Search API
This is the student_files module, which will facilitate uploading (securely) files to be associated with student accounts.
modules/student_files/student_files.moduleView source
- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * This is the student_files module, which will facilitate uploading (securely) files to be associated with student accounts.
- */
- /**
- * Implementation of hook_menu
- */
- function student_files_menu() {
- $items = array();
- $items["admin/config/student-files"] = array(
- "title" => "Student Files settings",
- "description" => "Configure settings related to the student_files module.",
- "page_callback" => "fp_render_form",
- "page_arguments" => array("student_files_settings_form", "system_settings"),
- "access_arguments" => array("administer_student_files"),
- "page_settings" => array(
- "menu_icon" => fp_get_module_path('system') . "/icons/page_white_stack.png",
- "menu_links" => array(
- 0 => array(
- "text" => "Admin Console",
- "path" => "admin-tools/admin",
- "query" => "de_catalog_year=%DE_CATALOG_YEAR%",
- ),
- ),
- ),
- "tab_parent" => "admin-tools/admin",
- );
- // This will receive uploaded files for a student.
- $items["student-files/handle-upload/%"] = array(
- "page_callback" => "student_files_handle_upload",
- "page_arguments" => array(2),
- "access_arguments" => array("upload_student_files"),
- );
- $items["student-files/handle-download/%/%"] = array(
- "page_callback" => "student_files_handle_download",
- "page_arguments" => array(2, 3),
- "access_callback" => "student_files_user_may_download_student_file",
- "access_arguments" => array(2, 3),
- );
- $items["student-files/handle-delete/%/%"] = array(
- "page_callback" => "student_files_handle_delete",
- "page_arguments" => array(2, 3),
- "access_callback" => "student_files_user_may_delete_student_file",
- "access_arguments" => array(2, 3),
- );
- $items["admin-tools/upload-student-files"] = array(
- "title" => "Upload Student Files",
- "description" => "Upload files to any student's file area.",
- "page_callback" => "fp_render_form",
- "page_arguments" => array("student_files_upload_any_student_files_form"),
- "access_arguments" => array("upload_any_student_files"),
- "page_settings" => array(
- "menu_icon" => fp_get_module_path("student_files") . "/css/icons/page_add.png",
- "menu_links" => array(
- 0 => array(
- "text" => t("Admin Tools"),
- "path" => "admin-tools",
- "query" => "de_catalog_year=%DE_CATALOG_YEAR%",
- ),
- ),
- ),
- "weight" => 100,
- );
- return $items;
- }
- /**
- * This is where we can upload (en masse?) to any arbitrary student.
- */
- function student_files_upload_any_student_files_form() {
- $form = array();
- // Add our javascript file
- fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("student_files") . "/js/student_files.js");
- $form["#attributes"] = array("enctype" => 'multipart/form-data'); // allow the form itself to submit files.
- $form["mark_top"] = array(
- "value" => t("Use this form to upload files to any student, either based on the filename, or by specifying the student's
- CWID below."),
- );
- $form["student_method"] = array(
- "type" => "radios",
- "label" => t("Select how the recipient student will be selected:"),
- "options" => array(
- "filename" => t("Filename - The file(s) you upload must begin with the student's CWID, followed by a _ (underscore). For example:
- <em>33312943_new_file.txt</em>"),
- "manual" => t("Manual - Enter the student's CWID in the box below. This is the CWID which files will be saved under, regardless of filename."),
- ),
- "value" => "filename",
- "required" => TRUE,
- );
- $form["manual_cwid"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Manual CWID:"),
- "description" => t("Only enter a student's CWID if 'Manual' was selected above."),
- );
- $form["access_type"] = array(
- "type" => "radios",
- "label" => "Who will be able to see / download the uploaded file(s)?",
- "options" => array(
- "faculty" => "Faculty - Only faculty or staff users",
- "public" => "Any user with access to view the student's files, including the student themselves",
- ),
- "value" => "faculty",
- );
- $max_upload = ini_get('upload_max_filesize');
- $max_post = ini_get('post_max_size');
- $form["student_files"] = array(
- "type" => "file",
- "label" => "Select file(s):",
- "multiple" => TRUE, // allow multiple file uploads
- "description" => t("<b>Allowed files:</b> <em>%ext</em>
- <br><br>
- Note: In your php.ini file, these are the filesize limits in place for any upload here:
- <ul>
- <li>Upload max filesize: %max_up </li>
- <li>POST max size: %max_post </li>
- </ul>
- If you have problems with uploading multiple files, adjust these values.", array("%max_up" => $max_upload, "%max_post" => $max_post,
- "%ext" => strtolower(variable_get("student_files_allowed_extensions", "txt, pdf, doc, docx, csv, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, rtf, odt, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, zip, 7z")))),
- );
- $form["submit_btn"] = array(
- "type" => "submit",
- "value" => "Submit",
- );
- return $form;
- }
- /**
- * Validate function.
