function calendar_build_custom_calendar
Search API
7.x calendar.module | calendar_build_custom_calendar($month, $year) |
6.x calendar.module | calendar_build_custom_calendar($month, $year) |
Actually renders the HTML for the calendar.
1 call to calendar_build_custom_calendar()
- calendar_display_calendar in modules/
calendar/ calendar.module
- modules/
calendar/ calendar.module, line 3564
function calendar_build_custom_calendar($month, $year) {
global $user;
fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path('calendar') . '/css/style.css');
$extra = "";
$today = date('Y-m-d', convert_time(time()));
// Create array containing abbreviations of days of week.
$daysOfWeek = array('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat');
// What is the first day of the month in question?
$firstDayOfMonth = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
$check_month = $month - 1;
$check_year = $year;
if ($check_month < 1) {
$check_month = 12;
$last_day_of_prev_month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $check_month, $check_year);
$original_month = intval($month);
// How many days does this month contain?
$numberDays = date('t', $firstDayOfMonth);
// Retrieve some information about the first day of the
// month in question.
$dateComponents = getdate($firstDayOfMonth);
// What is the name of the month in question?
$monthName = $dateComponents ['month'];
$short_month_name = date('M', $dateComponents [0]);
// What is the index value (0-6) of the first day of the
// month in question.
$dayOfWeek = $dateComponents ['wday'];
$calendar = "";
$prev_month = $month - 1;
$prev_year = $year;
if ($prev_month < 1) {
$prev_month = 12;
$prev_url = fp_url("calendar", "year_month=$prev_year-$prev_month");
$next_month = $month + 1;
$next_year = $year;
if ($next_month > 12) {
$next_month = 1;
$next_url = fp_url("calendar", "year_month=$next_year-$next_month");
// Create the table tag opener and day headers
$calendar .= "<div class='calendar-header'><span class='cal-prev-link'><a href='$prev_url'>« Prev</a></span>$extra$short_month_name $year<span class='cal-next-link'><a href='$next_url'>Next »</a></span></div>";
$calendar .= "<table class='custom-calendar calendar-calendar calendar-month-" . strtoupper($monthName) . " calendar-weeks-displayed-zWEEKSDISPLAYEDz calendar-visible-$extra'>";
$calendar .= "<tr>";
// Create the calendar headers
foreach ($daysOfWeek as $day) {
$calendar .= "<th class='header'>$day</th>";
// Create the rest of the calendar
$start_day = 1;
$start_month = $month;
$start_year = $year;
// If our month starts on any day OTHER than Sunday (0), then we need to include days at the end of the LAST month!
if ($dayOfWeek > 0) {
for ($t = $dayOfWeek; $t > 1; $t--) {
$start_day = $last_day_of_prev_month;
$start_month = intval($month) - 1;
if ($start_month < 1) {
$start_month = 12;
$dayOfWeek = 0;
// Similarly, if the last day of this month falls on any other day than Saturday (6), we need to advance it to the NEXT month.
$to_day = $numberDays;
$to_month = $month;
$to_year = $year;
$last_w = date('w', strtotime("$to_year-$to_month-$to_day"));
if ($last_w < 6) {
$to_day = 1;
for ($t = $last_w + 1; $t < 6; $t++) {
if ($to_month > 12) {
$to_month = 1;
$all_dates = calendar_get_date_range("$start_year-$start_month-$start_day", "$to_year-$to_month-$to_day");
// Initiate the day counter, starting with the 1st.
$currentDay = 1;
$calendar .= "</tr><tr>";
// The variable $dayOfWeek is used to
// ensure that the calendar
// display consists of exactly 7 columns.
if ($dayOfWeek > 0) {
$calendar .= "<td colspan='$dayOfWeek'> </td>";
$month = str_pad($month, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$next_month = str_pad($next_month, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$number_of_weeks_displayed = 1;
$db = get_global_database_handler();
$all_appointments = array();
// Get all of our activity dates into an array, so we can then convert them to local timezone, to figure out what dates they belong on.
$res = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT(a.cid) FROM content__appointment a, content n
WHERE a.vid = n.vid
AND a.cid = n.cid
AND delete_flag = 0
AND (field__appointment_datetime LIKE ? OR field__appointment_datetime LIKE ?)
AND (field__faculty_id = ? OR field__student_id = ?)
