function admin_add_degree_form_submit

7.x admin_add_degree_form_submit($form, $form_submit)
6.x admin_add_degree_form_submit($form, $form_submit)
4.x admin_add_degree_form_submit($form, $form_submit)
5.x admin_add_degree_form_submit($form, $form_submit)

Submit handler for the add_degree_form.


modules/admin/, line 388


function admin_add_degree_form_submit($form, $form_submit) {
  $values = $form_submit ["values"];

  $de_catalog_year = $values ["de_catalog_year"];
  // This will be used to add a new degree (and possibly track)
  // to the database.
  $major_code = trim(strtoupper($values ["major_code"]));
  $track_code = trim(strtoupper($values ["track_code"]));

  $new_major = $values ["new_major"];
  $new_track = $values ["new_track"];


  if ($new_track == "new" && $track_code == "") {
    form_error("track_code", t("You selected to add a track, but did not specify a track code."));

  // Make sure user did not enter an underscore (_) in either
  // the track or major code!
  if (strstr($track_code, "_") || strstr($major_code, "_")) {

    form_error("major_code", t("You are not allowed to enter underscores (_) in either the track code
                    or major code.  FlightPath will add that for you.  Please re-enter
                    your new degree without using an underscore."));


  // Return since we have errors all ready.
  if (form_has_errors()) {


  // First, deal with the major/concentration.
  // Firstly, check to see if it already exists...
  $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
          WHERE catalog_year = '?'
          AND major_code = '?' ", $de_catalog_year, $major_code);
  if (db_num_rows($res) > 0 && $new_major == "new") {
    // Meaning, it already exists, yet we are trying to add it as a new
    // major.  This is an error!
    fp_add_message(t("The major code %major_code already exists for %year.  You cannot add it as a new major.", array("%major_code" => $major_code, "%year" => $de_catalog_year)), "error");

  if (db_num_rows($res) == 0 && $new_major == "existing") {
    // This is another error.  We are trying to add a track to an existing
    // major code, but none was found.

    fp_add_message(t("The major code %major_code could not be found in the system for %year.  Perhaps you need to add it first?", array("%major_code" => $major_code, "%year" => $de_catalog_year)), "error");
  if (db_num_rows($res) == 0 && $new_major == "new") {
    // This means we are trying to add a new major to the degrees table.
    // We may proceed with this.
    $db2 = new DatabaseHandler();
    $degree_id = $db2->request_new_degree_id();
    $db2->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degrees
            (degree_id, major_code, catalog_year)
            values ('?', '?', '?') ", $degree_id, $major_code, $de_catalog_year);

  if ($new_track == "new") {
    // Now, let's see about adding ourself a track...
    // First, check to see if it exists...
    $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_tracks
          WHERE catalog_year = '?'
          AND major_code = '?' 
          AND track_code = '?' ", $de_catalog_year, $major_code, $track_code);

    if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) {
      // Meaning, it already existed, so we can't create it.      
      fp_add_message(t("The major and track code %major_code already exists for %year.  You cannot add it as a new major/track code.", array("%major_code" => "$major_code $track_code", "%year" => $de_catalog_year)), "error");

    else {
      // We can add it to the tracks table...
      $db2 = new DatabaseHandler();
      $db2->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degree_tracks
              (catalog_year, major_code, track_code)
              values ('?', '?', '?') ", $de_catalog_year, $major_code, $track_code);

      // Now, we also need to add this major & track code to the degrees table.
      $new_major_code = $major_code;
      if (strstr($major_code, "|")) {
        // Already has a pipe, so it has a concentration.
        $new_major_code .= "_$track_code";
      else {
        // No concentration...
        $new_major_code .= "|_$track_code";

      $degree_id = $db2->request_new_degree_id();
      $db2->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_degrees
            (degree_id, major_code, catalog_year)
            values ('?', '?', '?') ", $degree_id, $new_major_code, $de_catalog_year);



  // Success!  We are done.
  fp_add_message(t("The new degree %major_code was added successfully for %year.  
                      You may add another degree, or use the menu at the top of the page to return to your list
                      of degrees, so you may begin editing the degree.", array("%major_code" => "$major_code $track_code", "%year" => $de_catalog_year)));

