Search API
- 7.x modules/admin/
- 6.x modules/admin/
- 4.x modules/admin/
- 5.x modules/admin/
modules/admin/admin.degrees.incView source
- <?php
- function admin_display_degrees_popup_add_group() {
- $semester_num = trim($_GET["semester_num"]);
- $de_catalog_year = admin_get_de_catalog_year();
- fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/js/admin.js");
- $rtn = "";
- $rtn .= "<b>" . t("Add an elective group to semester: @semester_num in @de_catalog_year", array("@semester_num" => $semester_num, "@de_catalog_year" => $de_catalog_year)) . "</b><br>
- <span class='tenpt'>" . t("Use keyboard shortcut CTRL-F to find groups quickly.") . "</span>
- <br><br>
- First, select a group (from $de_catalog_year):
- <div class='tenpt'
- style='height:200px; overflow-y: scroll; border: 1px solid black;
- margin:5px;'>
- <table border='0' cellspacing='5'>";
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_groups
- WHERE catalog_year = '?'
- AND delete_flag = '0'
- ORDER BY title ", $de_catalog_year);
- while($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- extract($cur, 3, "db");
- $rtn .= "<tr><td valign='middle'>
- <input type='radio' name='rgroups' value='$db_group_id'></td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>
- $db_title<br><i>$db_group_name</i>
- </td>
- </tr>
- ";
- }
- $rtn .= "</table></div>
- " . t("Next, select properties for this group:") . "
- <a href='javascript: popupAlertHelp(\"group_properties\");'>?</a>
- <div class='tenpt' style='padding-top: 5px;'>
- Hrs: <input type='text' name='hours' id='hours' size='2'>
- Min Grade: <select name='min_grade' id='min_grade'>
- <option value=''>--</option>
- <option value='C'>C</option>
- <option value='B'>B</option>
- <option value='A'>A</option>
- </select>
- Type: <select name='type' id='type'>
- <option value='m'>m - Major</option>
- <option value='c'>c - Core</option>
- <option value='s'>s - Supporting</option>
- <option value='e'>e - Elective</option>
- </select>
- " . fp_render_button("Add group »", "adminPopupAddGroup(\"$semester_num\");") . "
- </div>";
- return $rtn;
- }
- /**
- * This form lets the user copy a degree and all of it's tracks & concentrations.
- */
- function admin_copy_degree_form() {
- $de_catalog_year = admin_get_de_catalog_year();
- fp_set_title(t("Copy Degree for") . " $de_catalog_year");
- $form = array();
- $form["mark" . $m++] = array(
- "type" => "markup",
- "value" => t("Use this form to duplicate a degree plan in this catalog year.
- <b>IMPORTANT:</b> If you specify a destination major code which
- already exists, <b>all of its tracks and concentrations</b> will be
- deleted for @year!", array("@year" => $de_catalog_year)),
- );
- $form["de_catalog_year"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $de_catalog_year,
- );
- $form["source_major_code"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 15,
- "label" => t("Enter the SOURCE major code you wish to copy:"),
- "required" => TRUE,
- "description" => t("Ex: ART or GBUS. Do not enter any track or concentration codes here."),
- );
- $form["include_tracks"] = array(
- "type" => "checkboxes",
- "label" => t("Include tracks and concentrations?"),
- "options" => array("yes" => "Include tracks and concentrations."),
- "description" => t("Check this box if you wish to also copy any tracks and concentrations
- this major code may have associated with it. If you do not check this box,
- only the base degree will be copied. If the major does not have
- tracks and concentrations, leave this unchecked."),
- );
- $form["destination_major_code"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 15,
- "label" => t("Enter the DESTINATION major code you wish to create/overwrite:"),
- "required" => TRUE,
- "description" => t("Ex: CHEM or XYZ. Do not enter any track or concentration codes here. If the destination
- major already exists, it and <b>all of its tracks and concentrations</b> will be
- deleted for this catalog year!"),
- );
- // Our submit button.
- $form["submit"] = array(
- "type" => "submit",
- "value" => "Submit",
- "prefix" => "<hr>",
- );
- return $form;
- }
- function admin_copy_degree_form_submit($form, $form_submit) {
- //fpm($form_submit);
- global $db;
- $values = $form_submit["values"];
- $de_catalog_year = $values["de_catalog_year"];
- $source_major_code = trim(strtoupper($values["source_major_code"]));
- $destination_major_code = trim(strtoupper($values["destination_major_code"]));
- $include_tracks = $values["include_tracks"]["yes"];
- // First thing's first. Make sure the sourceMajorCode exists.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE (major_code = '?'
