Search API
Keep track of functions dealing specifically with student user management
modules/user/user.student.incView source
- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * Keep track of functions dealing specifically with student user management
- */
- /**
- * Similar to user_display_users, except only for student users.
- */
- function user_display_student_users() {
- global $db, $screen;
- $de_catalog_year = @$GLOBALS["de_catalog_year"];
- if (!$de_catalog_year) {
- $de_catalog_year = @intval($_REQUEST['de_catalog_year']);
- }
- if ($db == NULL) {
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- }
- $cc = 1;
- // Do this using $render array, so it can be altered
- // by hook_content_alter
- $render = array();
- $render['#id'] = 'user_display_users';
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/css/admin.css");
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("user") . "/css/user.css");
- if (@$_REQUEST['clear_filters'] == 'true') {
- // Meaning, a letter was specified, so let's reset the filter values.
- unset($_SESSION['users_filter_name']);
- foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $val) {
- if ($key == 'users_filter_active') continue; // we preserve the "active" filter setting
- if (strstr($key,"users_filter_")) {
- unset($_SESSION[$key]);
- }
- }
- }
- $html = "";
- $html .= "<div class='add-new-student-user'>" . l("<i class='fa fa-plus'></i> " . t("Create a new student user"), "admin/users/edit-student-user", "student_cwid=new&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "</div>";
- $letter_ranges = array(
- "A" => array("A", "AZZZZ"),
- "B" => array("B", "BZZZZ"),
- "C" => array("C", "CZZZ"),
- "D" => array("D", "DZZZZ"),
- "E" => array("E", "EZZZZ"),
- "F" => array("F", "FZZZZ"),
- "G" => array("G", "GZZZZ"),
- "H" => array("H", "HZZZZ"),
- "I" => array("I", "IZZZ"),
- "J" => array("J", "JZZZ"),
- "K" => array("K", "KZZZ"),
- "L" => array("L", "LZZZ"),
- "M" => array("M", "MZZZ"),
- "N" => array("N", "NZZZ"),
- "O" => array("O", "OZZZ"),
- "P" => array("P", "PZZZ"),
- "Q-R" => array("Q", "RZZZZ"),
- "S" => array("S", "SZZZ"),
- "T" => array("T", "TZZZZ"),
- "U" => array("U", "UZZZ"),
- "V-Z" => array("V", "ZZZZ"),
- );
- $ur = trim(@$_GET["ur"]);
- $lr = trim(@$_GET["lr"]);
- if ($ur == "" && !isset($_SESSION['users_filter_submit'])) {
- //if ($ur == "") {
- $ur = "A";
- $lr = "AZZZZZ"; // first time through.
- }
- // If we are going by filters, show that as option and select it.
- if (isset($_SESSION['users_filter_submit'])) {
- $letter_ranges[t(" - Filter -")] = array("filter", "filter");
- }
- $html .= "<div class='user-select-letter-bar' style='padding-top: 20px;'>
- ";
- foreach($letter_ranges as $disp => $vals) {
- $selected_class = "";
- if ($ur == $vals[0]) {
- $selected_class = "selected";
- }
- if ($vals[0] == 'filter') {
- $selected_class = "selected";
- $html .= "<a href='javascript:void(0);' class='admin-courses-letter-link filter-indicator $selected_class'>$disp</a> ";
- continue;
- }
- $html .= l($disp, "admin/users/students", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year&clear_filters=true&ur=" . $vals[0] . "&lr=" . $vals[1], array("class" => "admin-courses-letter-link $selected_class")) . " ";
- }
- $html .= "</div>";
- $render['upper_links'] = array(
- 'value' => $html,
- );
- if ($ur == "")
- { // meaning, no range was set. Use A - C
- $ur = @$_SESSION["ur"];
- $lr = @$_SESSION["lr"];
- if ($ur == "")
- { // if still blank, assign it..
- $ur = "A";
- $lr = "AZZZZ";
- }
- }
- $_SESSION["ur"] = $ur;
- $_SESSION["lr"] = $lr;
- $mark = "";
- $mark .= "<div class='degrees-filter'>";
- $mark .= fp_render_form("user_student_list_filter_form");
- $mark .= "</div>";
- $render['users_filter'] = array(
- 'value' => $mark,
- );
- $extra_where_conditions = "";
- $params = array();
- $params[":ur"] = $ur;
- $params[":lr"] = $lr;
- if (isset($_SESSION['users_filter_submit'])) {
- // We clicked to filter, so the letter range should be ignored.
