label' => 'Courses: ',
- 'value' => $contents,
- 'rows' => 10,
- 'cols' => 20,
- 'popup_description' => t("Enter course requirements in this format:
- <br><br>• type - lowercase character denoting the requirement type of the course. Make sure you have a space between it and the course number. If no type is specified, it is understood to be a major requirement.\n
- <br>• min grade - Place the min grade (if there is one) in parenthesis after the type. Make sure there is a space between the min grade and the type (or course number, if there is no type specified).\n Example: ACCT 110 s (C)\n\n
- <br><br>Repeats require no special characters or symbols. Simply enter the course again."),
- 'suffix' => "",
- "weight" => $base_weight + ($semester->semester_num * 100) + 40,
- );
- // Show the groups (and option for adding groups) for this semester...
- $contents = "";
- $contents .= "</td>
- <td valign='top'>
- <label>" . t("Groups:") . "</label>
- <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='5' class='edit-degree-semester-groups-table'>
- <tr>
- <th valign='top' class='tenpt' width='1'> </td>
- <th valign='top' class='tenpt'>" . t("Group") . "</td>
- <th valign='top' class='tenpt' width='10'>" . t("Hrs") . "</td>
- <th valign='top' class='tenpt' width='10'>" . t("Grd") . "</td>
- <th valign='top' class='tenpt' width='10'>" . t("Type") . "</td>
- </tr>
- ";
- $semester->list_groups->sort_alphabetical_order();
- $semester->list_groups->reset_counter();
- while($semester->list_groups->has_more()) {
- $group = $semester->list_groups->get_next();
- $group->load_descriptive_data();
- $ghours = $group->hours_required;
- // If min hours are specified, set to MIN-MAX.
- if ($group->has_min_hours_allowed()) {
- $ghours = $group->min_hours_allowed . "-" . $ghours;
- }
- $contents .= "<tr>
- <td valign='middle'>
- <a href='javascript: adminDelGroup(\"" . $group->get_db_group_id() . "\",\"$semester->semester_num\");' class='delgroup-icon' title='" . t("Remove group?") . "'><i class='fa fa-times-circle'></i></a>
- </td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>
- $group->title<br><i>$group->group_name</i>
- </td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>$ghours</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>$group->min_grade</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>$group->requirement_type
- </td>
- </tr>";
- // Let's also add a hidden form element here, for the existing group.
- $groups_counter++;
- $form['group_' . $group->get_db_group_id() . '_' . $groups_counter] = array(
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'value' => $group->get_db_group_id() . "_" . $semester->semester_num . "_" . $ghours . "_" . $group->requirement_type . "_" . $group->min_grade,
- );
- } // while semester->list_groups
- $url = fp_url("admin/degrees/popup-add-group2", "semester_num=$semester->semester_num&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year&school_id=$degree->school_id");
- $contents .= "</table>
- <div style='margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 20px; font-size:0.8em;'>
- <a href='javascript: adminPopupWindow(\"$url\");'>" . t("Add an elective group") . "</a>
- </div>";
- // Display our contents in a markup element for this semester
- $form["semester_groups_" . $semester->semester_num . "_markup"] = array(
- 'value' => $contents,
- "weight" => $base_weight + ($semester->semester_num * 100) + 50,
- 'attributes' => array('class' => 'groups-inner'),
- );
- $form["semester_{$semester->semester_num}_table_bottom_markup"] = array(
- "value" => "</table>
- </div> <!-- semester block -->",
- "weight" => $base_weight + ($semester->semester_num * 100) + 60,
- );
- $form["semester_{$semester->semester_num}_below_table_markup"] = array(
- "value" => "",
- "weight" => $base_weight + ($semester->semester_num * 100) + 70,
- );
- $form["semester_{$semester->semester_num}_save_draft_markup"] = array(
- "value" => fp_render_button(t("Save Draft for @year", array("@year" => $de_catalog_year)), "adminSubmitDegreeForm2();"),
- "weight" => $base_weight + ($semester->semester_num * 100) + 80,
- );
- } // while degree->list_semesters
- // Add our js_existing_semesters array to the javascript on this page, so we can check it later.
- fp_add_js($js_existing_semesters, "setting");
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- $bool_start_closed = TRUE;
- if (@$degree->public_notes_array[$degree->degree_id] != "") {
- $bool_start_closed = FALSE;
- }
- // Advanced options
- $elements = array();
- $elements['public_note'] = array(
- 'type' => 'textarea',
- 'label' => t('Public Note'),
- 'rows' => 4,
- 'value' => @$degree->public_notes_array[$degree->degree_id],
- 'description' => t("You may enter simple HTML in this field. Ex: <b>bold</b> or <i>italics</i>"),
- 'popup_description' => t("A public note will appear at the top of a degree plan when pulled up in FlightPath.
