function admin_edit_degree_form_validate
Search API
7.x | admin_edit_degree_form_validate($form, &$form_state) |
6.x | admin_edit_degree_form_validate($form, &$form_state) |
- modules/
admin/, line 1670
function admin_edit_degree_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
$values = $form_state ['values'];
$perform_action2 = trim($values ["perform_action2"]);
$semester_nums_in_use = array();
$school_id = 0;
if (isset($values ['schools_school'])) { // A school was set from the schools module.
$school_id = intval($values ['schools_school']); // Use our NEW school_id for validating.
// What courses should have their type overwritten as "x"?
$ignore_courses = csv_to_array(variable_get_for_school("ignore_courses_from_hour_counts", "", $school_id));
// One of the things we want to do is make sure that the courses & groups specified actually belong to the school_id for this degree.
$de_catalog_year = $values ["de_catalog_year"];
$db = get_global_database_handler();
$degree_id = @intval($form_state ['values']['degree_id']);
// Each degree_id is unique to the catalog year, so we should be good with just the id here.
if ($degree_id) {
$degree = new DegreePlan($degree_id, null, false, false, TRUE);
else {
// Couldn't find degree_id!
form_error("", t("There was a problem trying to save this degree. The degree_id could not be found. Contact FlightPath admin if
this problem persists."));
} // else from if(degree_id)
// At this point, we have a school_id and degree_id.
if (module_enabled("schools")) {
$defs = schools_get_school_definitions();
$school_name = $defs [$school_id];
$highest_semester_num = 0;
// Let's check that all of the courses also belong to this degree and/or can be found at all (no typos).
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
if (!strstr($key, "courses_")) {
// Only look at the groups...
$temp = explode("_", $key);
$semester_num = trim($temp [1]);
$semester_nums_in_use [] = $semester_num;
if ($semester_num > $highest_semester_num) {
$highest_semester_num = $semester_num;
$courses = fp_trim(@$values ["courses_$semester_num"]);
// Does it contain a single #? Or, is blank? If so, insert and move on.
// We do this, so we can have blank semesters until someone deletes them.
if ($courses == "#" || $courses == "") {
$course_rows = explode("\n", $courses);
for ($t = 0; $t < count($course_rows); $t++) {
$line = trim($course_rows [$t]);
if ($line == "") {
// Take out extra whitespace between tokens.
$line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
$line = str_replace(" ", " ", $line);
$tokens = explode(" ", $line);
$subject_id = $tokens [0];
$course_num = $tokens [1];
$requirement_type = strtolower(@$tokens [2]);
if ($requirement_type == "") {
// major type by default.
$requirement_type = "m";
// If this course is in our ignore list, override it's type
// to be 'x'
if (in_array("$subject_id $course_num", $ignore_courses)) {
$requirement_type = "x";
$min_grade = strtoupper((string) @$tokens [3]);
if (strstr($requirement_type, "(")) {
// This means there was no requirement_type specified, so it's "m",
// and a min_grade was found in its place.
$min_grade = strtoupper($requirement_type);
$requirement_type = "m";
$min_grade = str_replace("(", "", $min_grade);
$min_grade = str_replace(")", "", $min_grade);
// Find out what the course_id is.
if ($course_id = $db->get_course_id($subject_id, $course_num, "", TRUE, $school_id, TRUE))
// This was found correctly, do nothing.
else {
// The course_id could not be found!
// Different message if it's a school_id problem.
if (module_enabled("schools")) {
form_error("courses_" . $semester_num, t("<strong>Your work has NOT been saved.</strong> Course not found. In block %blocknum, you specified the course %course as a requirement,
but this course could not be found. This could be due to a typo, or due to the course not belonging to the same school
as the degree (%schoolname). Please check the course and try again.", array("%blocknum" => ($semester_num + 1), "%course" => "$subject_id $course_num", "%schoolname" => $school_name)));
else {
// Not related to school (possibly).
form_error("courses_" . $semester_num, t("<strong>Your work has NOT been saved.</strong> Course not found. In block %blocknum, you specified the course %course as a requirement,
but this course could not be found. This could be due to a typo.
Please check the course and try again.", array("%blocknum" => ($semester_num + 1), "%course" => "$subject_id $course_num")));
} // for course_rows
} // foreach courses
// Are we trying to ADD a group?
if (strstr($perform_action2, "addGroup")) {
$temp = explode("_", $perform_action2);
$group_id = $temp [1];
$semester_num = $temp [2];
$semester_nums_in_use [] = $semester_num;
$hours = trim($temp [3]);
$min_hours = $hours;
if (strstr($hours, "-")) {
// Hours has a min hour value specified. let's grab it.
$tt = explode("-", $hours);
$min_hours = $tt [0];
$hours = $tt [1];
$type = $temp [4];
$min_grade = trim($temp [5]);
$adding_group = new Group($group_id);
// If this group is already saved in this degree elsewhere, and it has a different type or min_grade,
// then we must display a warning message to the user.