- $params[":ur"] = "A";
- $params[":lr"] = "ZZZZZZZZZZZZ";
- }
- $filter_name = @trim($_SESSION['users_filter_name']);
- $filter_school = @intval($_SESSION['users_filter_school']);
- $filter_major = @trim($_SESSION['users_filter_major']);
- $filter_active = @trim($_SESSION['users_filter_active']);
- if ($filter_name) {
- $extra_where_conditions .= " AND (l_name LIKE :search1 OR f_name LIKE :search2 OR u.cwid LIKE :search3) ";
- $params[":search1"] = "%$filter_name%";
- $params[":search2"] = "%$filter_name%";
- $params[":search3"] = "%$filter_name%";
- // If we are searching by name, then we do not care about what letters we selected.
- $params[":ur"] = "A";
- $params[":lr"] = "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ";
- }
- $extra_where_conditions .= " AND u.school_id = :school_id ";
- $params[":school_id"] = $filter_school;
- if ($filter_major != '') {
- $extra_where_conditions .= " AND major_code = :major_code ";
- $params[":major_code"] = $filter_major;
- }
- if ($filter_active) {
- $vals = array();
- if ($filter_active == 'active') {
- $vals[] = 1;
- }
- if ($filter_active == 'inactive') {
- $vals[] = 0;
- }
- if ($filter_active == 'all') {
- $vals = array(1, 0);
- }
- $extra_where_conditions .= " AND is_active IN (" . join(",", $vals) . ") ";
- }
- watchdog("user", "Viewed admin student user list. Range: $ur - $lr. Name: $filter_name. Major: $filter_major. Active: $filter_active. School: $filter_school", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
- $html = "";
- $html .= "
- <table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' class='user-list'>
- <tr>
- <th width='5%'>Actions</th>
- <th>CWID</th>
- <th>Name</th>
- <th></th>
- <th>Major code(s)</th>
- <th>Active?</th>
- <th>Last Login</th>
- </tr>
- ";
- $render['users_table_top'] = array(
- 'value' => $html,
- );
- $limit = 30;
- $result = pager_query("SELECT * FROM (users u, students s)
- LEFT JOIN student_degrees d ON (s.cwid = d.student_id)
- u.is_student = 1
- AND u.cwid = s.cwid
- AND l_name BETWEEN :ur AND :lr
- $extra_where_conditions
- GROUP BY u.cwid
- ORDER BY l_name, f_name
- ", $params, $limit, 0, NULL, "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(u.cwid))");
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($result)) {
- $user_id = $cur["user_id"];
- $l_name = trim(ucwords(strtolower($cur["l_name"])));
- $f_name = trim(ucwords(strtolower($cur["f_name"])));
- $student_cwid = trim($cur["cwid"]);
- //$disp_major_code = trim($cur["major_code"]);
- $disp_major_code = join(", ", $db->get_student_majors_from_db($student_cwid, FALSE, FALSE));
- $is_active = ($cur["is_active"] == "1") ? "Y" : "N";
- $last_login = intval($cur['last_login']);
- if ($last_login == 0) {
- $last_login = t("Never");
- }
- else {
- $last_login = format_date(convert_time($last_login), 'short');
- }
- $ast = "";
- $reason = "";
- $fgcol = "black";
- $render['user_row_' . $student_cwid] = array(
- 'value' => "<tr class='is-active-$is_active'>
- <td valign='top'>" . l("<i class='fa fa-pencil' title='Edit'></i>", "admin/users/edit-student-user", "student_cwid=$student_cwid&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "</td>
- <td valign='top' width='15%'>$student_cwid</td>
- <td valign='top' width='15%'>$f_name</td>
- <td valign='top' width='15%'>$l_name</td>
- <td valign='top'>$disp_major_code</td>
- <td valign='top'>$is_active</td>
- <td valign='top'>$last_login</td>
- </tr>",
- 'data' => array(
- 'is_student' => 1,
- 'cwid' => $student_cwid,
- 'db_row' => $cur,
- ),
- );
- } // while
- $render['users_table_bottom'] = array(
- 'value' => "</table>",
- );
- $render['users_pager'] = array(
- 'value' => theme_pager(),
- );
- $rtn = fp_render_content($render);
- return $rtn;
- }
- function user_student_list_filter_form() {
- $form = array();
- $form['mark_top'] = array(
- 'type' => 'markup',
- 'value' => "<strong>" . t('Filter by...') . "</strong>",
- 'weight' => 0,
- );
- $form['de_catalog_year'] = array(
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'value' => @$_REQUEST['de_catalog_year'],
- );
- $filter_name_value = @trim($_SESSION['users_filter_name']);
- $form['filter_name'] = array(
- 'type' => 'textfield',
- 'label' => '',
- 'attributes' => array("placeholder" => t("Name or CWID")),
- 'value' => $filter_name_value,
- 'size' => 20,
- 'weight' => 10,
- );
- // Show list of majors (which are also in FlightPath, and in the selected school, if any)
- $options = array();
- $test_school_id = @intval($_SESSION['users_filter_school']);
- $test_school_options = array();
- if (module_enabled('schools')) {
- $test_school_options = schools_get_schools_for_fapi(TRUE, TRUE, 'user', TRUE);
- }
- $res = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT(b.major_code) FROM students a, student_degrees b, `degrees` c
- WHERE a.cwid = b.student_id
- AND b.major_code = c.major_code
- AND school_id = ?