- Use this to pass messages to all students and advisors who pull up this degree plan.
- <br><br>It will begin with the text <b>Important Message:</b> automatically."),
- "weight" => 50010,
- );
- // min/max/default tracks
- $elements['adv_if_tracks_markup'] = array(
- 'type' => 'markup',
- 'value' => t('If this degree has tracks, you may enter rules for track selection below, for each
- type of level 3 degree (tracks). <b>You may skip classifications which do not pertain to this degree.</b>'),
- "weight" => 50020,
- );
- $c = 10;
- $degree_classes = fp_get_degree_classifications();
- foreach ($degree_classes["levels"] as $level => $details) {
- $c = $c + 10;
- if (intval($level) != 3) continue; // we only care about level 3...
- foreach ($degree_classes["levels"][$level] as $machine_name => $title) {
- $min_tracks = @intval($degree->track_selection_config_array[$machine_name]["min_tracks"]);
- $max_tracks = @intval($degree->track_selection_config_array[$machine_name]["max_tracks"]);
- $default_tracks = @trim($degree->track_selection_config_array[$machine_name]["default_tracks"]);
- if ($min_tracks > 0 || $max_tracks > 0 || $default_tracks != "") {
- $bool_start_closed = FALSE;
- }
- $elements["tsc_{$machine_name}_min_tracks"] = array(
- 'type' => 'textfield',
- 'label' => t('Min:'),
- 'size' => 2,
- 'value' => $min_tracks,
- 'prefix' => "<table width='100%' class='admin-degrees-edit-track-rules-table'>
- <tr class='admin-degrees-edit-track-selection-config track-selection-config-$machine_name'>
- <td valign='top' width='30%'>
- <span class='track-selection-config-title'>$title</span>:
- </td>
- <td valign='top'>",
- 'suffix' => "</td>",
- 'popup_description' => t("This is the minimum number of tracks THIS degree must select. For example, if the degree requires at least one track, enter a 1 (one) in this box.
- <br><br>The default is zero (0), which means that no track is required for this degree. The user is not required to select any at all.
- <br><br>If you are unsure what to enter, leave it set to 0 (zero)."),
- "weight" => 60000 + $c + 1,
- );
- $elements["tsc_{$machine_name}_max_tracks"] = array(
- 'type' => 'textfield',
- 'label' => t('Max:'),
- 'size' => 2,
- 'value' => $max_tracks,
- 'prefix' => "<td valign='top'>",
- 'suffix' => "</td>",
- 'popup_description' => t("This is the maximum number of tracks THIS degree may select. For example, if the degree requires the student to have NO MORE than 1 track selected, you would enter 1 (one) in this box.
- <br><br>The default is zero (0), which means that there is no maximum; the user may select as many of this degree's tracks as they wish.
- <br><br>If you are unsure what to enter, leave it set to 0 (zero)."),
- "weight" => 60000 + $c + 5,
- );
- $elements["tsc_{$machine_name}_default_tracks"] = array(
- 'type' => 'textfield',
- 'label' => t('Default Tracks:'),
- 'size' => 25,
- 'value' => $default_tracks,
- 'prefix' => "<td valign='top'>",
- 'suffix' => "</td>
- </tr>
- </table>",
- 'popup_description' => t("If THIS degree has one or more 'default' tracks associated with it (ex: for What If mode), enter the FULL major codes here, separated by comma.
- <br><br>For example: ART|_SCULP, ART|_PAINT
- <br><br>If you are unsure what to enter, leave it blank."),
- "weight" => 60000 + $c + 7,
- );
- } // foreach levels[$level]
- } // foreach levels as level => details
- // Place in our advanced options fs.
- $form['advanced_options_fs'] = array(
- 'type' => 'cfieldset',
- 'label' => t('View advanced options'),
- 'elements' => array($elements),
- 'start_closed' => $bool_start_closed,
- "weight" => 50100,
- );
- // Only show delete option based on permission
- if (user_has_permission("can_delete_data_entry")) {
- $form['markup_bottom_delete'] = array(
- "value" => " <div align='right' class='degrees-delete-degree-wrapper'>
- Delete this degree? <input type='button' value='X'
- onClick='adminDeleteDegree(\"$degree_id\");'>
- </div>
- ",
- "weight" => 90000,
- );
- }
- return $form;
- } // admin_edit_degree_form
- function admin_edit_degree_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
- $values = $form_state['values'];
- $perform_action2 = trim($values["perform_action2"]);
- $semester_nums_in_use = array();
- $school_id = 0;
- if (isset($values['schools_school'])) { // A school was set from the schools module.