- OR major_code LIKE '?|%')
- AND catalog_year='?' ", $source_major_code, $source_major_code, $de_catalog_year) ;
- if (db_num_rows($res) == 0) {
- // Meaning, it could not be found.
- form_error("source_major_code", t("The source major, %source, could not be found for %year", array("%source" => $source_major_code, "%year" => $de_catalog_year)));
- return;
- }
- // Alright, if we got to here, we can proceed. We need to
- // delete everything involving the destination major.
- // First, get the degree_id's in a select...
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE (major_code = '?'
- OR major_code LIKE '?|%')
- AND catalog_year='?' ", $destination_major_code, $destination_major_code, $de_catalog_year) ;
- if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) {
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $degree_id = $cur["degree_id"];
- $res2 = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degree_requirements
- WHERE degree_id='?' ", $degree_id) ;
- $res2 = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE degree_id = '?' ", $degree_id) ;
- }
- // Now, delete the tracks.
- $res2 = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degree_tracks
- WHERE major_code = '?'
- AND catalog_year='?' ", $destination_major_code, $de_catalog_year) ;
- }
- // Okay, with the destination major good and deleted, we can proceed with
- // the copy.
- // Let's build up an array of all the degrees we will be copying.
- $source_array = array();
- // First, the base degree...
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE major_code = '?'
- AND catalog_year='?' ", $source_major_code, $de_catalog_year) ;
- $cur = db_fetch_array($res);
- $source_array[] = $cur;
- // Now, any tracks or concentrations?
- if ($include_tracks == "yes") {
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE major_code LIKE '?|%'
- AND catalog_year='?' ", $source_major_code, $de_catalog_year) ;
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $source_array[] = $cur;
- }
- // While we're here, let's go ahead and make a copy of the tracks.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_tracks
- WHERE (major_code = '?'
- OR major_code LIKE '?|%' )
- AND catalog_year='?' ", $source_major_code, $source_major_code, $de_catalog_year) ;
- while($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- extract($cur, 3, "db");
- $dest_code = $destination_major_code;
- if (strstr($db_major_code, "|")) {
- // We need to adjust the destCode to match
- //the source.
- $dest_code = str_replace("$source_major_code|", "$destination_major_code|", $db_major_code);
- }
- $res2 = db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degree_tracks
- (catalog_year, major_code, track_code,
- track_title, track_short_title, track_description)
- ('?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?') ",
- $de_catalog_year, $dest_code, $db_track_code,
- $db_track_title, $db_track_short_title,
- $db_track_description) ;
- }
- }
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- //var_dump($source_array);
- // Okay, now it's time to go through the sourceArray
- // and duplicate them.
- foreach ($source_array as $src) {
- extract($src, 3, "src");
- $dest_code = $destination_major_code;
- if (strstr($src_major_code, "|")) {
- // We need to adjust the destCode to match
- //the source.
- $dest_code = str_replace("$source_major_code|", "$destination_major_code|", $src_major_code);
- }
- //var_dump($dest_code);
- $dest_degree_id = $db->request_new_degree_id();
- // Create the entry in the degrees table.
- $res = db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degrees
- (degree_id, major_code, degree_type, degree_class, title,
- public_note, semester_titles_csv,
- catalog_year, exclude)
- ('?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?') ",
- $dest_degree_id, $dest_code, $src_degree_type, $src_degree_class, $src_title,
- $src_public_note, $src_semester_titles_csv,
- $de_catalog_year, $src_exclude);
- // Now, go through the source's degree requirements and copy those over.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_requirements
- WHERE degree_id = '$src_degree_id' ");
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- extract($cur, 3, "db");
- $res2 = $db->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
- (degree_id, semester_num, group_id,
- group_requirement_type,
- group_hours_required,
- group_min_grade, course_id,
- course_min_grade,
- course_requirement_type,
- data_entry_value)
- ('?', '?', '?', '?', '?',
- '?', '?',
- '?',
- '?',
- '?') ",
- $dest_degree_id, $db_semester_num, $db_group_id,
- $db_group_requirement_type,
- $db_group_hours_required,
- $db_group_min_grade, $db_course_id,
- $db_course_min_grade,
- $db_course_requirement_type,
- $db_data_entry_value);
- }
- }
- // Make a - entry into the draft_instruction table so it will
- // remind the administrator to apply draft changes.
- $res = db_query("INSERT INTO draft_instructions
- (instruction) VALUES ('-') ");
- fp_add_message(t("Degree %source has been copied to %dest for %year",
- array("%source" => $source_major_code, "%dest" => $destination_major_code, "%year" => $de_catalog_year)));
- }
- /**
- * This form lets the user add a degree to the database.
