class _DatabaseHandler
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- 4.x classes/_DatabaseHandler.php _DatabaseHandler
- 5.x classes/_DatabaseHandler.php _DatabaseHandler
- class \_DatabaseHandler extends \stdClass
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class _DatabaseHandler extends stdClass
public $dbc; // OLD. DEPRECATED
public $pdo;
function __construct()
$db_host = @$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["db_host"];
$db_port = @$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["db_port"];
$db_user = @$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["db_user"];
$db_pass = @$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["db_pass"];
$db_name = @$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["db_name"];
if ($db_host == "") {
return; // some problem, do not proceed with the attempt to construct.
$db_host_ip = $db_host; // set as same as db_host for now.
//$this->dbc = mysql_connect ($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass) or die('Could not connect to database: ' . mysql_error());
//mysql_select_db ($db_name);
// Connection by IP address is fastest, so let's always try to do that.
// It can be time-consuming to convert our hostname to IP address. Cache it in our SESSION
if (isset($_SESSION ["fp_db_host_ip"])) {
$db_host_ip = $_SESSION ["fp_db_host_ip"];
if (!$db_host_ip) {
$db_host_ip = $db_host;
else {
// Convert our db_host into an IP address, then save to simple SESSION cache.
$db_host_ip = trim(gethostbyname($db_host));
if (!$db_host_ip) {
$db_host_ip = $db_host;
$_SESSION ["fp_db_host_ip"] = $db_host_ip;
// Connect using PDO
if (!$this->pdo) {
$this->pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$db_host_ip;port=$db_port;dbname=$db_name;charset=utf8", $db_user, $db_pass,
// Set our error handling... (using "silent" so I can catch errors in try/catch and display them, email, etc, if wanted.)
$this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
* This is a PHP "magic" function. Called during a serialize command.
* Basically, we aren't trying to save any local variables.
* In fact, we will get a fatal exception if we try to serialize our PDO connection.
function __sleep() {
return array();
* This function is called when this objectis unserialized. We want to reconnect to the database, so we'll call our constructor.
function __wakeup() {
function z__get_help_page($i)
$rtn_array = array();
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM help WHERE `id`='?' ", $i);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
$rtn_array ["title"] = trim($cur ["title"]);
$rtn_array ["body"] = trim($cur ["body"]);
return $rtn_array;
function z__add_to_log($action, $extra_data = "", $notes = "")
// Add a row to the log table.
$url = mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER ["REQUEST_URI"]);
$user_id = $_SESSION ["fp_user_id"];
$user_type = $_SESSION ["fp_user_type"];
$user_name = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION ["fp_user_name"]);
$action = mysql_real_escape_string($action);
$extra_data = mysql_real_escape_string($extra_data);
$notes = mysql_real_escape_string($notes);
if ($GLOBALS ["fp_page_is_mobile"]) {
$notes = "M:" . $notes;
// This needs to be mysql_query, instead of "this->db_query", because
// otherwise it might get into an infinite loop.
$now = time();
$query = "INSERT INTO log (user_id,
user_name, user_type, action, extra_data, notes,
ip, posted, from_url) VALUES (
'$ip', '$now' ,'$url') ";
$res = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error() . " - " . $query);
* Sets the maintenance mode. $val should be either 0 (off) or 1 (on)
* @param integer $val
function set_maintenance_mode($val)
// Convenience function for setting maintenance mode. 0 = off, 1 = on.
$this->set_settings_variable("maintenance_mode", $val);
function get_substitution_details($sub_id)
// Simply returns an associative array containing
// the details of a substitution. The subID specified
// is the actual id of the row of the database in
// flightpath.student_substitutions.
$rtn_array = array();
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM student_substitutions
WHERE id = '?' ", $sub_id);
if ($this->db_num_rows($res) > 0)
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
$rtn_array ["faculty_id"] = $cur ["faculty_id"];
$rtn_array ["remarks"] = trim($cur ["sub_remarks"]);
$rtn_array ["sub_hours"] = $cur ["sub_hours"];
$rtn_array ["required_course_id"] = $cur ["required_course_id"];
$rtn_array ["required_group_id"] = $cur ["required_group_id"];
$rtn_array ["posted"] = $cur ["posted"];
$rtn_array ["required_degree_id"] = $cur ["required_degree_id"];
$rtn_array ["db_record"] = $cur;
return $rtn_array;
function update_user_settings_from_post($user_id)
// This will retrieve various user settings from the POST
// and write them to the user_settings table as XML.
$db = new DatabaseHandler();
if ($user_id * 1 < 1)
return false;
// First, we need to GET the user's settings array...
if (!$user_settings_array = $this->get_user_settings($user_id))
// No existing userSettingsArray, or it's corrupted.
// Make a new one.
$user_settings_array = array();
// Now, update values in the settingsArray, if they are
// present in the POST.
if (trim($_POST ["hide_charts"]) != "")
$user_settings_array ["hide_charts"] = trim($_POST ["hide_charts"]);
// Now, write it back to the settings table...
$res = $this->db_query("REPLACE INTO user_settings(user_id,
settings, posted)
VALUES ('?','?', '?' )", $user_id, serialize($user_settings_array), time());
watchdog("update_user_settings", "Hide charts set to: @hide", array("@hide" => $user_settings_array ["hide_charts"]));
return true;
function get_user_settings($user_id)
// return an array of this user's current settings.
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM user_settings
user_id = '?' ", $user_id);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
if (!$rtn = unserialize($cur ["settings"])) {
$rtn = array();
return $rtn;
function get_developmental_requirements($student_cwid)
// returns an array which states whether or not the student
// requires any developmental requirements.
$rtn_array = array();
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM student_developmentals
WHERE student_id = '?' ", $student_cwid);
while ($cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res)) {
$rtn_array [] = $cur ["requirement"];
return $rtn_array;
function z__get_table_transfer_data_string($table_name, $table_structure, $where_clause = "")
// This function will return a string of all the data
// in a particular table, formatted with delimeters.
