Search API
Schools module.
Lets some of FlightPath's functionality (and the degrees, etc) be separated by "schools" or any other arbitrary separation
modules/schools/schools.moduleView source
- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * Schools module.
- *
- * Lets some of FlightPath's functionality (and the degrees, etc) be separated by "schools" or any other arbitrary
- * separation
- */
- function __schools_add_school_id_to_fp5_tables() {
- set_time_limit ( 999 ); // might take a while
- $tables = array(
- 'courses', 'draft_courses', 'degrees', 'draft_degrees', 'groups', 'draft_groups',
- 'colleges *',
- 'degree_college',
- 'degree_tracks', 'draft_degree_tracks',
- 'draft_instructions',
- 'standardized_tests',
- 'student_tests',
- 'subjects *',
- 'transfer_courses',
- 'transfer_institutions',
- 'users',
- 'watchdog',
- );
- $needs_primary = array();
- $show_create = array();
- foreach ($tables as $table) {
- $bool_primary = FALSE;
- if (strstr($table, "*")) {
- $table = trim(str_replace("*", "", $table));
- $bool_primary = TRUE;
- }
- $show_create[] = $table;
- // If we were supposed to ALSO add as a primary key, then we should output a message to the user, so they know to do that.
- if ($bool_primary) {
- $needs_primary[] = $table;
- }
- // Does this table already have school_id field?
- $res = db_query("show columns from `$table` WHERE `Field` = 'school_id'");
- $cur = db_fetch_array($res);
- $test = @trim($cur['Field']);
- if ($test == 'school_id') continue;
- // Otherwise, we need to add the column to the table, and a key!
- fpm("Adding to $table...");
- $q = "ALTER TABLE `$table` ADD COLUMN `school_id` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0";
- db_query($q);
- // Add regular key
- $q = "ALTER TABLE `$table` ADD KEY `school_id` (`school_id`)";
- db_query($q);
- } // foreach
- fpm($needs_primary);
- //////////////////////////////////////
- // Set our new primary keys
- foreach ($needs_primary as $table) {
- $res = db_query("SHOW KEYS FROM `$table` WHERE Key_name = 'PRIMARY'");
- $keys = array();
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $cn = $cur['Column_name'];
- if ($cn == 'school_id') continue; // already in there.
- $keys[] = $cn;
- }
- $keys[] = 'school_id';
- $kline = join(", ", $keys);
- db_query("ALTER TABLE `$table`
- ADD PRIMARY KEY ($kline)");
- }
- $rtn = "";
- foreach ($show_create as $table) {
- $res = db_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `$table`");
- $cur = db_fetch_array($res);
- $create = $cur['Create Table'];
- $create = str_ireplace("USING BTREE", "", $create);
- $create = str_ireplace("CHARACTER SET latin1", "", $create);
- $create = str_ireplace("COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci", "", $create);
- $temp = explode("ENGINE=", $create);
- $create = trim($temp[0]);
- $rtn .= $create . "; \n\n\n\n";
- }
- fpm("<textarea>$rtn</textarea>");
- } // end function
- /**
- * Implements hook_init
- */
- function schools_init() {
- // Is there an urgent message to display based on school?
- global $user;
- $school_id = $user->school_id;
- $defs = schools_get_school_definitions();
- $urgent_msg = trim(variable_get("urgent_msg_$school_id", ""));
- if ($urgent_msg) {
- fp_add_message("<b>" . t("Important Message (%school_desc):", array("%school_desc" => @$defs[$school_id])) . "</b> " . $urgent_msg, "status", TRUE);
- }
- } // hook_init
- /**
- * Implements hook_menu
- */
- function schools_menu() {
- $items = array();
- $items['admin/config/schools'] = array(
- 'title' => 'Schools settings',
- 'description' => 'Administer and define the Schools at your institution',
- 'page_callback' => 'fp_render_form',
- 'page_arguments' => array('schools_administer_schools_form'),
- 'access_arguments' => array('administer_schools'),
- "page_settings" => array(
- "page_show_title" => TRUE,
- "menu_icon" => fp_get_module_path('system') . "/icons/building.png",
- "menu_links" => array(
- 0 => array(
- "text" => "Admin Console",
- "path" => "admin-tools/admin",
- "query" => "de_catalog_year=%DE_CATALOG_YEAR%",
- ),
- ),
- ),
- );
- // For each school we have defined, let's create a menu item for configuring
- // school-specific settings.
- $defs = schools_get_school_definitions(TRUE);
- $weight = 0;
- foreach ($defs as $cur) {
- $school_name = $cur['name'];
- $school_id = intval($cur['school_id']);
- if ($school_id === 0) continue; // skip default since that wil be there already
- $items["admin/config/school-data/$school_id"] = array(
- "title" => $school_name,
- "page_callback" => "fp_render_form",
- "page_arguments" => array("system_school_data_form", "system_settings", 3),
- "access_arguments" => array("de_can_administer_school_data"), // TODO: make sure we can administer THIS school data. Add new perms.
