class Student

  1. 7.x classes/Student.php Student
  2. 6.x classes/Student.php Student
  3. 4.x custom/classes/Student.php Student
  4. 5.x custom/classes/Student.php Student


Expanded class hierarchy of Student

4 string references to 'Student'
alerts_content_register_content_type in modules/alerts/alerts.module
For use with the content module. We will register our custom content type(s) for use with this module.
calendar_content_register_content_type in modules/calendar/calendar.module
For use with the content module. We will register our custom content type(s) for use with this module.
engagements_content_register_content_type in modules/engagements/engagements.module
For use with the content module. We will register our custom content type(s) for use with this module.
hook_content_register_content_type in modules/content/content.api.php
Sample hook other modules implement to register a content type.


classes/Student.php, line 4

View source
class Student extends stdClass
  public $student_id, $name, $major_code_array, $major_code_csv, $gpa, $cumulative_hours, $catalog_year;
  public $list_courses_taken, $list_courses_advised, $list_courses_added, $db, $rank, $db_rank, $is_active;
  public $list_standardized_tests, $list_substitutions;
  public $list_transfer_eqvs_unassigned;
  public $array_settings, $array_significant_courses, $array_hide_grades_terms, $school_id;

  function __construct($student_id = "", DatabaseHandler $db = NULL, $school_id = NULL) 

    $this->student_id = $student_id;

    if ($school_id === NULL) {
      // Lookup this student's school_id if it was not supplied.
      $school_id = intval(db_result(db_query("SELECT school_id FROM users WHERE cwid = ? AND is_student = 1", array($student_id))));

    $this->school_id = $school_id;
    $this->array_hide_grades_terms = array();
    $this->array_significant_courses = array(); // array of course_ids
    // the student has taken, or has subs for (or transfer eqv's).
    // used later to help speed up assignCoursesToList in FlightPath.

    $this->db = $db;
    if ($db == NULL) 
      $this->db = get_global_database_handler();

    // Go ahead and load and assemble
    // all information in the database on this student.


   * This is a stub function.  If you are planning on hiding course grades
   * for a term at a time, you should override this method in /custom/classes
   * and place that logic here.
   * For example,
   * at ULM, students cannot see their final grades for a term until they
   * have completed their course evaluations for every course they took that
   * term, OR, until 2 weeks have passed.
  function determine_terms_to_hide_grades() 

  function load_student() 

    $this->list_transfer_eqvs_unassigned = new CourseList();
    $this->list_courses_taken = new CourseList();
    $this->list_courses_added = new CourseList();

    $this->list_substitutions = new SubstitutionList();

    $this->list_standardized_tests = new ObjList();
    $this->array_settings = array();

    if ($this->student_id != "") 

      // If we are supposed to set cumulative hours and gpa, perform that
      // operation now.
      if (variable_get_for_school("calculate_cumulative_hours_and_gpa", 'no', $this->school_id) == 'yes') {
        $arr = $this->calculate_cumulative_hours_and_gpa();
        $this->cumulative_hours = $arr ["cumulative_total_hours"];
        $this->gpa = $arr ["cumulative_gpa"];


    // When we load this student, let's also check for any hooks relating
    // to loading this student.
    // Since this class might be used outside of FP, only do this if we know
    // that the file has been executed.
    if ($GLOBALS ["fp_bootstrap_loaded"] == TRUE) {
      invoke_hook("student_load", array(&$this));


  function load_significant_courses() 
    // This will attempt to add as much to the array_significant_courses
    // as we can, which was not previously determined.
    // For example: courses we were advised to take and/or
    // substitutions.

    // Now, when this gets called, it's actually *before* we
    // write any subs or advisings to the database, so what we
    // actually need to do is go through the POST
    // and add any course_id's we find.
    // In the future, perhaps it would be more efficient
    // to have just one POST variable to look at, perhaps
    // comma-seperated.