- */
- function student_files_upload_any_student_files_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
- $values = $form_state["values"];
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- // Re-order the _FILES array to make it easier to work with
- $student_files = fp_re_array_files($_FILES["student_files"]);
- $form_state["student_files"] = $student_files;
- // Make sure if "manual" is selected, that the CWID entered actually exists.
- if ($values["student_method"] == "manual") {
- $n = @trim($db->get_student_name($values["manual_cwid"]));
- if (!$n) {
- // Student not found! Or at least their name wasn't found.
- form_error("student_method", t("Sorry, the CWID you entered could not be found."));
- return;
- }
- }
- // if a filename method selected, make sure a CWID is detectable and valid. Maybe save it to form_state for the _submit function.
- // If more than one file, check all the files...
- if ($values["student_method"] == "filename") {
- $is_empty = TRUE;
- foreach ($form_state["student_files"] as $c => $file) {
- if (trim($file["name"] == "")) continue;
- $is_empty = FALSE;
- $temp = explode("_", $file["name"]);
- $test_cwid = trim($temp[0]);
- $n = @trim($db->get_student_name($test_cwid));
- if (!$n) {
- // Student not found! Or at least their name wasn't found.
- form_error("student_files", t("Sorry, the file named %file either does not begin with a CWID, or the CWID does not match
- a current student. Please try again.", array("%file" => $file["name"])));
- return;
- }
- else {
- // This IS a valid student. Save the CWID with the form_state to make our lives easier later.
- $form_state["student_files"][$c]["cwid"] = $test_cwid;
- // Also save the filename where we have stripped off the CWID
- $form_state["student_files"][$c]["name"] = str_replace($test_cwid . "_", "", $file["name"]);
- }
- }
- if ($is_empty) {
- form_error("student_files", t("No files were selected. Please try again."));
- return;
- }
- } // if student_method = filename
- } // validate
- /**
- * We can assume at this point that eveything is peachy, so let's get to uploading!
- */
- function student_files_upload_any_student_files_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
- $values = $form_state["values"];
- $cwid = @trim($values["manual_cwid"]);
- $method = $values["student_method"];
- $access_type = $values["access_type"];
- foreach ($form_state["student_files"] as $file) {
- $use_cwid = $cwid;
- if ($method == "filename") {
- $use_cwid = $file["cwid"];
- }
- $file["cwid"] = $use_cwid; // make sure its in there.
- // To get it to correctly save, we need to place a value into the $_FILES global array...
- $file["access_type"] = $access_type;
- // Now, call our upload handler.
- student_files_handle_upload($use_cwid, FALSE, $file);
- }
- // And that's it! We are now finished.
- } // submit handler
- /**
- * Returns TRUE or FALSE if the user has access to download this particular student's file.
- */
- function student_files_user_may_download_student_file($student_id, $fid) {
- global $user;
- $files_array = student_files_get_files_for_student($student_id);
- $file = @$files_array[$fid];
- if ($user->id == 1) return TRUE; // this is the admin user.
