class _AdvisingScreen

  1. 4.x classes/_AdvisingScreen.php _AdvisingScreen
  2. 5.x classes/_AdvisingScreen.php _AdvisingScreen


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classes/_AdvisingScreen.php, line 4

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class _AdvisingScreen
  public $width_array, $popup_width_array, $script_filename, $is_on_left, $box_array;
  public $degree_plan, $student, $bool_popup, $footnote_array, $flightpath;
  public $screen_mode, $db, $bool_print, $view, $settings, $user_settings;
  public $bool_blank, $bool_hiding_grades;
  public $admin_message, $earliest_catalog_year;

  // Variables for the template/theme output...
  public $theme_location, $page_content, $page_has_search, $page_tabs, $page_on_load;
  public $page_hide_report_error, $page_scroll_top, $page_is_popup, $page_is_mobile;
  public $page_title, $page_extra_css_files, $page_body_classes;

   * This is the constructor.  Must be named this for inheritence to work
   * correctly.
   * @param string $script_filename
   *   - This is the script which forms with POST to.  Ex: "advise.php"
   * @param FlightPath $flightpath
   *   - FlightPath object.
   * @param string $screen_mode
   *   - A string describing what "mode" we are in.
   *     - If left blank, we assume it is full-screen and normal.
   *     - If set to "popup" then we are in a popup window, and we will
   *       not draw certain elements.
  function __construct($script_filename = "", FlightPath $flightpath = null, $screen_mode = "") 
    $this->width_array = array("10%", "8%", "8%", "17%", "26%", "10%", "10%", "9%");
    $this->popup_width_array = array("17%", "1%", "1%", "15%", "26%", "15%", "15%", "10%");

    $this->script_filename = $script_filename;
    $this->is_on_left = true;
    $this->box_array = array();
    $this->footnote_array = array();

    $this->page_extra_css_files = array();

    $this->flightpath = $flightpath;
    $this->degree_plan = $flightpath->degree_plan;
    $this->student = $flightpath->student;

    $this->db = get_global_database_handler();

    if ($screen_mode == "popup") 
      $this->bool_popup = true;

    $this->bool_blank = false;

    $this->screen_mode = $screen_mode;

    //$this->settings = $this->db->get_flightpath_settings();

    $this->earliest_catalog_year = $GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["earliest_catalog_year"];



   * This function will attempt to determine automatically
   * if we are on a mobile device.  If so, it will set
   * $this->page_is_mobile = TRUE
  function determine_mobile_device() {
    $user_agent = $_SERVER ['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];

    $look_for = array(
      "opera mini",
      "(pre\/|palm os|palm|hiptop|avantgo|plucker|xiino|blazer|elaine)",
      "(iris|3g_t|windows ce|opera mobi|windows ce; smartphone;|windows ce; iemobile)",

    foreach ($look_for as $test_agent) {
      if (preg_match('/' . $test_agent . '/i', $user_agent)) {
        $this->page_is_mobile = true;

    $GLOBALS ["fp_page_is_mobile"] = $this->page_is_mobile;

  } // ends function mobile_device_detect

   * This function will return the HTML to contruct a collapsible fieldset,
   * complete with javascript and style tags.
   * @param String $content
   * @param String $legend
   * @param bool $bool_start_closed
   * @return String
  function draw_c_fieldset($content, $legend = "Click to expand/collapse", $bool_start_closed = false) 

    // Create a random ID for this fieldset, js, and styles.
    $id = md5(rand(9, 99999) . time());

    $start_js_val = 1;
    $fsstate = "open";
    $content_style = "";

    if ($bool_start_closed) {
      $start_js_val = 0;
      $fsstate = "closed";
      $content_style = "display: none;";

    $js = "<script type='text/javascript'>
  var fieldset_state_$id = $start_js_val;
  function toggle_fieldset_$id() {
    var content = document.getElementById('content_$id');
    var fs = document.getElementById('fs_$id');
    if (fieldset_state_$id == 1) {
      // Already open.  Let's close it.
      fieldset_state_$id = 0; = 'none';
      fs.className = 'c-fieldset-closed-$id';
    else {
      // Was closed.  let's open it.
      fieldset_state_$id = 1; = '';
      fs.className = 'c-fieldset-open-$id';      

    $rtn = "  
    <fieldset class='c-fieldset-$fsstate-$id' id='fs_$id'>
      <legend><a href='javascript: toggle_fieldset_$id();' class='nounderline'>$legend</a></legend>
      <div id='content_$id' style='$content_style'>
  fieldset.c-fieldset-open-$id {
    border: 1px solid;

  fieldset.c-fieldset-closed-$id {
    border: 1px solid;
    border-bottom-width: 0;
    border-left-width: 0;
    border-right-width: 0;    

  legend a {
    text-decoration: none;

    return $rtn;

   * Simply builds a single menu item.
   * @return string
  function draw_menu_item($url, $target, $icon_img, $title, $description = "") {

    $rtn = "";

    if (!$description) {
      $extra_class = "fp-menu-item-tight";