    // Look in the database of advised courses for ANY course advised in
    // the range of advisingTermIDs.
    $advising_term_ids = variable_get("available_advising_term_ids", "0", $this->school_id);

    $temp = explode(",", $advising_term_ids);
    foreach ($temp as $term_id) 
      $term_id = trim($term_id);
      $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM advising_sessions a,
              advised_courses b
              WHERE a.student_id = ?
              AND a.advising_session_id = b.advising_session_id
              AND a.term_id = ?             
              AND a.is_draft = 0 ", $this->student_id, $term_id);
      while ($cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res)) 
        $this->array_significant_courses [$cur ["course_id"]] = true;

    // Now, look for any course which a substitution might have been
    // performed for...
    $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM student_substitutions
                    WHERE student_id = ? ", $this->student_id);
    while ($cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res)) {
      $this->array_significant_courses [$cur ["required_course_id"]] = true;


  function load_significant_courses_from_list_courses_taken() {
    // Build the array_significant_courses
    // entriely from list_courses_taken.
    while ($this->list_courses_taken->has_more()) 
      $c = $this->list_courses_taken->get_next();
      $this->array_significant_courses [$c->course_id] = true;

  function load_settings() {
    // This will load & set up the array_settings variable for this
    // student.
    $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT settings FROM student_settings
                  student_id = ? 
                  ", $this->student_id);
    $cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res);

    if ($cur) {
      if ($arr = unserialize($cur ["settings"])) {
        $this->array_settings = $arr;


  function load_transfer_eqvs_unassigned() 
    $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT `id`, transfer_course_id FROM student_unassign_transfer_eqv
                  WHERE student_id = ?
                  AND delete_flag=0
                  ORDER BY id ", $this->student_id);
    while ($cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res)) 
      extract($cur, 3, "db");
      $new_course = new Course();
      $new_course->bool_transfer = true;
      $new_course->course_id = $db_transfer_course_id;
      $new_course->school_id = $this->db->get_school_id_for_transfer_course_id($db_transfer_course_id);
      $new_course->db_unassign_transfer_id = $db_id;



  function init_semester_courses_added() 
    // The "Add a Course" box on screen is really just a
    // semester, with the number -88, with a single group,
    // also numbered -88.
    $this->semester_courses_added = new Semester(DegreePlan::SEMESTER_NUM_FOR_COURSES_ADDED);
    $this->semester_courses_added->title = t("Courses Added by Advisor");

    // Now, we want to add the Add a Course group...
    $g = new Group();
    $g->group_id = DegreePlan::GROUP_ID_FOR_COURSES_ADDED;
    // Since it would take a long time during page load, we will
    // leave this empty of courses for now.  It doesn't matter anyway,
    // as we will not be checking this group for course membership
    // anyway.  We only need to load it in the popup.
    $g->hours_required = 99999; // Nearly infinite selections may be made.
    $g->assigned_to_semester_num = DegreePlan::SEMESTER_NUM_FOR_COURSES_ADDED;
    $g->title = t("Add an Additional Course");



  function load_unassignments() 
    // Load courses which have been unassigned from groups
    // or the bare degree plan.
    $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM student_unassign_group
                      student_id = ?                      
                      AND delete_flag='0' ", $this->student_id);
    while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) 
      extract($cur, 3, "db");

      if ($taken_course = $this->list_courses_taken->find_specific_course($db_course_id, $db_term_id, (bool) $db_transfer_flag, TRUE, NULL, $db_degree_id)) 
        // Add the group_id to this courses' list of unassigned groups.
        $new_group = new Group();
        $new_group->group_id = $db_group_id;
        $new_group->db_unassign_group_id = $db_id;
        $new_group->req_by_degree_id = $db_degree_id;




  function load_test_scores() 
    // If the student has any scores (from standardized tests)
    // then load them here.

    $st = null;

    $c = 0;
    $old_row = "";

    $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM student_tests
                     WHERE student_id = ?     
                     AND school_id = ?            
                     ORDER BY date_taken DESC, test_id, category_id ", $this->student_id, $this->school_id);
    while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {


      extract($cur, 3, "db");

      if (!isset($db_position)) {
        $db_position = 0;

      // Get the test's description, if available.