- */
- function admin_add_degree_form() {
- $de_catalog_year = admin_get_de_catalog_year();
- fp_set_title(t("Add Degree for") . " " . $de_catalog_year);
- $form = array();
- $form["markup" . $m++] = array(
- "type" => "markup",
- "value" => t("You may use this screen to add a new degree,
- by entering a new major, concentration, or track (degree option)"),
- );
- $form["de_catalog_year"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $de_catalog_year,
- );
- $form["new_major"] = array(
- "type" => "radios",
- "label" => t("Please select: are you entering a new major code [and concentration]
- or an existing major code [and concentration] (so you can add a new track)?"),
- "options" => array(
- "new" => t("Entering a <b>new</b> major code [and concentration]"),
- "existing" => t("Entering an <b>existing</b> major code [and concentration] (only adding a new track)"),
- ),
- "required" => TRUE,
- );
- $form["major_code"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 15,
- "label" => t("Major|Conc code:"),
- "description" => t("To enter a concentration code, use MAJOR|CONC.
- The | character is call the pipe, and it should under the backspace key.
- If adding a new concentration to an existing major, you still put this in as a
- NEW major code. Do not have any spaces in this box. The concentration code
- is optional. If the major does not have a concentration,
- then simply enter the major code by itself."),
- "required" => TRUE,
- );
- $form["new_track"] = array(
- "type" => "radios",
- "label" => t("Please select: are you entering a new track code?"),
- "options" => array(
- "new" => t("Entering a <b>new</b> track code"),
- "none" => t("None - Not adding a track. Leave blank"),
- ),
- "required" => TRUE,
- );
- $form["track_code"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 15,
- "label" => t("Track code:"),
- "description" => t("Leave blank if you selected None above."),
- );
- // Our submit button.
- $form["submit"] = array(
- "type" => "submit",
- "value" => "Submit",
- "prefix" => "<hr>",
- );
- return $form;
- }
- /**
- * Submit handler for the add_degree_form.
- */
- function admin_add_degree_form_submit($form, $form_submit) {
- $values = $form_submit["values"];
- $de_catalog_year = $values["de_catalog_year"];
- // This will be used to add a new degree (and possibly track)
- // to the database.
- $major_code = trim(strtoupper($values["major_code"]));
- $track_code = trim(strtoupper($values["track_code"]));
- $new_major = $values["new_major"];
- $new_track = $values["new_track"];
- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- if ($new_track == "new" && $track_code == "") {
- form_error("track_code", t("You selected to add a track, but did not specify a track code."));
- }
- // Make sure user did not enter an underscore (_) in either
- // the track or major code!
- if (strstr($track_code, "_") || strstr($major_code, "_")) {
- form_error("major_code", t("You are not allowed to enter underscores (_) in either the track code
- or major code. FlightPath will add that for you. Please re-enter
- your new degree without using an underscore."));
- }
- // Return since we have errors all ready.
- if (form_has_errors()) {
- return;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // First, deal with the major/concentration.
- // Firstly, check to see if it already exists...
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE catalog_year = '?'
- AND major_code = '?' ", $de_catalog_year, $major_code);
- if (db_num_rows($res) > 0 && $new_major == "new") {
- // Meaning, it already exists, yet we are trying to add it as a new
- // major. This is an error!
- fp_add_message(t("The major code %major_code already exists for %year. You cannot add it as a new major.", array("%major_code" => $major_code, "%year" => $de_catalog_year)), "error");
- return;
- }
- if (db_num_rows($res) == 0 && $new_major == "existing") {
- // This is another error. We are trying to add a track to an existing
- // major code, but none was found.
- fp_add_message(t("The major code %major_code could not be found in the system for %year. Perhaps you need to add it first?", array("%major_code" => $major_code, "%year" => $de_catalog_year)), "error");
- return;
- }
- if (db_num_rows($res) == 0 && $new_major == "new") {
- // This means we are trying to add a new major to the degrees table.
- // We may proceed with this.
- $db2 = new DatabaseHandler();
- $degree_id = $db2->request_new_degree_id();
- $db2->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degrees
- (degree_id, major_code, catalog_year)
- values ('?', '?', '?') ", $degree_id, $major_code, $de_catalog_year);
- }
- if ($new_track == "new") {
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Now, let's see about adding ourself a track...
- // First, check to see if it exists...
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_tracks
- WHERE catalog_year = '?'
- AND major_code = '?'
- AND track_code = '?' ", $de_catalog_year, $major_code, $track_code);
- if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) {
- // Meaning, it already existed, so we can't create it.