- // Is this a faculty only file, and the user is a student?
- if ($file["access_type"] == "faculty" && $user->is_student == TRUE) {
- return FALSE; // nope, can't view it.
- }
- // Is this a student, and this is a file for THEM?
- if ($file["student_id"] == $user->cwid && $file["access_type"] != "faculty") {
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Does this user have access to download advisee's files and is this student someone they are allowed to advise?
- if (user_has_permission("download_advising_student_files")) {
- // Now, is this user allowed to view THIS student's advising history?
- if (advise_can_access_view($student_id)) return TRUE;
- }
- // All else failed, return FALSE
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- function student_files_perm() {
- return array(
- "administer_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Administer student files settings"),
- ),
- "upload_any_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Upload any to student's files"),
- "description" => t("This lets the user upload to any student's files, using the student file upload tool on the Main tab."),
- ),
- "upload_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Upload student files"),
- "description" => t("This permission lets the user upload student files to any student they can normally view the history of.
- Files appear on the student's History tab."),
- ),
- "delete_own_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Delete own student files that the user uploaded themselves"),
- ),
- "delete_any_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Delete ANY student files that were uploaded by anyone"),
- ),
- "download_own_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Download own student files"),
- "description" => t("Download files for themselves (given to students, for example, but only if they are not faculty-only files.)"),
- ),
- "download_advising_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Download files for any student the user can 'View'"),
- "description" => t("If this user is also allowed to view the student's View tab, History, etc, then they are allowed to download
- files for that student. For example, the student is one of the user's advisees."),
- ),
- );
- }
- */
- /**
- * Returns TRUE or FALSE if the current user is allowed to delete the file.
- */
- function student_files_user_may_delete_student_file($student_id, $fid) {
- global $user;
- $files_array = student_files_get_files_for_student($student_id);
- $file = @$files_array[$fid];
- if ($user->id == 1) return TRUE; // this is the admin user.
- // Does this user have access to delete ANY file?
- if (user_has_permission("delete_any_student_files")) return TRUE;
- // Does this user have permission to delete OWN files, and they uploaded this file?
- if (user_has_permission("delete_own_student_files")) {
- if ($file["uploaded_by_cwid"] == $user->cwid) {
- // Yes, this user is the one who uploaded this file, so yes, they can delete it.
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- // All else failed, so deny
- return FALSE;
- }
- /**
- * This actually finds and downloads the file for the user, decrypting if necessary.
- */
- function student_files_handle_download($student_id, $fid) {
- $files_array = student_files_get_files_for_student($student_id);
- $file = @$files_array[$fid];
- if (!$file) {
- display_not_found();
- die;
- }
- // Otherwise, now we proceed.
- $file_contents = file_get_contents($file["filepath"] . "/" . $file["filename"]);
- if ($file["is_encrypted"] == 1 && function_exists("encryption_decrypt")) {
- $file_contents = encryption_decrypt($file_contents);
- }
- // Okay, now let's spit it out to the browser for download.
- header('Content-type: ' . $file["filetype"]);
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file["original_filename"] . '"');
- print $file_contents;
- die;
- }
- function student_files_handle_delete($student_id, $fid) {
- // Get the file's information so we can unlink it from the file system.
- $files_array = student_files_get_files_for_student($student_id);
- $file = @$files_array[$fid];
- if (!$file) {
- display_not_found();
- die;
- }
- // Otherwise, now we proceed.
- if (!unlink($file["filepath"] . "/" . $file["filename"])) {
- // Couldn't delete for some reason.
- fp_add_message(t("Unable to delete file:") . " " . $file["filepath"] . "/" . $file["filename"] . t("
- Possibly a file permission issue on server, or file already deleted. If this problem continues, contact
- your server administrator."), "error");
- }
- else {
- // We DID delete sucessfully, let's get rid of it from our db table.
- db_query("DELETE FROM student_files WHERE fid = ?", $fid);
- fp_add_message(t("File deleted successfully."));
- }
- // Return to the history page.