- $school_id = intval($values['schools_school']); // Use our NEW school_id for validating.
- }
- // What courses should have their type overwritten as "x"?
- $ignore_courses = csv_to_array(variable_get_for_school("ignore_courses_from_hour_counts", "", $school_id));
- // One of the things we want to do is make sure that the courses & groups specified actually belong to the school_id for this degree.
- $de_catalog_year = $values["de_catalog_year"];
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- $degree_id = @intval($form_state['values']['degree_id']);
- // Each degree_id is unique to the catalog year, so we should be good with just the id here.
- if ($degree_id) {
- $degree = new DegreePlan($degree_id, null, false, false, TRUE);
- $degree->load_descriptive_data();
- }
- else {
- // Couldn't find degree_id!
- form_error("", t("There was a problem trying to save this degree. The degree_id could not be found. Contact FlightPath admin if
- this problem persists."));
- return;
- } // else from if(degree_id)
- // At this point, we have a school_id and degree_id.
- if (module_enabled("schools")) {
- $defs = schools_get_school_definitions();
- $school_name = $defs[$school_id];
- }
- // Let's check that all of the courses also belong to this degree and/or can be found at all (no typos).
- foreach($values as $key => $value) {
- if (!strstr($key, "courses_")) {
- continue;
- }
- // Only look at the groups...
- $temp = explode("_", $key);
- $semester_num = trim($temp[1]);
- $semester_nums_in_use[] = $semester_num;
- if ($semester_num > $highest_semester_num) {
- $highest_semester_num = $semester_num;
- }
- $courses = trim(@$values["courses_$semester_num"]);
- // Does it contain a single #? Or, is blank? If so, insert and move on.
- // We do this, so we can have blank semesters until someone deletes them.
- if ($courses == "#" || $courses == "") {
- continue;
- }
- $course_rows = explode("\n",$courses);
- for ($t = 0; $t < count($course_rows); $t++) {
- $line = trim($course_rows[$t]);
- if ($line == "") {
- continue;
- }
- // Take out extra whitespace between tokens.
- $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
- $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
- $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
- $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
- $tokens = explode(" ", $line);
- $subject_id = $tokens[0];
- $course_num = $tokens[1];
- $requirement_type = strtolower(@$tokens[2]);
- if ($requirement_type == "") {
- // major type by default.
- $requirement_type = "m";
- }
- // If this course is in our ignore list, override it's type
- // to be 'x'
- if (in_array("$subject_id $course_num", $ignore_courses)) {
- $requirement_type = "x";
- }
- $min_grade = strtoupper(@$tokens[3]);
- if (strstr($requirement_type, "(")) {
- // This means there was no requirement_type specified, so it's "m",
- // and a min_grade was found in its place.
- $min_grade = strtoupper($requirement_type);
- $requirement_type = "m";
- }
- $min_grade = str_replace("(","",$min_grade);
- $min_grade = str_replace(")","",$min_grade);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Find out what the course_id is.
- if ($course_id = $db->get_course_id($subject_id, $course_num, "", TRUE, $school_id, TRUE))
- {
- // This was found correctly, do nothing.
- }
- else {
- // The course_id could not be found!
- // Different message if it's a school_id problem.
- if (module_enabled("schools")) {
- form_error("courses_" . $semester_num, t("<strong>Your work has NOT been saved.</strong> Course not found. In block %blocknum, you specified the course %course as a requirement,
- but this course could not be found. This could be due to a typo, or due to the course not belonging to the same school
- as the degree (%schoolname). Please check the course and try again.", array("%blocknum" => ($semester_num+1), "%course" => "$subject_id $course_num", "%schoolname" => $school_name)));
- }
- else {
- // Not related to school (possibly).
- form_error("courses_" . $semester_num, t("<strong>Your work has NOT been saved.</strong> Course not found. In block %blocknum, you specified the course %course as a requirement,
- but this course could not be found. This could be due to a typo.
- Please check the course and try again.", array("%blocknum" => ($semester_num+1), "%course" => "$subject_id $course_num")));
- }
- }
- } // for course_rows
- } // foreach courses
- // Are we trying to ADD a group?
- if (strstr($perform_action2,"addGroup")) {
- $temp = explode("_",$perform_action2);
- $group_id = $temp[1];
- $semester_num = $temp[2];
- $semester_nums_in_use[] = $semester_num;
- $hours = trim($temp[3]);
- $min_hours = $hours;
- if (strstr($hours, "-")) {
- // Hours has a min hour value specified. let's grab it.
