function convert_time
Search API
7.x | convert_time($time_to_convert = 0, $start_timezone_string = "UTC", $end_timezone_string = NULL, $date_format = null) |
6.x | convert_time($time_to_convert = 0, $start_timezone_string = "UTC", $end_timezone_string = NULL, $date_format = null) |
The point of this function is to convert between UTC (what we expect all times to start with.). If we're coming from the the database or a time() function, it's UTC. The "end_timezone_string" should be the user's preferred timezone.
if end_timezone_string == null, then we will use the user's selected timezone. If that isn't set, we use they system's.
As a convenenience, if the data_format we will get back a formatted date. Otherwise we'll get back a timestamp.
39 calls to convert_time()
- admin_display_watchdog in modules/
admin/ admin.module - admin_display_watchdog_entry in modules/
admin/ admin.module - Display the details of a particular watchdog entry, specified by its table id.
- advise_display_history in modules/
advise/ - Displays the history tab on screen.
- advise_popup_display_summary in modules/
advise/ - Displays the printable advising summary.
- alerts_display_advisee_activities_page in modules/
alerts/ alerts.module - Display all advisee activities since the beginning of time, thanks to pager query.
- includes/, line 320 - This file contains misc functions for FlightPath
function convert_time($time_to_convert = 0, $start_timezone_string = "UTC", $end_timezone_string = NULL, $date_format = null) {
// We require a start time
if (empty($time_to_convert)) {
return false;
if ($end_timezone_string == NULL) {
$end_timezone_string = fp_get_user_timezone();
// If the two timezones are different, find the offset
if ($start_timezone_string != $end_timezone_string) {
// Create two timezone objects, one for the start and one for
// the end
$dateTimeZoneStart = new DateTimeZone($start_timezone_string);
$dateTimeZoneEnd = new DateTimeZone($end_timezone_string);
// Create two DateTime objects that will contain the same Unix timestamp, but
// have different timezones attached to them.
$dateTimeStart = new DateTime("now", $dateTimeZoneStart);
$dateTimeEnd = new DateTime("now", $dateTimeZoneEnd);
// Calculate the UTC offset for the date/time contained in the $dateTimeStart
// object, but using the timezone rules as defined for the end timezone ($dateTimeEnd)
$timeOffset = $dateTimeZoneEnd->getOffset($dateTimeStart);
// If we are converting FROM non-utc TO UTC, then this logic doesn't work!
// We need to basically grab the reverse logic...
if ($start_timezone_string != 'UTC' && $end_timezone_string == 'UTC') {
$x = $dateTimeZoneStart->getOffset($dateTimeEnd);
$timeOffset = -$x;
else {
// If the timezones are the same, there is no offset
$timeOffset = 0;
// Convert the time by the offset
$converted_time = $time_to_convert + $timeOffset;
// If we have no given format, just return the time
if (empty($date_format)) {
return $converted_time;
// Convert to the given date format
return date($date_format, $converted_time);