- fp_goto("history", "current_student_id=$student_id");
- }
- /**
- * Handles the upload of a file which we assume is located at $_FILES["student_file_upload_file"], or the provided $file array.
- */
- function student_files_handle_upload($student_id, $bool_goto_history_when_done = TRUE, $file = array()) {
- global $user;
- $system_files_path = $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["file_system_path"];
- $access_type = @$file["access_type"];
- if (count($file) == 0) {
- $file = $_FILES["student_file_upload_file"];
- $temp = fp_re_array_files($file);
- $file = $temp[0];
- $access_type = $_POST["access_type"];
- }
- $files_path = variable_get("student_files_path", "$system_files_path/custom/files/student_files");
- $sub_dir_pattern = variable_get("student_files_sub_dir_pattern", "%year/%student_cwid");
- $filename_pattern = variable_get("student_files_filename_pattern", "%student_cwid.%random.%ext");
- $encryption = variable_get("student_files_encryption", "yes");
- // Let's set up our eventual replacement pattern values.
- $r = array();
- $r["%year"] = date("Y");
- $r["%student_cwid"] = $student_id;
- $r["%timestamp"] = time();
- $r["%random"] = fp_get_random_string(7);
- $original_filename = $file["name"];
- $r["%original_filename"] = $original_filename;
- $is_encrypted = 0;
- $type = $file["type"];
- $tmp_name = $file["tmp_name"];
- if (trim($tmp_name) == "") {
- // No file was selected for upload!
- fp_add_message(t("No file was selected for upload. Please try again."), "error");
- if ($bool_goto_history_when_done) {
- fp_goto("history", "current_student_id=$student_id");
- }
- return;
- }
- // Figure out the extension of the original filename.
- $temp = explode(".", $original_filename);
- $r["%ext"] = $temp[count($temp) - 1];
- // Make sure that this extension is allowed.
- $allowed_extensions = csv_to_array(strtolower(variable_get("student_files_allowed_extensions", "txt,pdf,doc,docx,csv,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,rtf,odt,jpg,jpeg,png,gif,zip,7z")));
- if (!in_array(strtolower($r["%ext"]), $allowed_extensions)) {
- // Meaning, this extension is not allowed!
- fp_add_message(t("Sorry, the file's type/extension (%ext) is not allowed. Please rename or select another file, then try again.", array("%ext" => $original_filename)), "error");
- if ($bool_goto_history_when_done) {
- fp_goto("history", "current_student_id=$student_id");
- }
- return;
- }
- // If we will be encrypting this, then the ext is actually .txt.enc or .pdf.enc. So we know its encrypted.
- if (module_enabled("encryption") && $encryption == "yes") {
- $r["%ext"] .= ".enc";
- }
- // Okay, create the replaced strings...
- $sub_dir = $filename = "";
- foreach ($r as $k => $v) {
- $sub_dir_pattern = str_replace($k, $v, $sub_dir_pattern);
- $filename_pattern = str_replace($k, $v, $filename_pattern);
- }
- $sub_dir = $sub_dir_pattern;
- $filename = $filename_pattern;
- // Okay, now let's make sure we can create the sub_dir if it doesn't already exist.
- if (!file_exists($files_path . "/" . $sub_dir)) {
- if (!mkdir($files_path . "/" . $sub_dir, 0777, TRUE)) {
- fp_add_message(t("Could not upload file because destination directory, %dir, could not be created or its parent
- directory is not writable.", array("%dir" => $files_path . "/" . $sub_dir)), "error");
- return;
- }
- }
- // If the filename is too long, shorten it. Linux won't allow more than 255 bytes (usually corresponds to chars, depending on file system),
- // Windows its 260 chars. Let's be safe and stop at 100 chars + ext.
- if (strlen($filename) > 100) {
- $filename = substr($filename, 0, 100) . "." . $r["%ext"];
- }
- // Make sure the filename doesn't already exist. If it does, we add a little more randomness to the end of the file.