- $tt = explode("-", $hours);
- $min_hours = $tt[0];
- $hours = $tt[1];
- }
- $type = $temp[4];
- $min_grade = trim($temp[5]);
- $adding_group = new Group($group_id);
- // If this group is already saved in this degree elsewhere, and it has a different type or min_grade,
- // then we must display a warning message to the user.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_requirements
- WHERE degree_id = '?'
- AND group_id = '?'
- AND (group_min_grade <> '?' OR group_requirement_type <> '?')", $degree_id, $group_id, $min_grade, $type);
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- form_error("semester_groups_" . $semester_num . "_markup", t("<strong>Your work has NOT been saved.</strong> In block %blocknum, you specified the group %group with a min grade of %mingrade and a requirement type of %req.
- However, the group was previously specified in this degree plan in block %otherblocknum wih a different requirement type or min grade.
- FlightPath will not perform calculations correctly for courses assigned to this group. The duplicate occurance of the group should have the same
- type/min grade, or, you need to create a new group to handle these alternate requirements.</strong>"
- , array("%blocknum" => ($semester_num+1), "%group"=> $adding_group->title, "%mingrade" => $min_grade, "%req" => $type, "%otherblocknum" => ($cur['semester_num'] + 1))));
- } // while
- } // addGroup
- // Now, let's check the groups.
- // Are we trying to DELETE a group, but there might be an error with it? If so, we won't worry about any errors later.
- $del_group = NULL;
- if (strstr($perform_action2, "delGroup")) {
- $temp = explode("_",$perform_action2);
- $del_group = new Group();
- $del_group->bool_use_draft = TRUE;
- $del_group->group_id = $temp[1];
- $del_group->assigned_to_semester_num = $temp[2];
- }
- // Get the groups....
- foreach($values as $key => $value) {
- if (!strstr($key, "group_")) {
- continue;
- }
- // Only look at the groups...
- $temp = explode("_", $value);
- $group_id = $temp[0];
- $semester_num = $temp[1];
- $semester_nums_in_use[] = $semester_num;
- if ($semester_num > $highest_semester_num) {
- $highest_semester_num = $semester_num;
- }
- $hours = $temp[2];
- $min_hours = $hours;
- if (strstr($hours, "-")) {
- // Hours has a min hour value specified. let's grab it.
- $tt = explode("-", $hours);
- $min_hours = $tt[0];
- $hours = $tt[1];
- }
- $type = $temp[3];
- $min_grade = trim($temp[4]);
- // Do not process any further, if we are supposed to be deleting this group!
- if (isset($del_group) && $del_group != NULL && is_object($del_group)) {
- if ($del_group->group_id == $group_id && $del_group->assigned_to_semester_num == $semester_num) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- $adding_group = new Group($group_id);
- // Is this in the right school?
- if ($adding_group->school_id != $school_id && $adding_group->school_id !== 0) {
- form_error("semester_groups_" . $semester_num . "_markup", t("<strong>Your work has NOT been saved.</strong> In block %blocknum, you specified the group %group as a requirement,
- but this group could not be found in the degree's school (%schoolname).<br>You may need to change the degree's school back to its previous value, then remove this group,
- in order to continue.", array("%blocknum" => ($semester_num+1), "%group" => $adding_group->title, "%schoolname" => $school_name)));
- }
- // If this group is already saved in this degree elsewhere, and it has a different type or min_grade,
- // then we must display a warning message to the user.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_requirements
- WHERE degree_id = ?
- AND group_id = ?
- AND (group_min_grade <> ? OR group_requirement_type <> ?)", $degree_id, $group_id, $min_grade, $type);
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- // Is the group we found the group we are trying to delete? If so, skip it; we're going to delete it later.
- if (isset($del_group) && is_object($del_group)) {
- if (intval($del_group->group_id) == intval($cur['group_id']) && intval($del_group->assigned_to_semester_num) == intval($cur['semester_num'])) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- form_error("semester_groups_" . $semester_num . "_markup", t("<strong>Your work has NOT been saved.</strong> In block %blocknum, you specified the group %group with a min grade of %mingrade and a requirement type of %req.
- However, the group was previously specified in this degree plan in block %otherblocknum wih a different requirement type or min grade.
- FlightPath will not perform calculations correctly for courses assigned to this group. The duplicate occurance of the group should have the same
- type/min grade, or, you need to create a new group to handle these alternate requirements.</strong>"
- , array("%blocknum" => ($semester_num+1), "%group"=> $adding_group->title, "%mingrade" => $min_grade, "%req" => $type, "%otherblocknum" => ($cur['semester_num'] + 1))));
- }
- } // foreach groups
- // Are we trying to change a semester block number?
- if (strstr($perform_action2,"editSemesterBlockNum")) {
- // Make sure we don't already have this number in existence elsewhere in the degree.