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_requirements
WHERE degree_id = '?'
AND group_id = '?'
AND (group_min_grade <> '?' OR group_requirement_type <> '?')", $degree_id, $group_id, $min_grade, $type);
while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
form_error("semester_groups_" . $semester_num . "_markup", t("<strong>Your work has NOT been saved.</strong> In block %blocknum, you specified the group %group with a min grade of %mingrade and a requirement type of %req.
However, the group was previously specified in this degree plan in block %otherblocknum wih a different requirement type or min grade.
FlightPath will not perform calculations correctly for courses assigned to this group. The duplicate occurance of the group should have the same
type/min grade, or, you need to create a new group to handle these alternate requirements.</strong>"
, array("%blocknum" => ($semester_num + 1), "%group" => $adding_group->title, "%mingrade" => $min_grade, "%req" => $type, "%otherblocknum" => ($cur ['semester_num'] + 1))));
} // while
} // addGroup
// Now, let's check the groups.
// Are we trying to DELETE a group, but there might be an error with it? If so, we won't worry about any errors later.
$del_group = NULL;
if (strstr($perform_action2, "delGroup")) {
$temp = explode("_", $perform_action2);
$del_group = new Group();
$del_group->bool_use_draft = TRUE;
$del_group->group_id = $temp [1];
$del_group->assigned_to_semester_num = $temp [2];
// Get the groups....
foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
if (!strstr($key, "group_")) {
// Only look at the groups...
$temp = explode("_", $value);
$group_id = $temp [0];
$semester_num = $temp [1];
$semester_nums_in_use [] = $semester_num;
if ($semester_num > $highest_semester_num) {
$highest_semester_num = $semester_num;
$hours = $temp [2];
$min_hours = $hours;
if (strstr($hours, "-")) {
// Hours has a min hour value specified. let's grab it.
$tt = explode("-", $hours);
$min_hours = $tt [0];
$hours = $tt [1];
$type = $temp [3];
$min_grade = trim($temp [4]);
// Do not process any further, if we are supposed to be deleting this group!
if (isset($del_group) && $del_group != NULL && is_object($del_group)) {
if ($del_group->group_id == $group_id && $del_group->assigned_to_semester_num == $semester_num) {
$adding_group = new Group($group_id);
// Is this in the right school?
if ($adding_group->school_id != $school_id && $adding_group->school_id !== 0) {
form_error("semester_groups_" . $semester_num . "_markup", t("<strong>Your work has NOT been saved.</strong> In block %blocknum, you specified the group %group as a requirement,
but this group could not be found in the degree's school (%schoolname).<br>You may need to change the degree's school back to its previous value, then remove this group,
in order to continue.", array("%blocknum" => ($semester_num + 1), "%group" => $adding_group->title, "%schoolname" => $school_name)));
// If this group is already saved in this degree elsewhere, and it has a different type or min_grade,
// then we must display a warning message to the user.
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_requirements
WHERE degree_id = ?
AND group_id = ?
AND (group_min_grade <> ? OR group_requirement_type <> ?)", $degree_id, $group_id, $min_grade, $type);
while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
// Is the group we found the group we are trying to delete? If so, skip it; we're going to delete it later.
if (isset($del_group) && is_object($del_group)) {
if (intval($del_group->group_id) == intval($cur ['group_id']) && intval($del_group->assigned_to_semester_num) == intval($cur ['semester_num'])) {
form_error("semester_groups_" . $semester_num . "_markup", t("<strong>Your work has NOT been saved.</strong> In block %blocknum, you specified the group %group with a min grade of %mingrade and a requirement type of %req.
However, the group was previously specified in this degree plan in block %otherblocknum wih a different requirement type or min grade.
FlightPath will not perform calculations correctly for courses assigned to this group. The duplicate occurance of the group should have the same
type/min grade, or, you need to create a new group to handle these alternate requirements.</strong>"
, array("%blocknum" => ($semester_num + 1), "%group" => $adding_group->title, "%mingrade" => $min_grade, "%req" => $type, "%otherblocknum" => ($cur ['semester_num'] + 1))));
} // foreach groups
// Are we trying to change a semester block number?
if (strstr($perform_action2, "editSemesterBlockNum")) {
// Make sure we don't already have this number in existence elsewhere in the degree.
$temp = explode("_", $perform_action2);
$old_semester_num = $temp [1];
$new_semester_num = $temp [2];
if (in_array($new_semester_num, $semester_nums_in_use)) {
form_error('', t("<strong>Your work has NOT been saved.</strong> Sorry, but you requested to change block number %old to %new, but block number %new
is already in use. Please make the appropriate changes and try again.", array("%old" => ($old_semester_num + 1), "%new" => ($new_semester_num + 1))));
} // editSemesterBlockNum