- if (file_exists($files_path . "/" . $sub_dir . "/" . $filename)) {
- while (true) {
- $test_filename = $filename . "." . fp_get_random_string(5) . "." . $r["%ext"];
- if (!file_exists($files_path . "/" . $sub_dir . "/" . $test_filename)) {
- $filename = $test_filename;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Okay, if we are here we can proceed with the copy.
- // if encryption is enabled, we must use the encryption module to do this instead of a simple copy.
- if (module_enabled("encryption") && $encryption === "yes" && encryption_get_key()) {
- // Yep, we should encrypt this file.
- // We need to do that by loading the file into memory, then getting the encrypted version, then writing it
- // out to the destination.
- $file_contents = file_get_contents($tmp_name);
- $enc_file_contents = encryption_encrypt($file_contents);
- if (!file_put_contents($files_path . "/" . $sub_dir . "/" . $filename, $enc_file_contents)) {
- fp_add_message(t("Could not upload file. Possibly because of permission issues on the destination directory,
- the disk is full, or some other reason."), "error");
- return;
- }
- $is_encrypted = 1;
- }
- else {
- // No encryption-- just copy it the traditional way.
- if (!copy($tmp_name, $files_path . "/" . $sub_dir . "/" . $filename)) {
- fp_add_message(t("Could not upload file. Possibly because of permission issues on the destination directory,
- the disk is full, or some other reason."), "error");
- return;
- }
- }
- // Okay, write to our database table our values.
- db_query("INSERT INTO student_files(student_id, original_filename, filepath, filename, filetype, uploaded_by_uid, uploaded_by_cwid, is_encrypted, posted, access_type)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", $student_id, $original_filename, $files_path . '/' . $sub_dir, $filename, $type,
- $user->id, $user->cwid, $is_encrypted, time(), $access_type);
- // Go back to history tab.
- fp_add_message(t("File %ofile was uploaded successfully for student %cwid.", array("%ofile" => $original_filename, "%cwid" => $student_id)));
- if ($bool_goto_history_when_done) {
- fp_goto("history", "current_student_id=$student_id");
- }
- }
- function student_files_settings_form() {
- $form = array();
- $files_path = $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["file_system_path"];
- $form["student_files_path"] = array(
- "label" => t("Absolute system path to where student files are located/uploaded to:"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 80,
- "maxlength" => 1000,
- "value" => variable_get("student_files_path", "$files_path/custom/files/student_files"),
- "description" => t("This is a directory which must be writable by the webserver. When this module
- was installed, %path was created automatically as the default location, but you
- may set this to any path which already exists and is writable by the server.", array("%path" => "$files_path/custom/files/student_files")),
- );
- $form["student_files_allowed_extensions"] = array(
- "label" => t("Allowed file extensions (CSV):"),
- "type" => "textfield",
- "size" => 80,
- "maxlength" => 1000,
- "value" => strtolower(variable_get("student_files_allowed_extensions", "txt, pdf, doc, docx, csv, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, rtf, odt, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, zip, 7z")),
- "description" => t("Enter the allowed file extensions, separated by commas (no periods!), that are allowed to be uploaded.<br>Ex:
- <br><em> txt, pdf, doc, docx, csv, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, rtf, odt, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, zip, 7z</em>"),
- );
- $form["student_files_sub_dir_pattern"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Sub directory pattern:"),
- "value" => variable_get("student_files_sub_dir_pattern", "%year/%student_cwid"),
- "description" => t("Enter the pattern of the sub directories for uploaded files.
- <br> Ex: %year/%student_cwid would places files in /2006/12345 under the above
- student files directory for a student with CWID 12345.
