function DatabaseHandler::get_student_majors_from_db
Search API
7.x DatabaseHandler.php | DatabaseHandler::get_student_majors_from_db($student_cwid, $bool_return_as_full_record = FALSE, $perform_join_with_degrees = TRUE, $bool_skip_directives = TRUE, $bool_check_for_allow_dynamic = TRUE) |
6.x DatabaseHandler.php | DatabaseHandler::get_student_majors_from_db($student_cwid, $bool_return_as_full_record = FALSE, $perform_join_with_degrees = TRUE, $bool_skip_directives = TRUE, $bool_check_for_allow_dynamic = TRUE) |
Returns an array (or CSV string) of major_codes from the student_degrees table for this student.
If bool_check_for_allow_dynaic is TRUE, it means that, if the student has more than one degree returned, we will make sure that they all have allow_dynamic = TRUE. If they do not, we will use the first is_editable degree we find ONLY. We do this because that means the student had a situation like we see in FlightPath 4x, where only one degree may be selected at a time, and the is_editiable degree is the track/option they selected.
- classes/
DatabaseHandler.php, line 1384
function get_student_majors_from_db($student_cwid, $bool_return_as_full_record = FALSE, $perform_join_with_degrees = TRUE, $bool_skip_directives = TRUE, $bool_check_for_allow_dynamic = TRUE) {
// Looks in the student_degrees table and returns an array of major codes.
$rtn = array();
// Keep track of degrees which have is_editable set to 1.
$is_editable_true = array();
$is_editable_false = array();
if ($perform_join_with_degrees) {
$catalog_year = $this->get_student_catalog_year($student_cwid);
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM student_degrees a, degrees b
WHERE student_id = ?
AND a.major_code = b.major_code
AND b.catalog_year = ?
ORDER BY b.advising_weight, b.major_code
", $student_cwid, $catalog_year);
else {
// No need to join with degrees table...
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM student_degrees a
WHERE student_id = ?
ORDER BY major_code
", $student_cwid);
while ($cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res)) {
if ($bool_skip_directives && strstr($cur ["major_code"], "~")) {
if ($bool_return_as_full_record) {
$rtn [$cur ["major_code"]] = $cur;
else {
$rtn [$cur ["major_code"]] = $cur ["major_code"];
if ($bool_check_for_allow_dynamic && !isset($cur ['allow_dynamic']) && isset($cur ['degree_id'])) {
$cur ['allow_dynamic'] = $this->get_degree_allow_dynamic($cur ['degree_id']);
if ($cur ['is_editable'] == 1) {
$is_editable_true [] = $cur;
else {
$is_editable_false [] = $cur;
if ($bool_check_for_allow_dynamic && count($rtn) > 1) {
// This means that we have more than one degree selected, and we have been asked to make sure that if any of the degrees have allow_dynamic = 0, then we will
// only select the is_editable degree.
foreach ($is_editable_false as $major) {
if (isset($major ['allow_dynamic']) && $major ['allow_dynamic'] == 0) {
// Meaning, allow dynamic is NOT allowed. So, if we have ANYTHING in is_editable_true, then use THAT, else, use THIS.
if (count($is_editable_true) > 0) {
// Only get out 1 major.
$x = $is_editable_true [0];
$new_rtn [$x ['major_code']] = $rtn [$x ['major_code']];
$rtn = $new_rtn;
else {
$x = $major;
$new_rtn [$x ['major_code']] = $rtn [$x ['major_code']];
$rtn = $new_rtn;
} // if bool_check_for_allow_dynamic
return $rtn;