- "page_settings" => array(
- "page_hide_report_error" => TRUE,
- "menu_icon" => fp_get_module_path('system') . "/icons/cog_edit.png",
- "menu_links" => array(
- 0 => array(
- "text" => "Admin Console",
- "path" => "admin-tools/admin",
- "query" => "de_catalog_year=%DE_CATALOG_YEAR%",
- ),
- ),
- ),
- "type" => MENU_TYPE_TAB,
- "tab_family" => "config_school_settings",
- "weight" => $weight,
- );
- $items["admin/edit-advising-settings/$school_id"] = array(
- "title" => $school_name,
- "page_callback" => "fp_render_form",
- "page_arguments" => array("admin_advising_settings_form", "system_settings", 2),
- "access_arguments" => array("can_edit_advising_settings"),
- "page_settings" => array(
- "page_hide_report_error" => TRUE,
- "menu_links" => array(
- 0 => array(
- "text" => "Admin Console",
- "path" => "admin-tools/admin",
- "query" => "de_catalog_year=%DE_CATALOG_YEAR%",
- ),
- ),
- ),
- "type" => MENU_TYPE_TAB,
- "tab_family" => "edit_advising_settings",
- "weight" => $weight,
- );
- $items["admin/config/course-search/$school_id"] = array(
- "title" => $school_name,
- "page_callback" => "fp_render_form",
- "page_arguments" => array("course_search_settings_form", "system_settings", 3),
- "access_arguments" => array("administer_course_search"),
- "page_settings" => array(
- "page_hide_report_error" => TRUE,
- "menu_links" => array(
- 0 => array(
- "text" => "Admin Console",
- "path" => "admin-tools/admin",
- "query" => "de_catalog_year=%DE_CATALOG_YEAR%",
- ),
- ),
- ),
- "type" => MENU_TYPE_TAB,
- "tab_family" => "course_search_settings",
- "weight" => $weight,
- );
- $items["admin/config/appointments/$school_id"] = array(
- 'title' => $school_name,
- 'page_callback' => 'fp_render_form',
- 'page_arguments' => array('calendar_appointment_settings_form', 'system_settings', 3),
- 'access_arguments' => array('administer_appointment_settings'),
- "page_settings" => array(
- "page_hide_report_error" => TRUE,
- "menu_links" => array(
- 0 => array(
- "text" => "Admin Console",
- "path" => "admin-tools/admin",
- "query" => "de_catalog_year=%DE_CATALOG_YEAR%",
- ),
- ),
- ),
- 'type' => MENU_TYPE_TAB,
- "tab_family" => "appointment_settings", // REMEMBER TO ALSO EDIT SCHOOLS_MENU_ALTER
- 'weight' => $weight,
- );
- $items["admin/config/alerts-settings/$school_id"] = array(
- "title" => $school_name,
- "page_callback" => "fp_render_form",
- "page_arguments" => array("alerts_settings_form", "system_settings", 3),
- "access_arguments" => array("administer_alerts"),
- "page_settings" => array(
- "page_hide_report_error" => TRUE,
- "menu_links" => array(
- 0 => array(
- "text" => "Admin Console",
- "path" => "admin-tools/admin",
- "query" => "de_catalog_year=%DE_CATALOG_YEAR%",
- ),
- ),
- ),
- "type" => MENU_TYPE_TAB,
- "tab_family" => "alerts_settings",
- "weight" => $weight,
- );
- $items["admin/config/audit-settings/$school_id"] = array(
- "title" => $school_name,
- "page_callback" => "fp_render_form",
- "page_arguments" => array("audit_settings_form", "system_settings", 3),
- "access_arguments" => array("administer_audit"),
- "page_settings" => array(
- "page_hide_report_error" => TRUE,
- "menu_links" => array(
- 0 => array(
- "text" => "Admin Console",
- "path" => "admin-tools/admin",
- "query" => "de_catalog_year=%DE_CATALOG_YEAR%",
- ),
- ),
- ),
- "type" => MENU_TYPE_TAB,
- "tab_family" => "audit_settings",
- "weight" => $weight,
- );
- $weight = $weight + 10;
- }
- return $items;
- } // hook_menu
- /**
- * hook_menu_alter
- *
- * We want to alter some system menu items, so we can make sure to check
- * our new custom permissions.
- */
- function schools_menu_alter(&$items) {
- if (!is_array($items)) return;
- foreach ($items as $path => $item) {
- if ($path == 'admin/degrees/edit-degree/%/%') {
- // alter access_callback and arguments to make sure
- // the user is able to edit THIS degree.
- $items[$path]['access_callback'] = 'schools_check_access';
- $items[$path]['access_arguments'] = array(2, 3, 4);
- }
- // The path for editing a group looks like this:
- // admin/groups/edit-group?group_id=XXX&de_catalog_year=XXX
- if ($path == 'admin/groups/edit-group') {
- $items[$path]['access_callback'] = 'schools_check_access';
- $items[$path]['access_arguments'] = array(2, "request_group_id", "group_catalog_year");
- }
- // The path for editing a course looks like this:
- // admin/courses/edit-course?course_id=XXX&de_catalog_year=XXX
- if ($path == 'admin/courses/edit-course') {
- $items[$path]['access_callback'] = 'schools_check_access';
- $items[$path]['access_arguments'] = array(2, "request_course_id", "course_catalog_year");
- }
- // We want to make this a default tab, because we are going to
- // have our other schools have their own tabs as well.
- if ($path == 'admin/config/school-data') {
- $items[$path]['type'] = MENU_TYPE_DEFAULT_TAB;
- $items[$path]['tab_family'] = 'config_school_settings';
- $items[$path]['page_settings']['tab_title'] = t('Default');
- unset($items[$path]['tab_parent']);
- }
- if ($path == 'admin/edit-advising-settings') {
- $items[$path]['type'] = MENU_TYPE_DEFAULT_TAB;
- $items[$path]['tab_family'] = 'edit_advising_settings';
- $items[$path]['page_settings']['tab_title'] = t('Default');
- unset($items[$path]['tab_parent']);
- }
- if ($path == 'admin/config/course-search') {
- $items[$path]['type'] = MENU_TYPE_DEFAULT_TAB;
- $items[$path]['tab_family'] = 'course_search_settings';
- $items[$path]['page_settings']['tab_title'] = t('Default');
- unset($items[$path]['tab_parent']);
- }
- if ($path == 'admin/config/alerts-settings') {
- $items[$path]['type'] = MENU_TYPE_DEFAULT_TAB;
- $items[$path]['tab_family'] = 'alerts_settings';
- $items[$path]['page_settings']['tab_title'] = t('Default');
- unset($items[$path]['tab_parent']);
- }
- if ($path == 'admin/config/audit-settings') {
- $items[$path]['type'] = MENU_TYPE_DEFAULT_TAB;
- $items[$path]['tab_family'] = 'audit_settings';
- $items[$path]['page_settings']['tab_title'] = t('Default');
- unset($items[$path]['tab_parent']);
- }
- if ($path == 'admin/config/appointments') {
- $items[$path]['type'] = MENU_TYPE_DEFAULT_TAB;
- $items[$path]['tab_family'] = 'appointment_settings';
- $items[$path]['page_settings']['tab_title'] = t('Default');
- unset($items[$path]['tab_parent']);
- }
- } // foreach
- } // hook_menu_alter
- /**
- * this is our custom access callback.