- $temp = explode("_",$perform_action2);
- $old_semester_num = $temp[1];
- $new_semester_num = $temp[2];
- if (in_array($new_semester_num, $semester_nums_in_use)) {
- form_error('', t("<strong>Your work has NOT been saved.</strong> Sorry, but you requested to change block number %old to %new, but block number %new
- is already in use. Please make the appropriate changes and try again.", array("%old" => ($old_semester_num + 1), "%new" => ($new_semester_num + 1))));
- }
- } // editSemesterBlockNum
- } // edit_degree_form_validate
- function admin_edit_degree_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- $values = $form_state['values'];
- // Set the scroll_top position, if it is set.
- $scroll_top = $form_state['values']['scroll_top'];
- if (@$scroll_top != "" && intval($scroll_top) > 0) {
- $_SESSION['scroll_top'] = $scroll_top;
- }
- // Perform actual saves to database
- $de_catalog_year = $values["de_catalog_year"];
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- // This will UPDATE a degree in the system with the courses
- // and groups that the user selected.
- $perform_action2 = trim($values["perform_action2"]);
- if (strstr($perform_action2, "delGroup")) {
- $temp = explode("_",$perform_action2);
- $del_group = new Group();
- $del_group->bool_use_draft = TRUE;
- $del_group->group_id = $temp[1];
- $del_group->assigned_to_semester_num = $temp[2];
- }
- $major_code = trim($values["major_code"]);
- if ($major_code == ""){ die("Fatal error: major_code not found.");}
- // Since we are making a change to the draft table(s), let's add a row
- // to draft instructions.
- $db->add_draft_instruction("-");
- // Let's assemble the track selection config values into one string. We need to loop through all of the POST
- // values, looking for each type of track.
- $db_track_selection_config = "";
- $degree_classes = fp_get_degree_classifications();
- foreach ($degree_classes["levels"] as $level => $details) {
- if (intval($level) != 3) continue; // we only care about level 3...
- foreach ($degree_classes["levels"][$level] as $machine_name => $title) {
- // Got the machine name, now let's see if we have any values for
- // the track selections...
- $min_tracks = @intval($values["tsc_{$machine_name}_min_tracks"]);
- $max_tracks = @intval($values["tsc_{$machine_name}_max_tracks"]);
- $default_tracks = @trim($values["tsc_{$machine_name}_default_tracks"]);
- $db_track_selection_config .= $machine_name . "~" . $min_tracks . "~" . $max_tracks . "~" . $default_tracks . "\n";
- }
- }
- $school_id = 0;
- if (isset($form_state['values']['school_id'])) {
- $school_id = intval($form_state['values']['school_id']);
- }
- $degree_id = @intval($form_state['values']['degree_id']);
- // If this degree already exists in this
- // catalog year, then we need to delete it first.
- //if ($degree_id = $db->get_degree_id($major_code, $de_catalog_year, true, $school_id)) {
- // Each degree_id is unique to the catalog year, so we should be good with just the id here.
- if ($degree_id) {
- $degree = new DegreePlan($degree_id, null, false, false, true);
- $degree->load_descriptive_data();
- $oschool_id = intval($degree->school_id); // original school_id
- // Delete from degree_requirements WHERE this degree_id exists.
- $res = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degree_requirements
- WHERE degree_id = ? ", $degree_id);
- ///////////////////////////////
- // Are we trying to DELETE this degree? If so, keep deleting!
- if ($perform_action2 == "delete_degree" && user_has_permission("can_delete_data_entry")) {
- $res = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE degree_id = ? ", $degree_id);
- // Also need to get rid of the track, if there is one for this
- // degree.
- $temp = explode("_", $degree->major_code); // get only the "major" part from the full major_code (might look like ACCT|FINA_TRACK1
- $just_major_part = trim($temp[0]);
- $just_major_part = rtrim($just_major_part, "|"); // if there is now a trailing |, get rid of it. Ex: ACCT|
- $res = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degree_tracks
- WHERE major_code = ?
- AND track_code = ?
- AND catalog_year = ?
- AND school_id = ?
- LIMIT 1", $just_major_part, $degree->track_code, $de_catalog_year, $oschool_id);
- // Okay, we have deleted everything. We need to go back to
- // just the list of degrees.
- //display_edit_degrees("<font color='green'><b>The degree $major_code ($de_catalog_year) has been deleted.</b></font>");
- //die;
- fp_add_message("The degree $major_code ($de_catalog_year) has been deleted.");
- watchdog("admin", "The degree $major_code ($de_catalog_year) has been deleted.");
- unset($_SESSION['scroll_top']);
- unset($_REQUEST['scroll_top']);
- fp_goto("admin/degrees", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year");
- return;
- } // if perform_action2 == delete_degree
- } // if degree->id
- else {
- // We need to generate a new degreeID for this major_code and catalog_year,
- // because one does not already exist!
