function advise_display_popup_change_track
Search API
7.x advise.module | advise_display_popup_change_track() |
6.x advise.module | advise_display_popup_change_track() |
4.x advise.module | advise_display_popup_change_track() |
5.x advise.module | advise_display_popup_change_track() |
- modules/
advise/ advise.module, line 716
function advise_display_popup_change_track() {
global $degree_plan, $student, $current_student_id;
$rtn = "";
fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("advise") . "/js/advise.js");
fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("advise") . "/css/advise.css");
if ($degree_plan->db_allow_dynamic == 0) {
// Since this is NOT a degree plan which can be combined with others, we
// want to display this popup like in FlightPath 4.x.
return advise_display_popup_change_track_non_dynamic_degree();
$top_level_majors_csv = "";
$degree_plan_array = array();
if ($degree_plan->is_combined_dynamic_degree_plan == FALSE) {
// NOT a combined degree plan. Just use the 1 degree plan we gots.
$degree_plan_array [$degree_plan->degree_id] = $degree_plan;
else {
// It IS a combined degree plan, so we need to get all the plans out of there.
foreach ($degree_plan->combined_degree_ids_array as $t_degree_id) {
$t_degree_plan = fp_load_degree($t_degree_id);
if ($t_degree_plan->get_available_tracks()) {
$degree_plan_array [$t_degree_plan->degree_id] = $t_degree_plan;
$locked_array = array(); // keep track of any degree classes which are "locked".
// From What If mode...
if (@$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_what_if"] == "yes") {
$student_majors_array = @csv_to_array($_SESSION ["what_if_major_code" . $student->student_id]);
else {
// Not in what if mode-- get the data from the normal student_majors table.
$student_majors_array = fp_get_student_majors($student->student_id, FALSE, TRUE);
// Also see if any degree classes should be "locked" for this student.
$db = get_global_database_handler();
$temp = $db->get_student_majors_from_db($student->student_id, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
foreach ($temp as $line) {
$t = explode("~", $line);
if (trim(strtoupper($t [0])) == "LOCKED") {
$locked_array [] = trim($t [1]);
} //else
$rtn .= "<div>
" . t("The student's degree has one or more degree options, which affects which courses are required.
Please select a degree option (or track) from the list below.") . "
" . t("If you are unsure of what to do, simply close this window.") . "
// Loop through available degrees here
foreach ($degree_plan_array as $t_degree_plan) {
// Skip any degree plan that isn't level 1 or level 2. In other words,
// if this is already a track, then skip it.
$details = fp_get_degree_classification_details($t_degree_plan->degree_class);
if ($details ["level_num"] == 3) {
// Go through each type of classification in this degree's track_selection_config_array.
//foreach ($t_degree_plan->track_selection_config_array as $machine_name => $tdetails) {
$degree_classes = fp_get_degree_classifications();
foreach ($degree_classes ["levels"][3] as $machine_name => $class_title) {
$extra_css_class = "";
$class_is_empty = TRUE;
$is_locked = FALSE;
if (in_array($machine_name, $locked_array)) {
$is_locked = TRUE;
$extra_css_class = "degree-class-is-locked";
$html = "";
$min_max_options = "";
// Check to see what we have in this degree's track_selection_config_array
$min_tracks = @intval($t_degree_plan->track_selection_config_array [$machine_name]["min_tracks"]);
$max_tracks = @intval($t_degree_plan->track_selection_config_array [$machine_name]["max_tracks"]);
$default_tracks = @trim($t_degree_plan->track_selection_config_array [$machine_name]["default_tracks"]);
$default_tracks_array = csv_to_array($default_tracks);
$degree_id = $t_degree_plan->degree_id;
// Add this information to our javascript settings...
$js = array(
"degree_min_max_tracks_" . $degree_id . "_split_" . $machine_name => $min_tracks . "~" . $max_tracks,
"degree_name_" . $degree_id => $t_degree_plan->get_title2(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE),
"class_title_" . $machine_name => $class_title,
fp_add_js($js, "setting");
$min_max_options = "<div class='advise-select-track-min-max advise-select-track-between'>Please select between $min_tracks and $max_tracks $class_title options.</div>";
if ($min_tracks == $max_tracks) {
$min_max_options = "<div class='advise-select-track-min-max advise-select-track-exact-number'>Please select $max_tracks $class_title options.</div>";
if ($min_tracks == $max_tracks && $max_tracks == 1) {
$min_max_options = "<div class='advise-select-track-min-max advise-select-track-exactly-one'>Please select 1 $class_title option.</div>";
if ($min_tracks > 0 && $max_tracks == 0) {
// Meaning, there is no maximum. It's infinite.
$min_max_options = "<div class='advise-select-track-min-max advise-select-track-at-least-one'>Please select at least $min_tracks $class_title option(s) for this degree.</div>";
if ($min_tracks == $max_tracks && $max_tracks == 0) {
$min_max_options = "<div class='advise-select-track-min-max advise-select-track-optional'>Optional: You are not required to select any additional $class_title options.</div>";
// Let's look to see what "tracks" this degree has.
$html .= "<br>
<div class='advise-track-selection-tracks $extra_css_class'>
<div class='tenpt'><span class='advise-select-degree-title'>" . $t_degree_plan->title . "</span> <span class='advise-select-class-title'>$class_title</span> options:</div>
<div class='advise-track-min-max-options advise-track-min-$min_tracks advise-track-max-$max_tracks'>$min_max_options</div>
<div class='advise-track-options-region'>
$major_code = $t_degree_plan->major_code;
$top_level_majors_csv .= $major_code . ",";
$tracks = array();
// Get the list of available tracks for this student.
if (!$tracks = $t_degree_plan->get_available_tracks())
$html .= "<div class='advise-select-track-none'> • " . t("This degree has no degree options.") . "</div>";
if (!is_array($tracks)) {
$tracks = array();
// Is there a "default" message for all tracks, which will override
// any other track descriptions?