      $res2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM standardized_tests
                        WHERE test_id = ?
                        AND category_id = ?
                        AND school_id = ?
                        ORDER BY position", $db_test_id, $db_category_id, $this->school_id);
      $cur2 = db_fetch_array($res2);
      $db_test_description = trim($cur2 ["test_description"]);
      $db_category_description = trim($cur2 ["category_description"]);

      // Did we find anything in the table?  If not, just use the codes themselves
      if ($db_test_description == "") {
        $db_test_description = t("Test code:") . " " . $db_test_id;
      if ($db_category_description == "") {
        $db_category_description = $db_category_id;

      if (!(($db_date_taken . $db_test_id) == $old_row)) 
        // We are at a new test.  Add the old test to our list.
        if ($st != null) {


        $st = new StandardizedTest();
        $st->test_id = $db_test_id;
        $st->date_taken = $db_date_taken;

        // Is the date unavailable?
        if ($st->date_taken == "" || $st->date_taken == NULL || strstr($st->date_taken, "0000")) {
          $st->bool_date_unavailable = TRUE;

        $st->description = $db_test_description;
        $old_row = $db_date_taken . $db_test_id;


      $st->categories [$db_position . $c]["description"] = $db_category_description;
      $st->categories [$db_position . $c]["category_id"] = $db_category_id;
      $st->categories [$db_position . $c]["score"] = $db_score;


    // Add the last one created.
    if ($st != null) {


  function load_student_substitutions() 
    // Load the substitutions which have been made for
    // this student.

    // Meant to be called AFTER load_courses_taken.
    $this->list_substitutions = new SubstitutionList();

    $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM
            WHERE student_id = ?            
            AND delete_flag='0' ", $this->student_id);
    while ($cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res)) 

      $sub_id = $cur ["id"];
      $sub_course_id = $cur ["sub_course_id"];
      $sub_term_id = $cur ["sub_term_id"];
      $sub_bool_transfer = (bool) $cur ["sub_transfer_flag"];
      $sub_hours = $cur ["sub_hours"] * 1;
      $sub_remarks = trim($cur ["sub_remarks"]);
      $faculty_id = $cur ["faculty_id"];
      $req_by_degree_id = $cur ["required_degree_id"];
      $db_required_degree_id = $req_by_degree_id;
      $db_required_group_id = $cur ["required_group_id"];

      if (strstr($sub_term_id, "9999")) 
        // was an unknown semester.  Let's set it lower so
        // it doesn't screw up my sorting.
        $sub_term_id = Course::COURSE_UNKNOWN_TERM_ID;

      // Okay, look to see if we can find the course specified by this
      // courseSubstitution within the list of courses which the student
      // has taken.  If the subHours is less than the hours_awarded for the
      // particular course, it means the course has been split up!

      if ($taken_course = $this->list_courses_taken->find_specific_course($sub_course_id, $sub_term_id, $sub_bool_transfer, true, null, $req_by_degree_id)) 

        // If this takenCourse is a transfer credit, then we want to remove
        // any automatic eqv it may have set.
        // We can do this easily by setting its course_id to 0.
        if ($sub_bool_transfer == true) 
          $taken_course->temp_old_course_id = $taken_course->course_id;
          $taken_course->course_id = 0;
          $taken_course->course_id = 0;

        if ($sub_hours == 0) 
         { // If none specified, assume its the full amount.         
          $sub_hours = $taken_course->get_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id);

        if (($taken_course->get_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id) > $sub_hours)) 

          // Okay, now this means that the course which we are
          // using in the substitution-- the course which the student
          // has actually taken-- is being split up in the substitution.
          // We are only using a portion of its hours.
          // We MUST round, because if there is a decimal place, we might run into
          // trouble.  Because, for example, 2.001 - 2 actually gets .00009999999 instead of .001.
          // The most decimals we can have is 4, so let's round to 6 decimal places, just to give
          // us some breathing room.  That should take care of us without losing too much precision.
          $remaining_hours = round(($taken_course->get_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id) - $sub_hours), 6);

          // Create a clone of the course with the leftover hours, and add
          // it back into the list_courses_taken.
          $new_course_string = $taken_course->to_data_string();
          $new_course = new Course();
          $new_course->random_id = mt_rand(1, 9999);

          $new_course->set_details_by_degree($req_by_degree_id, "bool_substitution_split", TRUE);
          $new_course->set_details_by_degree($req_by_degree_id, "bool_substitution_new_from_split", TRUE);