- ORDER BY b.major_code ", array($test_school_id));
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- if (trim($cur["major_code"]) == "")
- {// skip if blank
- continue;
- }
- if (count($test_school_options) <= 1) {
- $options[$cur['major_code']] = trim(ucwords($cur["major_code"]));
- }
- else {
- $options[$test_school_options[$test_school_id]][$cur['major_code']] = trim(ucwords($cur["major_code"]));
- }
- }
- $filter_major_value = @trim($_SESSION['users_filter_major']);
- $form['filter_major'] = array(
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'label' => t('Major:'),
- 'options' => $options,
- 'value' => $filter_major_value,
- 'weight' => 20,
- );
- // Show list of active/inactive options
- $options = array();
- $options['active'] = t('Show Active');
- $options['inactive'] = t('Show Inactive');
- $options['all'] = t('Show All');
- $filter_active_value = @$_SESSION['users_filter_active'];
- $form['filter_active'] = array(
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'label' => t('Active:'),
- 'options' => $options,
- 'hide_please_select' => TRUE,
- 'value' => $filter_active_value,
- 'weight' => 30,
- );
- // If we have enabled the schools module, then have a selector for that as well
- if (module_enabled('schools')) {
- $filter_school_value = @intval($_SESSION['users_filter_school']);
- $options = schools_get_schools_for_fapi(TRUE, TRUE, 'user', TRUE);
- $options[0] = t('- Default -');
- $form['filter_school'] = array(
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'label' => t('School:'),
- 'options' => $options,
- 'value' => $filter_school_value,
- 'weight' => 40,
- 'hide_please_select' => TRUE,
- );
- } // if schools enabled
- $form['submit_btn'] = array(
- 'type' => 'submit',
- 'value' => t('Apply'),
- 'weight' => 100,
- );
- $form['reset_btn'] = array(
- 'type' => 'submit',
- 'value' => t('Reset'),
- 'weight' => 110,
- );
- return $form;
- }
- function user_student_list_filter_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- $values = $form_state['values'];
- unset($_SESSION['users_filter_name']);
- unset($_SESSION['users_filter_school']);
- unset($_SESSION['users_filter_major']);
- unset($_SESSION['users_filter_active']);
- unset($_SESSION['users_filter_submit']);
- if ($values['submit_btn'] != '') {
- $_SESSION['users_filter_name'] = trim($values['filter_name']);
- $_SESSION['users_filter_school'] = $values['filter_school'];
- $_SESSION['users_filter_major'] = $values['filter_major'];
- $_SESSION['users_filter_active'] = $values['filter_active'];
- $_SESSION['users_filter_submit'] = "yes"; // simply notes that we did indeed press the submit btn.
- // If "active" was the only one changed, then we do not set this users_filter_submit
- if (trim($values['filter_name']) == "" && intval($values['filter_school']) == 0 && $values['filter_major'] == "") {
- unset($_SESSION['users_filter_submit']);
- }
- }
- fp_goto("admin/users/students", "de_catalog_year=" . $values['de_catalog_year']);
- }
- /**
- * This is the form which we will use to manage a student's courses they've taken.
- */
- function user_student_edit_student_courses_form() {
- fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("user") . "/js/user.js");
- $m = 0;
- $form = array();
- $student_cwid = $_REQUEST["student_cwid"]; // now getting it from argument
- $user_id = db_get_user_id_from_cwid($student_cwid, "student");
- $de_catalog_year = @$_REQUEST["de_catalog_year"];
- // Figure out what the page's sub-tabs should be, and set them.
- $tab_array = array();
- $tab_array[0]["title"] = t("Edit Student");
- $tab_array[0]["active"] = FALSE;
- $tab_array[0]["on_click"] = "window.location=\"" . fp_url("admin/users/edit-student-user", "student_cwid=$student_cwid&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "\"";
- $tab_array[1]["title"] = t("Edit Student Courses");
- $tab_array[1]["active"] = TRUE;
- $tab_array[1]["on_click"] = "window.location=\"" . fp_url("admin/users/edit-student-user/courses", "student_cwid=$student_cwid&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "\"";
- // If there are attributes for a student, then show the tab.