// %R~ separates rows, %C~ separates columns.
// We expect the tableStructure to be a csv of the
// column names.
$rtn = "";
$res = mysql_query("select $table_structure from $table_name $where_clause") or die_and_mail(mysql_error());
while ($cur = mysql_fetch_row($res))
$new_row = "";
foreach ($cur as $key => $value)
{ // put all the values returned together...
$new_row .= $value . "%C~";
// Remove last %C%...
$new_row = substr($new_row, 0, -3);
// Add it to the rtn...
$rtn .= $new_row . "%R~";
// Remove the last %R%...
$rtn = substr($rtn, 0, -3);
return $rtn;
* This is a simple helper function which "escapes" the question marks (?) in
* the string, by changing them to "??". This makes it suitable for use
* within db_query(), but not necessary if used as an argument. Ex:
* db_query("INSERT ... '" . $db->escape_question_marks($xml) . "' "); is good.
* db_query("INSERT ... '?' ", $xml); is good. This function not needed.
* @param unknown_type $str
function escape_question_marks($str) {
$rtn = str_replace("?", "??", $str);
return $rtn;
* This function is used to perform a database query. It uses PDO execute, which will
* take automatically replace ? with variables you supply as the arguments to this function,
* or as an array to this function. Either will work.
* Do this by using ?, or naming the variable like :name or :age.
* For example:
* $result = $db->db_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = ? and age = ? ", $name, $temp_age);
* or
* $result = $db->db_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = ? AND age = ? ", array($name, $temp_age));
* or
* $result = $db->db_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = :name ", array(":name" => $name));
* @param unknown_type $sql_query
* @return unknown
function db_query($sql_query, $args = array()) {
// If there were any arguments to this function, then we must first apply
// replacement patterns.
$args = func_get_args();
if (isset($args [0]) && is_array($args [0])) {
// If the first argument was an array, it means we passed an array of values instead
// of passing them directly. So use them directly as our args.
$args = $args [0];
// If we were supplied an array, then we need to see if the NEW args[0] is an array... If it is, grab the first element AGAIN.
if (isset($args [0]) && is_array($args [0])) {
$args = $args [0];
// We need to make sure that arguments are passed without being contained in single quotes ('?'). Should be just ?
$sql_query = str_replace("'?'", "?", $sql_query);
// If $c (number of replacements performed) does not match the number of replacements
// specified, warn the user.
* Don't do this anymore, as it might throw off queries that don't use ?'s, but instead use :var as the replacements.
if (substr_count($sql_query, "?") != count($args)) {
fpm("<br><b>WARNING:</b> Replacement count does not match what was supplied to query: $sql_query<br><br>");
// Run the sqlQuery and return the result set.
if (!isset($this->pdo) || $this->pdo == NULL) {
try {
$result = $this->pdo->prepare($sql_query);
$_SESSION ["fp_last_insert_id"] = $this->pdo->lastInsertId(); // capture last insert id, in case we ask for it later.
return $result;
catch (Exception $ex) {
// Some error happened!
$result = mysql_query($sql_query, $this->dbc);
if ($result)
return $result;
} else {
// Meaning, the query failed...
// Do nothing. Do not attempt to log anything, as that could cause an infinite loop.
// Display the error on screen
} // db_query
* Draw out the error onto the screen.
function db_error(Exception $ex)
global $user;
$arr = $ex->getTrace();
$when_ts = time();
$when_english = format_date($when_ts);
$message = $ex->getMessage();
// If the message involves a complaint about the sql_mode, point the user to a
// help page about setting the sql_mode.
if (stristr($message, "sql_mode=")) {
$message .= "<br><br><b>" . t("It appears this error is being caused because of your server's sql_mode setting.") . "</b> ";
$message .= t("To set your sql_mode for MySQL, please see the following help page: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>");
$file = $arr [2]["file"];
if (strlen($file) > 50) {
$file = "..." . substr($file, strlen($file) - 50);
$file_and_line = "Line " . $arr [2]["line"] . ": " . $file;
// If we are on production, email someone!
if (@$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["notify_mysql_error_email_address"] != "")
$server = $_SERVER ["SERVER_NAME"] . " - " . $GLOBALS ['fp_system_settings']['base_url'];
$email_msg = t("A MYSQL error has occured in FlightPath.") . "
Server: $server
Timestamp: $when_ts ($when_english)
" . print_r($arr, true) . "
fp_mail($GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["notify_mysql_error_email_address"], "FlightPath MYSQL Error Reported on $server", $email_msg);
fpm(t("A MySQL error has occured:") . " $message<br><br>Location: $file_and_line<br><br>" . t("The backtrace:"));
if (@$GLOBALS ["fp_die_mysql_errors"] == TRUE) {
print "\n<br>The script has stopped executing because of a MySQL error:
Location: $file_and_line<br>\n
Please fix the error and try again.<br>\n";
print "<br><br>Timestamp: $when_ts ($when_english)
<br><br>Program backtrace:
<pre>" . print_r($arr, true) . "</pre>";
// Also, check to see if the mysql_err is because of a lost connection, as in, the
// server went down. In that case, we should also terminate immediately, rather
// than risk spamming an email recipient with error emails.
if (stristr($message, "Lost connection to MySQL server")
|| stristr($message, "MySQL server has gone away")) {
print "<h2 style='font-family: Arial, sans serif;'>Database Connection Error</h2>
<div style='font-size: 1.2em; font-family: Arial, sans serif; padding-left: 30px;
padding-right: 30px;'>
Sorry, but it appears the database is currently unavailable. This may
simply be part of scheduled maintenance to the database server. Please
try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists for longer
than an hour, contact your technical support
// DEV: Comment out when not needed.
print "<pre>" . print_r($arr, TRUE) . "</pre>";
} // db_error
* This function is used to perform a database query. It can take simple replacement patterns,
* by using ?. If you actually need to have a ? in the query, you can escape it with ??.
