function _DatabaseHandler::db_error
Search API
4.x _DatabaseHandler.php | _DatabaseHandler::db_error( |
5.x _DatabaseHandler.php | _DatabaseHandler::db_error(Exception $ex) |
Draw out the error onto the screen.
2 calls to _DatabaseHandler::db_error()
- _DatabaseHandler::db_query in classes/
_DatabaseHandler.php - This function is used to perform a database query. It uses PDO execute, which will take automatically replace ? with variables you supply as the arguments to this function, or as an array to this function. Either will work. Do this by using ?, or…
- _DatabaseHandler::z__db_query in classes/
_DatabaseHandler.php - This function is used to perform a database query. It can take simple replacement patterns, by using ?. If you actually need to have a ? in the query, you can escape it with ??. For example: $result = $db->db_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE…
- classes/
_DatabaseHandler.php, line 385
function db_error(Exception $ex)
global $user;
$arr = $ex->getTrace();
$when_ts = time();
$when_english = format_date($when_ts);
$message = $ex->getMessage();
// If the message involves a complaint about the sql_mode, point the user to a
// help page about setting the sql_mode.
if (stristr($message, "sql_mode=")) {
$message .= "<br><br><b>" . t("It appears this error is being caused because of your server's sql_mode setting.") . "</b> ";
$message .= t("To set your sql_mode for MySQL, please see the following help page: <a href='' target='_blank'></a>");
$file = $arr [2]["file"];
if (strlen($file) > 50) {
$file = "..." . substr($file, strlen($file) - 50);
$file_and_line = "Line " . $arr [2]["line"] . ": " . $file;
// If we are on production, email someone!
if (@$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["notify_mysql_error_email_address"] != "")
$server = $_SERVER ["SERVER_NAME"] . " - " . $GLOBALS ['fp_system_settings']['base_url'];
$email_msg = t("A MYSQL error has occured in FlightPath.") . "
Server: $server
Timestamp: $when_ts ($when_english)
" . print_r($arr, true) . "
fp_mail($GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["notify_mysql_error_email_address"], "FlightPath MYSQL Error Reported on $server", $email_msg);
fpm(t("A MySQL error has occured:") . " $message<br><br>Location: $file_and_line<br><br>" . t("The backtrace:"));
if (@$GLOBALS ["fp_die_mysql_errors"] == TRUE) {
print "\n<br>The script has stopped executing because of a MySQL error:
Location: $file_and_line<br>\n
Please fix the error and try again.<br>\n";
print "<br><br>Timestamp: $when_ts ($when_english)
<br><br>Program backtrace:
<pre>" . print_r($arr, true) . "</pre>";
// Also, check to see if the mysql_err is because of a lost connection, as in, the
// server went down. In that case, we should also terminate immediately, rather
// than risk spamming an email recipient with error emails.
if (stristr($message, "Lost connection to MySQL server")
|| stristr($message, "MySQL server has gone away")) {
print "<h2 style='font-family: Arial, sans serif;'>Database Connection Error</h2>
<div style='font-size: 1.2em; font-family: Arial, sans serif; padding-left: 30px;
padding-right: 30px;'>
Sorry, but it appears the database is currently unavailable. This may
simply be part of scheduled maintenance to the database server. Please
try again in a few minutes. If the problem persists for longer
than an hour, contact your technical support
// DEV: Comment out when not needed.
print "<pre>" . print_r($arr, TRUE) . "</pre>";