ORDER BY field__appointment_datetime ASC", array("$year-$month%", "$next_year-$next_month%", $user->cwid, $user->cwid)); // Because of stupid timezones, I need to grab from the NEXT month as well, just in case.
while ($cur = db_fetch_object($res)) {
$cid = $cur->cid;
$content = content_load($cid);
$mobile_day_cids [] = $cid;
$db_date_ts = strtotime($content->field__appointment_datetime ['value']); // This is in UTC
$converted_date_ts = convert_time($db_date_ts); // Convert to our local timezone
$start_date = date('Y-m-d', $converted_date_ts);
$start_time = date('g:ia', $converted_date_ts);
$duration_min = $content->field__appointment_duration_minutes ['value'];
$end_time = format_date(strtotime("$start_date $start_time + $duration_min MINUTES"), 'just_time');
$all_appointments [$start_date][$start_time][] = array(
'db_date_ts' => $db_date_ts,
'converted_date_ts' => $converted_date_ts,
'start_date' => $start_date,
'start_time' => $start_time,
'cid' => $cid,
'content' => $content,
} // while
foreach ($all_dates as $the_date) {
$extra_class = "";
$temp = explode("-", $the_date);
$year = $temp [0];
$month = intval($temp [1]);
$month = str_pad($month, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
if (intval($month) != $original_month) {
$extra_class .= " out-of-range-day";
$currentDay = intval($temp [2]);
// Seventh column (Saturday) reached. Start a new row.
if ($dayOfWeek == 7) {
$dayOfWeek = 0;
$calendar .= "</tr><tr>";
$currentDayRel = str_pad($currentDay, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$date = "$year-$month-$currentDayRel";
$corrected_date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date));
if ($date == $today) {
$extra_class .= " today";
$add_link = "";
if (user_has_permission('add_appointment_content')) {
$url = fp_url('content/add/appointment', "window_mode=popup&date=$date&faculty_id=$user->cwid");
$add_link = "<a class='add-date' href='javascript:fpOpenLargeIframeDialog(\"$url\", \"Add New Appointment\", \"\");'><i class='fa fa-plus'></i></a>";
$calendar .= "<td class='day $extra_class' rel='$date'><span class='date-box-top'>$add_link<span class='the-day-num'>$currentDay</span></span>";
$mobile_day_count = 0;
$mobile_day_cids = array();
$html = "";
if (isset($all_appointments [$date])) {
foreach ($all_appointments [$date] as $start_time => $XX) {
foreach ($all_appointments [$date][$start_time] as $c => $details) {
$start_date = $date;
$cid = $details ['cid'];
$content = $details ['content'];
$mobile_day_cids [] = $cid;
$duration_min = $content->field__appointment_duration_minutes ['value'];
$end_time = format_date(strtotime("$start_date $start_time + $duration_min MINUTES"), 'just_time');
$student_name = fp_get_student_name($content->field__student_id ['value']);
if (!$student_name) {
$student_name = fp_get_faculty_name($content->field__student_id ['value']);
$faculty_name = fp_get_faculty_name($content->field__faculty_id ['value']);
$apt_title = $faculty_name . " - " . $student_name;
if ($student_name == $faculty_name) {
$apt_title = $student_name;
// Let's make the apt_title be a link to open the appointment.
$view_url = fp_url("content/$cid", "window_mode=popup&content_tabs=false");
$dtitle = t("View Appointment");
$view_link = "<a href='javascript:fpOpenLargeIframeDialog(\"$view_url\",\"$dtitle\");' title='" . t("View") . "' >$apt_title</a>";
$time_line = "<div class='time-line'>$start_time - $end_time</div>";
$appt_extra_class = "";
if ($content->published == 0) {
$appt_extra_class = "appt-canceled";
$view_link = "<span title='This appointment was canceled.'>$apt_title</span>"; // no longer a link, since it was canceled
$html = "<div class='calendar-entry $appt_extra_class'>
<div class='name-shift-line'>$view_link</div>
$_SESSION ['calendar_cache'][$date][$cid] = $html; // save to our SESSION, we may need it later in a mobile context.
$calendar .= $html;
if ($mobile_day_count > 0) {
//$url = fp_url('calendar', "year_month=$year_month&mobile_date=$date&mobile_cids=" . join(",", $mobile_day_cids));
$url = fp_url('calendar', "mobile_date=$date&mobile_cids=" . join(",", $mobile_day_cids));
$calendar .= "<div style='display: none;' class='mobile-day-count'>
<a href='" . $url . "'>$mobile_day_count</a>
$calendar .= '</td>';
// Increment counters
// Complete the row of the last week in month, if necessary
if ($dayOfWeek != 7) {
$remainingDays = 7 - $dayOfWeek;
$calendar .= "<td colspan='$remainingDays'> </td>";
$calendar .= "</tr>";
$calendar .= "</table>";
$calendar = str_replace("zWEEKSDISPLAYEDz", $number_of_weeks_displayed, $calendar);
return $calendar;