* For example:
* $result = $db->db_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE name = '?' and age = ? ", $name, $temp_age);
* @param unknown_type $sql_query
* @return unknown
function z__db_query($sql_query) {
// If there were any arguments to this function, then we must first apply
// replacement patterns.
$args = func_get_args();
if (isset($args [0]) && is_array($args [0])) {
// If the first argument was an array, it means we passed an array of values instead
// of passing them directly. So use them directly as our args.
$args = $args [0];
// The query may contain an escaped ?, meaning "??", so I will replace that with something
// else first, then change it back afterwards.
$sql_query = str_replace("??", "~ESCAPED_Q_MARK~", $sql_query);
// If $c (number of replacements performed) does not match the number of replacements
// specified, warn the user.
if (substr_count($sql_query, "?") != count($args)) {
fpm("<br><b>WARNING:</b> Replacement count does not match what was supplied to query: $sql_query<br><br>");
if (count($args) > 0) {
// Replace each occurance of "?" with what's in our array.
foreach ($args as $replacement) {
// Escape the replacement...
// The replacement might ALSO have a question mark in it. Escape that too.
if (strpos($replacement, "?") !== 0) {
$replacement = str_replace("?", "~ESCAPED_Q_MARK~", $replacement);
// Because mysql_real_escape_string will allow \' to pass through, I am going to
// first use mysql_real_escape_string on all slashes.
$replacement = str_replace("\\", mysql_real_escape_string("\\"), $replacement);
// Okay, perform the replacement
$replacement = mysql_real_escape_string($replacement);
// If we have a $ followed by a number (like $99), preg_replace will remove it. So, let's escape the $ if so.
/// if so.
$replacement = addcslashes($replacement, '$');
$sql_query = preg_replace("/\?/", $replacement, $sql_query, 1);
$sql_query = str_replace("~ESCAPED_Q_MARK~", "?", $sql_query);
// Run the sqlQuery and return the result set.
if (!is_resource($this->dbc)) {
$result = mysql_query($sql_query, $this->dbc);
if ($result)
return $result;
else {
// Meaning, the query failed...
// Do nothing. Do not attempt to log anything, as that could cause an infinite loop.
// Display the error on screen
* Draw out the error onto the screen.
* @param unknown_type $sql
function z__db_error($msg = "")
$arr = debug_backtrace();
$when_ts = time();
$when_english = format_date($when_ts);
$mysql_err = mysql_error();
// If we are on production, email someone!
if (@$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["notify_mysql_error_email_address"] != "")
$server = $_SERVER ["SERVER_NAME"];
$email_msg = t("A MYSQL error has occured in FlightPath.") . "
Server: $server
Timestamp: $when_ts ($when_english)
" . print_r($arr, true) . "
fp_mail($GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["notify_mysql_error_email_address"], "FlightPath MYSQL Error Reported on $server", $email_msg);
fpm(t("A MySQL error has occured:") . " $mysql_err<br><br>" . t("The backtrace:"));
if (@$GLOBALS ["fp_die_mysql_errors"] == TRUE) {
print "\n<br>The script has stopped executing because of a MySQL error:
Please fix the error and try again.<br>\n";
print "<br><br>Timestamp: $when_ts ($when_english)
<br><br>Program backtrace:
<pre>" . print_r($arr, true) . "</pre>";
// Also, check to see if the mysql_err is because of a lost connection, as in, the
// server went down. In that case, we should also terminate immediately, rather
// than risk spamming an email recipient with error emails.
if (stristr($mysql_err, "Lost connection to MySQL server")
|| stristr($mysql_err, "MySQL server has gone away")) {
print "<h2 style='font-family: Arial, sans serif;'>Database Connection Error</h2>
<div style='font-size: 1.2em; font-family: Arial, sans serif; padding-left: 30px;
padding-right: 30px;'>
Sorry, but it appears the database is currently unavailable. This may
simply be part of scheduled maintenance to the database server. Please
try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists for longer
than an hour, contact your technical support
function request_new_group_id()
// Return a valid new group_id...
for ($t = 0; $t < 100; $t++)
$id = mt_rand(1, 9999999);
// Check for collisions...
$res4 = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_group_requirements
WHERE group_id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
if ($this->db_num_rows($res4) == 0)
{ // Was not in the table already, so use it!
return $id;
return false;
function request_new_course_id()
// Return a valid new course_id...
for ($t = 0; $t < 100; $t++)
$id = mt_rand(1, 9999999);
// Check for collisions...
$res4 = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_courses
WHERE course_id = '$id' LIMIT 1");
if ($this->db_num_rows($res4) == 0)
{ // Was not in the table already, so use it!
return $id;
return false;
function load_course_descriptive_data($course = null, $course_id = 0)
$current_catalog_year = variable_get("current_catalog_year", "2006");
$catalog_year = $current_catalog_year; // currentCatalogYear.
if ($course != null)
$course_id = $course->course_id;
$catalog_year = $course->catalog_year;
$cache_catalog_year = $catalog_year;
$cache_catalog_year = 0;
$array_valid_names = array();
/* NOTE: This was never running it seems, so commenting it out.
// First-- is this course in our GLOBALS cache for courses?
// If it is, then load from that.
if ($bool_load_from_global_cache == true &&
$GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["subject_id"] != "")
$subject_id = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["subject_id"];
$course_num = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["course_num"];
$title = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["title"];
$description = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["description"];
$min_hours = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["min_hours"];
$max_hours = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["max_hours"];
$repeat_hours = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["repeat_hours"];
$db_exclude = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["db_exclude"];
$array_valid_names = $GLOBALS["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["array_valid_names"];
// load this into the course object, if not null.
if ($course_id != 0)
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM courses
WHERE course_id = '?'
AND catalog_year = '?'
AND catalog_year <= '?'
AND delete_flag = '0'
AND exclude = '0' ", $course_id, $catalog_year, $current_catalog_year);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
if ($this->db_num_rows($res) < 1)
// No results found, so instead pick the most recent
// catalog year that is not excluded (keeping below the
// current catalog year from the settings)
//$this2 = new DatabaseHandler();
$res2 = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM courses
WHERE `course_id`='?'