- fp_add_message(t("The major and track code %major_code already exists for %year. You cannot add it as a new major/track code.", array("%major_code" => "$major_code $track_code", "%year" => $de_catalog_year)), "error");
- return;
- }
- else {
- // We can add it to the tracks table...
- $db2 = new DatabaseHandler();
- $db2->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degree_tracks
- (catalog_year, major_code, track_code)
- values ('?', '?', '?') ", $de_catalog_year, $major_code, $track_code);
- // Now, we also need to add this major & track code to the degrees table.
- $new_major_code = $major_code;
- if (strstr($major_code, "|")) {
- // Already has a pipe, so it has a concentration.
- $new_major_code .= "_$track_code";
- }
- else {
- // No concentration...
- $new_major_code .= "|_$track_code";
- }
- $degree_id = $db2->request_new_degree_id();
- $db2->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degrees
- (degree_id, major_code, catalog_year)
- values ('?', '?', '?') ", $degree_id, $new_major_code, $de_catalog_year);
- }
- }
- // Success! We are done.
- fp_add_message(t("The new degree %major_code was added successfully for %year.
- You may add another degree, or use the menu at the top of the page to return to your list
- of degrees, so you may begin editing the degree.", array("%major_code" => "$major_code $track_code", "%year" => $de_catalog_year)));
- clear_session_form_values("admin_add_degree_form");
- }
- /*
- * This function lists all of our degrees on the screen, for a given year
- */
- function admin_display_degrees() {
- $de_catalog_year = admin_get_de_catalog_year();
- $rtn = "";
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/css/admin.css");
- $rtn .= "<h2 class='title'>" . t("Degrees for @year", array("@year" => $de_catalog_year)) . "</h2>";
- $rtn .= "<div class='admin-degrees-upper-links'>";
- $rtn .= l("Add new degree plan (major, degree plan, or track)", "admin/degrees/add-degree", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year");
- $rtn .= " | ";
- $rtn .= l("Copy a degree plan", "admin/degrees/copy-degree", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year");
- $rtn .= "</div>";
- $rtn .= "<div class='list-degree-row-excluded'>
- " . t("Majors or Tracks marked as \"exclude\" are shaded. You may pull up students with these
- majors in FlightPath, but they will not be options in the What If mode.") . "
- </div>
- <br>
- <div class='tenpt' align='center'>
- " . t("Use CTRL-F to find degrees more quickly.") . "
- </div>";
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE catalog_year = '?'
- ORDER BY degree_type, major_code, title ", $de_catalog_year);
- while($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $db_exclude = 0;
- extract($cur, 3, "db");
- if ($db_degree_type == "NA" && strstr($db_major, "|")) {
- $db_degree_type = " -- ";
- }
- $extra_class = "";
- if ($db_exclude == "1") {
- $extra_class = "list-degree-row-excluded";
- }
- // get JUST the major code...
- $temp = explode("|", $db_major_code);
- $just_major = trim($temp[0]);
- $just_conc = trim($temp[1]);
- $outside = "";
- //if ($just_conc != "" && strstr($just_conc, "_"))
- if (strstr($just_conc, "_")) {
- // If the concentration has an underscore, it's actually
- // a track. Let's get the track title...
- $temp2 = explode("_",$just_conc);
- $just_track = trim($temp2[1]);
- // Might need to add the first part BACK onto the major...
- if (trim($temp2[0]) != "")
- {
- $just_major .= "|" . trim($temp2[0]);
- }
- $res2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_tracks
- WHERE catalog_year = '?'
- AND major_code = '?'
- AND track_code = '?' ", $de_catalog_year, $just_major, $just_track);
- if (db_num_rows($res2) > 0) {
- $cur2 = db_fetch_array($res2);
- $db_title = trim($cur2["track_title"]);
- $outside = "---->";
- if (strstr($just_major, "|")) {
- // both a conc AND a track. Denote it special.
- $outside = ">>" . $outside;
- }
- $db_degree_type = "";
- }
- }
- else if($just_conc != "") {
- // Meaning, this is a concentration, NOT a track.
- $db_degree_type = "";
- $outside = ">>";
- }
- $rtn .= "<div class='admin-degrees-list-degree'>
- <a name='degree_$db_degree_id'></a>";
- $rtn .= "<div class='list-degree-row $extra_class'>
- $outside
- " . l("$db_degree_type $db_title $db_major_code", "admin/degrees/edit-degree", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year&major_code=$db_major_code", array("class" => "degree-$db_degree_class")) . "
- </div>
- </div>";
- }
- return $rtn;
- }
- function admin_handle_edit_degree_submit() {
- $de_catalog_year = $_REQUEST["de_catalog_year"];
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- // This will UPDATE a degree in the system with the courses
- // and groups that the user selected.