- *
- * op is expected to be 'edit-degree', 'edit-course', or 'edit-group'
- * entity_code is the degree_id for degrees, group_id for groups, and course_id for courses.
- *
- *
- */
- function schools_check_access($op, $entity_code, $catalog_year) {
- // If the user doesn't have this base permission, they can't edit anything
- // at all.
- if (!user_has_permission("can_edit_data_entry")) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- $school_id = $entity_type = "";
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- /////////////////////
- if ($op == 'edit-degree') {
- $entity_type = 'degree';
- $school_id = db_result(db_query("SELECT school_id FROM draft_degrees
- WHERE degree_id = ?
- AND catalog_year = ?", $entity_code, $catalog_year));
- }
- ///////////////////////
- // The path for editing a group looks like this:
- // admin/groups/edit-group?group_id=XXX&de_catalog_year=XXX
- if ($op == 'edit-group') {
- $entity_type = "group";
- $group_id = $_REQUEST['group_id'];
- if ($group_id == 'new') return TRUE;
- $school_id = intval(db_result(db_query("SELECT school_id FROM draft_groups WHERE group_id = ?", $group_id)));
- }
- ///////////////////////
- // The path for editing a course looks like this:
- // admin/courses/edit-course?course_id=XXX&de_catalog_year=XXX
- if ($op == 'edit-course') {
- $entity_type = "course";
- $course_id = $_REQUEST['course_id'];
- if ($course_id == 'new') return TRUE;
- $school_id = intval(db_result(db_query("SELECT school_id FROM draft_courses WHERE course_id = ?", $course_id)));
- }
- // Actually check the permission, IF there is a school_id set.
- if ($school_id != "" && $entity_type != "") {
- if (!user_has_permission('administer_' . $school_id . '_' . $entity_type . '_data')) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // If we got here, then we didn't fail any permission checks, so we can let the user proceed.
- return TRUE;
- } // schools_check_access
- /**
- * Return a list of schools in an array, for use in the "options" of
- * a select list in the Form API.
- *
- * If $bool_check_perm is true, then we will check permissions before adding it to the array.
- */
- function schools_get_schools_for_fapi($bool_include_default = TRUE, $bool_check_perm = FALSE, $check_perm_type = "degree", $bool_include_school_code = FALSE) {
- $rtn = array();
- $defs = schools_get_school_definitions(TRUE);
- if ($bool_include_default) {
- $rtn[0] = t(' - Default -');
- }
- foreach ($defs as $school_id => $val) {
- $title = $val['name'];
- if ($bool_include_school_code) {
- $title = $val['school_code'] . ' - ' . $val['name'];
- }
- if ($bool_check_perm) {
- if (user_has_permission('administer_' . $school_id . '_' . $check_perm_type . '_data') || user_has_permission('manage_' . $school_id . '_' . $check_perm_type . '_data')) {
- $rtn[$school_id] = $title;
- }
- }
- else {
- $rtn[$school_id] = $title;
- }
- }
- return $rtn;
- }
- function schools_content_alter(&$render, $render_id) {
- $defs = schools_get_school_definitions(TRUE);
- if ($render_id == 'admin_display_degrees') {
- //fpm($render);
- // Add the school to the table.
- $v = $render['degrees_table_top']['value'];
- $v = str_replace("</tr>", "<th>School</th></tr>", $v);
- $render['degrees_table_top']['value'] = $v;
- foreach ($render as $key => $val) {
- if (strstr($key, 'degree_row_')) {
- // Find out the school_id for this degree, if it exists.
- $school_id = intval($val['data']['db_row']['school_id']);
- $school_code = "-";
- if ($school_id != 0) {
- $school_code = $defs[$school_id]['school_code'];
- }
- // Fill in the school code as the last td in the table row.
- $render[$key]['value'] = str_replace('</tr>', "<td class='degree-school'>$school_code</td></tr>", $render[$key]['value']);
- if ($school_id == 0) continue; // Everyone can edit school_id 0
- // A school id has indeed been set, so we need to see if this user is allowed to edit it or not.
- if (!user_has_permission('administer_' . $school_id . '_degree_data')) {
- // No, so let's remove it.
- unset($render[$key]);
- }
- }
- } // foreach
- } // admin_display_degrees
- /////////////////////////////////
- if ($render_id == 'admin_display_groups') {
- // Add school to our table top.
- $v = $render['groups_table_top']['value'];
- $v = str_replace("</tr>", "<th>School</th></tr>", $v);
- $render['groups_table_top']['value'] = $v;
- foreach ($render as $key => $val) {
- if (strstr($key, 'group_row_')) {
- // Find out the school_id for this group, if it exists.
- $school_id = intval($val['data']['db_row']['school_id']);
- $school_code = "-";
- if ($school_id != 0) {
- $school_code = $defs[$school_id]['school_code'];
- }
- // Fill in the school code as the last td in the table row.
- $render[$key]['value'] = str_replace('</tr>', "<td class='group-school'>$school_code</td></tr>", $render[$key]['value']);
- if ($school_id == 0) continue; // everyone can edit school_id 0
- // A school id has indeed been set, so we need to see if this user is allowed to edit it or not.
- if (!user_has_permission('administer_' . $school_id . '_group_data')) {
- // No, so let's hide it.