- $attributes = user_get_registered_attributes();
- foreach ($attributes as $def) {
- if (@$def['settings']['user_type'] == 'student' || @$def['settings']['user_type'] == 'all') {
- $tab_array[2]["title"] = t("Edit User Attributes");
- $tab_array[2]["active"] = FALSE;
- $tab_array[2]["on_click"] = "window.location=\"" . fp_url("admin/users/edit-student-user/attributes", "user_id=$user_id&user_type=student&student_cwid=$student_cwid&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "\"";
- break;
- }
- }
- fp_set_page_sub_tabs($tab_array);
- if ($student_cwid != "new") {
- $name = fp_get_student_name($student_cwid);
- fp_set_title(t("Edit Student Courses @name (@id)", array("@name" => $name, "@id" => $student_cwid)));
- }
- else {
- // A new student! We can't create a new student until a CWID is assigned.
- fp_set_title(t("Create New Student User"));
- $form["mark_sorry"] = array(
- "type" => "markup",
- "value" => "<p>" . t("Sorry, but you cannot add student courses until the student
- has been fully created (and given a CWID). Use the Edit Student button above
- to return to that screen.") . "</p>",
- );
- return $form;
- }
- $form["user_id"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $user_id,
- );
- $form["perform_action2"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => "",
- );
- $form["student_cwid"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $student_cwid,
- );
- // Okay, let's create a table in which we will place the student's courses.
- $form["mark" . $m++] = array(
- "value" => "<p>
- " . ("Enter the student's local (non-transfer) courses they have enrolled in at your institution.") . "
- <ul>
- <li>" . t("Course: Enter the full course subject ID and num, separated by a space. Ex: ACCT 101") . "</li>
- <li>" . t("Term: Enter the term code that this student enrolled in this course. Ex: 201540") . "</li>
- <li>" . t("Grade: Enter the grade they earned. Ex: B") . "</li>
- <li>" . t("Hrs: Enter the hours awarded. Ex: 3") . "</li>
- <li>" . t("Lvl: (optional), enter the level code for this course. Ex: UG") . "</li>
- </ul>
- " . t("<b>Note:</b> If you have any routines which might overwrite this data (in the student_courses table), then this
- data may be ignored or deleted!") . "
- </p>",
- );
- $form["warn_me"] = array(
- "type" => "checkbox",
- "label" => t("Warn me if I enter a course which doesn't exist in draft_courses (good for catching typos)"),
- "value" => "yes",
- );
- $form["mark" . $m++] = array(
- "value" => "
- <table border='0' width='100%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0'>
- <tr>
- <th>" . t("Course") . "</th>
- <th>" . t("Term") . "</th>
- <th>" . t("Grade") . "</th>
- <th>" . t("Hrs") . "</th>
- <th>" . t("Lvl") . "</th>
- </tr>",
- );
- // Let's get an array of what courses the student has already taken (if any)
- $courses = array();
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM student_courses
- WHERE student_id = '?'
- ORDER BY subject_id, course_num", $student_cwid);
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $courses[] = array(
- "course" => $cur["subject_id"] . " " . $cur["course_num"],
- "term" => $cur["term_id"],
- "grade" => $cur["grade"],
- "hrs" => $cur["hours_awarded"] * 1, // will trim excess zeroes if there
- "lvl" => $cur["level_code"],
- );
- }
- // Let's add 10 additional (blank) lines to the courses array.
- for ($t = 0; $t < 10; $t++) {
- $courses[] = array(
- "course" => "",
- "term" => "",
- "grade" => "",
- "hrs" => "",
- "lvl" => "",
- );
- }
- // Okay, now let's go through the courses array and display in the table...
- $stripe = "";
- foreach ($courses as $t => $val) {
- if ($stripe == "") {
- $stripe = "style='background-color: beige;'";
- }
- else {
- $stripe = "";
- }
- $form["course_$t"] = array(
- "prefix" => "<tr $stripe >
- <td valign='top'>",
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 12,
- "suffix" => "</td>",
- "value" => $val["course"],
- );
- $form["term_$t"] = array(
- "prefix" => "<td valign='top'>",
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 8,
- "suffix" => "</td>",
- "value" => $val["term"],
- );
- $form["grade_$t"] = array(
- "prefix" => "<td valign='top'>",
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 4,
- "suffix" => "</td>",
- "value" => $val["grade"],
- );
- $form["hrs_$t"] = array(
- "prefix" => "<td valign='top'>",
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 4,
- "suffix" => "</td>",
- "value" => $val["hrs"],
- );
- $form["lvl_$t"] = array(
- "prefix" => "<td valign='top'>",
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 4,
- "suffix" => "</td>
- </tr>",
- "value" => $val["lvl"],
- );
- } // for loop
- $form["number_of_courses"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => count($courses),
- );
- // close table.
- $form["mark" . $m++] = array(
- "value" => "</table>
- <p>" . t("Rows without Course entered will be skipped.