- <br>Available replacement patterns:
- <ul>
- <li>%year - the year the file was uploaded.</li>
- <li>%timestamp - the unix timstamp the file was uploaded.</li>
- <li>%student_cwid - the CWID of the student the file belongs to.</li>
- <li>%random - a random series of numbers and letters.</li>
- </ul>
- You may also enter static directory names like 'files' or 'uploads'. If unsure what to enter, leave blank."),
- );
- $form["student_files_filename_pattern"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Saved server filename pattern:"),
- "value" => variable_get("student_files_filename_pattern", "%student_cwid.%random.%ext"),
- "description" => t("Enter the pattern for the stored files on the server.
- <br> Ex: %student_cwid.%random.%ext might create a file named 12345.hgyK76.pdf under the above
- student files directory for a student with CWID 12345.
- If there are files with identical names being uploaded, the new file will automatically be given a random string
- to ensure nothing is overwritten.
- <br><b>Recommended:</b> It is recommended you do not use the original filename, especially if the files might contain
- sensitive information. The use of the %random replacement pattern is recommended.
- <br>Available replacement patterns:
- <ul>
- <li>%year - the year the file was uploaded.</li>
- <li>%timestamp - the unix timstamp the file was uploaded.</li>
- <li>%student_cwid - the CWID of the student the file belongs to.</li>
- <li>%random - a random series of numbers and letters.</li>
- <li>%original_filename - The original filename, including extension, of the uploaded file.</li>
- <li>%ext - The original filename extension from the uploaded file.</li>
- </ul>
- You may also enter static directory names like 'files' or 'uploads'. If unsure what to enter, leave blank."),
- );
- if (module_enabled("encryption")) {
- // The encryption module is installed. Let's add extra settings for it.
- $form["student_files_encryption"] = array(
- "type" => "select",
- "label" => "Encrypt uploaded files?",
- "options" => array("yes" => t("Yes"), "no" => t("No")),
- "value" => variable_get("student_files_encryption", "yes"),
- "description" => t("Since you have installed the 'encryption' module, when files are uploaded to a student's History tab,
- they can be automatically encrypted before being saved to the server. Do you wish
- to do this? If so, the extension \".enc\" will be added to the end of encrypted files.
- When files are downloaded through the Student Files module, they will be automatically decrypted
- for the end user.
- <br><br>
- Note: this does not affect files attached in Engagements, like text messages or email file attachments. To configure
- encryption of those files, see the Encryption settings page."),
- "prefix" => "<fieldset><legend>" . t("Encryption Settings") . "</legend>",
- "suffix" => "</fieldset>",
- );
- }
- return $form;
- }
- /**
- * We mainly want to make sure nothing got entered in an incorrect format here.
- */
- function student_files_settings_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
- $values = $form_state["values"];
- // Make sure the absolute system path actually exists.
- $student_files_path = $values["student_files_path"];
- // Remove any trailing slashes from the student_files_path.
- $student_files_path = rtrim($student_files_path, "/");
- $form_state["values"]["student_files_path"] = $student_files_path;
- if (!file_exists($student_files_path)) {
- form_error("student_files_path", t("The student files path entered does not exist yet, or the system does not have access
- to view it. Make sure it exists and the web server user has file access to read and write
- to it."));
- return;
- }
- // Make sure the sub directory pattern doesn't have beginning or trailing slashes.
- $form_state["values"]["student_files_sub_dir_pattern"] = rtrim($form_state["values"]["student_files_sub_dir_pattern"], "/");
- $form_state["values"]["student_files_sub_dir_pattern"] = ltrim($form_state["values"]["student_files_sub_dir_pattern"], "/");
- // Make sure there are no /'s in the server filename pattern.
- if (strstr($form_state["values"]["student_files_filename_pattern"], "/")) {
- form_error("student_files_filename_pattern", t("Do not enter forward slashes (/) in the server filename pattern. If you wish to place
- files in subdirectories, use the sub directory pattern field."));
- return;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Implements hook_perm
- */
- function student_files_perm() {
- return array(
- "administer_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Administer student files settings"),
- ),
- "upload_any_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Upload any to student's files"),
- "description" => t("This lets the user upload to any student's files, using the student file upload tool on the Main tab."),
- ),
- "upload_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Upload student files"),
- "description" => t("This permission lets the user upload student files to any student they can normally view the history of.