- unset($render[$key]);
- }
- }
- } // foreach
- } // admin_display_groups
- ///////////////////////////////
- if ($render_id == 'admin_display_courses') {
- // Add school to our table top.
- $v = $render['courses_table_top']['value'];
- $v = str_replace("</tr>", "<th>School</th></tr>", $v);
- $render['courses_table_top']['value'] = $v;
- foreach ($render as $key => $val) {
- if (strstr($key, 'course_row_')) {
- // Find out the school_id for this degree, if it exists.
- $school_id = intval($val['data']['db_row']['school_id']);
- $school_code = "-";
- if ($school_id != 0) {
- $school_code = $defs[$school_id]['school_code'];
- }
- // Fill in the school code as the last td in the table row.
- $render[$key]['value'] = str_replace('</tr>', "<td class='course-school'>$school_code</td></tr>", $render[$key]['value']);
- if ($school_id == 0) continue; // everyone can edit school id 0
- // A school id has indeed been set, so we need to see if this user is allowed to edit it or not.
- if (!user_has_permission('administer_' . $school_id . '_course_data')) {
- // No, so let's hide it.
- unset($render[$key]);
- }
- }
- } // foreach
- } // admin_display_courses
- if ($render_id == 'user_display_users') {
- // Add school to our table top.
- $v = $render['users_table_top']['value'];
- $v = str_replace("</tr>", "<th>School</th></tr>", $v);
- $render['users_table_top']['value'] = $v;
- foreach ($render as $key => $val) {
- if (strstr($key, 'user_row_')) {
- // Find out the school_id for this degree, if it exists.
- $school_id = intval($val['data']['db_row']['school_id']);
- $school_code = "-";
- if ($school_id != 0) {
- $school_code = $defs[$school_id]['school_code'];
- }
- // Fill in the school code as the last td in the table row.
- $render[$key]['value'] = str_replace('</tr>', "<td class='course-school'>$school_code</td></tr>", $render[$key]['value']);
- if ($school_id == 0) continue; // everyone can edit school id 0
- // A school id has indeed been set, so we need to see if this user is allowed to edit it or not.
- if (!user_has_permission('manage_' . $school_id . '_user_data')) {
- // No, so let's hide it.
- unset($render[$key]);
- }
- }
- } // foreach
- } // user_display_users
- } // hook_content_alter
- /**
- * Implements hook_form_alter
- */
- function schools_form_alter(&$form, $form_id) {
- $forms_to_alter = array(
- 'admin_edit_degree_form',
- 'admin_edit_group_form',
- 'admin_edit_course_form',
- 'user_edit_user_form',
- 'user_edit_student_user_form',
- );
- // Add "school" dropdown to the degrees, groups, and courses form
- if (in_array($form_id, $forms_to_alter)) {
- fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("schools") . '/js/schools.js');
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- $school_id = 0; // default
- $entity_id = 0; // default
- if ($form_id == 'admin_edit_degree_form') {
- $entity_type = 'degree';
- $degree_id = @intval($form['degree_id']['value']);
- $entity_id = $degree_id;
- if ($degree_id) {
- $school_id = $db->get_school_id_for_degree_id($degree_id, TRUE);
- }
- $weight = 1120;
- @$catalog_year = $form['de_catalog_year']['value'];
- if ($catalog_year == "") {
- @$catalog_year = $form['catalog_year']['value'];
- }
- }
- // Is this a "group" we are editing?
- if ($form_id == "admin_edit_group_form") {
- $entity_type = 'group';
- $weight = 45;
- $group_id = @$form['group_id']['value'];
- $entity_id = $group_id;
- $school_id = $db->get_school_id_for_group_id($group_id, TRUE);
- }
- if ($form_id == 'admin_edit_course_form') {
- $entity_type = 'course';
- $course_id = @intval($form['course_id']['value']);
- $entity_id = $course_id;
- $weight = 55;
- $school_id = $db->get_school_id_for_course_id($course_id, TRUE);
- // We also want to adjust the description for the "update for all years" checkbox.
- $form['all_years']['options']['yes'] = t('Update title, description, hour info, and school selection for all years of this course.');
- }
- if ($form_id == 'user_edit_user_form' || $form_id == 'user_edit_student_user_form') {
- $entity_type = 'user';
- $user_id = intval($form['user_id']['value']);
- $entity_id = $user_id;
- $school_id = $db->get_school_id_for_user_id($user_id, TRUE);
- $weight = 95;
- } // user edit form
- $options = schools_get_schools_for_fapi(TRUE, TRUE, $entity_type, TRUE);
- $form['schools_school'] = array(
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'label' => t('School:'),
- 'options' => $options,
- 'attributes' => array('onchange' => "return schoolsConfirmChangeSchool($school_id);"),
- 'value' => $school_id,
- 'hide_please_select' => TRUE,
- 'weight' => $weight,
- 'popup_description' => t('Please select a school which this @datatype belongs to. Schools are defined under the Admin Console -> Configure Schools.', array('@datatype' => $entity_type)),
- 'description' => t("<strong>Caution:</strong> changing this value could have unexpected consequences. If unsure what to do, set to Default."),
- );
- $form['schools_entity_type'] = array(
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'value' => $entity_type,
- );
- $form['schools_entity_id'] = array(
- 'type' => 'hidden',
- 'value' => $entity_id,
- );
- // We also need to add our custom submit handler so that our selection gets saved correctly.
- // Also, use unshift so it's the first thing we do.
- //$form['#submit_handlers'][] = 'schools_data_form_submit';
- if (!isset($form['#submit_handlers'])) $form['#submit_handlers'] = array();
- array_unshift($form['#submit_handlers'], 'schools_data_form_submit');
- // If this is a NEW group, then don't show them anything!
