Search API
- 7.x classes/FlightPath.php
- 6.x classes/FlightPath.php
- 4.x custom/classes/FlightPath.php
- 5.x custom/classes/FlightPath.php
classes/FlightPath.phpView source
- <?php
- class FlightPath extends stdClass
- {
- public $student, $degree_plan, $db, $bool_what_if;
- public $course_list_advised_courses;
- function __construct($student = "", $degree_plan = "", DatabaseHandler $db = null, $bool_perform_full_init = false)
- {
- if ($student != "")
- {
- $this->student = $student;
- }
- if ($degree_plan != "")
- {
- $this->degree_plan = $degree_plan;
- }
- if ($db != null)
- {
- $this->db = $db;
- } else {
- $this->db = get_global_database_handler();
- }
- if ($bool_perform_full_init == true)
- {
- $this->init(true);
- }
- $this->course_list_advised_courses = new CourseList();
- }
- function init($bool_init_advising_variables = false, $bool_ignore_what_if_advising_variables = false, $bool_load_full = true) {
- global $current_student_id, $user, $student;
- // This will initialize this flightPath object
- // based on what is available in the global variables.
- // Takes the place of what was going on at the beginning
- // of advise.php.
- if ($bool_init_advising_variables == true)
- {
- //$temp_screen = new AdvisingScreen();
- //$temp_screen->init_advising_variables($bool_ignore_what_if_advising_variables);
- //advise_load_advising_variables_from_db($current_student_id, $user->id);
- advise_init_advising_variables();
- }
- $major_code_csv = $GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["advising_major_code"];
- //$track_code = $GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["advising_track_code"];
- $track_degree_ids = $GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["advising_track_degree_ids"];
- $student_id = $GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["advising_student_id"];
- $advising_term_id = $GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["advising_term_id"];
- @$available_terms = $GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["available_advising_term_ids"];
- // Keep in mind-- at this point, major_coe might be a CSV of major codes.
- $this->bool_what_if = false;
- // Are we in WhatIf mode?
- if ($GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["advising_what_if"] == "yes")
- {
- $major_code_csv = $GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["what_if_major_code"];
- $track_degree_ids = $GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["what_if_track_degree_ids"];
- $this->bool_what_if = true;
- }
- if ($bool_load_full == false)
- { // not trying to load anything, so return.
- return;
- }
- $db = $this->db;
- if ($bool_load_full == true)
- {
- $student = new Student($student_id);
- } else {
- $student = new Student();
- $student->student_id = $student_id;
- }
- $student_school_id = $db->get_school_id_for_student_id($student_id);
- $catalog_year = $student->catalog_year;
- if ($this->bool_what_if)
- {
- // We need to look at a "what_if_catalog_year" value.
- $catalog_year = $GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["what_if_catalog_year"];
- if ($catalog_year == "" || $catalog_year == 0) {
- // Some problem, default to current cat year.
- $catalog_year = variable_get_for_school("current_catalog_year",'',$student_school_id);
- }
- }
- // make sure their catalog year is not past the system's current
- // year setting.
- if ($catalog_year > variable_get_for_school("current_catalog_year",'',$student_school_id) && variable_get_for_school("current_catalog_year",'',$student_school_id) > intval(variable_get_for_school("earliest_catalog_year", 2006, $student_school_id)))
- { // Make sure degree plan is blank if it is!
- $catalog_year = 99999;
- }
- if ($GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["advising_update_student_settings_flag"] != "")
- {
- // TODO: This is used in What If mode. We need to make sure that these track_degree_ids
- // actually do match to the selected majors. If not, then we should remove them. This
- // is to make sure that when we switch What If settings, these get cleared.
- $wi = "";
- if ($this->bool_what_if) {
- $wi = "what_if_";
- }
- //$student->array_settings["track_code"] = $track_code;
- $student->array_settings[$wi . "track_degree_ids"] = $track_degree_ids;
- $student->array_settings[$wi . "major_code_csv"] = $major_code_csv;
- }
- // Let's add the track_degree_ids to the major_code_csv...
- $major_code_csv .= "," . $track_degree_ids;
- ///////////////////////////////
- // Okay folks. So this is basically where we will be iterating through all
- // of the student's major_codes (if they have more than one), and squishing them together,
- // to create a single DegreePlan object, made out of all the options.
- // We need like a loop here.
- $degree_plans = array();
- $temparr = explode(",", $major_code_csv);
- foreach ($temparr as $major_code) {
- $t_major_code = $major_code;
- if (trim($major_code) == "") continue;
- // If we are dealing with a track, then just get the degree_id directly, else, figure out the
- // degree_id from the t_major_code.
- if (is_numeric($t_major_code)) {
- $degree_id = $t_major_code;
- }
- else {
- $degree_id = $db->get_degree_id($t_major_code, $catalog_year, FALSE, $student_school_id);
- }
- // If we couldn't find the degree_id, then we should just skip it.
- if (!$degree_id || $degree_id == 0) {
- if (variable_get("warning_on_view_if_degree_not_found", "yes") == 'yes') {
- fp_add_message(t("Could not find degree %maj in catalog year %cat. FlightPath will
- skip loading this degree for now. If this message continues to appear,
- contact your advisor.", array("%maj" => $t_major_code, "%cat" => $student->catalog_year . "-" . ($student->catalog_year + 1))), "error", TRUE);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if ($bool_load_full == true)
- {
- $this->student = $student;
- $degree_plan = fp_load_degree($degree_id, $db, FALSE, $student->array_significant_courses);
- //$degree_plan = new DegreePlan($degree_id, $db, FALSE, $student->array_significant_courses);
- $degree_plan->add_semester_developmental($student->student_id);
- //$this->degree_plan = $degree_plan;
- $degree_plans[$degree_plan->degree_id] = $degree_plan;
- }
- } // foreach temparr as major_code. The foreach loop through all our major codes.
- // Okay, coming out of this, we have an array of degree_plans (maybe). If it's just one, then set it to that one.
- if (count($degree_plans) == 1) {
- $this->degree_plan = $degree_plan;
- }
- else if (count($degree_plans) > 1) {
- // Okay folks, here's the magic. We need to combine the degree plans in this array
- // into 1 generated degree plan.
- $combined_degree_plan = $this->combine_degree_plans($degree_plans, $student_id, $student_school_id);
- $combined_degree_plan->db_allow_dynamic = 1; // since they are combined, we must be allowing dynamic.
- $this->degree_plan = $combined_degree_plan;
- } // else if count(degree_plans) > 1
- else if (count($degree_plans) < 1) {
- // Meaning, we couldn't find any degree plans for this student! Let's just load some blank objects.
- $this->degree_plan = new DegreePlan();
- $this->student = $student;
- }
- // Invoke a hook which lets other modules act on this student and degree plan we just loaded.
- invoke_hook('init_flightpath_degree', array($this->student->student_id, &$this->degree_plan));
- $wi = "";
- if ($this->bool_what_if) $wi = "_what_if";
- if (isset($this->degree_plan) && $this->degree_plan != null) {
- // Add degree_plan to a simple cache to make our lives easier later on.
- $_SESSION["fp_simple_degree_plan_cache_for_student" . $wi] = array(
- "cwid" => $student_id,
- "degree_id" => $this->degree_plan->degree_id,
- "combined_degree_ids_array" => $this->degree_plan->combined_degree_ids_array,
- "is_combined_dynamic_degree_plan" => $this->degree_plan->is_combined_dynamic_degree_plan,
- );
- }
- } // end of function fp_init
- /**
- * This function is responsible for combining multiple degree plans into a single unified degree plan,
- * then returning it.
- */
- function combine_degree_plans($degree_plans, $student_id, $school_id = 0) {
- //DEV: return $degree_plans[0];
- $new_degree_plan = new DegreePlan();
- $new_degree_plan->school_id = intval($school_id);
- // Loop through the degree plans one at a time...
- foreach ($degree_plans as $degree_plan) {
- $new_degree_plan->combined_degree_ids_array[] = intval($degree_plan->degree_id);
- $new_degree_plan->add_to_required_course_id_array($degree_plan->required_course_id_array);
- // Is there a public note to copy over?
- if (isset($degree_plan->public_notes_array[$degree_plan->degree_id])) {
- $new_degree_plan->public_notes_array[$degree_plan->degree_id] = $degree_plan->public_notes_array[$degree_plan->degree_id];
- }
- if ($degree_plan->catalog_year == "" || $degree_plan->catalog_year == 0) {
- $degree_plan->load_descriptive_data();
- }
- $new_degree_plan->catalog_year = $degree_plan->catalog_year;
- // Okay, now copy whatever we need to into the new_degree_plan.
- // First, go through its list of semesters, and copy out all the courses and groups
- $degree_plan->list_semesters->reset_counter();
- while ($degree_plan->list_semesters->has_more()) {
- $sem = $degree_plan->list_semesters->get_next();
- // If the semester is the Added by Advisor (-88), or the developmental block (-55) then skip for now.
- if ($sem->semester_num == DegreePlan::SEMESTER_NUM_FOR_COURSES_ADDED || $sem->semester_num == DegreePlan::SEMESTER_NUM_FOR_DEVELOPMENTALS) {
- // This is the special one that is "added by advisor". Skip it. But remember to add it later to the finished product.