- Files appear on the student's History tab."),
- ),
- "delete_own_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Delete own student files that the user uploaded themselves"),
- ),
- "delete_any_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Delete ANY student files that were uploaded by anyone"),
- ),
- "download_advising_student_files" => array(
- "title" => t("Download files for any student the user can 'View'"),
- "description" => t("If this user is also allowed to view the student's View tab, History, etc, then they are allowed to download
- files for that student. For example, the student is one of the user's advisees."),
- ),
- );
- }
- /**
- * Implememnt hook_content_alter
- */
- function student_files_content_alter(&$render, $content_id) {
- // We want to place our files area under the Comment History on the history tab.
- if ($content_id == "advise_history_right_column") {
- // Add our css.
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("student_files") . "/css/student_files.css");
- $html = "";
- $student_id = $render["#student_id"];
- $files_array = student_files_get_files_for_student($student_id);
- $html .= "<div class='student-files-file-list'>
- <table border='0' width='100%' class='' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";
- $is_empty = TRUE;
- foreach ($files_array as $cur) {
- $fid = $cur["fid"]; // file id
- $posted = format_date(convert_time($cur["posted"]), "", "n/d/Y");
- $fac_name = fp_get_faculty_name($cur["uploaded_by_cwid"]);
- // Is this user allowed to see this file at all? (ie, this is a student and the file is for faculty only)
- if (!student_files_user_may_download_student_file($student_id, $fid)) {
- continue;
- }
- $extra_classes = "";
- if (strstr($cur["filetype"], "image")) $extra_classes .= " student-files-file-image ";
- if (strstr($cur["filetype"], "pdf")) $extra_classes .= " student-files-file-pdf ";
- if (strstr($cur["filetype"], "compressed")) $extra_classes .= " student-files-file-compressed ";
- if (strstr($cur["original_filename"], ".pdf")) $extra_classes .= " student-files-file-pdf ";
- if (strstr($cur["original_filename"], ".doc")) $extra_classes .= " student-files-file-word ";
- if (strstr($cur["original_filename"], ".ppt")) $extra_classes .= " student-files-file-ppt ";
- if (strstr($cur["original_filename"], ".xls")) $extra_classes .= " student-files-file-xls ";
- if (strstr($cur["original_filename"], ".zip")) $extra_classes .= " student-files-file-compressed ";
- $row_class = "";
- $row_class .= "student-files-access-type-" . $cur["access_type"];
- $del_link = "";
- if (student_files_user_may_delete_student_file($student_id, $fid)) {
- $del_link = "<span class='student-files-delete'>" . fp_get_js_confirm_link("Are you sure you wish to delete this file? This action cannot be undone.",
- "window.location=\"" . fp_url("student-files/handle-delete/$student_id/$fid") . "\"", "<i class='fa fa-remove'></i>", "action-link-remove", t("Delete?")) . "</span>";
- }
- $html .= "<tr class='$row_class'>
- <td valign='top' width='50%' class='student-files-filenames'>
- <div class='student-files-file $extra_classes'>
- " . l($cur["original_filename"], "student-files/handle-download/$student_id/$fid") . "</div>
- </td>
- <td valign='top' class='student-files-details-td'>
- <div class='student-files-posted'>$posted</div>
- <div class='student-files-fac-name'>$fac_name</div>
- </td>
- <td valign='top' class='student-files-delete-td'>
- $del_link
- </td>
- </tr>";
- $is_empty = FALSE;
- }
- if ($is_empty) {
- $html .= "No files have been uploaded for this student yet.";
- }
- $html .= "</table>
- </div>";
- // Create a region for uploading a new file.
- // Only if they have permission!