- if (!$degree_id = $db->request_new_degree_id()) {
- watchdog("admin", "Could not create new degree.");
- die ("Error. Could not create new degree_id.");
- }
- } // ELSE
- // What courses should have their type overwritten as "x"?
- $ignore_courses = csv_to_array(variable_get_for_school("ignore_courses_from_hour_counts", "", $school_id));
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // Are we trying to add/edit/delete a semester block?
- if (strstr($perform_action2, "editSemester")) {
- $temp = explode("_",$perform_action2);
- $act = $temp[1];
- $semester_num = $temp[2];
- if ($act == "new") {
- // We will add a comment to the courses box, just to keep it alive, which will be ignored later.
- $values["courses_$semester_num"] = "#";
- } // if act == new
- if ($act == "del") {
- // We will remove data for this semester block.
- unset($values["courses_$semester_num"]);
- unset($values["semester_title_$semester_num"]);
- foreach($values as $key => $value) {
- if (!strstr($key, "group_")) {
- continue;
- }
- // Only look at the groups...
- $temp = explode("_", $value);
- $g_semester_num = $temp[1];
- if ($g_semester_num == $semester_num) {
- unset($values[$key]);
- }
- }
- } // if act == del
- } // if perform_action2 contains editSemester
- ///////////////////////////////////////
- // Okay, time to start actually inserting our data into the db.
- $errors = "";
- $semester_titles_csv = "";
- $highest_semester_num = 0; // What is the largest semester_num in the system?
- // Get the COURSES for each semester
- foreach($values as $key => $value) {
- if (!strstr($key, "courses_")) {
- continue;
- }
- // Only look at the groups...
- $temp = explode("_", $key);
- $semester_num = trim($temp[1]);
- if ($semester_num > $highest_semester_num) {
- $highest_semester_num = $semester_num;
- }
- $courses = trim(@$values["courses_$semester_num"]);
- // Does it contain a single #? Or, is blank? If so, insert and move on.
- // We do this, so we can have blank semesters until someone deletes them.
- if ($courses == "#" || $courses == "") {
- $query = "INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
- (degree_id, semester_num, course_id, course_min_grade, course_requirement_type, data_entry_value)
- values (?,?,?,?,?,?) ";
- $res = db_query($query, $degree_id, $semester_num, 0, '', '', "#");
- continue;
- }
- $course_rows = explode("\n",$courses);
- for ($t = 0; $t < count($course_rows); $t++) {
- $line = trim($course_rows[$t]);
- if ($line == "") {
- continue;
- }
- // Take out extra whitespace between tokens.
- $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
- $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
- $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
- $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
- $tokens = explode(" ", $line);
- $subject_id = $tokens[0];
- $course_num = $tokens[1];
- $requirement_type = strtolower(@$tokens[2]);
- if ($requirement_type == "") {
- // major type by default.
- $requirement_type = "m";
- }
- // If this course is in our ignore list, override it's type
- // to be 'x'
- if (in_array("$subject_id $course_num", $ignore_courses)) {
- $requirement_type = "x";
- }
- $min_grade = strtoupper(@$tokens[3]);
- if (strstr($requirement_type, "(")) {
- // This means there was no requirement_type specified, so it's "m",
- // and a min_grade was found in its place.
- $min_grade = strtoupper($requirement_type);
- $requirement_type = "m";
- }
- $min_grade = str_replace("(","",$min_grade);
- $min_grade = str_replace(")","",$min_grade);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Okay, we now have enough information to insert the course.
- // Find out what the course_id is.
- if ($course_id = $db->get_course_id($subject_id, $course_num, "", TRUE, $school_id, TRUE))
- {
- $query = "INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
- (degree_id, semester_num, course_id, course_min_grade, course_requirement_type, data_entry_value)
- values (?,?,?,?,?,?) ";
- $res = db_query($query, $degree_id, $semester_num, $course_id, $min_grade, $requirement_type, "$subject_id~$course_num");
- }
- else {
- // The course_id could not be found!
- $errors .= "<br><span style='color:red;'><b>Course Not Found!</b>
- In Block " . ($semester_num+1) . ", you specified the course
- <b>$subject_id $course_num</b> as a requirement, but this course
- could not be found in the degree's school.
- It was removed from that block.
- Are you sure you typed it correctly? Please go to this
- semester, check your spelling, and add the course again.</span>";
- }
- }
- } // foreach values, looking for courses_
- // Get the groups....