// We need to look through all the tracks for the
// characters: "DEFAULT:"
// If we find this, then this is the default description
// which applies to all the tracks, and it should be displayed
// at the top.
$bool_default_description = false;
for ($t = 0; $t < count($tracks); $t++)
$temp = explode(" ~~ ", $tracks [$t]);
$track_code = fp_trim(@$temp [0]);
$track_title = fp_trim(@$temp [1]);
$track_description = fp_trim(@$temp [2]);
// if this track is NOT of the same classification as the current machine_code, we skip it.
$track_machine_name = trim((string) @$temp [4]);
if ($track_machine_name != $machine_name) {
continue; // not the right degree_class
if (strstr($track_description, "DEFAULT:")) {
// Yes! We found a default message.
$bool_default_description = true;
$track_description = filter_markup(trim(str_replace("DEFAULT:", "", $track_description)));
$track_description = "<div style='padding-top: 10px;' class='tenpt advise-select-track-description'>$track_description</div>";
$html = str_replace("<!--DEFAULT_$machine_name-->", $track_description, $rtn);
// Okay, go through the tracks,
for ($t = 0; $t < count($tracks); $t++)
$temp = explode(" ~~ ", $tracks [$t]);
$track_code = fp_trim(@$temp [0]);
$track_title = fp_trim(@$temp [1]);
$track_degree_id = intval(trim((string) @$temp [3]));
$track_description = "";
// if this track is NOT of the same classification as the current machine_code, we skip it.
$track_machine_name = trim((string) @$temp [4]);
if ($track_machine_name != $machine_name) {
continue; // not the right degree_class
$selected = $disabled = "";
// If this track has been selected already, mark it as such
if (isset($degree_plan_array [$track_degree_id])) {
// Meaning yes, this was already selected for this student.
$selected = "checked=checked";
// Is this track marked as NOT is_editable?
$is_editable = 1;
if (isset($student_majors_array [$t_degree_plan->major_code . "|_" . $track_code])) {
$is_editable = intval(@$student_majors_array [$t_degree_plan->major_code . "|_" . $track_code]["is_editable"]);
if ($is_editable != 1 || $is_locked == TRUE) {
$disabled = "disabled=disabled";
if ($bool_default_description == false) {
$track_description = filter_markup(fp_trim(@$temp [2]));
$temp_tc = $track_code;
if ($temp_tc == "") {
$temp_tc = "none";
$link = fp_get_js_confirm_link(t("Are you sure you wish to change degree options?"), "opener.changeTrack(\"$temp_tc\");", $track_title);
// We actually don't need to do anything special for what_if, I think. When
// we save, it should automatically detect it and set the appropriate values.
$is_whatif = 0;
if ($GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_what_if"] == "yes") {
$is_whatif = 1;
$track_degree_plan = fp_load_degree($track_degree_id, NULL, TRUE); // load minimally
$input_type = "checkbox";
$input_name = "track_degree_id_$track_degree_id";
// We are extected to select EXACTLY 1 track...
if ($min_tracks == $max_tracks && $max_tracks == 1) {
$input_type = "radio";
$input_name = "track_degree_id_" . $degree_id; // needs to be the same for all options.
if ($track_degree_plan->db_allow_dynamic == 1) {
$extra_class = "";
$is_default = FALSE;
if (in_array($t_degree_plan->major_code . "|_" . $track_code, $default_tracks_array)) {
$extra_class = "advise-select-track-default-track";
$is_default = TRUE;
$html .= "<div class='track-option $extra_class'>";
$html .= "
<input type='$input_type' name='$input_name' degree_id_class='{$degree_id}_class_{$machine_name}'
value='$track_degree_id' $selected $disabled>
<span class='track-title'>" . $track_degree_plan->get_title2(TRUE, TRUE) . "
if ($is_default) {
$html .= "<span class='track-default-track'>" . t("(Default)") . "</span>";
$html .= "
if (!$is_editable) {
$html .= "<div class='track-not-editable'>" . t("You are not allowed to modify this option.") . "</div>";
$html .= "
<div class='track-description'>
$class_is_empty = FALSE;
} // for (count(tracks))
if ($is_locked) {
$html .= "<div class='track-class-is-locked-msg'>" . t("Selections from this degree classification are locked. You may use What If mode to explore
other options, or ask your advisor about changing these options officially.") . "</div>";
$html .= "</div>";
$html .= "</div>"; // advise-track-selection-tracks
if (!$class_is_empty) {
$rtn .= $html;
} // foreach degree_plan_array
$rtn .= "<input type='button' value='" . t("Apply Selections") . "'
onClick='if(confirm(\"Are you sure you wish to apply these selections to the degree plan?\")) { popupChangeTrackSelections($is_whatif); }'>";
// Keep track of what our top-level majors were.
$top_level_majors_csv = rtrim($top_level_majors_csv, ","); // remove trailing comma if exists
$rtn .= "<input type='hidden' name='top_level_majors_csv' id='top_level_majors_csv' value='$top_level_majors_csv'>";
watchdog("advise", "display_popup_change_track $current_student_id", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
return $rtn;