- <br><br><b>Note:</b> To add more blank rows, save your work. When the page reloads, there will be additional
- blank rows to add new courses.") . "</p>",
- );
- $form["submit_btn"] = array(
- "type" => "submit",
- "value" => "Submit",
- );
- return $form;
- } // user_student_edit_student_courses_form
- function user_student_edit_student_courses_form_validate($form, $form_state) {
- // If the user requested it, check to see if the course exists (in the draft_courses table)
- if ($form_state["values"]["warn_me"] === TRUE) {
- // Yes, the user wants to be warned if they entered a course which doesn't exist.
- $number_of_courses = intval($form_state["values"]["number_of_courses"]);
- for ($t = 0; $t < $number_of_courses; $t++) {
- $course = trim($form_state["values"]["course_$t"]);
- if ($course == "") continue;
- $temp = explode(" ", $course);
- $subject_id = trim($temp[0]);
- $course_num = trim($temp[1]);
- // Check to see that this course exists.
- $res = db_query("SELECT subject_id FROM draft_courses
- WHERE subject_id = '?'
- AND course_num = '?' ", $subject_id, $course_num);
- $cur = db_fetch_array($res);
- if ($cur["subject_id"] != $subject_id) {
- form_error("course_$t", t("The course %subject_id %course_num could not be found in the draft_courses table. A typo? Your data has NOT been saved.",
- array("%subject_id" => $subject_id, "%course_num" => $course_num)));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function user_student_edit_student_courses_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- $student_id = $form_state["values"]["student_cwid"];
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- // Erase what's there already:
- db_query("DELETE FROM student_courses WHERE student_id = '?' ", $student_id);
- $school_id = $db->get_school_id_for_student_id($student_id);
- $number_of_courses = intval($form_state["values"]["number_of_courses"]);
- for ($t = 0; $t < $number_of_courses; $t++) {
- $course = trim($form_state["values"]["course_$t"]);
- if ($course == "") continue;
- $temp = explode(" ", $course);
- $subject_id = trim($temp[0]);
- $course_num = trim($temp[1]);
- $course_id = intval($db->get_course_id($subject_id, $course_num, "", FALSE, $school_id));
- $term_id = trim($form_state["values"]["term_$t"]);
- $grade = trim($form_state["values"]["grade_$t"]);
- $hours_awarded = trim($form_state["values"]["hrs_$t"]);
- $level_code = trim($form_state["values"]["lvl_$t"]);
- // Add to table
- db_query("INSERT INTO student_courses (student_id, subject_id, course_num, hours_awarded, grade, term_id, level_code, course_id)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", array($student_id, $subject_id, $course_num, $hours_awarded, $grade, $term_id, $level_code, $course_id));
- }
- watchdog("user_edit_courses", "Update student (@cwid) courses values: @other", array("@cwid" => $student_id, "@other" => ppm($form_state['values'], TRUE)));
- fp_add_message(t("Student courses updated."));
- } // student_courses_form_submit
- /**
- * Let the user edit a studentuser's information.
- */
- function user_edit_student_user_form() {
- fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("user") . "/js/user.js");
- $form = array();
- $m = 0;
- $student_cwid = @$_REQUEST["student_cwid"]; // now getting it from argument
- $de_catalog_year = @$_REQUEST["de_catalog_year"];
- $user_id = db_get_user_id_from_cwid($student_cwid, "student");
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- // Figure out what the page's sub-tabs should be, and set them.
- $tab_array = array();
- $tab_array[0]["title"] = t("Edit Student");
- $tab_array[0]["active"] = TRUE;
- $tab_array[0]["on_click"] = "window.location=\"" . fp_url("admin/users/edit-student-user", "student_cwid=$student_cwid&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "\"";
- $tab_array[1]["title"] = t("Edit Student Courses");
- $tab_array[1]["active"] = FALSE;
- $tab_array[1]["on_click"] = "window.location=\"" . fp_url("admin/users/edit-student-user/courses", "student_cwid=$student_cwid&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "\"";
- // If there are attributes for a student, then show the tab.
- $attributes = user_get_registered_attributes();
- foreach ($attributes as $def) {
- if (@$def['settings']['user_type'] == 'student' || @$def['settings']['user_type'] == 'all') {
- $tab_array[2]["title"] = t("Edit User Attributes");
- $tab_array[2]["active"] = FALSE;
- $tab_array[2]["on_click"] = "window.location=\"" . fp_url("admin/users/edit-student-user/attributes", "user_id=$user_id&user_type=student&student_cwid=$student_cwid&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "\"";
- break;
- }
- }
- fp_set_page_sub_tabs($tab_array);
- if ($student_cwid != "new") {
- $name = fp_get_student_name($student_cwid);
- fp_set_title(t("Edit Student User @name (@id)", array("@name" => $name, "@id" => $student_cwid)));
- }
- else {
- // A new student!