AND `subject_id`!=''
AND `delete_flag` = '0'
AND `exclude`='0'
AND `catalog_year` <= '?'
ORDER BY `catalog_year` DESC LIMIT 1", $course_id, $current_catalog_year);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res2);
if ($this->db_num_rows($res2) < 1)
// Meaning, there were no results found that didn't have
// the exclude flag set. So, as a last-ditch effort,
// go ahead and try to retrieve any course, even if it has
// been excluded. (keeping below the
// current catalog year from the settings)
//$this3 = new DatabaseHandler();
$res3 = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM courses
WHERE course_id = '?'
AND subject_id != ''
AND delete_flag = '0'
AND catalog_year <= '?'
ORDER BY catalog_year DESC LIMIT 1", $course_id, $current_catalog_year);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res3);
$title = $cur ["title"];
$description = trim($cur ["description"]);
$subject_id = trim(strtoupper($cur ["subject_id"]));
$course_num = trim(strtoupper($cur ["course_num"]));
$min_hours = $cur ["min_hours"];
$max_hours = $cur ["max_hours"];
$repeat_hours = $cur ["repeat_hours"];
if ($repeat_hours * 1 < 1)
$repeat_hours = $max_hours;
$db_exclude = $cur ["exclude"];
$data_entry_comment = $cur ["data_entry_comment"];
// Now, lets get a list of all the valid names for this course.
// In other words, all the non-excluded names. For most
// courses, this will just be one name. But for cross-listed
// courses, this will be 2 or more (probably just 2 though).
// Example: MATH 373 and CSCI 373 are both valid names for that course.
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM courses
WHERE course_id = '?'
AND exclude = '0' ", $course_id);
while ($cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res))
$si = $cur ["subject_id"];
$cn = $cur ["course_num"];
if (in_array("$si~$cn", $array_valid_names))
$array_valid_names [] = "$si~$cn";
if ($description == "")
$description = "There is no course description available at this time.";
if ($title == "")
$title = "$subject_id $course_num";
// Now, to reduce the number of database calls in the future, save this
// to our GLOBALS cache...
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["subject_id"] = $subject_id;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["course_num"] = $course_num;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["title"] = $title;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["description"] = $description;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["min_hours"] = $min_hours;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["max_hours"] = $max_hours;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["repeat_hours"] = $repeat_hours;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["db_exclude"] = $db_exclude;
$GLOBALS ["fp_course_inventory"][$course_id][$cache_catalog_year]["array_valid_names"] = $array_valid_names;
$GLOBALS ["cache_course_inventory"] = true; // rebuild this cache before it closes.
// Should we put all this into our course object?
function duplicate_course_for_year($course = null, $catalog_year)
// Duplicate the course for the given catalog_year.
// If it already exists for that catalog_year, delete it from the
// table.
// In other words, copy all course data from some valid year into this
// new year.
$c = $course;
$course_id = $c->course_id;
$min_hours = $c->min_hours;
$max_hours = $c->max_hours;
if (@$c->bool_ghost_min_hour) {
$min_hours = 0;
if (@$c->bool_ghost_hour) {
$max_hours = 0;
$res = $this->db_query("DELETE FROM draft_courses WHERE
course_id = '?' AND catalog_year = '?'
AND subject_id = '?'
AND course_num = '?' ", $course_id, $catalog_year, $c->subject_id, $c->course_num);
$res2 = $this->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_courses(course_id,
subject_id, course_num, catalog_year,
title, description, min_hours, max_hours,
repeat_hours, exclude) values (
", $course_id, $c->subject_id, $c->course_num, $catalog_year, $c->title, $c->description, $min_hours, $max_hours, $c->repeat_hours, $c->db_exclude);
function update_course_requirement_from_name($subject_id, $course_num, $new_course_id)
// This will convert all instances of subject_id/course_num
// to use the newCourseID. It looks through the requirements tables
// that may have listed it as a requirement. We will
// look specifically at the data_entry_value to do some of them.
// ************ IMPORTANT ****************
// This is used only by dataentry. It is intentionally
// not doing the draft tables!
$res = $this->db_query("UPDATE degree_requirements
set `course_id`='?'
where `data_entry_value`= ? ", $new_course_id, "$subject_id~$course_num");
$res = $this->db_query("UPDATE group_requirements
SET `course_id`='?'
WHERE `data_entry_value`= ? ", $new_course_id, "$subject_id~$course_num");
// Also update substitutions....
$res = $this->db_query("UPDATE student_substitutions
SET `sub_course_id`='?'
WHERE `sub_entry_value`= ? ", $new_course_id, "$subject_id~$course_num");
$res = $this->db_query("UPDATE student_substitutions
SET `required_course_id`='?'
WHERE `required_entry_value`= ? ", $new_course_id, "$subject_id~$course_num");
// Also the advising histories....
$res = $this->db_query("UPDATE advised_courses
SET `course_id`='?'
WHERE `entry_value`= ? ", $new_course_id, "$subject_id~$course_num");
function add_draft_instruction($text)
// Adds a new "instruction" to the draft_instructions table.
// Simple insert.
$res = $this->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_instructions
(instruction) VALUES ('?') ", $text);
function update_course_id($from_course_id, $to_course_id, $bool_draft = false)
// This will convert *all* instances of "fromCourseID"
// across every table that it is used, to toCourseID.
// Use this function when you want to change a course's
// course_id in the database.
$table_array = array("advised_courses",
if ($bool_draft)
{ // only do the draft tables...
$table_array = array(
// Do the tables where it's named "course_id"...
foreach ($table_array as $table_name)
$res = $this->db_query("UPDATE $table_name
SET course_id = '?'