          $new_course->subject_id = $taken_course->subject_id;
          $new_course->course_num = $taken_course->course_num;

          $new_course->set_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id, $remaining_hours);
          $new_course->req_by_degree_id = $req_by_degree_id;

          if (is_object($new_course->course_transfer)) 
            $new_course->course_transfer->set_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id, $remaining_hours);

          //$taken_course->bool_substitution_split = true;
          $taken_course->set_details_by_degree($req_by_degree_id, "bool_substitution_split", TRUE);

          $taken_course->set_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id, $sub_hours);

          if (is_object($taken_course->course_transfer)) 
            $taken_course->course_transfer->set_hours_awarded($req_by_degree_id, $sub_hours);

          // Add the newCourse back into the student's list_courses_taken.


        // Place in details_by_degree_array...        
        //$taken_course->substitution_hours = $sub_hours;
        $taken_course->set_details_by_degree($req_by_degree_id, "substitution_hours", $sub_hours);

        $taken_course->set_bool_substitution($req_by_degree_id, TRUE);
        $taken_course->display_status = "completed";
        $taken_course->db_substitution_id_array [$req_by_degree_id] = $sub_id;

        $substitution = new Substitution();
        $substitution->school_id = $this->school_id;

        if ($cur ["required_course_id"] > 0) 
          $course_requirement = new Course($cur ["required_course_id"]);

          $this->array_significant_courses [$course_requirement->course_id] = true;

          // This is a group addition!

          $course_requirement = new Course($sub_course_id, $sub_bool_transfer);
          $this->array_significant_courses [$sub_course_id] = true;
          $substitution->bool_group_addition = true;

        //$course_requirement->assigned_to_group_id = $cur["required_group_id"];
        $course_requirement->assigned_to_group_ids_array [$cur ["required_group_id"]] = $cur ["required_group_id"];

        $course_requirement->assigned_to_semester_num = $cur ["required_semester_num"];
        $course_requirement->req_by_degree_id = $req_by_degree_id;

        //$taken_course->assigned_to_group_id = $cur["required_group_id"];
        $taken_course->assigned_to_group_ids_array [$cur ["required_group_id"]] = $cur ["required_group_id"];
        $taken_course->assigned_to_semester_num = $cur ["required_semester_num"];
        $taken_course->req_by_degree_id = $req_by_degree_id;

        $substitution->course_requirement = $course_requirement;


        $substitution->remarks = $sub_remarks;
        $substitution->faculty_id = $faculty_id;
        $substitution->db_substitution_id = $sub_id;
        $substitution->assigned_to_degree_id = $req_by_degree_id;
        $substitution->db_required_degree_id = $req_by_degree_id;
        $substitution->db_required_group_id = $db_required_group_id;




  } //load_student_substitutions

   * This loads a student's personal data, like name and so forth.
  function load_student_data() {

    $cur = null;
    if (isset($GLOBALS ['load_student_data'][$this->student_id])) {
      $cur = $GLOBALS ['load_student_data'][$this->student_id];
    else {
      $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM students WHERE cwid = ? ", array($this->student_id));
      $cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res);
      $GLOBALS ['load_student_data'][$this->student_id] = $cur;

    if ($cur) {
      $this->is_active = intval($cur ['is_active']);
      $this->cumulative_hours = $cur ['cumulative_hours'];
      $this->school_id = $this->db->get_school_id_for_student_id($this->student_id);
      $this->gpa = $cur ['gpa'];
      $this->db_rank = $cur ['rank_code'];
      $this->catalog_year = $cur ['catalog_year'];
      $this->rank = $this->get_rank_description($this->db_rank);
      $this->name = $this->db->get_student_name($this->student_id);

    $this->major_code_array = fp_get_student_majors($this->student_id, FALSE);
    $this->major_code_csv = '';
    foreach ($this->major_code_array as $k => $v) {
      $this->major_code_csv .= $k . ',';
    $this->major_code_csv = rtrim($this->major_code_csv, ',');


   * This function will look at the courses which the student has taken, to calculate
   * the cumulative hours and gpa, rather than just load them from the db table.
   * It will then return the values in an assoc array for later use.  For example, you
   * may want to set $this->cumulative_hours and $this->gpa to them.
  function calculate_cumulative_hours_and_gpa() {