- // Or, it's the developmentals block. Add that later too.
- continue;
- }
- // Okay, the semester contains a CourseList called list_courses, and a GroupList caled list_groups.
- $new_list_courses = $sem->list_courses->get_clone();
- // Now, let's add them to the new_degree_plan's semester...
- // if the new degree plan already has this semester, get that instead.
- $the_semester = $new_degree_plan->get_semester($sem->semester_num);
- if (!$the_semester) {
- $the_semester = new Semester($sem->semester_num);
- $new_degree_plan->list_semesters->add($the_semester);
- }
- // Should we rename the_semester's title (because the semester we are grabbing is overriding?)
- //$degree_plan->load_descriptive_data(); // Doesn't appear to be necessary at this stage.
- $stitle = trim(@$degree_plan->array_semester_titles[$sem->semester_num]);
- if ($stitle != "") {
- // Meaning we should overwrite the semester title, because this degree isn't using the default title
- $the_semester->title = $stitle;
- $the_semester->bool_using_default_title = FALSE;
- }
- // Okay, now add the courses to the_semester
- $the_semester->list_courses->add_list($new_list_courses);
- ////////////////////////////
- // Getting the list of groups is going to be similar to getting our list of courses.
- // Go through the list of groups for this semester.
- $new_list_groups = $sem->list_groups->get_clone(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
- // Okay, now we can add to our semester
- $the_semester->list_groups->add_list($new_list_groups);
- // Also add this group list to the degree plan's list_groups.
- $new_degree_plan->list_groups->add_list($new_list_groups);
- } // while, listing semesters in degree plan.
- } // foreach degree_plans
- //////////////////////////////
- // Okay, now to put the finishing touches on the $new_degree_plan
- // Add in the "Developmental Req's" if required for this student.
- $new_degree_plan->add_semester_developmental($student_id);
- // Add in the "Courses added by advisor"
- $new_degree_plan->add_semester_courses_added();
- if (count($degree_plans) > 1) {
- $new_degree_plan->is_combined_dynamic_degree_plan = TRUE;
- $new_degree_plan->degree_id = DegreePlan::DEGREE_ID_FOR_COMBINED_DEGREE; // use constant to make it easier later on.
- }
- // Make sure all of our groups have reloaded any missing courses.
- $new_degree_plan->list_semesters->reset_counter();
- while ($new_degree_plan->list_semesters->has_more()) {
- $sem = $new_degree_plan->list_semesters->get_next();
- $sem->list_groups->reload_missing_courses();
- }
- return $new_degree_plan;
- } // combine_degree_plans
- /**
- * This function will check to see if we are trying to save
- * the draft from a tab change. It should be near the top
- * of all of FP's "tab" pages, like Main, Comments, etc.
- *
- */
- function process_request_save_draft()
- {
- /////////////////////////////////////
- /// Are we trying to save the draft
- /// from a tab change?
- /////////////////////////////////////
- if ($_REQUEST["save_draft"] == "yes")
- {
- $this->init(true, false, false);
- // If we are coming from the WhatIf tab, we need to save
- // as WhatIf. Else, save as normal.
- if ($_REQUEST["from_w_i"] == "yes")
- {
- // Yes, we are coming from WhatIf mode, so
- // save under WhatIf.
- $GLOBALS["advising_what_if"] = "yes";
- $this->init(false);
- } else {
- // NOT coming from WhatIf mode. Save as a normal draft.
- $GLOBALS["advising_what_if"] = "no";
- $this->init(true, true);
- }
- $this->save_advising_session_from_post(0,true);
- }
- }
- function assign_courses_to_groups() {
- // This method will look at the student's courses
- // and decide which groups they should be fit into.
- // We will be going through the degree plan's master list
- // of groups to decide this.
- $student = $this->student;
- $school_id = $student->school_id;
- $this->degree_plan->list_groups->sort_priority();
- // Now, sort by the advising weight of the degree itself.
- $this->degree_plan->list_groups->sort_degree_advising_weight();
- $this->degree_plan->list_groups->reset_counter();
- while($this->degree_plan->list_groups->has_more())
- {
- $g = $this->degree_plan->list_groups->get_next();
- if ($g->group_id == DegreePlan::GROUP_ID_FOR_COURSES_ADDED)
- {
- // Add a course group. Skip.
- continue;
- }
- // Does the student have any group additions for this
- // group? Technically it is a substitution.
- // We will add them in now, because we do not take additions
- // into consideration when figuring out branches.
- if ($course_list_additions = $student->list_substitutions->find_group_additions($g))
- {
- $course_list_additions->reset_counter();
- while($course_list_additions->has_more())
- {
- $cA = $course_list_additions->get_next();
- $new_course = new Course();
- $new_course->course_id = $cA->course_id;
- if ($cA->bool_transfer == true)
- {
- if ($cA->course_id == 0 && is_object($cA->course_transfer))
- { // This is a transfer course which has been added.
- $new_course->course_id = $cA->course_transfer->course_id;
- }
- $new_course->bool_transfer = true;
- }
- $new_course->assigned_to_semester_num = $g->assigned_to_semester_num;
- $new_course->requirement_type = $g->requirement_type;
- // Add this course as a requirement.
- //$new_course->load_descriptive_data();
- $g->list_courses->add($new_course, true);
- // Later on, when we do assign_courses_to_list, it
- // will automatically find this course and apply the
- // substitution.
- }
- }
- // First we see if there are any bare courses at this level. If there
- // are, then this group has NO branches! Otherwise, the courses must
- // always be contained in a branch!
- if (!$g->list_courses->is_empty)
- {
- // Yes, there are courses here. So, assign them at this level.
- $this->assign_courses_to_list($g->list_courses, $this->student, true, $g, true);
- // Okay, if we have fulfilled our courses at this level.
- // then we can continue on to the next "top level" group.
- //continue;
- }
- if (!$g->list_groups->is_empty)
- {
- /*
- Now we've got some trouble. This is our first level of groups.
- If this object exists, then it means that this group branches off
- at its first level. So, instead of actually assigning courses to
- groups, we need to find out which group has the most matches, and THEN
- we will assign them.
- */
- $g->reload_missing_courses();
- $high_count = -1;
- $best_branch = -1;
- // Sort our list of groups by student's grades, if applicable.
- $sort_policy = variable_get_for_school("initial_student_course_sort_policy", "alpha", $school_id); // will either be "alpha" or "grade"
- if ($sort_policy == "grade") {
- $g->list_groups->sort_best_grade_first_by_student_grades($student);
- }
- $g->list_groups->reset_counter();
- while($g->list_groups->has_more())
- {
- $branch_one = $g->list_groups->get_next();
- if (!$branch_one->list_courses->is_empty)
- {
- // This does not actually assign. Just counts.
- $count = $this->get_count_of_matches($branch_one, $this->student, $g);
- $branch_one->count_of_matches = $count;
- if ($count > $high_count)
- {
- $high_count = $count;
- $best_branch = $g->list_groups->object_index_of($branch_one);
- }
- }
- }
- // Okay, coming out of that, we should know which branch has the best count (number
- // of matches). So, let's assign courses to that branch.
- if ($best_branch != -1)
- {
- $winning_branch = $g->list_groups->get_element($best_branch);
- $winning_branch->bool_winning_branch = TRUE;
- $this->assign_courses_to_list($winning_branch->list_courses, $this->student, TRUE, $g, TRUE);
- }
- }
- } // while
- }
- function get_count_of_matches($branch, $student, $group)
- {
- return $this->assign_courses_to_list($branch->list_courses, $student, FALSE, $group, TRUE);
- }
- function flag_outdated_substitutions()
- {
- // Go through the student's substitutions and flag ones that
- // do not apply to this degree plan. Also, unset any bool_substitution
- // variables which were set.
- $this->student->list_substitutions->reset_counter();
- while ($this->student->list_substitutions->has_more())
- {
- $substitution = $this->student->list_substitutions->get_next();
- ////////////////////////////
- // Ticket #2316, from Logan Buth, this is to better detect outdated subs for combined degrees.
- $bool_sub_valid = true;
- $outdated_note = "";
- if ($this->degree_plan->degree_id == DegreePlan::DEGREE_ID_FOR_COMBINED_DEGREE &&
- !in_array($substitution->db_required_degree_id, $this->degree_plan->combined_degree_ids_array)) {
- //combined degree plan, degree id not in it.
- $bool_sub_valid = false;
- $sub_degree_title = fp_get_degree_title($substitution->db_required_degree_id, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
- $outdated_note = t("This substitution is for the degree %did
- which is no longer in the student's degrees.", array("%did" => $sub_degree_title));
- }
- else if ($this->degree_plan->degree_id != DegreePlan::DEGREE_ID_FOR_COMBINED_DEGREE &&
- $this->degree_plan->degree_id != $substitution->db_required_degree_id) {
- $bool_sub_valid = false;
- $sub_degree_title = fp_get_degree_title($substitution->db_required_degree_id, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE);
- $outdated_note = t("This substitution is for the degree %did
- which is no longer the student's degree", array("%did" => $sub_degree_title));
- }
- //////////////
- //$required_group_id = $substitution->course_requirement->assigned_to_group_id;
- $required_group_id = $substitution->course_requirement->get_first_assigned_to_group_id(); // we assume there's only one group to get
- // First check-- does this degree even have this group ID?