- $perform_action2 = trim($_POST["perform_action2"]);
- if (strstr($perform_action2, "delGroup")) {
- $temp = explode("_",$perform_action2);
- $del_group = new Group();
- $del_group->bool_use_draft = true;
- $del_group->group_id = $temp[1];
- $del_group->assigned_to_semester_num = $temp[2];
- }
- $major_code = trim($_POST["major_code"]);
- if ($major_code == ""){ die("Fatal error: major_code not found.");}
- // Since we are making a change to the draft table(s), let's add a row
- // to draft instructions.
- $db->add_draft_instruction("-");
- $degree_id = "";
- // First things first, if this degree already exists in this
- // catalog year, then we need to delete it first.
- if ($degree_id = $db->get_degree_id($major_code, $de_catalog_year, true)) {
- $degree = new DegreePlan($degree_id, null, false, false, true);
- $degree->load_descriptive_data();
- // Delete from degree_requirements WHERE this degree_id exists.
- $res = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degree_requirements
- WHERE degree_id = '?' ", $degree_id);
- // Are we trying to DELETE this degree? If so, keep deleting!
- if ($perform_action2 == "delete_degree") {
- $res = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE degree_id = '?' ", $degree_id);
- // Also need to get rid of the track, if there is one for this
- // degree.
- $res = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degree_tracks
- WHERE major_code = '$degree->major_code'
- AND track_code = '$degree->track_code'
- AND catalog_year = '?' LIMIT 1", $de_catalog_year);
- // Okay, we have deleted everything. We need to go back to
- // just the list of degrees.
- //display_edit_degrees("<font color='green'><b>The degree $major_code ($de_catalog_year) has been deleted.</b></font>");
- //die;
- fp_add_message("The degree $major_code ($de_catalog_year) has been deleted.");
- fp_goto("admin/degrees", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year");
- return;
- }
- }
- else {
- // We need to generate a new degreeID for this major_code and catalog_year,
- // because one does not already exist!
- if (!$degree_id = $db->request_new_degree_id()) {
- die ("Error. Could not create new degreeID.");
- }
- }
- // Save the entire post to the log.
- $errors = "";
- $semester_titles_c_s_v = "";
- $highest_semester_num = 0; // What is the largest semester_num in the system?
- // Okay, now get the various courses...
- for ($semester_num = 0; $semester_num < 50; $semester_num++)
- {
- // Assuming no more than 50 semesters.
- $courses = trim($_POST["courses_$semester_num"]);
- if ($courses == "") {
- continue;
- }
- if ($semester_num > $highest_semester_num) {
- $highest_semester_num = $semester_num;
- }
- $course_rows = explode("\n",$courses);
- for ($t = 0; $t < count($course_rows); $t++) {
- $line = trim($course_rows[$t]);
- if ($line == "") {
- continue;
- }
- // Take out extra whitespace between tokens.
- $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
- $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
- $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
- $line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
- $tokens = explode(" ", $line);
- $subject_id = $tokens[0];
- $course_num = $tokens[1];
- $requirement_type = strtolower($tokens[2]);
- if ($requirement_type == "") {
- // major type by default.
- $requirement_type = "m";
- }
- $min_grade = strtoupper($tokens[3]);
- if (strstr($requirement_type, "(")) {
- // This means there was no requirement_type specified, so it's "m",
- // and a min_grade was found in its place.
- $min_grade = strtoupper($requirement_type);
- $requirement_type = "m";
- }
- $min_grade = str_replace("(","",$min_grade);
- $min_grade = str_replace(")","",$min_grade);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Okay, we now have enough information to insert the course.
- // Find out what the course_id is.
- if ($course_id = $db->get_course_id($subject_id, $course_num, "", true)) // don't care about catalog year.
- {
- $query = "INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
- (degree_id, semester_num, course_id, course_min_grade, course_requirement_type, data_entry_value)
- values ('?','?','?','?','?','?~?') ";
- $res = db_query($query, $degree_id, $semester_num, $course_id, $min_grade, $requirement_type, $subject_id, $course_num);
- //debug_c_t($query);
- } else {
- // The course_id could not be found!
- $errors .= "<br><font color='red'><b>Course Not Found!</b>
- In Block " . ($semester_num+1) . ", you specified the course
- <b>$subject_id $course_num</b> as a requirement, but this course
- could not be found.
- It was removed from that block.