- if (($entity_type == 'group' && @$form['group_id']['value'] === 'new') || ($entity_type == 'course' && @$form['course_id']['value'] === 'new') || ($entity_type == 'user' && @intval($form['user_id']['value']) === 0)) {
- $form['schools_school'] = array(
- 'type' => 'markup',
- 'label' => t('School:'),
- 'value' => t('<b>Please save this @dt at least once (to establish an ID in the database). Once you have done this,
- the School selection box will appear.</b>', array('@dt' => $entity_type)),
- 'weight' => $weight,
- );
- }
- } // if in_array forms to alter
- // When we copy a degree, make sure we have a chance to interact (so we can
- // indicate the degree as well.
- if ($form_id == "admin_copy_degree_form") {
- $options = schools_get_schools_for_fapi(TRUE, TRUE, 'degree', TRUE);
- $form['school_id'] = array(
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'label' => 'Source School:',
- 'options' => $options,
- 'hide_please_select' => TRUE,
- 'weight' => 25,
- 'popup_description' => t('Please select a school which this degree belongs to. Schools are defined under the Admin Console -> Configure Schools.'),
- 'description' => t("This must match the source degree. If you do not know the source degree's school, or are unsure what to select, set to Default."),
- );
- $form['destination_school_id'] = array(
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'label' => 'Destination School:',
- 'options' => $options,
- 'hide_please_select' => TRUE,
- 'weight' => 35,
- 'popup_description' => t('Please select a school which you wish to save the new degree into. Schools are defined under the Admin Console -> Configure Schools.'),
- 'description' => t("Please select a school which you wish to save the new degree into. If you are unsure what to select, set to Default."),
- );
- //if (!isset($form['#validate_handlers'])) $form['#validate_handlers'] = array();
- //array_unshift($form['#validate_handlers'], 'schools_admin_copy_degree_form_validate');
- }
- if ($form_id == 'admin_add_degree_form') {
- $options = schools_get_schools_for_fapi(TRUE, TRUE, 'degree', TRUE);
- $form['school_id'] = array(
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'label' => 'School:',
- 'options' => $options,
- 'value' => $school_id,
- 'hide_please_select' => TRUE,
- 'weight' => 15,
- 'popup_description' => t('Please select a school which this degree belongs to. Schools are defined under the Admin Console -> Configure Schools.'),
- 'description' => t("This must match the source degree. If you do not know the source degree's school, or are unsure what to select, set to Default."),
- );
- }
- // Alter the "urgent message" form, to include new verbiage about how the main one is "global", and add new
- // boxes for each school.
- if ($form_id == 'admin_urgent_message_form') {
- $form["mark_school"] = array(
- 'value' => '<br><hr><p>' . t('<h2>Schools</h2>The following boxes are provided by the Schools module, so that you may display
- urgent messages to <b>students</b> and <b>faculty/staff</b>, based on the school they have been assigned to.') . "</p>",
- );
- $defs = schools_get_school_definitions();
- foreach ($defs as $school_id => $school_desc) {
- if ($school_id == 0) continue;
- $form["urgent_msg_$school_id"] = array(
- "type" => "textarea",
- "label" => t("Urgent Message for users in %school_desc:", array("%school_desc" => $school_desc)),
- "value" => variable_get("urgent_msg_$school_id", ""),
- 'description' => t("To delete this message, simple delete all the text in this box and save."),
- );
- }
- $form['mark_below_school'] = array(
- 'value' => '<br><hr><br>',
- );
- } // form is admin_urgent_message_form
- // Forms for which we should allow override values per school.
- $oforms = array('alerts_settings_form',"system_school_data_form",'admin_advising_settings_form',"course_search_settings_form",'audit_settings_form','calendar_appointment_settings_form');
- if (in_array($form_id,$oforms)) {
- // We want to add a "use default" checkbox at the top, which, if set, will disable all of the form elements.
- fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path('schools') . '/js/schools.js');
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path('system') . '/css/style.css');
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path('schools') . '/css/style.css');
- $school_id = intval($form['school_id']['value']);
- if ($school_id !== 0) {
- $school_name = schools_get_school_name_for_id($school_id);
- $form['markup_school_use_default_school_values'] = array(
- 'type' => 'markup',
- 'value' => "<div>" . t("Since this is not the Default school, you have the option to <em>override</em> the Default school's values for each field.
- <br>If <strong>checked</strong>, the value you enter will be used for students, degrees, etc, belonging to this school (%school).
- <br>If <strong>unchecked</strong>, the value you enter will be ignored, and the Default school's value will be used instead.
- <br><br>If unsure what to do, leave these 'Override' boxes unchecked.
- ", array("%school" => $school_name)) . "</div>",
- 'weight' => -100,
- );
- // Add a checkbox to every form element!
- $fields_to_edit = array('textfield', 'textarea', 'select', 'checkboxes');
- $fields_to_check_override = "";
- foreach ($form as $fieldname => $element) {
- if (in_array($element['type'], $fields_to_edit)) {
- // Add an "override" checkbox for this field.
- $checked = "";
- if (variable_get("school_override__$fieldname", "") === "yes") {
- $checked = "checked=checked";
- }
- if (!isset($form[$fieldname]['prefix'])) $form[$fieldname]['prefix'] = "";
- $n_fieldname = $fieldname;
- if ($element['type'] == 'checkboxes') {
- $n_fieldname = 'inner-wrapper-' . $fieldname;
- }
- $css_id = md5($fieldname) . mt_rand(9,9999);
- $form[$fieldname]['prefix'] .= "<span class='schools-override-cb'>
- <label><input type='checkbox' name='school_override__$n_fieldname' class='school-override-cb' id='school_override__$css_id' value='yes' $checked>" . t("Override Default school value?") . "</label></span>";
- // Also add this fieldname to our "fields_to_check_override" string, so we can put it in a hidden textarea for later use in the _submit function.
