function fp_render_form
Search API
7.x | fp_render_form($callback, $form_type = "") |
6.x | fp_render_form($callback, $form_type = "") |
4.x | fp_render_form($callback, $form_type = "") |
5.x | fp_render_form($callback, $form_type = "") |
Render the form array from the callback to the screen, and set the form to save itself in our default submit handler. Valid form_types are: "system_settings" => values automatically saved to variables table. "normal" or BLANK => values are sent to {$callback}_validate() and {$callback}_submit() function, if it exists.
12 calls to fp_render_form()
- admin_display_courses in modules/
admin/ - This function displays all of our courses for us to edit.
- admin_display_degrees in modules/
admin/ - admin_display_groups in modules/
admin/ - This function will display a list of all our groups.
- advise_display_view in modules/
advise/ advise.module - This is the page which actually displays the "view" for the user to see their advising session, or for an advisor to advise them.
- audit_display_audit in modules/
audit/ audit.module
3 string references to 'fp_render_form'
- calendar_menu in modules/
calendar/ calendar.module - implements hook_menu
- content_menu in modules/
content/ content.module - schools_menu in modules/
schools/ schools.module - Implements hook_menu
- includes/, line 264
function fp_render_form($callback, $form_type = "") {
global $current_student_id, $user;
$rtn = "";
// Were there extra params after callback and form_type? Wrap them up
// and send them along to fp_get_form
$params = array();
if (func_num_args() > 2) {
// Remove first 2 arguments, so all we have left is what the user added to it.
$params = func_get_args();
$form = fp_get_form($callback, $params);
// Base64 enc the params, so we can easily handle if there are quotation marks, line breaks, etc.
$form_params = base64_encode(serialize($params));
// Figure out the current page's title and display it.
$path = fp_no_html_xss($_GET ["q"]); // Sanitize _GET valuses.
$default_path = $path;
$default_query = "";
// Figure out the "default_query" from $_GET
$new_query = array();
foreach ($_GET as $key => $val) {
// Sanitize since it is coming from _GET.
$key = fp_no_html_xss($key);
$val = fp_no_html_xss($val);
if ($key != "q" && $key != "scroll_top") {
$new_query [] = "$key=$val";
if (count($new_query)) {
$default_query = join("&", $new_query);
$page_title = $GLOBALS ["fp_current_menu_router_item"]["title"];
if (isset($GLOBALS ["fp_set_title"])) {
$page_title = $GLOBALS ["fp_set_title"];
if ($page_title != "") {
$form_path = $GLOBALS ["fp_current_menu_router_item"]["path"];
// Are there any files required to get to the submit handler for this form?
$form_include = "";
// Set the form_include to the current page's "file" requirement, if any.
if (is_array($GLOBALS ["fp_current_menu_router_item"])) {
if (isset($GLOBALS ["fp_current_menu_router_item"]["file"])) {
$form_include = $GLOBALS ["fp_current_menu_router_item"]["file"];
if (@$form ["#form_include"]) {
$form_include = $form ["#form_include"];
$extra_form_class = "";
if ($form_type == "system_settings") {
$extra_form_class = "fp-system-form";
$form_token = md5($callback . fp_token());
// Set up our form's attributes.
$attributes = @$form ["#attributes"];
if (!is_array($attributes)) {
$attributes = array();
if (!isset($attributes ["class"])) {
$attributes ["class"] = "";
$attributes ["class"] .= " $extra_form_class fp-form fp-form-$callback ";
// Convert the attributes array into a string.
$new_attr = "";
foreach ($attributes as $key => $val) {
$new_attr .= " $key='$val' ";
$attributes = $new_attr;
// Did the user specify a submit method (like GET or POST)? POST is default.
$submit_method = (@$form ["#submit_method"] == "") ? "POST" : $form ["#submit_method"];
// If the window_mode has been set in the _GET, then include it as a query in the fp_url() function. But force it to either be "popup" or another valid option.
$url_query = "";
if (isset($_GET ['window_mode']) && $_GET ['window_mode'] == 'popup') {
$url_query = "window_mode=popup";
$form_q_64 = base64_encode($_REQUEST ['q']); // what was q set to when this form was rendered?
$rtn .= "<form action='" . fp_url("system-handle-form-submit", $url_query, TRUE) . "' method='$submit_method' id='fp-form-$callback' name='fp_form_name_$callback' $attributes>";
$rtn .= "<input type='hidden' name='callback' value='$callback'>";
$rtn .= "<input type='hidden' name='form_token' value='$form_token'>";
$rtn .= "<input type='hidden' name='form_type' value='$form_type'>";
$rtn .= "<input type='hidden' name='form_path' value='$form_path'>";
$rtn .= "<input type='hidden' name='form_q_64' value='$form_q_64'>";
$rtn .= "<input type='hidden' name='form_params' value='$form_params'>";
$rtn .= "<input type='hidden' name='form_include' value='$form_include'>";
$rtn .= "<input type='hidden' name='default_redirect_path' value='$default_path'>";
$rtn .= "<input type='hidden' name='default_redirect_query' value='$default_query'>";
$rtn .= "<input type='hidden' name='current_student_id' value='$current_student_id'>";
$use_callback = "";
if (form_has_errors()) {
// We will only pull previous POST's values if there are errors on the form.
$use_callback = $callback;
$rtn .= fp_render_array($form, $use_callback);
// If this is a system settings form, go ahead and display the save button.
if ($form_type == "system_settings") {
$rtn .= "<div class='buttons form-element element-type-submit'>";
$rtn .= "<input type='submit' name='submit_button' value='" . t("Save settings") . "'>";
$rtn .= "</div>";
$rtn .= "</form>";
// Clear any existing form errors and values
unset($_SESSION ["fp_form_errors"]);
return $rtn;