- Are you sure you typed it correctly? Please go to this
- semester, check your spelling, and add the course again.</font>";
- }
- }
- }
- // Get the groups....
- foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
- if (!strstr($key, "group_")) {
- continue;
- }
- // Only look at the groups...
- $temp = explode("_", $value);
- $group_id = $temp[0];
- $semester_num = $temp[1];
- $hours = $temp[2];
- $type = $temp[3];
- $min_grade = trim($temp[4]);
- if ($semester_num > $highest_semester_num) {
- $highest_semester_num = $semester_num;
- }
- // Do not add if we are supposed to be deleting this group!
- if (is_object($del_group)) {
- if ($del_group->group_id == $group_id && $del_group->assigned_to_semester_num == $semester_num) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- // We now have enough information to insert this group.
- //debugCT("group: $group_id $semester_num $hours $type");
- $query = "INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
- (`degree_id`,`semester_num`,`group_id`,
- `group_requirement_type`,`group_hours_required`,`group_min_grade`)
- values ('?','?','?',
- '?','?','?') ";
- $res = db_query($query, $degree_id, $semester_num, $group_id, $type, $hours, $min_grade);
- }
- // Was there a group added or deleted?
- if (strstr($perform_action2,"addGroup")) {
- $temp = explode("_",$perform_action2);
- $group_id = $temp[1];
- $semester_num = $temp[2];
- $hours = trim($temp[3]);
- $type = $temp[4];
- $min_grade = trim($temp[5]);
- $query = "INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
- (`degree_id`,`semester_num`,`group_id`,
- `group_requirement_type`,`group_hours_required`,`group_min_grade`)
- VALUES ('?','?','?','?','?','?') ";
- $res = db_query($query, $degree_id, $semester_num, $group_id, $type, $hours, $min_grade);
- }
- // Make the semesterTitlesCSV...
- for ($semester_num = 0; $semester_num <= $highest_semester_num; $semester_num++) {
- $semester_titles_csv .= trim($_POST["semester_title_$semester_num"]) . ",";
- }
- // Before we UPDATE, also grab the degree title, degree_type,
- // and exclude value, etc....
- $degree_title = trim($_POST["title"]);
- $degree_type = trim($_POST["degree_type"]);
- $degree_class = strtoupper(trim($_POST["degree_class"]));
- $exclude = trim($_POST["exclude"]);
- $public_note = trim($_POST["public_note"]);
- $res = db_query("UPDATE draft_degrees
- SET `semester_titles_csv`='?',
- `title`='?',
- `degree_type`='?',
- `degree_class`='?',
- `exclude`='?',
- `public_note`='?'
- WHERE `degree_id`='?' ",
- $semester_titles_csv, $degree_title, $degree_type, $degree_class, $exclude, $public_note, $degree_id);
- //// Was there a track title/description? If so, UPDATE that in the tracks
- // table...
- if (strstr($major_code, "_")) {
- // There was a track. Update track description.
- $temp = explode("_",$major_code);
- $major = trim($temp[0]);
- // major might now have a | at the end. If so, take it out.
- if (substr($major, strlen($major)-1, 1) == "|") {
- $major = str_replace("|","",$major);
- }
- $track = trim($temp[1]);
- $track_description = trim($_POST["track_description"]);
- $track_title = trim($_POST["track_title"]);
- //debugCT($track_description);
- $res = db_query("UPDATE draft_degree_tracks
- SET `track_description`='?',
- `track_title`='?'
- WHERE `track_code`='?'
- AND `major_code`='?'
- AND `catalog_year`='?' ", $track_description, $track_title, $track, $major, $de_catalog_year);
- }
- //$msg = "<font color='green' size='4'>Degree updated successfully at " . get_current_time() . ".</font>";
- fp_add_message("Degree updated succesfully.");
- $bool_scroll = $bool_button_msg = true;
- if ($errors != "")
- {
- fp_add_message("ERROR(s): $errors");
- $bool_scroll = $bool_button_msg = false;
- }
- fp_goto("admin/degrees/edit-degree", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year&major_code=$major_code&scroll_top=" . $_REQUEST["scroll_top"] . "&button_msg=" . urlencode("Degree updated successfully at " . date("H:i:s")));
- return;
- }
- /**
- * This screen displays the form which allows the user to actually
- * edit a degree.
- */
- function admin_display_edit_degree() {
- $de_catalog_year = admin_get_de_catalog_year();
- $rtn = "";
- $major_code = $_REQUEST["major_code"];
- // Add in our CSS and JS
- fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/js/admin.js");
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/css/admin.css");
- $button_msg = trim(addslashes($_REQUEST["button_msg"]));
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- $degree_id = intval($db->get_degree_id($major_code, $de_catalog_year, true));
- // The intval says, if it's false, make it = 0. otherwise keep the number
- // that is returned.