- if ($bool_sub_valid && $required_group_id == 0) {
- // bare degree plan.
- // Does the bare degree plan list the course_requirement
- // anywhere?
- $bool_sub_valid = false;
- $this->degree_plan->list_semesters->reset_counter();
- while($this->degree_plan->list_semesters->has_more() && $bool_sub_valid == false)
- {
- $sem = $this->degree_plan->list_semesters->get_next();
- if ($sem->list_courses->find_match($substitution->course_requirement))
- {
- $bool_sub_valid = true;
- } else {
- // Could not find the course requirement in question.
- $bool_sub_valid = false;
- $scr = $substitution->course_requirement;
- $scr->load_descriptive_data();
- $outdated_note = t("This substitution is for the course %info on the
- bare degree plan, but the student's current degree does
- not specify this course.", array("%info" => "$scr->subject_id $scr->course_num (id: $scr->course_id)"));
- }
- }
- }
- else if ($bool_sub_valid && $required_group_id != 0) {
- // required_group_id != 0, meaning, NOT the bare degree plan.
- // So, does this degree plan have a group with this id (required_group_id)?
- $bool_sub_valid = false;
- if ($g = $this->degree_plan->find_group($required_group_id)) {
- $bool_sub_valid = true;
- }
- else {
- // Could not find the group in question. Add an "outdated_note"
- // to the sub...
- $bool_sub_valid = false;
- $new_group = new Group();
- $new_group->group_id = $required_group_id;
- $new_group->load_descriptive_data();
- $group_name = "";
- if (user_has_permission("can_access_data_entry")) {
- // only show if we are a data entry administrator.
- $group_name = "<i>$new_group->group_name,</i>";
- }
- $outdated_note = t("This substitution is for the group %info,
- but the student's current degree does not call for this
- specific group.", array("%info" => "$new_group->title (id: $new_group->group_id, $group_name $new_group->catalog_year)"));
- }
- }
- if ($bool_sub_valid == false) {
- // Couldn't find a match, so remove this sub!
- $substitution->bool_outdated = true;
- $substitution->outdated_note = $outdated_note;
- $substitution->course_list_substitutions->get_first()->bool_outdated_sub = true;
- $substitution->course_list_substitutions->get_first()->set_bool_outdated_sub(0, TRUE);
- //$substitution->course_list_substitutions->get_first()->bool_substitution = false;
- $substitution->course_list_substitutions->get_first()->set_bool_substitution(0, FALSE);
- if ($substitution->course_list_substitutions->get_first()->temp_old_course_id > 0)
- { // Restore the course_id *if* it was set to 0 on purpose. (happens
- // when there is a sub of a transfer to kill the transfer eqv. This will
- // restore it).
- $substitution->course_list_substitutions->get_first()->course_id = $substitution->course_list_substitutions->get_first()->temp_old_course_id;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function assign_courses_to_list(ObjList $list_requirements, Student $student, $bool_perform_assignment = true, Group $group = null, $bool_check_significant_courses = false, $assign_to_semester_num = -1)
- {
- $count = 0;
- $school_id = 0;
- if ($student) {
- $school_id = $student->school_id;
- }
- if ($group == null)
- {
- $group = new Group();
- $group->group_id = 0;
- }
- else if ($group->min_grade != "") {
- $group->assign_min_grade($group->min_grade); // If this is a group with a min grade value, let's make sure we assign all the courses in it to this min grade.
- }
- $sort_policy = variable_get_for_school("initial_student_course_sort_policy", "alpha", $school_id); // will either be "alpha" or "grade"
- $bool_disallow_graduate_credits = (variable_get_for_school("disallow_graduate_credits", "yes", $school_id) == "yes") ? TRUE : FALSE;
- $graduate_level_codes_array = csv_to_array(variable_get_for_school("graduate_level_codes", "GR", $school_id));
- // Get the course repeat policy.
- $course_repeat_policy = variable_get_for_school("course_repeat_policy", "most_recent_exclude_previous", $school_id);
- // Set the $bool_mark_repeats_exclude variable based on the course_repeat_policy.
- $bool_mark_repeats_exclude = ($course_repeat_policy == "most_recent_exclude_previous" || $course_repeat_policy == "best_grade_exclude_others");
- $group_id = $group->group_id;
- // If the group_id == 0, we may be talking about the bare degree plan.
- $hours_required = $group->hours_required*1;
- $hours_assigned = $group->hours_assigned;
- $meet_min_hours = 999999; // effectively infinite by default, to make logic easier later on.
- // If the group has min_hours, then we should allow the user to get at least the min hours before we stop trying to fill.
- if ($group->has_min_hours_allowed() && variable_get_for_school("group_full_at_min_hours", "yes", $school_id) == "yes") {
- $meet_min_hours = $group->min_hours_allowed;
- }
- if ($hours_required <= 0 || $hours_required == "")
- {
- $hours_required = 999999;
- }
- $list_requirements->sort_smallest_hours_first();
- // sort the requirement list by the best grades that the student has made? Similar to the substitutions?
- if ($sort_policy == "grade") {
- $list_requirements->sort_best_grade_first($student);
- }
- else if ($sort_policy == "alpha") {
- $list_requirements->sort_alphabetical_order();
- }
- $list_requirements->sort_substitutions_first($student->list_substitutions, $group_id);
- $list_requirements->reset_counter();
- while($list_requirements->has_more())
- {
- $course_requirement = $list_requirements->get_next();
- $req_by_degree_id = $course_requirement->req_by_degree_id; // what degree is requiring this course?
- // If we're dealing with a group, use it's required by degree id.
- if ($group->group_id != "" && $group->req_by_degree_id > 0) {
- $req_by_degree_id = $group->req_by_degree_id;
- }
- if ($bool_check_significant_courses == true)
- {
- // Only look for the course_requirement if it is in the student's
- // array_significant_courses array.
- if (isset($student->array_significant_courses[$course_requirement->course_id]) && $student->array_significant_courses[$course_requirement->course_id] != true)
- {// course was not in there, so skip!
- continue;
- }
- }
- if ($course_requirement->bool_specified_repeat == true)
- {
- // Since this requirement has specified repeats, we want
- // to make all of the student's taken courses (for this course)
- // also have specified repeats.
- $student->list_courses_taken->set_specified_repeats($course_requirement, $course_requirement->specified_repeats);
- }
- //if ($course_requirement->course_id == '101092') {
- //fpm($course_requirement);
- //}
- // Does the student have any substitutions for this requirement?
- if ($substitution = $student->list_substitutions->find_requirement($course_requirement, true, $group_id, $req_by_degree_id))
- {
- // Since the substitution was made, I don't really care about
- // min grades or the like. Let's just put it in.
- if ($bool_perform_assignment == TRUE)
- {
- // Check to see if this course requirement has "infinite repeats". If it does, then we want to
- // clone it and add it back into our list of requirements.
- if ($course_requirement->specified_repeats == Group::GROUP_COURSE_INFINITE_REPEATS) {
- $temp_ds = $course_requirement->to_data_string();
- $new_course = new Course();
- $new_course->load_course_from_data_string_for_requirement_clone($temp_ds);
- $new_course->min_grade = $course_requirement->min_grade;
- if ($assign_to_semester_num !== -1) {
- $new_course->assigned_to_semester_num = $assign_to_semester_num;
- }
- $list_requirements->add($new_course);
- }
- // Make sure this isn't a group addition and we are *currently*
- // NOT looking at the group it is being added to. This is to
- // correct a bug.
- if ($substitution->bool_group_addition == true)
- {
- if ($substitution->course_requirement->get_first_assigned_to_group_id() != $group_id)
- {
- continue;
- }
- }
- // If the course_requirement's min_hours are greater than
- // the substitution's hours, then we have to split the
- // coureRequirement into 2 pieces, and add the second piece just
- // after this one in the list.
- $course_sub = $substitution->course_list_substitutions->get_first();
- if (floatval($course_requirement->min_hours) > floatval($course_sub->get_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id)))
- {
- // Because float math can create some very strange results, we must
- // perform some rounding. We will round to 6 decimal places, which should
- // provide us the accuracy w/o losing precision (since we can only represent a max
- // of 4 decimals in the database anyway.
- $remaining_hours = round($course_requirement->min_hours - $course_sub->get_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id), 6);
- $new_course_string = $course_requirement->to_data_string();
- $new_course = new Course();
- $new_course->load_course_from_data_string($new_course_string);
- $new_course->min_hours = $new_course->max_hours = $remaining_hours;
- $new_course->set_bool_substitution_split($req_by_degree_id, TRUE);
- $new_course->set_bool_substitution_new_from_split($req_by_degree_id, TRUE);
- $new_course->requirement_type = $course_requirement->requirement_type;
- $new_course->min_grade = $course_requirement->min_grade;
- $new_course->req_by_degree_id = $req_by_degree_id;
- $new_course->assigned_to_degree_ids_array[$req_by_degree_id] = $req_by_degree_id;
- $new_course->db_degree_requirement_id = floatval($course_requirement->db_degree_requirement_id . ".1");
- if ($assign_to_semester_num !== -1) {
- $new_course->assigned_to_semester_num = $assign_to_semester_num;
- }
- $course_requirement->set_bool_substitution_split($req_by_degree_id, TRUE);
- // I am commenting this out-- if we split up a sub multiple times, then we shouldn't
- // set the old course requirement to say it WASN'T from a split. This was causing a bug
- // where the pie charts got weird if you did more than 1 split. Was counting total
- // hours as more, in CourseList->count_hours().