- fp_set_title(t("Create New Student User"));
- }
- $form["user_id"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $user_id,
- );
- $form["perform_action2"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => "",
- );
- $form["student_cwid"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $student_cwid,
- );
- // TODO: At the moment, only faculty can be assigned roles in FP. However, this could change
- // one day, so I am going to leave this code in place for students, but commented out.
- /*
- $user_roles = system_get_roles_for_user($user_id);
- //fpm($user_roles);
- $default_values = array();
- foreach ($user_roles as $rid => $val) {
- $default_values[$rid] = $rid;
- }
- // Show a list of roles in the system which we may select from, and check the ones
- // all ready assigned to this user.
- $options = array();
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM roles ORDER BY rid");
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $key = $cur["rid"];
- $value = $cur["name"];
- if ($key > 2) {
- $options[$key] = $value;
- }
- }
- //fpm($default_values);
- $form["roles"] = array(
- "label" => t("Check which roles this user should have."),
- "type" => "checkboxes",
- "options" => $options,
- "value" => $default_values,
- );
- */
- // Let's present the form elements to allow some basic editing of this user.
- // Only if we are making a new student...
- if ($student_cwid == "new") {
- $form["new_student_cwid"] = array(
- "label" => t("Enter a new CWID, unique to students:"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 20,
- "required" => TRUE,
- "description" => t("Enter an alpha-numeric ID for this student. It may be the same
- as a faculty member, but may not be the same as any existing
- student. You will not be able to edit this value, once saved."),
- "weight" => 10,
- );
- $form["new_user_name"] = array(
- "label" => t("Enter a new username, unique to all users:"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 20,
- "required" => TRUE,
- "description" => t("Enter a username for this user. This is what the user will
- use to log in. It must be unique to all users (cannot have both
- a faculty and a student with the same username). You will not
- be able to edit this value, once saved."),
- "weight" => 10,
- );
- $cur = array();
- }
- else {
- // NOT a new student. Load their information normally.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM users u, students s
- WHERE u.cwid = '?'
- AND u.is_student = '1'
- AND u.cwid = s.cwid", $student_cwid);
- $cur = db_fetch_array($res);
- }
- $user_name = @$cur["user_name"];
- if ($user_name != "") {
- $form["mark" . $m++] = array(
- "value" => "<p><b>Username:</b> $user_name</p>",
- );
- }
- $form["new_password"] = array(
- "label" => t("Enter a new password for this user:"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 20,
- "required" => ($student_cwid == "new") ? TRUE : FALSE,
- "description" => t("If you enter any value here, it will change the
- user's password in FlightPath. If you are using a single-sign-on or similar module (CAS, SAML, LDAP, etc)
- for external user password management, the password will be <strong>unaffected</strong> by this setting."),
- "weight" => 20,
- );
- $form["email"] = array(
- "label" => t("Email:"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "value" => @$cur["email"],
- "weight" => 30,
- );
- $form["f_name"] = array(
- "label" => t("First name:"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "value" => @$cur["f_name"],
- "weight" => 40,
- );
- $form["l_name"] = array(
- "label" => t("Last name:"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "value" => @$cur["l_name"],
- "weight" => 50,
- );
- $form["is_disabled"] = array(
- "label" => t("Is disabled:"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "value" => @$cur["is_disabled"],
- "size" => 5,
- "description" => t("Enter only 1 or 0 (number one for 'yes', or number zero for 'no'). This setting means the user will
- be ignored by FlightPath, and they will not be able to log in or be searched for.
- It is safer to disable a user, than delete them."),
- "weight" => 60,
- );
- // Unique to students...
- $form["cumulative_hours"] = array(
- "label" => t("Cumulative hours:"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "value" => @$cur["cumulative_hours"],
- "size" => 5,
- "description" => t("How many hours has the student earned? NOTE: If FlightPath is set to
- calculate this, rather than read from the database, whatever you enter here
- will be ignored, and instead this value will be calculated on the fly when
- the student is loaded."),
- "weight" => 70,
- );
- $form["gpa"] = array(
- "label" => t("GPA:"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "value" => @$cur["gpa"],
- "size" => 5,
- "description" => t("What is the student's GPA? NOTE: If FlightPath is set to
- calculate this, rather than read from the database, whatever you enter here
- will be ignored, and instead this value will be calculated on the fly when
- the student is loaded."),
- "weight" => 80,
- );
- $form["rank_code"] = array(
- "label" => t("Rank or Classification:"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "value" => @$cur["rank_code"],
- "size" => 5,
- "description" => t("For example, FR, SO, JR, SR, GR for Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior, and Graduate.") . "
- <br><b>" . t("Important:") . "</b> " . t("You must enter a code from the Allowed Student Ranks field
- on the System Settings form. For example, FR. If you do not do this, you will not be able to search
- for this student in FlightPath.") . "<br> " . t("Current value for Allowed Student Ranks:") . "
- <i>" . variable_get("allowed_student_ranks", "") . "</i>",
- "weight" => 90,
- );
- $major_code_array = $db->get_student_majors_from_db($student_cwid, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
- $temp = "";
- foreach ($major_code_array as $details) {
- if ((string)$details["is_editable"] == "1") {
- $temp .= "* ";
- }
- $temp .= $details["major_code"] . "\n";
- }
- $form["major_codes"] = array(
- "label" => t("Major code(s) and Directives:"),
- "type" => "textarea",
- "value" => $temp,
- "cols" => 40,
- "rows" => 5,
- "description" => t("Enter the student's major codes, one per line.