WHERE course_id = '?' ", $to_course_id, $from_course_id);
$res = $this->db_query("update student_substitutions
set `required_course_id`='?'
where `required_course_id`='?' ", $to_course_id, $from_course_id);
$res = $this->db_query("update student_substitutions
set `sub_course_id`='?'
where `sub_course_id`='?'
and `sub_transfer_flag`='0' ", $to_course_id, $from_course_id);
$res = $this->db_query("update transfer_eqv_per_student
set `local_course_id`='?'
where `local_course_id`='?' ", $to_course_id, $from_course_id);
* Given an advising_session_id, create a duplicate of it as a new session_id (and return the new session_id).
* All the values can be left blank to mean "keep what is in there". If they have values supplied in the arguments to this function,
* then the new values will be used.
function duplicate_advising_session($advising_session_id, $faculty_id = "", $student_id = "", $term_id = "", $degree_id = "", $is_whatif = "", $is_draft = "") {
$now = time();
// First, get the details of this particular advising session....
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM advising_sessions WHERE advising_session_id = ?", $advising_session_id);
$cur = db_fetch_array($res);
// Get our values....
$db_student_id = ($student_id == "") ? $cur ["student_id"] : $student_id;
$db_faculty_id = ($faculty_id == "") ? $cur ["faculty_id"] : $faculty_id;
$db_term_id = ($term_id == "") ? $cur ["term_id"] : $term_id;
$db_degree_id = ($degree_id == "") ? $cur ["degree_id"] : $degree_id;
$db_major_code_csv = $cur ["major_code_csv"];
$db_catalog_year = $cur ["catalog_year"];
$db_posted = $now;
$db_is_whatif = ($is_whatif == "") ? $cur ["is_whatif"] : $is_whatif;
$db_is_draft = ($is_draft == "") ? $cur ["is_draft"] : $is_draft;
$db_is_empty = $cur ["is_empty"];
// Okay, let's INSERT this record, and capture the new advising_session_id...
$res = db_query("INSERT INTO advising_sessions
(student_id, faculty_id, term_id, degree_id, major_code_csv, catalog_year, posted, is_whatif, is_draft, is_empty)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
", $db_student_id, $db_faculty_id, $db_term_id, $db_degree_id, $db_major_code_csv, $db_catalog_year, $db_posted, $db_is_whatif, $db_is_draft, $db_is_empty);
$new_asid = db_insert_id();
// Okay, now pull out the advised_courses, and insert again under the new_asid...
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM advised_courses WHERE advising_session_id = ?", $advising_session_id);
while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
db_query("INSERT INTO advised_courses (advising_session_id, course_id, entry_value, semester_num, group_id, var_hours, term_id, degree_id)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", $new_asid, $cur ["course_id"], $cur ["entry_value"], $cur ["semester_num"], $cur ["group_id"], $cur ["var_hours"], $cur ["term_id"], $cur ["degree_id"]);
// Finished!
return $new_asid;
function get_advising_session_id($faculty_id = "", $student_id = "", $term_id = "", $degree_id = "", $bool_what_if = false, $bool_draft = true, $bool_load_any_active_if_faculty_id_not_found = TRUE)
$is_what_if = "0";
$is_draft = "0";
$draft_line = " and `is_draft`='0' ";
$faculty_line = " and `faculty_id`='$faculty_id' ";
$advising_session_id = 0; // init
if ($faculty_id == 0 || $faculty_id == "")
{ // If no faculty is specified, just get the first one to come up.
$faculty_line = "";
if ($bool_what_if == true) {
$is_what_if = "1";
if ($bool_draft == true)
$is_draft = "1";
$draft_line = "";
// If we are told to pull up draft, we can safely
// assume we just want the most recent save, whether it
// is saved as a draft or not.
$query = "select * from advising_sessions
student_id = ?
and term_id = ?
and degree_id = ?
and is_whatif = ?
order by `posted` desc limit 1";
$result = $this->db_query($query, array($student_id, $term_id, $degree_id, $is_what_if));
if ($this->db_num_rows($result) > 0)
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($result);
$advising_session_id = $cur ["advising_session_id"];
return $advising_session_id;
if (intval($advising_session_id) < 1 && $bool_load_any_active_if_faculty_id_not_found) {
// Meaning, we couldn't find a record for the supplied faculty_id. Let's just load the most recent active one, regardless
// of faculty_id. Meaning, we need to make sure that is_draft = 0
$query = "select * from advising_sessions
student_id = ?
and term_id = ?
and degree_id = ?
and is_whatif = ?
and is_draft = 0
order by `posted` desc limit 1";
$result = $this->db_query($query, array($student_id, $term_id, $degree_id, $is_what_if));
if ($this->db_num_rows($result) > 0) {
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($result);
$advising_session_id = $cur ["advising_session_id"];
return $advising_session_id;
return 0;
* Returns the group_id for the given group name, or FALSE
function get_group_name($group_id) {
$temp = explode("_", $group_id);
$group_id = trim(@$temp [0]);
// If it's already in our static cache, just return that.
static $group_name_cache = array();
if (isset($group_name_cache [$group_id])) {
return $group_name_cache [$group_id];
$res7 = $this->db_query("SELECT group_name FROM groups
WHERE group_id = ?
AND delete_flag = 0
LIMIT 1 ", $group_id);
if ($this->db_num_rows($res7) > 0)
$cur7 = $this->db_fetch_array($res7);
// Save to our cache before returning.
$group_name_cache [$group_id] = $cur7 ['group_name'];
return $cur7 ['group_name'];
return FALSE;
function get_group_id($group_name, $catalog_year) {
if ($catalog_year < $GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["earliest_catalog_year"])
$catalog_year = $GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["earliest_catalog_year"];
// If it's already in our static cache, just return that.
static $group_id_cache = array();
if (isset($group_id_cache [$group_name][$catalog_year])) {
return $group_id_cache [$group_name][$catalog_year];
$res7 = $this->db_query("SELECT group_id FROM groups
WHERE group_name = ?
AND catalog_year = ?