- //$course_requirement->bool_substitution_new_from_split = false;
- // Only do this if we are NOT in a group! This is to correct a bug where split additions to groups wound up
- // being displayed like available selections in the group. It was like, weird man.
- if ($group_id == 0) {
- // Now, add this into the list, right after the course_requirement.
- $current_i = $list_requirements->i;
- $list_requirements->insert_after_index($current_i, $new_course);
- }
- } // if min_hours > sub's awarded hours
- $course_requirement->course_list_fulfilled_by = $substitution->course_list_substitutions;
- $substitution->course_list_substitutions->assign_group_id($group_id);
- $substitution->course_list_substitutions->set_has_been_assigned(true);
- $substitution->course_list_substitutions->set_bool_substitution($req_by_degree_id, TRUE);
- $course_requirement->db_substitution_id_array[] = $substitution->db_substitution_id;
- $substitution->course_list_substitutions->set_course_substitution($course_requirement, $substitution->remarks, $req_by_degree_id);
- $substitution->bool_has_been_applied = TRUE;
- if ($group_id != "" && intval($group_id) > 0) {
- // We are going to add the course_sub's hours in as being assigned to this list, if this is for a group.
- // I am surprised this wasn't already here. This fixes a bug with groups that allow min hours.
- $hours_assigned += $course_sub->get_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id);
- }
- }
- $count++;
- continue;
- } // if student has any substitutions for this requirement
- // Has the student taken this course requirement?
- if ($c = $student->list_courses_taken->find_best_match($course_requirement, $course_requirement->min_grade, $bool_mark_repeats_exclude, $req_by_degree_id, TRUE, TRUE, $group_id))
- {
- $h_get_hours = $c->get_hours();
- if ($c->bool_ghost_hour) {
- // If this is a ghost hour, then $h_get_hours would == 0 right now,
- // instead, use the the adjusted value (probably 1).
- $h_get_hours = $c->get_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id);
- }
- // Can we assign any more hours to this group? Are we
- // out of hours, and should stop?
- if ($hours_assigned >= $hours_required || $hours_assigned >= $meet_min_hours)
- {
- continue;
- }
- $c_hours_awarded = $c->get_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id);
- // Will the hours of this course put us over the hours_required limit? NOTE: We don't care if it puts us over the min_hours, in fact, we want that.
- if ($hours_assigned + $c_hours_awarded > $hours_required )
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Do not apply substitution new_from_split courses to anything automatically. (from any degree!)
- // They must be applied by substitutions.
- if ($c->get_bool_substitution_new_from_split() == TRUE)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Make sure the course meets min grade requirements.
- if (!$c->meets_min_grade_requirement_of($course_requirement))
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Has the course been unassigned from this group?
- if ($c->group_list_unassigned->find_match_with_degree_id($group, $req_by_degree_id))
- {
- continue;
- }
- // Make sure $c is not being used in a substitution (for this degree)
- if ($c->get_bool_substitution($req_by_degree_id) == TRUE) {
- continue;
- }
- // If this is a graduate level course, and we are not allowing grad credits, then skip!
- if ($c->level_code != "" && in_array($c->level_code, $graduate_level_codes_array)) {
- if ($bool_disallow_graduate_credits) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Check hooks to see if this course is allowed to be assigned to the GROUP in question.
- if ($group_id != "" && $group_id != 0) {
- $bool_can_proceed = TRUE;
- $result = invoke_hook("flightpath_can_assign_course_to_group", array($group, $c));
- foreach ($result as $m => $val) {
- // If *any* module said FALSE, then we must skip this course and not assign it to this degree.
- if ($val === FALSE) $bool_can_proceed = $val;
- }
- if (!$bool_can_proceed) {
- continue; // don't assign!
- }
- } // if group_id != ""
- // We want to see if this course has already been assigned to THIS degree...
- if (!in_array($req_by_degree_id, $c->assigned_to_degree_ids_array))
- {//Don't count courses which have already been placed in other groups.
- // Check hooks to see if this course is allowed to be assigned to the degree in question.
- $bool_can_proceed = TRUE;
- $result = invoke_hook("flightpath_can_assign_course_to_degree_id", array($req_by_degree_id, $c));
- foreach ($result as $m => $val) {
- // If *any* module said FALSE, then we must skip this course and not assign it to this degree.
- if ($val === FALSE) $bool_can_proceed = $val;
- }
- if (!$bool_can_proceed) {
- continue; // don't assign!
- }
- // Has another version of this course already been
- // assigned? And if so, are repeats allowed for this
- // course? And if so, then how many hours of the
- // repeat_hours have I used up? If I cannot do any more
- // repeats, then quit. Otherwise, let it continue...
- $course_list_repeats = $student->list_courses_taken->get_previous_assignments($c->course_id);
- if ($course_list_repeats->get_size() > 0)
- {
- // So, a copy of this course has been assigned more than once...
- // Get the total number of hours taken up by this course.
- $cc = $course_list_repeats->count_hours();
- // have we exceeded the number of available repeat_hours
- // for this course?
- if ($course_requirement->repeat_hours <= 0)
- {
- $course_requirement->load_descriptive_data();
- }
- if (($course_requirement->bool_ghost_hour != TRUE || $c->bool_ghost_hour != TRUE)
- && $cc + $h_get_hours > $course_requirement->repeat_hours*1)
- {
- // Do not allow the repeat, unless we are talking about courses worth zero hours.
- // meaning, they have a ghost hour. In which case, allow it.
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Basically--- if the most recent attempt fails
- // a min grade check, then tag all attempts as "unuseable"
- // so that they can't be used in other groups. --
- // unless they are able to be repeated. BARF!
- // Inc hours_assigned, even if we aren't actually
- // performing an assignment. This helps us accurately
- // calculate the count.
- $hours_assigned = $hours_assigned + $h_get_hours;
- if ($bool_perform_assignment == TRUE)
- {
- // If this course has an "infinite" number of specified repeats, then
- // let's actually clone the course and insert it as a new requirement, to replace
- // the one we're about to use.
- if ($course_requirement->specified_repeats == Group::GROUP_COURSE_INFINITE_REPEATS) {
- $temp_ds = $course_requirement->to_data_string();
- $new_course = new Course();
- $new_course->load_course_from_data_string_for_requirement_clone($temp_ds);
- $new_course->min_grade = $course_requirement->min_grade;
- if ($assign_to_semester_num !== -1) {
- $new_course->assigned_to_semester_num = $assign_to_semester_num;
- $new_course->appears_in_semester_nums[] = $assign_to_semester_num; // for combo-degrees
- }
- $list_requirements->add($new_course);
- } // infinite repeats?
- // Which degree is this coming from?
- //$req_by_degree_id = $course_requirement->req_by_degree_id;
- $c->assigned_to_degree_ids_array[$req_by_degree_id] = $req_by_degree_id;
- // Go ahead and state that the requirement was fulfilled.
- $course_requirement->course_list_fulfilled_by->add($c);
- $course_requirement->grade = $c->grade;
- $course_requirement->set_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id, $c->get_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id));
- $course_requirement->bool_ghost_hour = $c->bool_ghost_hour;
- if ($course_requirement->extra_attribs != "") {
- $c->extra_attribs = $course_requirement->extra_attribs;
- }
- // No longer using... using the assigned_to_degree_ids_array instead. // $c->bool_has_been_assigned = true;
- //$c->requirement_type = $course_requirement->requirement_type;
- if ($c->requirement_type == "") {
- // No requirement type given? Perhaps we are part of a group. If so, use that.
- //$c->requirement_type = $group->requirement_type;
- //$course_requirement->requirement_type = $group->requirement_type;
- }
- if ($assign_to_semester_num !== -1) {
- $c->assigned_to_semester_num = $assign_to_semester_num;
- $c->appears_in_semester_nums[] = $assign_to_semester_num; // for combo-degrees
- }
- // Check what groups it has been assigned to already.
- //$c->assigned_to_group_id = $group_id;
- if ($group_id != '') {
- $c->assigned_to_group_ids_array[$group_id . "_" . $req_by_degree_id] = $group_id;
- }
- $group->hours_assigned = $hours_assigned;
- // Should check for:
- // Can it be assigned, based on the number of allowed course repeats?
- if ($course_requirement->bool_specified_repeat == true)
- {
- // $c is what they actually took.
- $c->bool_specified_repeat = true;
- $c->specified_repeats = $course_requirement->specified_repeats;
- $list_requirements->dec_specified_repeats($c);
- }
- } // bool_perform_assignment == true
- $count++;
- }
- }
- }
- return $count;
- }
- function assign_courses_to_semesters()
- {
- // This method will look at the student's courses
- // and decide if they should be assigned to degree requirements
- // which have been spelled out in each semester. This
- // is not where it looks into groups.