- foreach($values as $key => $value) {
- if (!strstr($key, "group_")) {
- continue;
- }
- // Only look at the groups...
- $temp = explode("_", $value);
- $group_id = $temp[0];
- $semester_num = $temp[1];
- if ($semester_num > $highest_semester_num) {
- $highest_semester_num = $semester_num;
- }
- $hours = $temp[2];
- $min_hours = $hours;
- if (strstr($hours, "-")) {
- // Hours has a min hour value specified. let's grab it.
- $tt = explode("-", $hours);
- $min_hours = $tt[0];
- $hours = $tt[1];
- }
- $type = $temp[3];
- $min_grade = trim($temp[4]);
- // Do not add if we are supposed to be deleting this group!
- if (isset($del_group) && is_object($del_group)) {
- if ($del_group->group_id == $group_id && $del_group->assigned_to_semester_num == $semester_num) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- $adding_group = new Group($group_id);
- // If this group is already saved in this degree elsewhere, and it has a different type or min_grade,
- // then we must display a warning message to the user.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_requirements
- WHERE degree_id = '?'
- AND group_id = '?'
- AND (group_min_grade <> '?' OR group_requirement_type <> '?')", $degree_id, $group_id, $min_grade, $type);
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $errors .= "<br><span style='color:red;'><b>Group type or min grade mismatch!</b>
- In Block " . ($semester_num + 1) . ", you specified the group <em>" . $adding_group->title . "</em> ($adding_group->group_name) with a min grade of \"<em>$min_grade</em>\"
- and a requirement type of \"<em>$type</em>\". However, the group was previously specified in this degree plan in Block " . ($cur["semester_num"] + 1) . "
- with a different requirement type and/or min grade requirement. FlightPath will not perform calculations correctly for courses assigned to this group.
- You should either set the duplicate occurances of the group to the same type/min grade, or create a new group to handle these alternate requirements.</span>";
- }
- // We now have enough information to insert this group.
- $query = "INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
- (degree_id, semester_num, group_id,
- group_requirement_type, group_hours_required, group_min_hours_allowed, group_min_grade)
- values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ";
- $res = db_query($query, $degree_id, $semester_num, $group_id, $type, $hours, $min_hours, $min_grade);
- } // for each values, looking for _group
- // Was there a group added?
- if (strstr($perform_action2,"addGroup")) {
- $temp = explode("_",$perform_action2);
- $group_id = $temp[1];
- $semester_num = $temp[2];
- $hours = trim($temp[3]);
- $min_hours = $hours;
- if (strstr($hours, "-")) {
- // Hours has a min hour value specified. let's grab it.
- $tt = explode("-", $hours);
- $min_hours = $tt[0];
- $hours = $tt[1];
- }
- $type = $temp[4];
- $min_grade = trim($temp[5]);
- $adding_group = new Group($group_id);
- // If this group is already saved in this degree elsewhere, and it has a different type or min_grade,
- // then we must display a warning message to the user.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_requirements
- WHERE degree_id = '?'
- AND group_id = '?'
- AND (group_min_grade <> '?' OR group_requirement_type <> '?')", $degree_id, $group_id, $min_grade, $type);
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $errors .= "<br><span style='color:red;'><b>Group type or min grade mismatch!</b>
- In Block " . ($semester_num + 1) . ", you specified the group <em>" . $adding_group->title . "</em> ($adding_group->group_name) with a min grade of \"<em>$min_grade</em>\"
- and a requirement type of \"<em>$type</em>\". However, the group was previously specified in this degree plan in Block " . ($cur["semester_num"] + 1) . "
- with a different requirement type and/or min grade requirement. FlightPath will not perform calculations correctly for courses assigned to this group.
- You should either set the duplicate occurances of the group to the same type/min grade, or create a new group to handle these alternate requirements.</span>";
- }
- $query = "INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
- (degree_id,semester_num,group_id,
- group_requirement_type,group_hours_required,group_min_hours_allowed,group_min_grade)
- VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ";
- $res = db_query($query, $degree_id, $semester_num, $group_id, $type, $hours, $min_hours, $min_grade);
- } // if perform_action2 == addGroup
- // Are we trying to change a semester block number?
- if (strstr($perform_action2,"editSemesterBlockNum")) {
- // Make sure we don't already have this number in existence elsewhere in the degree.
- $temp = explode("_",$perform_action2);
- $old_semester_num = $temp[1];
- $new_semester_num = $temp[2];
- // Since we have already passed validation, we should be able to simply update the draft table.
- db_query("UPDATE draft_degree_requirements SET semester_num = ?
- WHERE degree_id = ?
- AND semester_num = ?", array($new_semester_num, $degree_id, $old_semester_num));
- // We also need to adjust the semester_title_$semester_num value in the $values, so the title moves over correctly.
