function admin_copy_degree_form
Search API
7.x | admin_copy_degree_form() |
6.x | admin_copy_degree_form() |
4.x | admin_copy_degree_form() |
5.x | admin_copy_degree_form() |
This form lets the user copy a degree and all of it's tracks & concentrations.
- modules/
admin/, line 97
function admin_copy_degree_form() {
$de_catalog_year = admin_get_de_catalog_year();
fp_set_title(t("Copy Degree for") . " $de_catalog_year");
$form = array();
$m = 0;
$form ["mark" . $m++] = array(
"type" => "markup",
"value" => t("Use this form to duplicate a degree plan in this catalog year."),
"weight" => 10,
$form ["de_catalog_year"] = array(
"type" => "hidden",
"value" => $de_catalog_year,
$form ["source_major_code"] = array(
"type" => "textfield",
"size" => 35,
"label" => t("Enter the SOURCE major code you wish to copy:"),
"required" => TRUE,
"description" => t("Ex: ART or GBUS. Do not enter any track or concentration codes here."),
"weight" => 20,
/* use default school_id */
$form ['school_id'] = array(
'type' => 'hidden',
'value' => '0',
$form ["include_tracks"] = array(
"type" => "checkboxes",
"label" => t("Include tracks/level-3 degrees?"),
"options" => array("yes" => "Yes, include all associated tracks (level-3 degrees)."),
"description" => t("Check this box if you wish to also copy any tracks/level-3 degrees
this major code may have associated with it. If you do not check this box,
only the base degree will be copied. If the major does not have
tracks/level-3 degrees, leave this unchecked."),
"weight" => 30,
$form ['destination_school_id'] = array(
'type' => 'hidden',
'value' => '0',
$form ["destination_major_code"] = array(
"type" => "textfield",
"size" => 35,
"label" => t("Enter the DESTINATION major code you wish to create/overwrite:"),
"required" => TRUE,
"description" => t("Ex: CHEM or XYZ. Do not enter any track or concentration codes here."),
"weight" => 40,
$form ["allow_overwrite"] = array(
"type" => "radios",
"label" => t("Overwrite if major code already exists?"),
"options" => array(
"no" => t("No, DO NOT delete and overwrite any existing major codes & associated tracks/level-3 degrees. Instead, return here with a warning message."),
"yes" => t("Yes, if my destination major already exists, overwrite <b>and delete all associated tracks/level-3 degrees</b> for this year. (Use caution with this option!)"),
"value" => "no",
"weight" => 50,
// Our submit button.
$form ["submit"] = array(
"type" => "submit",
"value" => "Submit",
"prefix" => "<hr>",
"weight" => 200,
return $form;