function fp_theme_location

7.x fp_theme_location($bool_include_base_path = TRUE)
6.x fp_theme_location($bool_include_base_path = TRUE)
4.x fp_theme_location($bool_include_base_path = TRUE)
5.x fp_theme_location($bool_include_base_path = TRUE)

Return the theme location

26 calls to fp_theme_location()
admin_display_edit_degree in modules/admin/
This screen displays the form which allows the user to actually edit a degree.
admin_display_groups in modules/admin/
This function will display a list of all our groups.
admin_display_groups_popup_select_icon in modules/admin/
This popup is called from the edit group page. It lets the user select an icon to assign to a group.
admin_edit_group_form in modules/admin/
This function lets the user edit a group.
advise_display_history in modules/advise/
Displays the history tab on screen.

... See full list


includes/, line 1074


function fp_theme_location($bool_include_base_path = TRUE) {

  $p = $GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["theme"];

  // The theme hasn't been set for some reason
  if ($p == "") {
    $p = "themes/classic";

  if ($bool_include_base_path) {
    $p = base_path() . "/" . $p;

  return $p;