AND delete_flag = 0
LIMIT 1 ", $group_name, $catalog_year);
if ($this->db_num_rows($res7) > 0)
$cur7 = $this->db_fetch_array($res7);
// Save to our cache
$group_id_cache [$group_name][$catalog_year] = $cur7 ['group_id'];
return $cur7 ['group_id'];
return false;
function request_new_degree_id()
// Return a valid new id...
for ($t = 0; $t < 100; $t++)
$id = mt_rand(1, 9999999);
// Check for collisions...
$res4 = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degrees
WHERE `degree_id`='?' limit 1", $id);
if ($this->db_num_rows($res4) == 0)
{ // Was not in the table already, so use it!
return $id;
return false;
function get_institution_name($institution_id)
// Return the name of the institution...
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM transfer_institutions
where institution_id = '?' ", $institution_id);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
return trim($cur ['name']);
* Retrieve a value from the variables table.
* @param string $name
function get_variable($name, $default_value = "") {
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT value FROM variables
WHERE name = '?' ", $name);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
$val = $cur ["value"];
if ($val == "") {
$val = $default_value;
return $val;
* Sets a variable's value in the variables table.
* @param unknown_type $name
* @param unknown_type $value
function set_variable($name, $value) {
$res2 = $this->db_query("REPLACE INTO variables (name, value)
VALUES ('?', '?') ", $name, $value);
function get_course_id($subject_id, $course_num, $catalog_year = "", $bool_use_draft = false)
// Ignore the colon, if there is one.
if (strpos($course_num, ":"))
//$course_num = substr($course_num,0,-2);
$temp = explode(":", $course_num);
$course_num = trim($temp [0]);
// Always override if the global variable is set.
if (@$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["bool_use_draft"] == true) {
$bool_use_draft = true;
$catalog_line = "";
if ($catalog_year != "")
$catalog_line = "and `catalog_year`='$catalog_year' ";
$table_name = "courses";
if ($bool_use_draft) {
$table_name = "draft_$table_name";
$res7 = $this->db_query("SELECT course_id FROM $table_name
WHERE subject_id = ?
AND course_num = ?
ORDER BY catalog_year DESC LIMIT 1 ", $subject_id, $course_num);
if ($this->db_num_rows($res7) > 0)
$cur7 = $this->db_fetch_array($res7);
return $cur7 ["course_id"];
return FALSE;
function get_student_settings($student_cwid)
// This returns an array (from the xml) of a student's
// settings in the student_settings table. It will
// return FALSE if the student was not in the table.
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT settings FROM student_settings
WHERE student_id = '?' ", $student_cwid);
if ($this->db_num_rows($res) < 1)
return false;
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
if (!$rtn = unserialize($cur ["settings"])) {
$rtn = array();
return $rtn;
function get_student_cumulative_hours($student_cwid) {
// Let's perform our queries.
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT cumulative_hours FROM students
WHERE cwid = '?' ", $student_cwid);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
return $cur ["cumulative_hours"];
function get_student_gpa($student_cwid) {
// Let's perform our queries.
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT gpa FROM students
WHERE cwid = '?' ", $student_cwid);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
return $cur ["gpa"];
function get_student_catalog_year($student_cwid) {
// Let's perform our queries.
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT catalog_year FROM students
WHERE cwid = '?' ", $student_cwid);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
$catalog = $cur ["catalog_year"];
$temp = explode("-", $catalog);
return trim($temp [0]);
* Returns whatever is in the Rank field for this student.
* Ex: JR, SR, FR, etc.
* @param unknown_type $student_id
* @return unknown
function get_student_rank($student_cwid) {
// Let's perform our queries.
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT rank_code FROM students
WHERE cwid = '?' ", $student_cwid);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
$rank = $cur ["rank_code"];
return trim($rank);
* Returns the student's first and last name, put together.
* Ex: John Smith or John W Smith.
* @param int $student_id
* @return string
function get_student_name($cwid) {
// Let's perform our queries.
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT f_name, l_name FROM users
WHERE cwid = ?
AND is_student = 1 ", $cwid);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
$name = $cur ["f_name"] . " " . $cur ["l_name"];
// Force into pretty capitalization.
// turns JOHN SMITH into John Smith
$name = ucwords(strtolower($name));
return trim($name);
* Returns the faculty's first and last name, put together.
* Ex: John Smith or John W Smith.
* @param int $faculty_id
* @return string
function get_faculty_name($cwid) {
// Let's pull the needed variables out of our settings, so we know what
// to query, because this is a non-FlightPath table.
//$tsettings = $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["extra_tables"]["human_resources:faculty_staff"];
//$tf = (object) $tsettings["fields"]; //Convert to object, makes it easier to work with.
//$table_name = $tsettings["table_name"];
// Let's perform our queries.
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT f_name, l_name FROM users
WHERE cwid = '?'
AND is_faculty = '1' ", $cwid);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
$name = $cur ["f_name"] . " " . $cur ["l_name"];
// Force into pretty capitalization.
// turns JOHN SMITH into John Smith
$name = ucwords(strtolower($name));
return trim($name);
* Looks in our extra tables to find out what major code, if any, has been assigned
* to this faculty member.
function get_faculty_major_code_csv($faculty_cwid) {
// Let's pull the needed variables out of our settings, so we know what
// to query, because this is a non-FlightPath table.
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT major_code_csv FROM faculty WHERE cwid = '?' ", $faculty_cwid);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
return @$cur ["major_code_csv"];
// Deprecated, use the "_csv" version of this function instead.
function get_faculty_major_code($faculty_cwid) {
depricated_message("db->get_faculty_major_code() is deprecated. Use get_faculty_major_code_csv() instead.");
return $this->get_faculty_major_code_csv($faculty_cwid);
function get_student_major_from_db($student_cwid)
depricated_message("db->get_student_major_from_db() is deprecated. use get_student_major*s* instead.");
// Returns the student's major code from the DB. Does not
// return the track code.
// Let's perform our queries.
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM students
WHERE cwid = '?' ", $student_cwid);
$cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res);
return trim($cur ["major_code"]);
* Returns an array (or CSV string) of major_codes from the student_degrees table for this student.