- <br>Ex:
- <br> ACCT
- <br> MATH
- <br>Advanced: If any of the level 3 (add-on) major codes can be 'editable' by the advisor or another
- privileged user during normal advising, add an asterisk
- at the beginning. For example: <b>*</b> ACCT|_COSC. If you are unsure what this means, do not enter an asterisk.
- <br>
- <br>Available directives (advanced):
- <ul>
- <li>LOCKED ~ level_3_class_code
- <ul>
- <li>
- This will tell FlightPath not to allow a user to make any changes (except in What If mode) to this student's degrees for the specified
- level 3 classification. For example, to prevent additions or removals from Concentrations (CONC) for this student, you would enter:
- <br> LOCKED ~ CONC
- <br>(notice the single tilde ~ character between the LOCKED keyword and the code for the degree class).
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- "),
- "weight" => 100,
- );
- $form["catalog_year"] = array(
- "label" => t("Catalog year:"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "value" => @$cur["catalog_year"],
- "size" => 10,
- "description" => t("Only the leading year is used. For example, for the
- catalog year 2008-2009, you would just enter 2008."),
- "weight" => 110,
- );
- $form["is_active"] = array(
- "label" => t("Active?:"),
- "type" => "select",
- "options" => array(1 => t("Y - Active"), 0 => t("N - Inactive")),
- "hide_please_select" => TRUE,
- "value" => @$cur["is_active"],
- "size" => 5,
- "description" => t("This setting means the student
- will not appear in searches automatically, unless the advisor specifies to search
- for inactive students."),
- "weight" => 120,
- );
- $form["submit"] = array(
- "type" => "submit",
- "value" => "Submit",
- "prefix" => "<hr>",
- "weight" => 500,
- );
- if ($student_cwid != "new" && user_has_permission("delete_users")) {
- $form["mark" . $m++] = array(
- "type" => "markup",
- "value" => "<div align='right'>
- " . t("Delete this student?") . " <input type='button' value='X'
- onClick='userDeleteStudent();'>
- </div>",
- "weight" => 600,
- );
- }
- return $form;
- }
- /**
- * Validate handler for editing student users.
- */
- function user_edit_student_user_form_validate($form, $form_state) {
- $values = $form_state["values"];
- // If a password was given, make sure it is appropriate.
- if (trim($values["new_password"]) != "") {
- if (strlen(trim($values["new_password"])) < 5) {
- form_error("new_password", t("Please enter a password that is at least 5 characters long."));
- return;
- }
- }
- // If creating a new user, make sure new_student_cwid and new_user_name are not
- // already in use.
- if ($values["student_cwid"] == "new") {
- $new_cwid = trim($values["new_student_cwid"]);
- $new_user_name = trim($values["new_user_name"]);
- // Check that username is at least 4 characters
- if (strlen($new_user_name) < 4) {
- form_error("new_user_name", t("The username you entered is too short. It must be at least 4 characters.
- Please select a different username."));
- return;
- }
- // Check cwid isn't already in use.
- $test = db_result(db_query("SELECT cwid FROM users WHERE cwid = '?' AND is_student = '1'", $new_cwid));
- if ($test == $new_cwid) {
- form_error("new_student_cwid", t("The cwid you entered is already in use. Please select a different cwid."));
- return;
- }
- // Check user_name isn't already in use.
- $test = db_result(db_query("SELECT user_name FROM users WHERE user_name = '?' ", $new_user_name));
- if ($test == $new_user_name) {
- form_error("new_user_name", t("The username you entered is already in use. Please select a different username."));
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Submit handler for editing student users.
- */
- function user_edit_student_user_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- $values = $form_state["values"];
- foreach ($values as $key => $val) {
- if (!is_array($val)) {
- $values[$key] = trim($val);
- }
- }
- //fpm($values);
- $user_id = $values["user_id"];
- $student_cwid = $values["student_cwid"];
- // Are we supposed to DELETE a student?
