92 calls to get_global_database_handler()
Search API
- admin_apply_draft_changes_form_submit in modules/
admin/ admin.module - Handles the actual moving of draft courses into production.
- admin_copy_degree_form_submit in modules/
admin/ admin.degrees.inc - admin_display_groups_popup_show_group_use in modules/
admin/ admin.groups.inc - Displays a popup showing where a particular group is being used in FlightPath.
- admin_duplicate_year_form_submit in modules/
admin/ admin.module - This function should perform the actual copy of data!
- admin_edit_course_form in modules/
admin/ admin.courses.inc - This form lets the user edit details about a course.
- admin_edit_course_form_submit in modules/
admin/ admin.courses.inc - admin_edit_degree_form in modules/
admin/ admin.degrees.inc - Meant to replace the old-fashioned display_edit_degree function...
- admin_edit_degree_form_submit in modules/
admin/ admin.degrees.inc - admin_edit_degree_form_validate in modules/
admin/ admin.degrees.inc - admin_edit_group_form in modules/
admin/ admin.groups.inc - This function lets the user edit a group.
- admin_edit_group_form_submit in modules/
admin/ admin.groups.inc - admin_edit_group_form_validate in modules/
admin/ admin.groups.inc - Validate handler for edit group form.
- admin_get_de_catalog_year in modules/
admin/ admin.module - Get the "de_catalog_year" from the REQUEST. If it's not there or invalid, pull it from our system settings.
- admin_process_all_definitions_form_submit in modules/
admin/ admin.groups.inc - Actually perform the refreshing of definitions.
- admin_process_all_definitions_perform_batch_operation in modules/
admin/ admin.groups.inc - This actually is the batch operation for processing all of our group definitions.
- advise_display_history in modules/
advise/ advise.history.inc - Displays the history tab on screen.
- advise_display_popup_change_track in modules/
advise/ advise.module - advise_display_popup_change_track_non_dynamic_degree in modules/
advise/ advise.module - This is the "change track" popup we will display if the degree cannot be combined with anything else (non-dynamic).
- advise_display_popup_group_select in modules/
advise/ advise.module - advise_display_view in modules/
advise/ advise.module - This is the page which actually displays the "view" for the user to see their advising session, or for an advisor to advise them.
- advise_init_screen in modules/
advise/ advise.module - advise_popup_display_summary in modules/
advise/ advise.history.inc - Displays the printable advising summary.
- advise_what_if_selection_form in modules/
advise/ advise.module - advise_what_if_selection_form_validate in modules/
advise/ advise.module - Validate handler for the what_if selection form. This is where we might, for example, make sure that if a non-dynamic degree was selected, that they can't proceed.
- AdvisingScreen::display_screen in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - This function generates the HTML to display the screen. Should be used in conjunction with output_to_browser()
- AdvisingScreen::draw_popup_group_subject_select in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - When the groupSelect has too many courses, they are broken down into subjects, and the user first selects a subject. This function will draw out that select list.
- AdvisingScreen::draw_progress_boxes in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - This function calls drawPieChart to construct the student's 3 progress pie charts.
- AdvisingScreen::__construct in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - This is the constructor. Must be named this for inheritence to work correctly.
- alerts_form_alter in modules/
alerts/ alerts.module - blank_degrees_display_blank_degree in modules/
blank_degrees/ blank_degrees.module - blank_degrees_select_degree_form in modules/
blank_degrees/ blank_degrees.module - This form lets the user select which degree they wish to view.
- calendar_appointment_content_form_validate in modules/
calendar/ calendar.module - Custom validate handler for when we save an appointment form. We want to confirm the student is valid, and also store ONLY the cwid.
- calendar_build_custom_calendar in modules/
calendar/ calendar.module - Actually renders the HTML for the calendar.
- calendar_display_mobile_date_page in modules/
calendar/ calendar.module - This function is specifically for displaying the events on a particular day for the user, presumed to be in a mobile experience.
- calendar_display_schedule_staff_page in modules/
calendar/ calendar.module - This page (primarily meant for students) is for quickly finding your advisor or professor or whomever, and finding their link to schedule an appointment with them.
- calendar_form_alter in modules/
calendar/ calendar.module - Implements hook_form_alter
- calendar_schedule_appointment_confirm_form_validate in modules/
calendar/ calendar.module - This is our last chance to validate the form before saving.
- comments_display_main in modules/
comments/ comments.module - This displays the primary Comments tab, where we see past comments and can enter a new one (with the right permissions).
- Course::load_course in classes/
Course.php - Loads $this as a new course, based on course_id.
- Course::load_descriptive_data in classes/
Course.php - This function will load $this will all sorts of descriptive data from the database. For example, hours, title, description, etc.