* If bool_check_for_allow_dynaic is TRUE, it means that, if the student has more than one degree returned, we will make sure that they all
* have allow_dynamic = TRUE. If they do not, we will use the first is_editable degree we find ONLY. We do this because that means the student
* had a situation like we see in FlightPath 4x, where only one degree may be selected at a time, and the is_editiable degree is the track/option they
* selected.
function get_student_majors_from_db($student_cwid, $bool_return_as_full_record = FALSE, $perform_join_with_degrees = TRUE, $bool_skip_directives = TRUE, $bool_check_for_allow_dynamic = TRUE) {
// Looks in the student_degrees table and returns an array of major codes.
$rtn = array();
// Keep track of degrees which have is_editable set to 1.
$is_editable_true = array();
$is_editable_false = array();
if ($perform_join_with_degrees) {
$catalog_year = $this->get_student_catalog_year($student_cwid);
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM student_degrees a, degrees b
WHERE student_id = ?
AND a.major_code = b.major_code
AND b.catalog_year = ?
ORDER BY b.advising_weight, b.major_code
", $student_cwid, $catalog_year);
else {
// No need to join with degrees table...
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM student_degrees a
WHERE student_id = ?
ORDER BY major_code
", $student_cwid);
while ($cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res)) {
if ($bool_skip_directives && strstr($cur ["major_code"], "~")) {
if ($bool_return_as_full_record) {
$rtn [$cur ["major_code"]] = $cur;
else {
$rtn [$cur ["major_code"]] = $cur ["major_code"];
if ($bool_check_for_allow_dynamic && !isset($cur ['allow_dynamic']) && isset($cur ['degree_id'])) {
$cur ['allow_dynamic'] = $this->get_degree_allow_dynamic($cur ['degree_id']);
if ($cur ['is_editable'] == 1) {
$is_editable_true [] = $cur;
else {
$is_editable_false [] = $cur;
if ($bool_check_for_allow_dynamic && count($rtn) > 1) {
// This means that we have more than one degree selected, and we have been asked to make sure that if any of the degrees have allow_dynamic = 0, then we will
// only select the is_editable degree.
foreach ($is_editable_false as $major) {
if (isset($major ['allow_dynamic']) && $major ['allow_dynamic'] == 0) {
// Meaning, allow dynamic is NOT allowed. So, if we have ANYTHING in is_editable_true, then use THAT, else, use THIS.
if (count($is_editable_true) > 0) {
// Only get out 1 major.
$x = $is_editable_true [0];
$new_rtn [$x ['major_code']] = $rtn [$x ['major_code']];
$rtn = $new_rtn;
else {
$x = $major;
$new_rtn [$x ['major_code']] = $rtn [$x ['major_code']];
$rtn = $new_rtn;
} // if bool_check_for_allow_dynamic
return $rtn;
function get_flightpath_settings()
// Returns an array of everything in the flightpath_settings table.
$rtn_array = array();
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM flightpath_settings ");
while ($cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res))
$rtn_array [$cur ["variable_name"]] = trim($cur ["value"]);
return $rtn_array;
function get_degrees_in_catalog_year($catalog_year, $bool_include_tracks = false, $bool_use_draft = false, $bool_undergrad_only = TRUE, $only_level_nums = array(1, 2))
// Returns an array of all the degrees from a particular year
// which are entered into FlightPath.
$undergrad_line = $degree_class_line = "";
$table_name = "degrees";
if ($bool_use_draft) {
$table_name = "draft_$table_name";
// change this to be whatever the graduate code actually is.
if ($bool_undergrad_only) {
$undergrad_line = "AND degree_level != 'GR' ";
$degree_class_line = "";
if (count($only_level_nums) > 0) {
$classes = fp_get_degree_classifications();
foreach ($only_level_nums as $num) {
foreach ($classes ["levels"][$num] as $machine_name => $val) {
$degree_class_line .= " degree_class = '" . addslashes($machine_name) . "' OR";
// Remove training "OR" from degree_class_line
$degree_class_line = substr($degree_class_line, 0, strlen($degree_class_line) - 2);
if ($degree_class_line != "") {
$degree_class_line = "AND ($degree_class_line)";
$rtn_array = array();
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT degree_id, major_code, title, degree_class FROM $table_name
WHERE exclude = '0'
AND catalog_year = ?
ORDER BY title, major_code ", $catalog_year);
if ($this->db_num_rows($res) < 1)
return false;
while ($cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res))
$degree_id = $cur ["degree_id"];
$major = trim($cur ["major_code"]);
$title = trim($cur ["title"]);
$track_code = "";
$major_code = $major;
// The major may have a track specified. If so, take out
// the track and make it seperate.
if (strstr($major, "_"))
$temp = explode("_", $major);
$major_code = trim($temp [0]);
$track_code = trim($temp [1]);
// The major_code might now have a | at the very end. If so,
// get rid of it.
if (substr($major_code, strlen($major_code) -1, 1) == "|")
$major_code = str_replace("|", "", $major_code);
// Leave the track in if requested.
if ($bool_include_tracks == true)
// Set it back to what we got from the db.
$major_code = $major;
$temp_degree = $this->get_degree_plan($major, $catalog_year, true);
if ($temp_degree->track_code != "")
$title .= " - " . $temp_degree->track_title;
$rtn_array [$major_code]["title"] = $title;
$rtn_array [$major_code]["degree_id"] = $degree_id;
$rtn_array [$major_code]["degree_class"] = trim(strtoupper($cur ["degree_class"]));
return $rtn_array;
function get_degree_tracks($major_code, $catalog_year)
// Will return an array of all the tracks that a particular major
// has. Must match the major_code in degree_tracks table.
// Returns FALSE if there are none.
$rtn_array = array();
static $degree_tracks_data_cache = array();
if (isset($degree_tracks_data_cache [$catalog_year][$major_code])) {
return $degree_tracks_data_cache [$catalog_year][$major_code];
$res = $this->db_query("SELECT * FROM degree_tracks
WHERE major_code = ?