- $this->degree_plan->list_semesters->reset_counter();
- while($this->degree_plan->list_semesters->has_more())
- {
- $semester = $this->degree_plan->list_semesters->get_next();
- $semester_num = $semester->semester_num;
- // Okay, let's look at the courses (not groups) in this
- // semester...
- $this->assign_courses_to_list($semester->list_courses, $this->student, TRUE, null, FALSE, $semester_num);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the plain English title of a subject, from
- * subject_id. Ex: COSC = Computer Science.
- *
- * @param unknown_type $subject_id
- * @return unknown
- */
- function get_subject_title($subject_id, $school_id = 0)
- {
- // From the subject_id, get the title.
- // Example: COSC = Computer Science.
- $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT title FROM subjects
- WHERE subject_id = ?
- AND school_id = ?
- LIMIT 1 ", $subject_id, $school_id);
- $cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res);
- if ($cur) {
- return trim($cur["title"]);
- }
- }
- function get_all_courses_in_catalog_year($catalog_year = "2006", $bool_load_descriptive_data = false, $limit_start = 0, $limit_size = 0, $school_id = 0, $bool_only_undergrad = TRUE, $bool_skip_excluded = FALSE)
- {
- // Returns a CourseList object of all the
- // courses in the supplied catalog_year.
- $lim_line = "";
- if ($limit_size > 0)
- {
- $lim_line = " limit $limit_start, $limit_size ";
- }
- $rtn_list = new CourseList();
- $c_array = array();
- $params = array();
- $params[":catalog_year"] = $catalog_year;
- $params[":school_id"] = $school_id;
- $exclude_line = "";
- if ($bool_skip_excluded) {
- $exclude_line = " AND exclude = 0 ";
- }
- $course_num_line = "";
- if ($bool_only_undergrad) {
- $course_num_line = " AND course_num < :gradnum ";
- $params[":params"] = variable_get_for_school("graduate_level_course_num", 5000, $school_id);
- }
- $result = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM courses
- catalog_year = :catalog_year
- $course_num_line
- AND school_id = :school_id
- AND delete_flag = 0
- $exclude_line
- ORDER BY subject_id, course_num
- $lim_line
- ", $params);
- while($cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($result))
- {
- $course = new Course();
- $course->course_id = $cur["course_id"];
- $course->subject_id = $cur["subject_id"];
- $course->course_num = $cur["course_num"];
- $course->min_hours = $cur["min_hours"];
- $course->max_hours = $cur["max_hours"];
- if ($bool_load_descriptive_data == true)
- {
- $course->load_descriptive_data();
- }
- $rtn_list->add($course);
- }
- return $rtn_list;
- }
- /**
- * This function replaces the original method of caching the course inventory, to something which uses
- * a file instead of database.
- */
- function z_____cache_course_inventory($limit_start = 0, $limit_size = 4000) {
- // This functionality has moved to the system module to make it easier to call.
- // This will eventually be depricated.
- system_reload_and_cache_course_inventory();
- } // function
- function z__cache_course_inventory($limit_start = 0, $limit_size = 4000)
- {
- // Load courses from the inventory into the inventory cache...
- // Attempt to load the course inventory cache...
- if ($course_inventory = unserialize(@$_SESSION["fp_cache_course_inventory"]))
- {
- $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"] = $course_inventory;
- }
- $result = $this->db->db_query("SELECT DISTINCT course_id FROM courses
- course_num < ?
- LIMIT $limit_start, $limit_size
- ", variable_get("graduate_level_course_num", 5000)); // just use default?
- while($cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($result))
- {
- $course_id = $cur["course_id"];
- $this->db->load_course_descriptive_data(null, $course_id);
- }
- // Should we re-cache the course inventory? If there have been any changes
- // to it, then we will see that in a GLOBALS variable...
- if ($GLOBALS["cache_course_inventory"] == true)
- {
- $_SESSION["fp_cache_course_inventory"] = serialize($GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"]);
- }
- }
- function replace_missing_course_in_group($course_id, $group_id)
- {
- // Given a group in the degree plan, this will
- // make sure that course is actually in the group. If it
- // is not, then it will add it in where it should be.
- // This is necessary because we have previously removed
- // courses which the student hadn't taken. Well, if the
- // student was advised for a particular course in a group,
- // then that course probably was originally removed
- // from the group. So, put it back in.
- // Were we given a valid group_id?
- if (!$group_id) return;
- // First, find the group.
- if (!$group = $this->degree_plan->find_group($group_id))
- {
- fpm("Admin note: could not find group '$group_id' for replace_missing_course_in_group, for course '$course_id'.");
- return;
- }
- // Okay, now tell the group to replace the instance of this course
- // in the group. This is made easy, because we have
- // the dbGroupRequirementID, which is the actual id from the
- // row in group_requirements that this course was advised from.
- $group->replace_missing_course($course_id);
- }
- function save_advising_session_from_post($faculty_id = 0, $bool_draft = true)
- {
- global $user;
- $catalog_year = 0;
- $bool_fp_goto_at_end = FALSE;
- // This method will, only by looking at variables in the
- // POST, save an advising session into the database.
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- if ($faculty_id == 0) {
- // if none supplied, use the one from the session of
- // whomever is currently logged in.
- $faculty_id = $user->cwid;
- }
- $advising_session_token = $db->request_new_advising_session_token();
- // It's possible the user has simply pressed "refresh" after submitting the form. If so,
- // there is no reason to re-submit everything, creating duplicate data in some situations.
- $post_md5 = md5(serialize($_POST));
- if (@$_SESSION["fp_previous_advising_post_md5"] == $post_md5) {
- return array();
- }
- // We may proceed, but save the POST md5 for next time.
- $_SESSION["fp_previous_advising_post_md5"] = $post_md5;
- $bool_found_update_match = false;
- $student_id = $this->student->student_id;
- $school_id = db_get_school_id_for_student_id($student_id);
- $degree_id = $this->degree_plan->degree_id;
- $major_code_csv = $this->degree_plan->get_major_code_csv();
- $catalog_year = $this->degree_plan->catalog_year;
- $available_terms = variable_get_for_school("available_advising_term_ids", "0", $school_id);
- // Do we need to update the student's settings?
- if (trim($_POST["advising_update_student_settings_flag"]) != "")
- {
- // We are to assume that the student's array_settings
- // have already been updated by this point, so we will
- // simply convert them to XML and store in the database.
- $result = $db->db_query("REPLACE INTO student_settings
- (student_id, settings, posted)
- VALUES ('?','?', '?' ) ", $student_id, serialize($this->student->array_settings), time());
- watchdog("update_student_settings", "Settings updated for this student.");
- }
- //var_dump($_POST);
- // die;
- // We have changed tracks, so we are to edit the student degrees table.
- if ($_POST["advising_update_student_degrees_flag"] == "true") {
- // Begin by deleting all the "editable" rows for this student
- // in student_degrees.
- db_query("DELETE FROM student_degrees
- WHERE student_id = '?'
- AND is_editable = '1' ", $student_id);
- // Now, go through our list of degree tracks ids we're adding back in, and add to the table.
- $temp = explode(",", $_POST["advising_track_degree_ids"]);
- foreach ($temp as $tdegree_id) {
- if (trim($tdegree_id) == "") continue;
- if (!is_numeric($tdegree_id)) continue;
- $tdegree_plan = fp_load_degree($tdegree_id, NULL, TRUE);
- $tmajor_code = $tdegree_plan->major_code;
- /* // shouldn't need this anymore, as the major_code will contain both the major and track in one.
- $tmajor_code = $tdegree_plan->major_code;
- if (!strstr($tmajor_code, "|")) {
- $tmajor_code .= "|";
- }
- $tmajor_code .= "_" . $tdegree_plan->track_code;
- */
- db_query("INSERT INTO student_degrees
- (student_id, major_code, is_editable)
- VALUES ('?', '?', '1')", $student_id, $tmajor_code);
- }
- // Reset the SESSION variables and re-init, so we get the correct
- // major codes and track codes for this student.
- $_SESSION["advising_track_degree_ids$student_id"] = "";
- $_SESSION["advising_major_code$student_id"] = "";
- $_REQUEST["advising_major_code"] = "";
- $_REQUEST["advising_track_degree_ids"] = "";
- $this->student->load_student_data();
- // force re-build of cache
- //$_REQUEST["load_from_cache"] = "no";
- //$_SESSION["cache_fp$student_id"] = "";
- //$_SESSION["cache_what_if$student_id"] = "";
- $GLOBALS["fp_advising"]["load_from_cache"] = "no";
- $this->init(TRUE);
- $bool_fp_goto_at_end = TRUE;
- } // editing degrees?
- // Is there anything in "log_addition" which we should write to the log?
- if ($_POST["log_addition"] != "")
- {
- $temp = explode("~",$_POST["log_addition"]);
- if ($temp[0] == "change_term") {
- watchdog("change_term", "$student_id," . $temp[1]);
- }
- if ($temp[0] == "change_track"){
- watchdog("change_track", "$student_id," . $temp[1]);
- }
- }
- // If this user cannot advise, then just return right now.