- $fields_to_check_override .= $fieldname . ",";
- }
- } // foreach
- $form['markup_fields_to_override'] = array(
- 'value' => "<textarea name='fields_to_check_override' style='display:none;'>$fields_to_check_override</textarea>",
- 'weight' => 999,
- );
- // We also need to add a custom submit handler, so we can save the "override" values.
- $form['#submit_handlers'][] = 'schools_override_elements_form_submit';
- } // school != 0
- } // system_school_data_form
- } // hook_form_alter
- function schools_override_elements_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- // our override values will be in the POST, not the regular "values" area.
- $school_id = intval($form_state['values']['school_id']);
- $fields_to_check_override = explode(",", $form_state['POST']['fields_to_check_override']);
- foreach($fields_to_check_override as $fieldname) {
- if ($fieldname == "") continue;
- // get the base fieldname (minus any school designation).
- $temp = explode("~~", $fieldname);
- $base_fieldname = $temp[0];
- if (@$form_state['POST']["school_override__$fieldname"] === 'yes') {
- // We are overriding the fieldname.
- variable_set("school_override__$fieldname", "yes");
- } // if override == yes
- else {
- // We are NOT overriding it.
- variable_set("school_override__$fieldname", "no");
- }
- } //foreach
- }
- function schools_get_school_code_for_id($school_id) {
- if (isset($GLOBALS["fp_cache_school_code_for_id"][intval($school_id)])) {
- return $GLOBALS["fp_cache_school_code_for_id"][intval($school_id)];
- }
- $defs = schools_get_school_definitions(TRUE);
- $rtn = @$defs[$school_id]['school_code'];
- if ($rtn == "") {
- $rtn .= t("School ID# ") . $school_id;
- }
- if (intval($school_id) === 0) {
- $rtn = "-";
- }
- $GLOBALS["fp_cache_school_code_for_id"][intval($school_id)] = $rtn;
- return $rtn;
- }
- function schools_get_school_name_for_id($school_id) {
- if (isset($GLOBALS["fp_cache_school_name_for_id"][intval($school_id)])) {
- return $GLOBALS["fp_cache_school_name_for_id"][intval($school_id)];
- }
- $defs = schools_get_school_definitions(FALSE);
- $rtn = @$defs[$school_id];
- if ($rtn == "") {
- $rtn .= t("School ID# ") . $school_id;
- }
- $GLOBALS["fp_cache_school_name_for_id"][intval($school_id)] = $rtn;
- return $rtn;
- }
- function z__schools_admin_copy_degree_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
- $values = $form_state['values'];
- $source_major_code = $values['source_major_code'];
- $school_id = $values['schools_school'];
- $form_state['values']['school_id'] = intval($school_id);
- // Make sure that this major code exists for this school.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees WHERE major_code = ? AND school_id = ?", array($source_major_code, $school_id));
- $cur = db_fetch_array($res);
- if (!$cur) {
- form_error("source_major_code", t("Sorry, but the source major code could not be found for the selected school. Please verify the school that the source degree belongs to."));
- form_error("schools_school", "");
- }
- }
- function schools_data_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
- $schools_entity_type = $form_state['values']['schools_entity_type'];
- $entity_id = $form_state['values']['schools_entity_id'];
- @$degree_id = intval($form_state['values']['degree_id']);
- @$group_id = intval($form_state['values']['group_id']);
- @$course_id = intval($form_state['values']['course_id']);
- @$user_id = intval($form_state['values']['user_id']);
- @$catalog_year = $form_state['values']['de_catalog_year'];
- if ($catalog_year == "") {
- @$catalog_year = $form_state['values']['catalog_year'];
- }
- $school_id = intval($form_state['values']['schools_school']);
- $form_state['values']['school_id'] = $school_id;
- // Update the table in question.
- $table_name = 'draft_degrees';
- $field_name = "degree_id";
- if ($schools_entity_type == "group") {
- $table_name = "draft_groups";
- $field_name = "group_id";
- }
- if ($schools_entity_type == "course") {
- $table_name = "draft_courses";
- $field_name = "course_id";
- }
- if ($schools_entity_type == 'user') {
- $table_name = "users";
- $field_name = "user_id";
- }
- db_query("UPDATE `$table_name` SET school_id = ? WHERE $field_name = ?", array($school_id, $entity_id));
- // This section of code no longer applies.
- /*
- if ($schools_entity_type == 'course') {
- // If this is a course, we might have selected the 'all years' option. If so, we need to
- // look up all catalog years that this course exists, and set our data for each catalog year.
- if (@$form_state['values']['all_years']['yes'] == 'yes') {
- // First, find all catalog years for this course_id.
- $res = db_query("SELECT distinct(catalog_year) FROM draft_courses WHERE course_id = ?", array($course_id));
- while($cur = db_fetch_object($res)) {
- // Delete existing data...
- db_query("DELETE FROM draft_schools_data
- WHERE degree_id = ?
- AND group_id = ?
- AND course_id = ?
- AND catalog_year = ?
- ", array($degree_id, $group_id, $course_id, $cur->catalog_year));
- // Now, insert.
- db_query("INSERT INTO draft_schools_data
- (school_id, degree_id, group_id, course_id, catalog_year)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", array($school_id, $degree_id, $group_id, $course_id, $cur->catalog_year));
- } // while
- } // yes, we selected 'all years'
- } // if entity_type is course
- */
- }
- // NOTE: We no longer need to do anything when we apply draft changes.
- /**
- * Implements hook_apply_draft_changes
- *
- * This runs when the user "applies draft changes". We want to
- * copy from our draft_ table to our production table.
- */
- function z__schools_apply_draft_changes() {
- /*
- $table_name = "schools_data";
- $draft_table_name = "draft_$table_name";
- // First, truncate existing...
- $query = "truncate table $table_name";
- $res = db_query($query);
- // Now, copy in draft changes...
