Search API
Primary tabs
Name | Location | Description |
fp_render_content |
includes/ |
This is very similar to fp_get_form / fp_render_form, except in this case we are being passed the completed "render_array", which already contains all of our elements. We will call hooks on it, sort by weights, and then return the rendered… |
fp_render_curved_line |
includes/ |
Will draw a string in a pretty curved box. Used for displaying semester titles. |
fp_render_c_fieldset |
includes/ |
This function will return the HTML to contruct a collapsible fieldset, complete with javascript and style tags. |
fp_render_element |
includes/ |
Returns the HTML to render this form (or content) element to the screen. $name is the HTML machine name. $element is an array containing all we need to render it. If you want default values to be taken from the SESSION (because we had form_errors,… |
fp_render_form |
includes/ |
Render the form array from the callback to the screen, and set the form to save itself in our default submit handler. Valid form_types are: "system_settings" => values automatically saved to variables table. "normal" or BLANK… |
fp_render_menu_block |
includes/ |
Render a "menu" block of menu items which are all rooted at the menu_root. So if the menu root is tools, it might return items whose paths look like: tools/fun tools/here/there So long as the menu type is "MENU_TYPE_NORMAL_ITEM" or… |
fp_render_menu_item |
includes/ |
fp_render_mobile_hamburger_menu |
includes/ |
This will create the HTML content for the "mobile hamburger" menu, which appears when we press the 3 lines icon or "hamburger" icon on a mobile device. |
fp_render_mobile_tab_array |
includes/ |
fp_render_section_title |
includes/ |
fp_render_sidebar_left_content |
includes/ |
Returns the HTML for the left sidebar content. |
fp_render_square_line |
includes/ |
Will draw a string in a pretty square box. Used for displaying semester titles. |
fp_render_student_profile_header |
includes/ |
Returns the HTML for the "profile" header html for a student |
fp_render_sub_tab_array |
includes/ |
Similar to render_tab_array. |
fp_render_tab_array |
includes/ |
Given a propperly formatted tab_array, this will return the HTML to draw it on a page. |
fp_render_top_nav_content |
includes/ |
Returns the HTML for the top navigation content of the screen itself. |
fp_re_array_files |
includes/ |
Re-order the _FILES array for multiple files, to make it easier to work with. From: |
fp_screen_is_mobile |
includes/ |
This function will attempt to determine automatically if we are on a mobile device, and should therefor use the mobile theme and layout settings. |
fp_set_breadcrumbs |
includes/ |
Set our breadcrumbs array. |
fp_set_page_sub_tabs |
includes/ |
Allows the programmer to define subtabs at the top of the page. |
fp_set_page_tabs |
includes/ |
If this function is called, it will override any other page tabs which might be getting constructed. This lets the programmer, at run-time, completely control what tabs are at the top of the page. |
fp_set_title |
includes/ |
Allows the programmer to set the title of the page, overwriting any default title. |
fp_show_title |
includes/ |
Sets whether the title should be shown on the page or not. |
fp_space_csv |
includes/ |
Simple function that adds spaces after commas in CSV strings. Makes them easier to read. |
fp_strip_dangerous_protocols |
includes/ |
fp_str_ends_with |
includes/ |
fp_theme_location |
includes/ |
Return the theme location |
fp_token |
includes/ |
Returns back the site's "token", which is a simply md5 of some randomness. It is used primarily with forms, to ensure against cross-site forgeries. The site's token gets saved to the variables table, for later use. The idea is… |
fp_translate_numeric_grade |
includes/ |
This function will use the "Numeric to Letter Grade" setting in the School settings to translate the given grade (if it is numeric) to a letter grade. Otherwise, it will return the grade as-is. |
fp_trim |
includes/ |
Adding fp_trim function for backwards compatibility with FP 7 |
fp_truncate_decimals |
includes/ |
This simple function will take a number and truncate the number of decimals to the requested places. This can be used in place of number_format(), which *rounds* numbers. |
fp_url |
includes/ |
This function will take a path, ex: "admin/config/module" and a query, ex: "nid=5&whatever=yes" And join them together, respecting whether or not clean URL's are enabled. |
fp_url_get_contents |
includes/ |
This function uses CURL to get the simple contents of a URL, whether http or https. |
fp_user_is_student |
includes/ |
Simply returns TRUE or FALSE if the user is a student. (has the is_student == 1 |
fp_validate_utf8 |
includes/ |
friendly_timezone |
includes/ |
Returns back the "friendly" timezone string if we have one. |
get_global_database_handler |
includes/ |
This method will return a globally-set DatabaseHandler object, creating it if it does not already exist. This is for efficiency reasons, so every module or method does not need to keep creating databasehandler objects (and re-connecting to the database). |
get_modules_menus |
includes/ |
Similar to get_modules_permissions, this will scan through all installed modules' hook_menu() functions, and assemble an array which is sorted by "location" and then by "weight". |
get_modules_permissions |
includes/ |
This function will read through all the modules' permissions and return back an array. Specifically, it retrieves arrays from each modules' hook_perm() function. |
get_shorter_catalog_year_range |
includes/ |
This is used usually when being viewed by a mobile device. It will shorten a catalog year range of 2008-2009 to just "08-09" or "2008-09" or even "09-2009". |
get_term_description |
includes/ |
Convert a term ID into a description. Ex: 20095 = Spring of 2009. |
get_term_structures |
includes/ |
Return an array version of the term_id_structure field from the admin settings |
get_timezones |
includes/ |
Returns an array of all timezones PHP recognizes. Inspired by code from: |
get_timezone_offset |
includes/ |
Returns the offset from the origin timezone to the remote timezone, in seconds. |
hook_advise_build_screen_elements |
includes/ |
This hook allows other modules to interact with the AdvisingScreen object adter the build_screen_elements method is called. |
hook_advise_build_screen_elements |
modules/ |
This is a hook which developers may use to add custom blocks (or perform other operations) onto the advising View or What If screen. |
hook_alter_student_profile_items |
includes/ |
This hook is called before displaying the student profile box (which appears at the top of the screen on the profile page, as well as other tabs. If bool_mini is set to TRUE, then it means we are showing an abbreviated display, like on the Degree… |
hook_alter_student_profile_items |
modules/ |
Allows other modules to alter the "profile items". |
hook_alter_term_id_prior_to_description |
includes/ |
This hook is called right before retrieving the plain English description for a term_id. It allows modules to change the term_id. |
hook_alter_user_attribute_display |
modules/ |
This function lets us alter the value of a user attribute, before it is displayed to the user. |