    $cumulative_hours = 0;
    $cumulative_points = 0;

    $cumulative_total_hours = $this->list_courses_taken->count_credit_hours("", FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
    $cumulative_quality_hours = $this->list_courses_taken->count_credit_hours("", FALSE, TRUE, TRUE);
    $cumulative_quality_points = $this->list_courses_taken->count_credit_quality_points("", FALSE, TRUE);

    $cgpa = FALSE;
    if ($cumulative_quality_hours > 0) {
      $cgpa = fp_truncate_decimals($cumulative_quality_points / $cumulative_quality_hours, 3);

    return array(
      "cumulative_total_hours" => $cumulative_total_hours,
      "cumulative_quality_hours" => $cumulative_quality_hours,
      "cumulative_quality_points" => $cumulative_quality_points,
      "cumulative_gpa" => $cgpa,


   * Given a rank_code like FR, SO, etc., get the english
   * description. For example: Freshman, Sophomore, etc.
  function get_rank_description($rank_code = "") {

    // Get our rank descriptions from our setting.        
    $temp = variable_get("rank_descriptions", "FR ~ Freshman\nSO ~ Sophomore\nJR ~ Junior\nSR ~ Senior\nPR ~ Professional\nGR ~ Graduate");
    $lines = explode("\n", $temp);
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
      $temp = explode("~", $line);
      $rank_array [trim($temp [0])] = trim($temp [1]);

    $rank_desc = @$rank_array [$rank_code];

    // If a description isn't found, just return the code itself.
    if ($rank_desc == '') {
      $rank_desc = $rank_code;

    return $rank_desc;


   * Enter description here...
   * Returns the major code and trackCode, if it exists in this form:
   *  Though usually it will be:
   * Asumes you have already called "load_settings()";
  function get_major_and_track_code($bool_ignore_settings = false) 

    $rtn = "";
    $major_code = "";

    if (@$this->array_settings ["major_code_csv"] != "") {
      $rtn = $this->array_settings ["major_code_csv"];

    if ($this->array_settings["major_code"] != "")
    { // If they have settings saved, use those...
      if ($this->array_settings["track_code"] != "")
        // if it does NOT have a | in it already....
        if (!strstr($this->array_settings["major_code"], "|"))
          $rtn = $this->array_settings["major_code"] . "|_" . $this->array_settings["track_code"];
        } else {
          // it DOES have a | already, so we join with just a _.  This would
          // be the case if we have a track AND an concentration.
          $rtn = $this->array_settings["major_code"] . "_" . $this->array_settings["track_code"];
      } else {
        $rtn = $this->array_settings["major_code"];
      $major_code = $this->array_settings["major_code"];
    } else {
      $rtn = $this->major_code;

    if ($bool_ignore_settings == true) {
      $rtn = $this->major_code;

    return $rtn;


  function load_courses_taken($bool_load_transfer_credits = true) 

    $retake_grades = csv_to_array(variable_get_for_school("retake_grades", '', $this->school_id));

    $not_released_grades_terms = csv_to_array(variable_get_for_school("not_released_grades_terms", '', $this->school_id));

    // This will create and load the list_courses_taken list.
    // contains SQL queries to fully create the list_courses_taken.
    $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT *  FROM student_courses                  
                                student_id = ? 
                                ", $this->student_id);

    while ($cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res)) {

      // Create a course object for this course...
      $is_transfer = false;
      $course_id = $this->db->get_course_id($cur ["subject_id"], $cur ["course_num"], '', FALSE, $this->school_id, TRUE);

      if (!$course_id) {
        fpm("Course not found while trying to load student data: {$cur ["subject_id"]} {$cur ["course_num"]}");

      // Are these grades (terms) not released yet?
      if (in_array($cur ["term_id"], $not_released_grades_terms)) {
        $cur ["grade"] = "";

      $new_course = new Course();
      $new_course->course_id = $course_id;

      // Load descriptive data for this course from the catalog (so we can get min, max, and repeat hours)