- $query = "INSERT INTO $table_name
- SELECT * FROM $draft_table_name ";
- $res = db_query($query);
- */
- } // hook_apply_draft_changes
- function schools_administer_schools_form() {
- $form = array();
- $form = array();
- $m = 0;
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("alerts") . "/css/style.css");
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("user") . "/css/user.css");
- fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/js/admin.js");
- $form["mark" . $m++] = array(
- "type" => "markup",
- "value" => t("Schools can be divisions within your institution (ex: School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy, etc), distinct campuses
- (ex: Washington Campus, South Campus, etc), or divisions of graduate level (Undergrad, Graduate).
- The default school is simply called 'Default' and all users and degree data will be placed under the Default school unless otherwise specified.
- <br>If you are unsure what to do, <b>leave this page blank</b>.") . "
- <br><br>
- <a href='' target='_blank'>" . t("For a more thorough explanation of Schools, view this help page (loads in a new window)") . "</a>"
- . "<br><br><b>" . t("Schools:") . "</b>
- <table class='advisees-alerts' style='margin-left: 10px;' cellpadding=5>
- <tr>
- <th width='10%'>" . t("Actions") . "</th>
- <th width='10%'>" . t("Internal ID") . "</th>
- <th width='10%'>" . t("Code") . "</th>
- <th>" . t("Name") . "</th>
- </tr>",
- );
- $form["mark" . $m++] = array(
- "type" => "markup",
- "value" => "<tr><td>-</td><td>0</td><td>-</td><td>" . t("Default") . "</td></tr>",
- );
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM schools ORDER BY school_id");
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $school_id = $cur["school_id"];
- $code = $cur["school_code"];
- $value = $cur["name"];
- $prompt_link = fp_get_js_prompt_link("Enter a new code (up to 5 chars) and name separated by tilda ~ \\n(ex: ULM ~ University of Louisiana Monroe)\\nto change this school to:", "$code ~ $value", "document.getElementById(\"element-perform_action2\").value=\"edit~_~$school_id~_~\" + response; document.getElementById(\"fp-form-schools_administer_schools_form\").submit(); ", "<i class='fa fa-pencil'></i>");
- $confirm_link = fp_get_js_confirm_link(t("Are you sure you wish to delete this school_id?\\nNo data will be deleted, but the record connecting the id $school_id to this school will be removed from the 'schools' database table.\\n\\nProceed?"), "document.getElementById(\"element-perform_action2\").value=\"del~_~$school_id\"; document.getElementById(\"fp-form-schools_administer_schools_form\").submit(); ", "<i class='fa fa-remove'></i>", "action-link-remove");
- if ($school_id == 0 ) {
- $prompt_link = $confirm_link = "";
- }
- $form["mark" . $m++] = array(
- "type" => "markup",
- "value" => "<tr>
- <td >$prompt_link $confirm_link</td>
- <td>$school_id</td>
- <td>$code</td>
- <td>$value</td>
- </tr>",
- );
- }
- $form["mark" . $m++] = array(
- "type" => "markup",
- "value" => "</table>
- <br><div style='border: 1px solid gold; padding: 10px;'><strong>" . t("Important:") . "</strong> " . t("Even if you are not overriding any settings per school, you must still visit each school's <em>Configure school settings</em>
- screen from the Admin Console and press the Submit button. Otherwise, some features in FlightPath may not function correctly.</div>"),
- );
- $form["perform_action2"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- );
- $form["new_school"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Add a new school as <i>code ~ name</i>:"),
- "description" => t("Enter a unique, 1 to 5 character, code for this school, then the name, separated by a tilda (~).
- <br> Ex: ULM ~ University of Louisiana Monroe"),
- );
- $form['schools_allow_courses_from_default_school'] = array(
- 'type' => 'select',
- 'label' => t("Allow courses (in degrees and groups) from the Default school as well as their assigned school?"),
- 'options' => array('yes' => t('Yes (default)'), 'no' => t('No')),
- 'hide_please_select' => TRUE,
- 'value' => variable_get('schools_allow_courses_from_default_school', 'yes'),
- 'description' => t("This setting has a <b>very powerful</b> implication.
- <br>• If set to 'No', it means that degrees and groups must <b>only</b> use
- courses belonging to the same school as them. For example, this is useful if you have multiple institutions within FlightPath,
- each with a course named ENGL 101, and you need to be explicit about <em>which</em> ENGL 101 you mean.
- <br>• If set to 'Yes', it means that degrees and groups will allow courses from their same school <b>as well as</b> courses
- from the Default school. This is good if you keep the majority of your courses under Default, and have <em>no duplicates
- across schools</em>. For example, if you have separate schools for 'School of Business' and 'School of Nursing' at the same institution, then
- a course like ENGL 101 might be used by degrees in both schools. So, ENGL 101 would be placed in the Default school.
- <br>
- If you are unsure what to select, choose 'Yes'."),
- );
- $form["submit"] = array(
- "type" => "submit",
- "value" => t("Submit"),
- );
- return $form;
- } // administer_schools_form
- function schools_administer_schools_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
- $values = $form_state["values"];
- variable_set("schools_allow_courses_from_default_school", $values["schools_allow_courses_from_default_school"]);
- fp_add_message(t("Settings saved successfully."));
- if (trim($values["new_school"]) != "") {
- $new_school = trim($values["new_school"]);
- if (!strstr($new_school, "~")) {
- form_error("new_school", t("Sorry, but the format you entered was not correct. Plase enter a unique 1 to 5 character code for this school, tilda (~), then the name.
- <br> Ex: ULM ~ University of Louisiana Monroe"));
- return;
- }
- $temp = explode("~", $new_school);
- $code = trim(strtoupper($temp[0]));
- $new_school = trim($temp[1]);
- // Clean up any trouble chars
- $new_school = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/", " ", $new_school);
- $code = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/", "", $code);
- if ($code == "" || strlen($code) > 5) {
- form_error("new_school", t("Sorry, but the format you entered was not correct. Plase enter a unique 1 to 5 character code for this school, tilda (~), then the name.