- Course::load_descriptive_transfer_data in classes/
Course.php - Similar to load_descriptive_data(), this will load whatever we have for $this transfer course.
- Course::set_catalog_year_from_term_id in classes/
Course.php - Based on $this->term_id, set what catalog year should go with the course.
- Course::__construct in classes/
Course.php - The constructor for a Course object.
- course_search_download_syllabus in modules/
course_search/ course_search.module - This function will actually deliver a syllabus to the user's browser for download.
- course_search_edit_course_details_form in modules/
course_search/ course_search.edit.inc - This form lets the user edit the course's syllabus or rotation schedule
- db_affected_rows in includes/
db.inc - db_fetch_array in includes/
db.inc - db_fetch_object in includes/
db.inc - db_get_school_id_for_student_id in includes/
db.inc - db_get_school_id_for_user_id in includes/
db.inc - db_get_user_settings in includes/
db.inc - Return the array from the user_settings table.
- db_insert_id in includes/
db.inc - db_num_rows in includes/
db.inc - db_query in includes/
db.inc - DegreePlan::__construct in classes/
DegreePlan.php - engagements_display_main in modules/
engagements/ engagements.module - displays the main Engagements tab, which shows the history of past engagements.
- engagements_form_alter in modules/
engagements/ engagements.module - Implements hook_form_alter
- engagements_send_email_or_txt_form_submit in modules/
engagements/ engagements.module - engagements_send_email_or_txt_form_validate in modules/
engagements/ engagements.module - FlightPath::load_advising_session_from_database in classes/
FlightPath.php - FlightPath::save_advising_session_from_post in classes/
FlightPath.php - FlightPath::__construct in classes/
FlightPath.php - fp_get_faculty_name in includes/
db.inc - Returns the faculty member's name based on the ID provided.
- fp_get_student_name in includes/
db.inc - fp_render_student_profile_header in includes/
theme.inc - Returns the HTML for the "profile" header html for a student
- Group::__construct in classes/
Group.php - hook.api.php in includes/
hook.api.php - Lists all available hooks within FlightPath's core code.
- hook_fp_get_student_majors in includes/
hook.api.php - Returns a full listing of the student's majors.
- prereqs_edit_course_form_validate in modules/
prereqs/ prereqs.module - validate for the edit course form, from admin.courses.inc.
- prereqs_get_prereq_array_for_course in modules/
prereqs/ prereqs.module - Return back a friendly array of prereq courses that are required for THIS course_id.
- prereqs_get_prereq_array_from_string in modules/
prereqs/ prereqs.module - Assumes prereqs are written in this format: ACCT 101 (C) & ACCT 103 ACCT 102 (B)
- schools_check_access in modules/
schools/ schools.module - this is our custom access callback.
- schools_form_alter in modules/
schools/ schools.module - Implements hook_form_alter
- stats_draw_majors_pulldown in modules/
stats/ stats.module - Display a major selection pulldown, used by other reports.
- stats_report_course_use_summary in modules/
stats/ stats.module - This report will display everywhere a particular course is used in FlightPath (groups and degrees)
- stats_report_major_students_progress_perform_batch_operation in modules/
stats/ reports.major-students-progress.inc - This is the actual batch process function which gets called per run of the batch.
- Student::__construct in classes/
Student.php - student_files_upload_any_student_files_form_validate in modules/
student_files/ student_files.module - Validate function.
- student_priority_display_priority_calculations_page in modules/
student_priority/ student_priority.module - Displays the calculations used to get the priority values. Can be displayed in either the dialog or stand-alone.
- student_profile_display_student_profile_page in modules/
student_profile/ student_profile.module - student_search_display_my_majors in modules/
student_search/ student_search.module - Displays students belonging to the current user's major code.
- student_search_query_advisees in modules/
student_search/ student_search.module - The limit is how many we will query, and also how many will appear on the page at one time.
- student_search_render_advisees in modules/
student_search/ student_search.module - system_fp_get_student_majors in modules/
system/ system.module - Implements hook_fp_get_student_majors.
- system_get_exclude_degree_ids_from_appears_in_counts in modules/
system/ system.module - Uses the "exclude_majors...." setting, but converts them into an array of degree_ids.
- user_display_student_users in modules/
user/ user.student.inc - Similar to user_display_users, except only for student users.
- user_edit_student_user_form in modules/
user/ user.student.inc - Let the user edit a studentuser's information.
- user_edit_user_advisees_form in modules/
user/ user.module - This form lets us populate the advisor_student table
- user_student_edit_student_courses_form_submit in modules/
user/ user.student.inc - z__stats_report_selected_degree_options in modules/
stats/ stats.module - This report will show which degree options are being selected for degrees which offer options.
- z__student_search_render_advisees in modules/
student_search/ student_search.module - z______student_search_render_advisees in modules/
student_search/ student_search.module