- if (!user_has_permission("can_advise_students")) {
- return;
- }
- // First, create a new entry in the advising_sessions table,
- // so we can get the advising_session_id.
- // But before we can do that, we look for an existing entry
- // which matches this. If we find it, we delete it so the
- // new one will display instead.
- // Only delete if its a draft copy!
- $is_draft = intval($bool_draft);
- $is_what_if = intval($this->bool_what_if);
- // Since we only want one draft copy per term/per student and faculty,
- // let's delete
- // any draft copies already in existence, if we are saving a draft.
- $result = $db->db_query("DELETE FROM advising_sessions
- WHERE student_id = ?
- AND is_draft = 1
- AND faculty_id = ?
- AND degree_id = ?
- AND is_whatif = ? ", $student_id, $faculty_id, $degree_id, $is_what_if);
- // Set all other advising sessions' "most_recent_session" flag to zero (0) for this student (but only if this is NOT an "is_draft" save!)
- if ($is_draft === 0) {
- db_query("UPDATE advising_sessions SET most_recent_session = 0 WHERE student_id = ?", array($student_id));
- }
- // The first thing we need to do is go through the available_terms,
- // create new entries for them in the table, and store what their
- // session ID's are in an array.
- $advising_session_id_array = array();
- $advising_session_id_array_count = array();
- $posted = time();
- $temp = explode(",",$available_terms);
- foreach ($temp as $term_id)
- {
- $term_id = trim($term_id);
- if ($term_id == "") { continue; }
- // Okay, now create a new entry in the system for that term.
- // We create entries for all available terms, whether we
- // are going to use them later or not.
- $result = $db->db_query("INSERT INTO advising_sessions
- (student_id, faculty_id, term_id, degree_id,
- major_code_csv,
- catalog_year, posted, is_whatif, is_draft, advising_session_token, delete_flag, most_recent_session)
- (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?, 0, 1)
- ", $student_id, $faculty_id,$term_id,$degree_id, $major_code_csv, $catalog_year, $posted, $is_what_if, $is_draft, $advising_session_token);
- $advising_session_id = db_insert_id();
- $advising_session_id_array[$term_id] = $advising_session_id;
- $advising_session_id_array_count[$term_id] = 0;
- }
- $wi = "";
- if ($is_what_if == "1"){$wi = "_whatif";}
- if ($bool_draft) {
- watchdog("save_adv_draft$wi", "$student_id,major_code_csv:$major_code_csv~adv_session_token:$advising_session_token");
- }
- else {
- watchdog("save_adv_active$wi", "$student_id,major_code_csv:$major_code_csv~adv_session_token:$advising_session_token");
- }
- // Go through the POST, looking for the
- // phrase "advisecourse_" in the name of the variables.
- // There should be one of these for every course that was
- // on the page. It looks like this:
- // advisecourse_course_id_semesterNum_group_id_varHours_randomID
- foreach($_POST as $key => $value)
- {
- if (!strstr($key,"advisecourse_") && !(strstr($key, "advcr_")))
- { // Skip vars which don't have this as part of the name.
- // We accept either advisecourse_ or advcr_ for short. advisecourse_ is the old way.
- // I changed to use advcr_ to save space, because some browsers will not allow long input names.
- continue;
- }
- if ($value != "true")
- { // This means the course was *not* advised to be taken,
- // so, skip it.
- continue;
- }
- // The key might contain a DoT (dot placeholder) instead of a period. If so, let's
- // add the period back in. This was to correct a bug where courses with dots couldn't
- // be advised.
- if (strstr($key, "DoT")) {
- $key = str_replace("DoT", ".", $key);
- }
- $temp = explode("_",$key);
- $course_id = trim($temp[1]);
- $semester_num = trim($temp[2]);
- $group_id = str_replace("U", "_", trim($temp[3])); // replace U with _, which was required for the submission to work (couldn't use the _ in group_id.)
- $var_hours = trim($temp[4]) * 1;
- $random_id = trim($temp[5]);
- $advised_term_id = trim($temp[6]);
- //$db_group_requirement_id = trim($temp[7]);
- $degree_id = trim($temp[7]);
- if ($degree_id == "group") {
- // Get degree_id from the group_id.
- $tt = explode("_", $group_id);
- $degree_id = $tt[1];
- }
- $advising_session_id = $advising_session_id_array[$advised_term_id];
- $new_course = new Course($course_id);
- $new_course->load_descriptive_data();
- $entry_value = "$new_course->subject_id~$new_course->course_num";
- // Some particular course should be updated. Possibly this one.
- // Updates happen because of a student changing the
- // variable hours, for example.
- if (trim(@$_POST["updatecourse"]) != "")
- {
- $temp2 = explode("~",trim($_POST["updatecourse"]));
- $tcourse_id = $temp2[0];
- $tgroup_id = $temp2[1];
- $tsemester_num = $temp2[2];
- $tvar_hours = $temp2[3];
- $trandom_id = $temp2[4];
- $tadvised_term_id = $temp2[5];
- $tdegree_id = $temp2[6];
- // Do we have a match?
- if ($course_id == $tcourse_id && $random_id == $trandom_id)
- {
- // We have a match, so update with the new information.
- $var_hours = $tvar_hours;
- $degree_id = $tdegree_id;
- $new_course = new Course($tcourse_id);
- $new_course->load_descriptive_data();
- $entry_value = "$new_course->subject_id~$new_course->course_num";
- $bool_found_update_match = true;
- }
- }
- if ($group_id != 0)
- {
- $this->replace_missing_course_in_group($course_id, $group_id);
- }
- // Make sure degree_id is a valid number for the database.
- if (!is_numeric($degree_id) || intval($degree_id) < 0) {
- $degree_id = 0;
- }
- // Okay, write it to the table...
- $result = $db->db_query("INSERT INTO advised_courses
- (`advising_session_id`,`course_id`,
- `entry_value`,`semester_num`,
- `group_id`,`var_hours`,`term_id`, `degree_id`)
- ('?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?')
- ", $advising_session_id, $course_id, $entry_value, $semester_num, $group_id, $var_hours, $advised_term_id, $degree_id);
- $advising_session_id_array_count[$advised_term_id]++;
- }
- // Did we have to perform an update-- but no course was found?
- if (trim(@$_POST["updatecourse"]) != "" && $bool_found_update_match == false)
- {
- // This means that the course was probably on the bare
- // degree program, and not already checked for advising. So,
- // let's add it to the advised_courses table, so it DOES
- // get checked for advising.
- $temp2 = explode("~",trim($_POST["updatecourse"]));
- $course_id = $temp2[0];
- $group_id = $temp2[1];
- $semester_num = $temp2[2];
- $var_hours = $temp2[3];
- $advised_term_id = $temp2[5];
- $degree_id = $temp2[6];
- $new_course = new Course($course_id);
- $new_course->load_descriptive_data();
- $entry_value = "$new_course->subject_id~$new_course->course_num";
- $advising_session_id = $advising_session_id_array[$advised_term_id];
- $result = $db->db_query("INSERT INTO advised_courses
- (`advising_session_id`,`course_id`,`entry_value`,`semester_num`,
- `group_id`,`var_hours`,`term_id`,`degree_id`)
- ('?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?')
- ", $advising_session_id,$course_id,$entry_value,$semester_num,$group_id,$var_hours,$advised_term_id,$degree_id);
- $advising_session_id_array_count[$advised_term_id]++;
- if ($group_id != 0)
- {
- $this->replace_missing_course_in_group($course_id, $group_id);
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Substitutions...
- //
- //-------------------------------------------------------
- // check permissions for substitutions before saving
- if (trim(@$_POST["savesubstitution"]) != "" && user_has_permission("can_substitute")) {
- $temp = explode("~",trim($_POST["savesubstitution"]));
- $course_id = $temp[0]; // required course
- $group_id = trim($temp[1]);
- $req_by_degree_id = $temp[2];
- $semester_num = $temp[3] * 1;
- $sub_course_id = $temp[4];
- $sub_term_id = $temp[5];
- $sub_transfer_flag = $temp[6];
- $sub_hours = $temp[7] * 1;
- $sub_addition = $temp[8];
- $sub_remarks = urldecode($temp[9]);
- if ($sub_addition == "true")
- {
- $course_id = 0;
- }
- // Figure out the entry values for the required course & sub course...
- $required_entry_value = $sub_entry_value = "";
- if ($course_id > 0)
- {
- $new_course = new Course($course_id);
- $new_course->load_descriptive_data();
- $required_entry_value = "$new_course->subject_id~$new_course->course_num";
- }
- if ($sub_transfer_flag != 1)
- {
- $new_course = new Course($sub_course_id);
- $new_course->load_descriptive_data();
- $sub_entry_value = "$new_course->subject_id~$new_course->course_num";
- }
- if ($group_id != 0 && $course_id != 0)
- {
- $this->replace_missing_course_in_group($course_id, $group_id);
- }
- // Make sure the sub_hours aren't larger than the sub_course_id's awarded hours.
- // This is to stop a bug from happening where sometimes, some people are able to substitute
- // a course for larger than the awarded hours. I believe it is a javascript bug.