- <br> Ex: ULM ~ University of Louisiana Monroe"));
- return;
- }
- // Check that code is not already in use.
- $temp = schools_get_school_id_from_school_code($code);
- if ($temp) {
- form_error("new_school", t("Sorry, but the code you specified is already in use."));
- return;
- }
- // Okay, add to the roles table.
- db_query("INSERT INTO schools (school_code, name) VALUES (?,?) ", strtoupper($code), $new_school);
- fp_add_message(t("The new school has been added successfully."));
- }
- if (strstr($values["perform_action2"], "del~_~")) {
- $temp = explode("~_~", $values["perform_action2"]);
- $i = trim($temp[1]);
- // Remove this rid from the table.
- db_query("DELETE FROM schools WHERE school_id = ? ", $i);
- fp_add_message(t("The school has been deleted successfully. All data linking to this school id (%i) still exists.", array("%i" => $i)));
- }
- if (strstr($values["perform_action2"], "edit~_~")) {
- $temp = explode("~_~", $values["perform_action2"]);
- $i = trim($temp[1]);
- $new_school = trim($temp[2]);
- if (!strstr($new_school, "~")) {
- form_error("", t("Sorry, but the format you entered was not correct. Plase enter a unique 1 to 5 character code for this school, tilda (~), then the name.
- <br> Ex: ULM ~ University of Louisiana Monroexxx"));
- return;
- }
- $temp = explode("~", $new_school);
- $code = trim(strtoupper($temp[0]));
- $new_school = trim($temp[1]);
- $new_school = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/", " ", $new_school);
- $code = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/", "", $code);
- // Check that code is not already in use
- $temp = schools_get_school_id_from_school_code($code);
- if ($temp) {
- if ($temp != $i) { // meaning, it's not the school we are editing.
- form_error("new_school", t("Sorry, but the code you specified is already in use."));
- return;
- }
- }
- if ($code == "" || strlen($code) > 5) {
- form_error("", t("Sorry, but the format you entered was not correct. Plase enter a unique 1 to 5 character code for this school, tilda (~), then the name.
- <br> Ex: ULM ~ University of Louisiana Monroe"));
- return;
- }
- if (trim($new_school) != "") {
- // Let's update the table.
- db_query("UPDATE schools SET name = ?, school_code = ?
- WHERE school_id = ? ", $new_school, strtoupper($code), $i);
- fp_add_message(t("The school has been edited successfully."));
- }
- } // if edit
- // Rebuild the menu cache, since other modules have tabs and/other menu items based on schools
- menu_rebuild_cache(FALSE);
- } // _submit
- function schools_get_school_id_from_school_code($code) {
- return db_result(db_query("SELECT school_id FROM schools WHERE school_code = ?", strtoupper(trim($code))));
- }
- function schools_get_school_id_for_user($user_id) {
- return db_result(db_query("SELECT school_id FROM users WHERE user_id = ?", array($user_id)));
- }
- // Return an array of school_ids to their names
- function schools_get_school_definitions($bool_return_db_rows = FALSE) {
- $rtn = array();
- $rtn[0] = t("Default");
- if ($bool_return_db_rows) {
- $rtn[0] = array(
- 'school_id' => 0,
- 'school_code' => '',
- 'name' => t('Default'),
- );
- }
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM schools ORDER BY school_id");
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $key = intval($cur["school_id"]);
- $value = $cur["name"];
- $rtn[$key] = $value;
- if ($bool_return_db_rows) {
- $rtn[$key] = $cur;
- }
- }
- return $rtn;
- }
- function schools_perm() {
- $rtn = array();
- $rtn['administer_schools'] = array('title' => 'Administer schools module', 'description' => 'Only give to admin role.');
- // Add in permissions per school.
- $defs = schools_get_school_definitions();
- $types = array('degree', 'group', 'course');
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- foreach ($defs as $school_id => $school_desc) {
- $rtn['administer_' . $school_id . '_' . $type . '_data'] = array('title' => t('Administer %school_desc @type data', array('%school_desc' => $school_desc, '@type' => $type)),
- 'description' => t('The user is allowed to edit @type data for %school_desc.
- Note: The user MUST also be given the Edit Data Entry permission under Admin module.',
- array('%school_desc' => $school_desc, '@type' => $type)));
- $rtn['manage_' . $school_id . '_user_data'] = array('title' => t('Administer %school_desc users', array('%school_desc' => $school_desc)),
- 'description' => t('The user is allowed to edit and create users for %school_desc.
- Note: the user MUST also be given the Manage users permission under the User module.
- ',array('%school_desc' => $school_desc, '@type' => $type)));
- $rtn['search_students_' . $school_id] = array('title' => t('Search for students in %school_desc', array('%school_desc' => $school_desc)),
- 'description' => t('The user is allowed to search for students belonging to %school_desc.
- Note: To advise, the user will need additional permissions.',
- array('%school_desc' => $school_desc)));
- }
- }
- return $rtn;
- }
Name | Description |
schools_administer_schools_form | |
schools_administer_schools_form_submit | |
schools_check_access | this is our custom access callback. |
schools_content_alter | |
schools_data_form_submit | |
schools_form_alter | Implements hook_form_alter |
schools_get_schools_for_fapi | Return a list of schools in an array, for use in the "options" of a select list in the Form API. |
schools_get_school_code_for_id | |
schools_get_school_definitions | |
schools_get_school_id_for_user | |
schools_get_school_id_from_school_code | |
schools_get_school_name_for_id | |
schools_init | Implements hook_init |
schools_menu | Implements hook_menu |
schools_menu_alter | hook_menu_alter |
schools_override_elements_form_submit | |
schools_perm | |
z__schools_admin_copy_degree_form_validate | |
z__schools_apply_draft_changes | Implements hook_apply_draft_changes |
__schools_add_school_id_to_fp5_tables |