AND catalog_year = ? ", $major_code, $catalog_year);
if ($this->db_num_rows($res) < 1)
$degree_tracks_data_cache [$catalog_year][$major_code] = false;
return FALSE;
while ($cur = $this->db_fetch_array($res))
extract($cur, 3, "db");
$rtn_array [] = $db_track_code;
$degree_tracks_data_cache [$catalog_year][$major_code] = $rtn_array;
return $rtn_array;
function get_degree_plan($major_and_track_code, $catalog_year = "", $bool_minimal = false)
// Returns a degreePlan object from the supplied information.
// If catalog_year is blank, use whatever the current catalog year is, loaded from our settings table.
if ($catalog_year == "") {
$catalog_year = variable_get("current_catalog_year", "2006");
$degree_id = $this->get_degree_id(trim($major_and_track_code), $catalog_year);
$dp = new DegreePlan($degree_id, null, $bool_minimal);
if ($dp->major_code == "")
$dp->major_code = trim($major_and_track_code);
return $dp;
* Returns the value of a degree's allow_dynamic field in the database.
* Returns boolean FALSE if it cannot find the degree.
* @param unknown_type $degree_id
* @param unknown_type $bool_use_draft
function get_degree_allow_dynamic($degree_id, $bool_use_draft = FALSE) {
$table_name = "degrees";
if ($bool_use_draft) {
$table_name = "draft_$table_name";
$res7 = $this->db_query("SELECT allow_dynamic FROM $table_name
WHERE degree_id = ?
", $degree_id);
if ($this->db_num_rows($res7) > 0)
$cur7 = $this->db_fetch_array($res7);
return $cur7 ["allow_dynamic"];
return false;
function get_degree_id($major_and_track_code, $catalog_year, $bool_use_draft = FALSE)
// This function expects the major_code and track_code (if it exists)
// to be joined using |_. Example:
// GSBA|_123 or KIND|EXCP_231.
// In other words, all in one.
// Always override if the global variable is set.
if (@$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["bool_use_draft"] == true) {
$bool_use_draft = true;
if ($catalog_year < $GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["earliest_catalog_year"])
{ // Lowest possible year.
$catalog_year = $GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["earliest_catalog_year"];
$table_name = "degrees";
if ($bool_use_draft) {
$table_name = "draft_$table_name";
$res7 = $this->db_query("SELECT degree_id FROM $table_name
WHERE major_code = ?
AND catalog_year = ?
LIMIT 1 ", trim($major_and_track_code), $catalog_year);
if ($this->db_num_rows($res7) > 0)
$cur7 = $this->db_fetch_array($res7);
return $cur7 ["degree_id"];
return false;
// Returns a simple array of all degree_id's which match this major code, any catalog year.
function get_degree_ids($major_code) {
$rtn = array();
$bool_use_draft = FALSE;
// Always override if the global variable is set.
if (@$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["bool_use_draft"] == true) {
$bool_use_draft = true;
$table_name = "degrees";
if ($bool_use_draft) {
$table_name = "draft_$table_name";
$res7 = $this->db_query("SELECT degree_id FROM $table_name
WHERE major_code = ?
", trim($major_code));
while ($cur7 = $this->db_fetch_array($res7)) {
$rtn [$cur7 ["degree_id"]] = $cur7 ["degree_id"];
return $rtn;
} // get_degree_ids
function db_fetch_array($result) {
if (!is_object($result)) {
return FALSE;
return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
function db_fetch_object($result) {
if (!is_object($result)) {
return FALSE;
return $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
function db_num_rows($result) {
if (!is_object($result)) {
return FALSE;
return $result->rowCount();
function db_affected_rows($result) {
return db_num_rows($result);
function db_insert_id() {
//return $this->pdo->lastInsertId();
return $_SESSION ["fp_last_insert_id"];
function db_close() {
return $this->pdo = NULL; // this is all you need to do to close a PDO connection.
function z__db_num_rows($result) {
return mysql_num_rows($result);
function z__db_affected_rows() {
return mysql_affected_rows();
function z__db_insert_id() {
return mysql_insert_id();
function z__db_fetch_array($result) {
return mysql_fetch_array($result);
function z__db_fetch_object($result) {
return mysql_fetch_object($result);
function z__db_close() {
return mysql_close($this->dbc);
Name | Modifiers | Type | Description |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
public | property | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
public | property | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Draw out the error onto the screen. | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | This function is used to perform a database query. It uses PDO execute, which will take automatically replace ? with variables you supply as the arguments to this function, or as an array to this function. Either will work. Do this by using ?, or… | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Given an advising_session_id, create a duplicate of it as a new session_id (and return the new session_id). | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | This is a simple helper function which "escapes" the question marks (?) in the string, by changing them to "??". This makes it suitable for use within db_query(), but not necessary if used as an argument. … | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Returns the value of a degree's allow_dynamic field in the database. | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Looks in our extra tables to find out what major code, if any, has been assigned to this faculty member. | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Returns the faculty's first and last name, put together. Ex: John Smith or John W Smith. | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Returns the group_id for the given group name, or FALSE | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Returns an array (or CSV string) of major_codes from the student_degrees table for this student. | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Returns the student's first and last name, put together. Ex: John Smith or John W Smith. | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Returns whatever is in the Rank field for this student. Ex: JR, SR, FR, etc. | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Retrieve a value from the variables table. | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Sets the maintenance mode. $val should be either 0 (off) or 1 (on) | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Sets a variable's value in the variables table. | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | Draw out the error onto the screen. | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | This function is used to perform a database query. It can take simple replacement patterns, by using ?. If you actually need to have a ? in the query, you can escape it with ??. For example: $result = $db->db_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE… | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | ||
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | This is a PHP "magic" function. Called during a serialize command. Basically, we aren't trying to save any local variables. In fact, we will get a fatal exception if we try to serialize our PDO connection. | |
_DatabaseHandler:: |
function | This function is called when this objectis unserialized. We want to reconnect to the database, so we'll call our constructor. |