- if ($test_c = $this->student->list_courses_taken->find_specific_course($sub_course_id, $sub_term_id, (bool) $sub_transfer_flag, true)) {
- // Are the hours out of whack?
- if (floatval($sub_hours) > floatval($test_c->get_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id))) {
- // Yes! Set it to the value of the hours_awarded.
- $sub_hours = floatval($test_c->get_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id));
- }
- }
- $result = $db->db_query("INSERT INTO student_substitutions
- (`student_id`,`faculty_id`,`required_course_id`,`required_entry_value`,
- `required_group_id`,`required_degree_id`,`required_semester_num`,`sub_course_id`,`sub_entry_value`,
- `sub_term_id`,`sub_transfer_flag`,`sub_hours`,`sub_remarks`,`posted`)
- ('?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?')
- ", $student_id,$faculty_id,$course_id,$required_entry_value,$group_id,$req_by_degree_id,$semester_num,$sub_course_id,$sub_entry_value,$sub_term_id,$sub_transfer_flag,$sub_hours,$sub_remarks, time());
- watchdog("save_substitution", "$student_id,group_id:$group_id,insert_id:" . db_insert_id());
- }
- if (trim(@$_POST["removesubstitution"]) != "")
- {
- $temp = explode("~",trim($_POST["removesubstitution"]));
- $sub_id = trim($temp[0]) * 1;
- $result = $db->db_query("UPDATE student_substitutions
- SET `delete_flag`='1'
- WHERE `id`='?' ", $sub_id);
- watchdog("remove_substitution", "$student_id,sub_id:$sub_id");
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Group Unassignments
- //
- //-------------------------------------------------------
- if (trim(@$_POST["unassign_group"]) != "")
- {
- $temp = explode("~",trim($_POST["unassign_group"]));
- $course_id = $temp[0];
- $term_id = $temp[1];
- $transfer_flag = $temp[2];
- $group_id = $temp[3];
- $degree_id = $temp[4];
- $result = db_query("INSERT INTO student_unassign_group
- (`student_id`,`faculty_id`,`course_id`,
- `term_id`,`transfer_flag`,`group_id`,`degree_id`,
- `posted`)
- ('?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?')
- ", $student_id,$faculty_id,$course_id,$term_id,$transfer_flag,$group_id,$degree_id,time());
- watchdog("save_unassign_group", "$student_id,group_id:$group_id,degree_id:$degree_id");
- }
- if (trim(@$_POST["restore_unassign_group"]) != "")
- {
- $temp = explode("~",trim($_POST["restore_unassign_group"]));
- $unassign_id = trim($temp[0]) * 1;
- $result = $db->db_query("UPDATE student_unassign_group
- SET `delete_flag`='1'
- WHERE `id`='?' ", $unassign_id);
- watchdog("restore_unassign_group", "$student_id,unassign_id:$unassign_id");
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Transfer EQV Unassignments
- //
- //-------------------------------------------------------
- if (trim(@$_POST["unassign_transfer_eqv"]) != "")
- {
- $temp = explode("~",trim($_POST["unassign_transfer_eqv"]));
- $course_id = $temp[0];
- $result = $db->db_query("INSERT INTO student_unassign_transfer_eqv
- (`student_id`,`faculty_id`,`transfer_course_id`,
- `posted`)
- ('?','?','?','?')
- ", $student_id, $faculty_id, $course_id, time());
- watchdog("save_unassign_transfer", "$student_id,course_id:$course_id");
- }
- if (trim(@$_POST["restore_transfer_eqv"]) != "")
- {
- $temp = explode("~",trim($_POST["restore_transfer_eqv"]));
- $unassign_id = trim($temp[0]) * 1;
- $result = $db->db_query("UPDATE student_unassign_transfer_eqv
- SET `delete_flag`='1'
- WHERE `id`='?' ", $unassign_id);
- watchdog("restore_unassign_transfer", "$student_id,unassign_id:$unassign_id");
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////// Cleanup !////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // If any of the advisingSessions we created earlier
- // are blank, we should FLAG them, so they will not
- // show up under the student's history.
- // Only flag non-draft empty ones. If they are draft,
- // let them be.
- // We just look at $advising_session_id_array_count[] to see
- // if any of the counts are still 0. If they are, delete
- // that advisingSessionID from the table.
- if ($is_draft == 0)
- {
- foreach ($advising_session_id_array as $term_id => $advising_session_id)
- {
- if ($advising_session_id_array_count[$term_id] == 0)
- {
- // This one is blank! Delete it!
- $res = $db->db_query("UPDATE advising_sessions
- SET is_empty = 1
- WHERE advising_session_id = ? ", $advising_session_id);
- $advising_session_id_array[$term_id] = "";
- }
- }
- }
- watchdog("advising", "Student has been advised: @student", array("@student" => $student_id));
- // Call a hook so other modules can act when the advising session gets saved.
- invoke_hook('save_advising_session_from_post', array($student_id, $is_draft, $advising_session_id_array));
- // Instead of executing the page, we will issue a redirect using fp_goto.
- // This makes it so if the user hits "refresh", it will not re-submit a POST request.
- if ($bool_fp_goto_at_end) {
- // Goto the same page we are already on. This mimics Drupal's Form API behavior.
- $q = $_REQUEST['q'];
- fp_goto($q, "advising_major_code=&load_from_cache=no&advising_student_id=$student_id");
- }
- return $advising_session_id_array;
- }
- function load_advising_session_from_database($faculty_id = 0, $term_id = "", $bool_what_if = false, $bool_draft = true, $advising_session_id = 0, $duplicate_for_faculty_id = 0)
- {
- global $user;
- // This method will load an advising session for a particular
- // student, and modify the degree plan object to reflect
- // the advisings.
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- $is_what_if = "0";
- $is_draft = "0";
- if ($bool_what_if == true){$is_what_if = "1";}
- if ($bool_draft == true){$is_draft = "1";}
- $degree_id = $this->degree_plan->degree_id;
- $student_id = $this->student->student_id;
- $school_id = db_get_school_id_for_student_id($student_id);
- $available_terms = variable_get_for_school("available_advising_term_ids", "0", $school_id);
- // If we are pulling up an active student record, then let's
- // delete any draft sessions for this faculty user and student, so as not to cause
- // a bug later on when changing tabs. We don't care if $faculty_id is set or not, just
- // the current user's CWID.
- if ($bool_draft == FALSE && $user->cwid != 0) {
- $res = db_query("DELETE FROM advising_sessions
- WHERE student_id = ?
- AND faculty_id = ?
- AND is_draft = 1
- ", $student_id, $user->cwid);
- }
- $advising_session_line = " `advising_session_id`='$advising_session_id' ";
- // First, find the advising session id...
- if ($advising_session_id < 1 && $available_terms == "")
- {
- $advising_session_id = $this->db->get_advising_session_id($faculty_id, $student_id, $term_id, $degree_id, $bool_what_if, $bool_draft, TRUE);
- $advising_session_line = " `advising_session_id`='$advising_session_id' ";
- // Create a duplicate of this session as a draft...
- if ($bool_draft == FALSE) {
- $db->duplicate_advising_session($advising_session_id, $duplicate_for_faculty_id, "", "", "", "", 1);
- }
- } else if ($advising_session_id < 1 && $available_terms != "")
- {
- // Meaning, we are looking for more than one term.
- $advising_session_line = "(";
- $temp = explode(",",$available_terms);
- for ($t = 0; $t < count($temp); $t++)
- {
- $t_id = trim($temp[$t]);
- $asid = $this->db->get_advising_session_id($faculty_id, $student_id, $t_id,$degree_id, $bool_what_if, $bool_draft, TRUE);
- if ($asid != 0)
- {
- $advising_session_line .= " advising_session_id='$asid' || ";
- // Create a duplicate of this session as a draft...
- if ($bool_draft == FALSE) {
- $db->duplicate_advising_session($asid, $duplicate_for_faculty_id, "", "", "", "", 1);
- }
- }
- }
- // Take off the last 3 chars...
- $advising_session_line = substr($advising_session_line, 0, -3);
- $advising_session_line .= ")";
- if ($advising_session_line == ")")
- { // Found NO previously advised semesters, so just
- // use a dummy value which guarantees it pulls up nothing.
- $advising_session_line = " advising_session_id='-99999'";
- }
- }
- // Now, look up the courses they were advised to take.
- $query = "SELECT * FROM advised_courses
- $advising_session_line
- ORDER BY `id` ";
- $result = $db->db_query($query);
- while($cur = $db->db_fetch_array($result))
- {
- $course_id = trim($cur["course_id"]);
- $semester_num = trim($cur["semester_num"]);
- $group_id = trim($cur["group_id"]);
- $degree_id = $cur["degree_id"];
- $var_hours = trim($cur["var_hours"]);
- $advised_term_id = trim($cur["term_id"]);
- $id = trim($cur["id"]);
- // Add this course to the generic list of advised courses. Useful
- // if we are using this to pull up an advising summary.
- $temp_course = new Course($course_id);
- $temp_course->advised_hours = $var_hours;
- $this->course_list_advised_courses->add($temp_course);
- if ($semester_num == DegreePlan::SEMESTER_NUM_FOR_COURSES_ADDED)
- {
- // This was a courses added by the advisor.