- $temp = $values["semester_title_$old_semester_num"];
- unset($values["semester_title_$old_semester_num"]);
- $values["semester_title_$new_semester_num"] = $temp;
- } // editSemesterBlockNum
- // Make the semester_titles_csv...
- for ($semester_num = 0; $semester_num <= 99; $semester_num++) {
- if ($semester_num > 99) break; // some problem. Give up. Don't try to go past 99 semesters!
- $semester_titles_csv .= trim(@$values["semester_title_$semester_num"]) . ",";
- }
- // Before we UPDATE, also grab the degree title, degree_type,
- // and exclude value, etc....
- $degree_title = trim($values["title"]);
- $degree_type = trim($values["degree_type"]);
- $degree_class = trim($values["degree_class"]);
- $degree_level = strtoupper(trim($values["degree_level"]));
- $exclude = intval($values["exclude"]);
- $allow_dynamic = intval($values["allow_dynamic"]);
- $advising_weight = intval($values["advising_weight"]);
- $override_degree_hours = trim($values["override_degree_hours"]);
- $public_note = trim($values["public_note"]);
- $res = db_query("UPDATE draft_degrees
- SET semester_titles_csv = ?,
- title = ?,
- degree_type = ?,
- degree_class = ?,
- degree_level = ?,
- exclude = ?,
- allow_dynamic = ?,
- advising_weight = ?,
- override_degree_hours = ?,
- track_selection_config = ?,
- public_note = ?,
- school_id = ?
- WHERE degree_id = ? ",
- $semester_titles_csv, $degree_title, $degree_type, $degree_class, $degree_level, $exclude, $allow_dynamic, $advising_weight, $override_degree_hours,
- $db_track_selection_config, $public_note, $school_id, $degree_id);
- //// Was there a track title/description? If so, UPDATE that in the tracks
- // table...
- if (strstr($major_code, "_")) {
- // There was a track. Update track description.
- $temp = explode("_",$major_code);
- $major = trim($temp[0]);
- // major might now have a | at the end. If so, take it out.
- if (substr($major, strlen($major)-1, 1) == "|") {
- $major = str_replace("|","",$major);
- }
- $track = trim($temp[1]);
- $track_description = trim($values["track_description"]);
- $track_title = trim($values["track_title"]);
- // Make sure the track exists in our draft_degree_tracks table...
- $track_id = db_result(db_query("SELECT track_id FROM draft_degree_tracks
- WHERE major_code = ?
- AND track_code = ?
- AND catalog_year = ?
- AND school_id = ?", $major, $track, $de_catalog_year, $oschool_id));
- if (!$track_id) {
- // Didn't already exist. Let's insert.
- db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degree_tracks (major_code, track_code, catalog_year, school_id)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", $major, $track, $de_catalog_year, $school_id);
- $track_id = db_insert_id();
- }
- $res = db_query("UPDATE draft_degree_tracks
- SET track_description = ?,
- track_title = ?,
- school_id = ?
- WHERE track_id = ? ", $track_description, $track_title, $school_id, $track_id);
- }
- fp_add_message("Degree updated succesfully.");
- watchdog("admin", "$major_code $track ($de_catalog_year) has been updated successfully.");
- $button_msg = urlencode("Degree updated successfully at " . date("H:i:s"));
- $bool_scroll = $bool_button_msg = true;
- if ($errors != "")
- {
- fp_add_message("ERRORS/WARNINGS: $errors");
- $bool_scroll = $bool_button_msg = false;
- $button_msg = urlencode("The degree plan was saved, but an error or warning has occured. Please see error message at the top of the page.");
- $_REQUEST["scroll_top"] = 0;
- $_SESSION["scroll_top"] = 0;
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // And we are done with the saving!
- } //edit_degree_form_submit
Name![]() |
Description |
admin_add_degree_form | This form lets the user add a degree to the database. |
admin_add_degree_form_submit | Submit handler for the add_degree_form. |
admin_add_degree_form_validate | Validate handler for add_degree_form |
admin_copy_degree_form | This form lets the user copy a degree and all of it's tracks & concentrations. |
admin_copy_degree_form_submit | |
admin_copy_degree_form_validate | Validate handler. Make sure our allow_overwrite setting is working. Check for existing major code. |
admin_degrees_list_filter_form | |
admin_degrees_list_filter_form_submit | |
admin_display_degrees | |
admin_display_degrees_popup_add_group2 | |
admin_edit_degree_form | Meant to replace the old-fashioned display_edit_degree function... |
admin_edit_degree_form_submit | |
admin_edit_degree_form_validate | |
admin_string_contains_illegal_chars |