- $degree = new DegreePlan($degree_id, null, false, false, true);
- $degree->load_descriptive_data();
- if (user_has_permission("can_view_advanced")) {
- $rtn .= " <span class='tenpt' style='background-color: yellow; margin-left: 20px;'>
- advanced: degreeID = $degree_id.
- </span>";
- }
- $rtn .= "<form id='mainform' action='" . base_path() . "/admin/degrees/handle-edit-degree-submit' method='POST'>
- <input type='hidden' name='perform_action2' id='perform_action2'>
- <input type='hidden' name='de_catalog_year' value='$de_catalog_year'>
- <input type='hidden' name='scroll_top' id='scroll_top' value=''>
- <input type='hidden' name='major_code' value='$major_code'>
- ";
- $rtn .= "<div style='font-size: 16pt; font-weight:bold; padding-top: 20px;'>$degree->degree_type $degree->title<br>$major_code ($de_catalog_year)</div>";
- $rtn .= "
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt' width='15%'>Degree Type:</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt' width='15%'><input type='text' name='degree_type' value='$degree->degree_type' size='5' maxlength='20'></td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt' width='15%'>Degree Class:</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'><input type='text' name='degree_class' value='$degree->degree_class' size='2' maxlength='1'>
- <a href='javascript: adminPopupAlertHelp(\"degree_class\");'>?</a></td>
- </tr>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>Degree Title:</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt' colspan='3'><input type='text' name='title' value='$degree->title' size='80' maxlength='100'></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>Exclude:</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt' colspan='3'><input type='text' name='exclude' value='$degree->db_exclude' size='2' maxlength='1'>
- <a href='javascript: adminPopupAlertHelp(\"degree_exclude\");'>?</a></td>
- </tr>
- </table> ";
- if (strstr($major_code, "_"))
- {
- $rtn .= "<b>Edit track information:</b>
- <blockquote style='margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;'>
- <font size='2'>Track title: <input type='text' name='track_title' value='$degree->track_title' size='60' maxlength='100'></font><br>
- <font size='2'>Track description: <a href='javascript: adminPopupAlertHelp(\"edit_formatting\");'>(Help - Formatting)</a>
- <a href='javascript: adminPopupAlertHelp(\"track_description\");'>(Help - Track Descriptions)</a>
- </font><br>
- <textarea name='track_description' cols='60' rows='3'>" . filter_markup($degree->track_description) . "</textarea>
- </blockquote>
- ";
- }
- $rtn .= "<div class='tenpt' align='center'>(Scroll to the bottom of the page for more options)</div>";
- $degree->list_semesters->reset_counter();
- while ($degree->list_semesters->has_more()) {
- $semester = $degree->list_semesters->get_next();
- if ($semester->semester_num < 0) {
- continue;
- }
- $sem_default_title = admin_get_semester_name($semester->semester_num);
- if ($semester->title == $sem_default_title) {
- $semester->title = "";
- }
- $rtn .= "<div class='elevenpt' style='padding-bottom: 30px;'>
- <b>Block number: " . ($semester->semester_num +1) . "</b>
- Default title: $sem_default_title
- Override: <input type='text' name='semester_title_$semester->semester_num' value='$semester->title' size='20'>
- <a href='javascript: adminPopupAlertHelp(\"semester_title\");'>?</a>
- <table border='1' width='100%'>
- ";
- // Get the courses.
- $rtn .= "<tr><td valign='top'>
- <textarea name='courses_$semester->semester_num' rows='10' cols='20'>";
- $semester->list_courses->sort_alphabetical_order();
- $semester->list_courses->reset_counter();
- while($semester->list_courses->has_more()) {
- $course = $semester->list_courses->get_next();
- $course->load_descriptive_data();
- $rtn .= "$course->subject_id $course->course_num $course->requirement_type";
- if ($course->min_grade != "D" && $course->min_grade != "") {
- $rtn .= " ($course->min_grade)";
- }
- $rtn .= "\n";
- }
- $rtn .= "</textarea>
- <div class='tenpt'>(<a href='javascript: adminPopupAlertHelp(\"degree_entry\");'>Help - entering requirements, min grades, and repeats</a>)</div>
- </td>";
- // Get the groups...