      // Now, over-write whatever we got from the descriptive data with what the course was called
      // when the student took it.
      $new_course->subject_id = $cur ["subject_id"];
      $new_course->course_num = $cur ["course_num"];
      $new_course->db_grade = $cur ["grade"];
      $new_course->grade = fp_translate_numeric_grade($cur ['grade'], $this->school_id);
      $new_course->term_id = $cur ["term_id"];
      $new_course->level_code = $cur ["level_code"];

      // Is this grade supposed to be hidden from students (and this user is probably
      // a student)
      if (in_array($new_course->term_id, $this->array_hide_grades_terms)
       && !user_has_permission("can_advise_students")) 
        $new_course->bool_hide_grade = true;

      $new_course->set_hours_awarded(0, $cur ["hours_awarded"] * 1);
      $new_course->display_status = "completed";
      $new_course->bool_taken = true;

      // Was this course worth 0 hours but they didn't fail it?
      // If so, we need to set it to actually be 1 hour, and
      // indicate this is a "ghost hour."
      if (!in_array($new_course->grade, $retake_grades)
       && $new_course->get_hours_awarded() == 0) 
        $new_course->set_hours_awarded(0, 1);
        $new_course->bool_ghost_hour = TRUE;

      // Now, add the course to the list_courses_taken...
      $this->array_significant_courses [$course_id] = true;


    if ($bool_load_transfer_credits == false) {

    // Tranfer credits?  Get those too...

    $res = $this->db->db_query("
                        SELECT *
                        FROM student_transfer_courses a, 
                             transfer_courses b 
                        WHERE a.transfer_course_id = b.transfer_course_id                       
                        AND a.student_id = ?", $this->student_id);

    while ($cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res)) 
      $transfer_course_id = $cur ['transfer_course_id'];
      $institution_id = $cur ["institution_id"];

      $new_course = new Course();

      // Find out if this course has an eqv.
      if ($course_id = $this->get_transfer_course_eqv($transfer_course_id, FALSE, "", $cur ["hours_awarded"])) 
        $new_course = new Course($course_id);
        $this->array_significant_courses [$course_id] = true;


      $t_course = new Course();
      $t_course->subject_id = $cur ['subject_id'];
      $t_course->course_num = $cur ['course_num'];
      $t_course->level_code = $cur ['level_code'];
      $t_course->course_id = $transfer_course_id;
      $t_course->school_id = intval($cur ['school_id']);
      $t_course->bool_transfer = true;
      $t_course->institution_id = $institution_id;

      $new_course->bool_transfer = true;

      $new_course->course_transfer = $t_course;
      $new_course->db_grade = $cur ['grade'];
      $new_course->grade = fp_translate_numeric_grade($cur ['grade'], $this->school_id);
      $new_course->school_id = intval($cur ['school_id']);
      $t_course->db_grade = $cur ['grade'];
      $t_course->grade = fp_translate_numeric_grade($cur ['grade'], $this->school_id);

      $new_course->set_hours_awarded(0, $cur ['hours_awarded'] * 1);
      $t_course->set_hours_awarded(0, $cur ['hours_awarded'] * 1);

      $new_course->level_code = $t_course->level_code;

      // Was this course worth 0 hours but they didn't fail it?
      // If so, we need to set it to actually be 1 hour, and
      // indicate this is a "ghost hour."
      if (!in_array($new_course->grade, $retake_grades)
       && $new_course->get_hours_awarded() == 0) 
        $new_course->set_hours_awarded(0, 1);
        $new_course->bool_ghost_hour = TRUE;
        $t_course->set_hours_awarded(0, 1);
        $t_course->bool_ghost_hour = TRUE;

      $new_course->bool_taken = true;
      $t_course->bool_taken = true;

      $new_course->term_id = $cur ['term_id'];
      if (strstr($new_course->term_id, "9999")) {
        // was an unknown semester.  Let's set it lower so
        // it doesn't screw up my sorting.
        $new_course->term_id = Course::COURSE_UNKNOWN_TERM_ID;
      $t_course->term_id = $new_course->term_id;
      $new_course->display_status = "completed";

    //    print_pre($this->list_courses_taken->to_string());


   * This function will find the best grade the student made on a particular course, and return it.
   * It will return FALSE if the student never took the course.
   * @param unknown_type $course
  function get_best_grade_for_course(Course $course) {