- if ($values["perform_action2"] == "delete_student" && user_has_permission("delete_users")) {
- db_query("DELETE FROM students WHERE cwid = '?' ", $student_cwid);
- db_query("DELETE FROM users WHERE cwid = '?' AND is_student = '1' ", $student_cwid);
- watchdog("user_edit", "Deleted student user $user_id (cwid $student_cwid)");
- fp_add_message(t("User has been deleted."));
- fp_goto("admin/users/students");
- return;
- }
- $bool_is_new = FALSE;
- if ($student_cwid != "new") {
- // NOT a new student! Insert values normally.
- // First-- was there a password given? If so, insert that separate.
- if (trim($values["new_password"]) != "") {
- $new_pass = user_hash_password(trim($values["new_password"]));
- db_query("UPDATE users
- SET password = '?'
- WHERE cwid = '?'
- AND is_student = '1' ", $new_pass, $student_cwid);
- unset($values['new_password']);
- watchdog("user_edit", "Update student user with cwid @cwid with new password", array("@cwid" => $student_cwid));
- }
- // Okay, now we can just update everything else.
- // Update users table first...
- db_query("UPDATE users
- SET email = '?',
- f_name = '?',
- l_name = '?',
- is_disabled = '?'
- WHERE cwid = '?'
- AND is_student = '1' ", trim(strtolower($values["email"])), $values["f_name"],
- $values["l_name"], $values["is_disabled"],
- $student_cwid);
- // Now, update the students table entry.
- db_query("UPDATE students
- SET cumulative_hours = '?',
- gpa = '?',
- rank_code = '?',
- catalog_year = '?',
- is_active = '?'
- WHERE cwid = '?'", $values["cumulative_hours"], $values["gpa"], $values["rank_code"],
- $values["catalog_year"],
- $values["is_active"], $student_cwid);
- watchdog("user_edit", "Update student user with various values: @other", array("@other" => ppm($values, TRUE)));
- fp_add_message(t("User updated successfully."));
- }
- else {
- // This is a NEW user! We need to perform inserts. Thanks to our validate handler,
- // we know all of the values we have are valid.
- $bool_is_new = TRUE;
- if (trim($values["l_name"]) == "") {
- $values["l_name"] = $values["new_user_name"]; // force a last name if none supplied
- }
- db_query("INSERT INTO users (user_name, password, is_student, email, cwid, f_name, l_name, is_disabled)
- VALUES ('?', '?', '1', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?')
- ", $values["new_user_name"], user_hash_password($values["new_password"]), trim(strtolower($values["email"])), $values["new_student_cwid"],
- $values["f_name"], $values["l_name"], intval($values["is_disabled"]));
- db_query("INSERT INTO students (cwid, cumulative_hours, gpa, rank_code, catalog_year, is_active)
- VALUES ('?', '?', '?', '?', '?', '?')
- ", $values["new_student_cwid"], $values["cumulative_hours"], $values["gpa"], $values["rank_code"],
- $values["catalog_year"], intval($values["is_active"]));
- fp_add_message(t("User created successfully."));
- $student_cwid = $values["new_student_cwid"];
- unset($values['new_password']);
- watchdog("user_edit", "Create new student user with various values: @other", array("@other" => ppm($values, TRUE)));
- }
- // Now, regardless if this was a new student or not, we need to update the student_degrees table.
- // First, delete what's there for this CWID.
- db_query("DELETE FROM student_degrees WHERE student_id = ?", $student_cwid);
- // Now, insert.
- $temp = explode("\n", $values["major_codes"]);
- foreach ($temp as $mc) {
- $mc = trim($mc);
- if ($mc == "") continue;
- $is_editable = "0";
- if (strstr($mc, "*")) {
- $is_editable = "1";
- $mc = trim(str_replace("*", "", $mc)); // remove the asterisk.
- }
- // Now, insert into the table.
- db_query("INSERT INTO student_degrees (student_id, major_code, is_editable)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?) ", array($student_cwid, $mc, $is_editable));
- }
- if ($bool_is_new) {
- // If new, we need to go to the regular edit form for this newly created student.
- fp_goto("admin/users/edit-student-user", "student_cwid=" . $values["new_student_cwid"]);
- }
- // If not new, it just reloads the form normally.
- }
Name | Description |
user_display_student_users | Similar to user_display_users, except only for student users. |
user_edit_student_user_form | Let the user edit a studentuser's information. |
user_edit_student_user_form_submit | Submit handler for editing student users. |
user_edit_student_user_form_validate | Validate handler for editing student users. |
user_student_edit_student_courses_form | This is the form which we will use to manage a student's courses they've taken. |
user_student_edit_student_courses_form_submit | |
user_student_edit_student_courses_form_validate | |
user_student_list_filter_form | |
user_student_list_filter_form_submit |