- $upload_form = "";
- if (user_has_permission("upload_student_files")) {
- $form = fp_render_form("student_files_little_upload_form", "normal", $student_id);
- $upload_form = fp_render_c_fieldset($form, t("Click to upload a new file"), TRUE, ' upload-file-fs');
- /*
- $upload_form = "<form class='tenpt' style='border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 3px; margin: 5px;'
- action='" . fp_url("student-files/handle-upload/$student_id", "current_student_id=$student_id") . "'
- method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
- <b>" . t("Upload a new file:") . "</b>
- <input type='file' name='student_file_upload_file' id='student_file_upload_file'>
- <br><b>" . t("Visible to:") . "</b>
- <label><input type='radio' value='public' name='access_type'>Anyone (incl. students)</label>
- <label><input type='radio' value='faculty' name='access_type' checked=checked>Faculty/Staff</label>
- <div style='text-align: right; padding-top: 10px;'>
- <input type='submit' value='Upload' onClick='showUpdate(false);'>
- </div>
- </form>";
- *
- */
- }
- $render["student_files"] = array(
- "value" => "<div class='student-files-section-block'>
- " . fp_render_section_title(t("Student Files")) . "
- $upload_form
- $html
- </div>",
- );
- // Since we rendered a form, make sure we aren't showing the title on screen afterwards.
- fp_show_title(FALSE);
- }
- } // hook_content_alter
- function student_files_little_upload_form($student_id = "") {
- $form = array();
- $form["#attributes"] = array("enctype" => 'multipart/form-data'); // allow the form itself to submit files.
- $form["student_file_upload_file"] = array(
- "type" => "file",
- "description" => t("<b>Allowed files:</b> <em>%ext</em>", array("%ext" => strtolower(variable_get("student_files_allowed_extensions", "txt, pdf, doc, docx, csv, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, rtf, odt, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, zip, 7z")))),
- );
- $form["access_type"] = array(
- "type" => "radios",
- "label" => t("Visible to:"),
- "options" => array("public" => t("Anyone (incl students)"), "faculty" => t("Faculty/Staff")),
- "value" => "faculty",
- );
- $form["student_id"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $student_id,
- );
- $form["current_student_id"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $student_id,
- );
- $form["submit_btn"] = array(
- "type" => "submit",
- "value" => t("Upload"),
- "attributes" => array("onClick" => "showUpdate(false);"),
- );
- return $form;
- }
- function student_files_little_upload_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- $_POST["access_type"] = $form_state["values"]["access_type"];
- // Send it on along to be uploaded.
- student_files_handle_upload($form_state["values"]["student_id"], FALSE);
- }
- /**
- * Return an array of the files which belong to this student.
- */
- function student_files_get_files_for_student($student_id) {
- $rtn = array();
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM student_files
- WHERE student_id = ?
- ORDER BY posted DESC ", $student_id);
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $rtn[$cur["fid"]] = $cur;
- }
- return $rtn;
- }
Name | Description |
student_files_content_alter | Implememnt hook_content_alter |
student_files_get_files_for_student | Return an array of the files which belong to this student. |
student_files_handle_delete | |
student_files_handle_download | This actually finds and downloads the file for the user, decrypting if necessary. |
student_files_handle_upload | Handles the upload of a file which we assume is located at $_FILES["student_file_upload_file"], or the provided $file array. |
student_files_little_upload_form | |
student_files_little_upload_form_submit | |
student_files_menu | Implementation of hook_menu |
student_files_perm | Implements hook_perm |
student_files_settings_form | |
student_files_settings_form_validate | We mainly want to make sure nothing got entered in an incorrect format here. |
student_files_upload_any_student_files_form | This is where we can upload (en masse?) to any arbitrary student. |
student_files_upload_any_student_files_form_submit | We can assume at this point that eveything is peachy, so let's get to uploading! |
student_files_upload_any_student_files_form_validate | Validate function. |
student_files_user_may_delete_student_file | Returns TRUE or FALSE if the current user is allowed to delete the file. |
student_files_user_may_download_student_file | Returns TRUE or FALSE if the user has access to download this particular student's file. |