- $this->assign_course_to_courses_added_list($course_id, $var_hours, $id, $advised_term_id);
- continue;
- }
- // Now, we need to modify the degree_plan object to
- // show these advisings.
- if ($course_list = $this->degree_plan->find_courses($course_id, $group_id, $semester_num, $degree_id))
- {
- // This course may exist in several different branches of a group, so we need
- // to mark all the branches as having been advised to take. Usually, this CourseList
- // will probably only have 1 course object in it. But, better safe than sorry.
- $course_list->reset_counter();
- if ($course = $course_list->get_next())
- {
- // make sure the hour count has been loaded correctly.
- if ($course->get_catalog_hours() < 1)
- {
- $course->load_descriptive_data();
- }
- // Let's start by looking at the first course. Is it
- // supposed to be repeated?
- if ($course->bool_specified_repeat==true
- && $course->specified_repeats >= 0 )
- {
- // This is a course which is supposed to be repeated.
- // We need to cycle through and find an instance
- // of this course which has not been advised yet.
- $course_list->reset_counter();
- while($course_list->has_more())
- {
- $course = $course_list->get_next();
- // make sure the hour count has been loaded correctly.
- if ($course->get_catalog_hours() < 1)
- {
- $course->load_descriptive_data();
- }
- ////////////////////
- // Logan's change: https://bytetask.com/node/2455
- // If we have the setting which says we should skip if it's already been completed/enrolled for this term,
- // then we should do that.
- if (variable_get_for_school("remove_advised_when_course_taken", "no", $school_id) == "yes") {
- // First, see if this advised course has been attempted already.
- if ($this->student->list_courses_taken->find_specific_course($course->course_id, $advised_term_id)) {
- // Yep, found it! So, skip this one.
- continue;
- }
- }
- //////////////////////////
- //if ($course->bool_advised_to_take != true && !is_object($course->courseFulfilledBy))
- if ($course->bool_advised_to_take != true && $course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty == true)
- {
- // Okay, this course is supposed to be taken/advised
- // more than once. So, I will mark this one as
- // advised, and then break out of the loop, since
- // I don't want to mark all occurances as advised.
- $course->bool_advised_to_take = true;
- $course->assigned_to_semester_num = $semester_num;
- //$course->assigned_to_group_id = $group_id;
- $course->assigned_to_group_ids_array[$group_id] = $group_id;
- // Make sure we assign the hours to the group, so this
- // advised courses takes up a spot in the group. Otherwise
- // it may be missed in later logic.
- if ($g = $this->degree_plan->find_group($group_id)) {
- $h = $var_hours;
- if ($h == 0) {
- $h = $course->get_catalog_hours();
- if ($h == 0) {
- $h = 1; // some problem occured. Just give it a token hour so it doesn't
- // horribly break.
- }
- }
- $g->hours_assigned += $h;
- }
- $course->advised_hours = $var_hours;
- $course->advised_term_id = $advised_term_id;
- $course->db_advised_courses_id = $id;
- $course_list->dec_specified_repeats($course);
- break;
- }
- }
- continue; // Go to the next advised course.
- }
- } // if $course = $course_list->get_next();
- //////////////////////////////
- // We're here, because it was not a repeatable course.
- // ** We should only go through THIS loop once! So,
- // we will break after we make our assignment.
- $course_list->reset_counter();
- while($course_list->has_more())
- {
- $course = $course_list->get_next();
- // make sure the hour count has been loaded correctly.
- if ($course->get_catalog_hours() < 1)
- {
- $course->load_descriptive_data();
- }
- // make sure it has not already been advised to take.
- // Would occur if the same course is specified more
- // than once in a semester.
- if ($course->bool_advised_to_take == true)
- {
- continue;
- }
- // If we have the setting which says we should skip if it's already been completed/enrolled for this term,
- // then we should do that.
- if (variable_get_for_school("remove_advised_when_course_taken", "no", $school_id) == "yes") {
- // First, see if this advised course has been attempted already.
- if ($taken_course = $this->student->list_courses_taken->find_specific_course($course->course_id, $advised_term_id)) {
- // Yep, found it! So, skip this one.
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Has this course already been fulfilled by something?
- // If so, we cannot attempt to say it's been advised!
- if (!$course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty)
- {
- // meaning, this course HAS been fulfilled.
- // So, let's move this advising to the "added by advisor"
- // spot.
- /* This is the original bit of code here. It is causing a problem when there are courses which are supposed to be
- * repeated. Example: MUSC courses which are advised one term at a time.
- *
- *
- $this->assign_course_to_courses_added_list($course_id, $var_hours, $id, $advised_term_id);
- break;
- *
- * Strategy: Find out how many courses are in this course_list by looking at the size of the list. If it's > 1, then just continue. If it == 1, then
- * do the original logic.
- *
- */
- if ($course_list->get_size() > 1) {
- continue;
- }
- else {
- $this->assign_course_to_courses_added_list($course_id, $var_hours, $id, $advised_term_id);
- break;
- }
- }
- $course->bool_advised_to_take = true;
- $course->assigned_to_semester_num = $semester_num;
- //$course->assigned_to_group_id = $group_id;
- $course->assigned_to_group_ids_array[$group_id] = $group_id;
- // Make sure we assign the hours to the group, so this
- // advised courses takes up a spot in the group. Otherwise
- // it may be missed in later logic.
- if ($g = $this->degree_plan->find_group($group_id)) {
- $h = $var_hours;
- if ($h == 0) {
- $h = $course->get_catalog_hours();
- if ($h == 0) {
- $h = 1; // some problem occured. Just give it a token hour so it doesn't
- // horribly break.
- }
- }
- $g->hours_assigned += $h;
- }
- $course->advised_hours = $var_hours;
- $course->advised_term_id = $advised_term_id;
- $course->db_advised_courses_id = $id;
- if ($course->required_on_branch_id > 0)
- {
- // In other words, this course was found on a branch, so we need
- // to increment that branch's count_of_matches.
- if ($branch = $this->degree_plan->find_group($course->required_on_branch_id))
- {
- $branch->count_of_matches++;
- } else {
- fpm("Error: Could not find branch.");
- }
- }
- // We should only be in this loop once, so let's
- // break after we make our assignment.
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Now, what we need to do is tell the DegreePlan to re-sort its
- // group's course lists, so that the advised courses are lower
- // than the fulfilled courses.
- //$this->degree_plan->sortGroupsFulfilledFirst();
- //print_pre($this->degree_plan->list_groups->toString());
- } // function loadAdvisingSessionFromDatabase
- function split_requirements_by_substitutions()
- {
- // Go through all the required courses on the degree plan,
- // and if there is a partial substitution specified in the student's
- // list of substitutions, then split that requirement into 2 courses,
- // one with enough hours to satisfy the sub, and the remaining hours.
- $degree_plan = $this->degree_plan;
- $student = $this->student;
- $student->list_substitutions->reset_counter();
- while($student->list_substitutions->has_more())
- {
- $substitution = $student->list_substitutions->get_next();
- $course_requirement = $substitution->course_requirement;
- $course_sub = $substitution->course_list_substitutions->get_first();
- // TODO: This could be an important part right here
- // Check to see if the courseSub's hours_awarded are less than the
- // course_requirement's min hours...
- if ($course_requirement->min_hours > $course_sub->get_hours_awarded())
- {
- // Meaning the original course requirement is not being
- // fully satisfied by this substitution! The original
- // course requirement has hours left over which must be
- // fulfilled somehow.
- $remaining_hours = round($course_requirement->min_hours - $course_sub->get_hours_awarded(), 6);
- // This means that the course requirement needs to be split.
- // So, find this course in the degree plan.
- $required_course_id = $course_requirement->course_id;
- //$required_group_id = $course_requirement->assigned_to_group_id;
- $required_group_id = $course_requirement->get_first_assigned_to_group_id(); // we assume a course requirement is only assigned to 1 group.
- $required_semester_num = $course_requirement->assigned_to_semester_num;
- }
- }
- } // split_requirements_by_substitution
- function assign_course_to_courses_added_list($course_id, $var_hours = 0, $db_advised_courses_id = 0, $advised_term_id = 0)
- {
- // Set the supplied course as "advised to take" in the degree plan's
- // special added courses group, which is number -88.
- $course = new Course($course_id, false, $this->db);
- $course->bool_advised_to_take = true;
- $course->assigned_to_semester_num = DegreePlan::SEMESTER_NUM_FOR_COURSES_ADDED;
- //$course->assigned_to_group_id = -88;
- $course->assigned_to_group_ids_array[DegreePlan::GROUP_ID_FOR_COURSES_ADDED] = DegreePlan::GROUP_ID_FOR_COURSES_ADDED;
- $course->advised_hours = $var_hours;
- $course->db_advised_courses_id = $db_advised_courses_id;
- $course->advised_term_id = $advised_term_id;
- if ($group = $this->degree_plan->find_group(DegreePlan::GROUP_ID_FOR_COURSES_ADDED))
- {
- $group->list_courses->add($course);
- }
- // Done!
- }
- }
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