- $rtn .= "<td valign='top' class='tenpt' width='100%'>
- <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='5'>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt' width='1'> </td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>Group</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt' width='5'>hrs</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt' width='5'>grd</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt' width='5'>type</td>
- </tr>";
- $semester->list_groups->sort_alphabetical_order();
- $semester->list_groups->reset_counter();
- while($semester->list_groups->has_more()) {
- $group = $semester->list_groups->get_next();
- $group->load_descriptive_data();
- $rtn .= "<tr><td valign='middle'>
- <a href='javascript: adminDelGroup(\"$group->group_id\",\"$semester->semester_num\");'><img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/delete.png' border='0'></a>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>
- $group->title<br><i>$group->group_name</i></td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>$group->hours_required</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>$group->min_grade</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>$group->requirement_type
- <input type='hidden' name='group_" . $group->group_id . "_" . rand(1,999999) . "' value='$group->group_id" . "_$semester->semester_num" . "_$group->hours_required" . "_$group->requirement_type" . "_$group->min_grade'>
- </td>";
- }
- $rtn .= "</table>
- <div style='margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 20px;'>
- <a href='javascript: adminPopupWindow(\"" . base_path() . "/admin/degrees/popup-add-group&semester_num=$semester->semester_num&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year\");'>Add an elective group</a>
- </div>
- </td>";
- $rtn .= "</table><br>
- " . fp_render_button(t("Save for @year", array("@year" => $de_catalog_year)), "adminSubmitForm();") . "
- <span class='admin-button-msg'>$button_msg</span>
- </div>
- ";
- $s_count = $semester->semester_num+1;
- }
- // Always add an additional 4 semesters to the bottom.
- for ($t = 0; $t < 4; $t++) {
- $sem = $t + $s_count;
- if ($sem > 99) {
- // Max number of semesters. More or less arbitrarily set number.
- $rtn .= "<br>" . t("Maximum number of semesters created.") . "<br>";
- break;
- }
- $rtn .= "<div class='elevenpt' style='padding-bottom: 30px;'>
- <b>Block number: " . ($sem+1) . "</b>
- Default title: " . admin_get_semester_name($sem) . "
- Override: <input type='text' name='semester_title_$sem' value='' size='20'>
- <a href='javascript: adminPopupAlertHelp(\"semester_title\");'>?</a>
- <table border='1' width='100%'>
- ";
- $rtn .= "<tr><td valign='top'>
- <textarea name='courses_$sem' rows='10' cols='20'>";
- $rtn .= "</textarea></td>";
- // the groups...
- $rtn .= "<td valign='top' class='tenpt' width='100%'>
- <table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='5'>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt' width='1'> </td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>Group</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>hrs</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>grd</td>
- <td valign='top' class='tenpt'>type</td>
- </tr>";
- $rtn .= "</table>
- <div style='margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 20px;'>
- <a href='javascript: adminPopupWindow(\"" . base_path() . "/admin/degrees/popup-add-group&semester_num=$sem&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year\");'>Add an elective group</a>
- </td>";
- $rtn .= "</table><br>
- " . fp_render_button(t("Save for @year", array("@year" => $de_catalog_year)), "adminSubmitForm();") . "
- <span class='admin-button-msg'>$button_msg</span>
- </div>";
- }
- $rtn .= "<div class='elevenpt'>If you need more semester boxes, simply save this page, and additional blank
- boxes will appear below.</div>
- <br><br>
- <div class='elevenpt'><b>More Options:</b><br>
- Enter a public note for this degree:
- <a href='javascript: adminPopupAlertHelp(\"public_note\");'>(Help - Public Note)</a>
- <a href='javascript: adminPopupAlertHelp(\"edit_formatting\");'>(Help - Formatting)</a>
- <br>
- <textarea name='public_note' rows='4' cols='80'>$degree->public_note</textarea>
- </div>
- ";
- $rtn .= "</form>";
- $rtn .= " <div align='right'>
- Delete this degree? <input type='button' value='X'
- onClick='adminDeleteDegree(\"$degree_id\");'>
- </div>
- ";
- //$pC .= get_j_s();
- if ($_REQUEST["serialize"] != "")
- {
- print "<br><textarea rows=20 cols=80>" . serialize($degree) . "</textarea>";
- }
- return $rtn;
- }
Name | Description |
admin_add_degree_form | This form lets the user add a degree to the database. |
admin_add_degree_form_submit | Submit handler for the add_degree_form. |
admin_copy_degree_form | This form lets the user copy a degree and all of it's tracks & concentrations. |
admin_copy_degree_form_submit | |
admin_display_degrees | |
admin_display_degrees_popup_add_group | |
admin_display_edit_degree | This screen displays the form which allows the user to actually edit a degree. |
admin_handle_edit_degree_submit |