function system_reload_and_cache_course_inventory
Search API
7.x system.module | system_reload_and_cache_course_inventory() |
6.x system.module | system_reload_and_cache_course_inventory() |
Formerly part of the FlightPath class, this function will read in or reload the course inventory into a file, which then goes into the SESSION to make it faster to access.
6 calls to system_reload_and_cache_course_inventory()
- admin_apply_draft_changes_form_submit in modules/
admin/ admin.module - Handles the actual moving of draft courses into production.
- advise_clear_cache in modules/
advise/ advise.module - Implementation of hook_clear_cache Called by other modules, this function will take care of clearing anything this module has cached.
- advise_display_view in modules/
advise/ advise.module - This is the page which actually displays the "view" for the user to see their advising session, or for an advisor to advise them.
- FlightPath::z_____cache_course_inventory in classes/
FlightPath.php - This function replaces the original method of caching the course inventory, to something which uses a file instead of database.
- student_search_student_select_switchboard in modules/
student_search/ student_search.module - The user has selected a student (clicked on a row) from the Search or My Advisees screen.
- modules/
system/ system.module, line 3634
function system_reload_and_cache_course_inventory() {
// Load from file. If not there, or if we cannot unserialize, then we will rebuild cache and save new file.
if (file_exists(fp_get_files_path() . "/cache_data/")) {
if ($_SESSION ["fp_cache_course_inventory"] = file_get_contents(fp_get_files_path() . "/cache_data/"))
if ($GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"] = unserialize($_SESSION ["fp_cache_course_inventory"])) {
$last_generated = intval(variable_get('cache_course_inventory_last_generated', 0));
$_SESSION ['fp_cache_course_inventory_last_generated'] = $last_generated;
//fpm('reloading from file');
$array_valid_names_by_course = array();
//fpm('rebuilding course cache');
//fpm("LIMIT $limit_start, $limit_size");
// To save memory, we're only going to keep a certain number of catalog years in the cache, and even then, only up to a max number of rows.
$start_year = intval(date('Y', strtotime('NOW + 1 YEAR'))); // start with one year into the future.
$end_year = intval(date('Y', strtotime('NOW - 10 YEARS'))); // end with 10 years into the past
$in_years = "";
for ($t = $end_year; $t <= $start_year; $t++) {
$in_years .= $t . ",";
$in_years .= "1900"; // add in the 1900 year as well.
// For speed and accuracy, ignore the "excluded" courses.
$result = db_query("SELECT * FROM courses
WHERE delete_flag = 0
AND catalog_year IN ($in_years)
AND exclude = 0
ORDER BY catalog_year DESC
LIMIT 50000");
while ($cur = db_fetch_array($result))
$course_id = $cur ["course_id"];
//$this->db->load_course_descriptive_data(null, $course_id);
$title = $cur ["title"];
$description = trim($cur ["description"]);
$subject_id = trim(strtoupper($cur ["subject_id"]));
$course_num = trim(strtoupper($cur ["course_num"]));
$cache_catalog_year = $cur ['catalog_year'];
$min_hours = $cur ["min_hours"];
$max_hours = $cur ["max_hours"];
$repeat_hours = $cur ["repeat_hours"];
if ($repeat_hours * 1 == 0)
$repeat_hours = $max_hours;
$db_exclude = $cur ["exclude"];
$db_school_id = $cur ['school_id'];
$data_entry_comment = $cur ["data_entry_comment"];
// Now, lets get a list of all the valid names for this course.
// In other words, all the non-excluded names. For most
// courses, this will just be one name. But for cross-listed
// courses, this will be 2 or more (probably just 2 though).
// Example: MATH 373 and CSCI 373 are both valid names for that course.
if (!isset($array_valid_names_by_course [$course_id])) {
$array_valid_names = array();
$res2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM courses
WHERE course_id = ?
AND delete_flag = 0 ", $course_id);
while ($cur2 = db_fetch_array($res2))
$si = $cur2 ["subject_id"];
$cn = $cur2 ["course_num"];
if (in_array("$si~$cn", $array_valid_names))
$array_valid_names [] = "$si~$cn";
$array_valid_names_by_course [$course_id] = $array_valid_names;
$array_valid_names = $array_valid_names_by_course [$course_id];
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["subject_id"] = $subject_id;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["course_num"] = $course_num;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["title"] = $title;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["description"] = $description;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["min_hours"] = $min_hours;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["max_hours"] = $max_hours;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["repeat_hours"] = $repeat_hours;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["db_exclude"] = $db_exclude;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["school_id"] = $db_school_id;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["array_valid_names"] = $array_valid_names;
$cache_catalog_year = 0;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["subject_id"] = $subject_id;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["course_num"] = $course_num;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["title"] = $title;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["description"] = $description;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["min_hours"] = $min_hours;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["max_hours"] = $max_hours;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["repeat_hours"] = $repeat_hours;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["db_exclude"] = $db_exclude;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["school_id"] = $db_school_id;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["array_valid_names"] = $array_valid_names;
$GLOBALS ["cache_course_inventory"] = TRUE;
} // while cur
// Should we re-cache the course inventory? If there have been any changes
// to it, then we will see that in a GLOBALS variable...
if ($GLOBALS ["cache_course_inventory"] == true)
$_SESSION ["fp_cache_course_inventory"] = serialize($GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"]);
// Save to file.
if (!is_dir(fp_get_files_path() . "/cache_data")) {
$x = mkdir(fp_get_files_path() . "/cache_data");
if (!$x) {
fpm("Cannot create cache_data directory under custom/files. Permission error?");
watchdog("system", "Cannot create cache_data directory under custom/files. Permission error?", array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
// It is named .info because in our htaccess, it already says that file extension cannot be downloaded.
$x = file_put_contents(fp_get_files_path() . "/cache_data/", $_SESSION ["fp_cache_course_inventory"]);
if ($x === FALSE) {
fpm("Cannot create cache_data/ under custom/files. Permission error?");
watchdog("system", "Cannot create cache_data/ under custom/files. Permission error?", array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
// Also put in when we LAST performed this operation in a variable for reading later on.
$last_generated = time();
$_SESSION ['fp_cache_course_inventory_last_generated'] = $last_generated;
variable_set('cache_course_inventory_last_generated', $last_generated);