    $rtn = FALSE;

    // To help speed things up, let's see if we have cached this course already.
    if (isset($GLOBALS ['fp_temp_cache_' . $this->student_id][$this->school_id]['best_grade_for_course'][$course->course_id])) {
      return $GLOBALS ['fp_temp_cache_' . $this->student_id][$this->school_id]['best_grade_for_course'][$course->course_id];

    $c = $this->list_courses_taken->find_best_grade_match($course);

    if ($c) {
      $rtn = $c->grade;

    // Set into our cache
    $GLOBALS ['fp_temp_cache_' . $this->student_id][$this->school_id]['best_grade_for_course'][$course->course_id] = $rtn;

    return $rtn;


   * Find a transfer eqv for this student, for this course in question.
  function get_transfer_course_eqv($transfer_course_id, $bool_ignore_unassigned = false, $require_valid_term_id = "", $require_hours = -1) 

    // First, make sure that this transfer course hasn't
    // been unassigned.  Do this by checking through
    // the student's courseListUnassignedTransferEQVs.
    $temp_course = new Course();
    $temp_course->course_id = $transfer_course_id;
    if ($bool_ignore_unassigned == false && $this->list_transfer_eqvs_unassigned->find_match($temp_course)) {
      // The transfer course in question has had its eqv removed,
      // so skip it!      
      return false;

    $require_hours = floatval($require_hours);

    $valid_term_line = "";
    if ($require_valid_term_id != "") {
      // We are requesting eqv's only from a particular valid term, so, amend
      // the query.
      $valid_term_line = "AND valid_term_id = $require_valid_term_id ";

    // Does the supplied transfer course ID have an eqv?
    $res = $this->db->db_query("
                        SELECT local_course_id FROM transfer_eqv_per_student
                        WHERE transfer_course_id = ?
                        AND student_id = ?                        
                        AND broken_id = 0
                        $valid_term_line  ", $transfer_course_id, $this->student_id);

    if ($cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res)) {
      $local_course_id = $cur ['local_course_id'];

      // If we require that the local course have the same number of hours
      // as the transfer, then check that now.
      if ($require_hours != -1) {
        $temp_course = new Course($local_course_id);
        $temp_course->max_hours = floatval($temp_course->max_hours);
        $temp_course->min_hours = floatval($temp_course->min_hours);

        if (($temp_course->max_hours < $require_hours) || ($temp_course->min_hours > $require_hours)) {
          return FALSE;
        else {
          return $local_course_id;
      else {
        return $local_course_id;


    return false;


  function to_string() {
    $rtn = "Student Information:\n";
    $rtn .= " Courses Taken:\n";
    $rtn .= $this->list_courses_taken->to_string();
    return $rtn;



Contains filters are case sensitive
Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description
Student::$array_settings public property
Student::$list_courses_taken public property
Student::$list_standardized_tests public property
Student::$list_transfer_eqvs_unassigned public property
Student::$student_id public property
Student::calculate_cumulative_hours_and_gpa function This function will look at the courses which the student has taken, to calculate the cumulative hours and gpa, rather than just load them from the db table.
Student::determine_terms_to_hide_grades function This is a stub function. If you are planning on hiding course grades for a term at a time, you should override this method in /custom/classes and place that logic here.
Student::get_best_grade_for_course function This function will find the best grade the student made on a particular course, and return it.
Student::get_major_and_track_code function Enter description here... Returns the major code and trackCode, if it exists in this form: MAJOR|CONC_TRACK Though usually it will be: MAJR|_TRCK Asumes you have already called "load_settings()";
Student::get_rank_description function Given a rank_code like FR, SO, etc., get the english description. For example: Freshman, Sophomore, etc.
Student::get_transfer_course_eqv function Find a transfer eqv for this student, for this course in question.
Student::init_semester_courses_added function
Student::load_courses_taken function
Student::load_settings function
Student::load_significant_courses function
Student::load_significant_courses_from_list_courses_taken function
Student::load_student function
Student::load_student_data function This loads a student's personal data, like name and so forth.
Student::load_student_substitutions function
Student::load_test_scores function
Student::load_transfer_eqvs_unassigned function
Student::load_unassignments function
Student::to_string function
Student::__construct function