    $rtn .= "<div class='fp-menu-item $extra_class'>
            <div class='fp-menu-item-link-line'>
              <a href='$url' target='$target'>$icon_img $title</a>
    if ($description) {
      $rtn .= " <div class='fp-menu-item-description'>$description</div>";
    $rtn .= "</div>";

    return $rtn;

   * Uses the draw_menu_item method to draw the HTML for
   * all the supplied menu items, assuming the user has
   * permission to view them.
   * Returns the HTML or "" if no menus could be drawn.
   * @param unknown_type $menu_array
  function draw_menu_items($menu_array) {

    $rtn = "";

    if (count($menu_array) == 0) {
      return "";

    foreach ($menu_array as $item) {
      $url = $item ["url"];
      $target = $item ["target"];
      $icon = $item ["icon"];
      if ($icon) {
        $icon_img = "<img src='$icon' border='0'>";
      else {
        $icon_img = "<span class='fp-menu-item-no-icon'></span>";

      $title = $item ["title"];
      $description = $item ["description"];

      // Make sure they have permission!
      if ($item ["permission"] != "") {
        if (!user_has_permission($item ["permission"])) {
          // User did NOT have permission to view this link.

      $rtn .= $this->draw_menu_item($url, $target, $icon_img, $title, $description);


    return $rtn;


   * This method outputs the screen to the browser by performing
   * an include(path-to-theme-file.php).  All necessary information
   * must be placed into certain variables before the include happens.
  function output_to_browser() 
    // This method will output the screen to the browser.
    // outputs the $page_content variable.

    $page_content = $this->page_content;
    $page_tabs = $this->page_tabs;
    $page_has_search = $this->page_has_search;
    $page_on_load = $this->page_on_load;
    $page_scroll_top = $this->page_scroll_top;
    $page_is_popup = $this->page_is_popup;
    $page_title = $this->page_title;
    $page_body_classes = $this->page_body_classes;

    if ($page_title == "") {
      // By default, page title is this...
      $page_title = $GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["school_initials"] . " FlightPath";

    $page_hide_report_error = $this->page_hide_report_error;

    $print_option = "";
    if ($this->bool_print == true) {
      $print_option = "print_";

    if ($this->page_is_mobile == true) {
      $print_option = "mobile_";

    // Add extra JS files.    
    if (is_array($GLOBALS ["fp_extra_js"]) && count($GLOBALS ["fp_extra_js"]) > 0) {
      foreach ($GLOBALS ["fp_extra_js"] as $js_file_name) {
        $page_extra_js_files .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='$js_file_name'></script> \n";

    // Load any extra CSS files which addon modules might have added.
    if (is_array($GLOBALS ["fp_extra_css"]) && count($GLOBALS ["fp_extra_css"]) > 0) {
      foreach ($GLOBALS ["fp_extra_css"] as $css_file_name) {
        $page_extra_css_files .= "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='$css_file_name'>";

    // Javascript settings...
    $page_extra_js_settings .= "var FlightPath = new Object();   \n";
    $page_extra_js_settings .= " FlightPath.settings = new Object();   \n";
    foreach ($GLOBALS ["fp_extra_js_settings"] as $key => $val) {
      $page_extra_js_settings .= "FlightPath.settings.$key = '$val';  \n";

    // Scrolling somewhere?  Add it to the page_on_load...    
    if (trim($page_scroll_top != "")) {
      $page_on_load .= " scrollTo(0, $page_scroll_top);";

    // Add in our hidden divs which we will sometimes display...
    $page_content .= "<div id='updateMsg' class='updateMsg' style='display: none;'>" . t("Updating...") . "</div>
								<div id='loadMsg' class='updateMsg' style='display: none;'>" . t("Loading...") . "</div>";

    include ($GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["theme"] . "/fp_" . $print_option . "template.php");

   * This function simply adds a reference for additional CSS to be
   * link'd in to the theme.  It is used by add-on modules.
   * The filename needs to be from the reference of the base
   * FlightPath install.
   * Ex:  $screen->add_css("modules/course_search/css/style.css");
   * @param String $filename
  function add_css($filename) {

    $this->page_extra_css_files [] = $filename;


   * Converts a string containing BBCode to the equivalent HTML.
   * @param string $str
   * @return string
  function z__convert_bbcode_to_html($str) 
    // This will accept a string with BBcode tags in it,
    // and convert them to HTML tags.
    $str = str_replace("[b]", "<b>", $str);
    $str = str_replace("[/b]", "</b>", $str);

    $str = str_replace("[i]", "<i>", $str);
    $str = str_replace("[/i]", "</i>", $str);

    $str = str_replace("[u]", "<u>", $str);
    $str = str_replace("[/u]", "</u>", $str);

    $str = str_replace("[center]", "<center>", $str);
    $str = str_replace("[/center]", "</center>", $str);

    $str = str_replace("[ul]", "<ul>", $str);
    $str = str_replace("[/ul]", "</ul>", $str);

    $str = str_replace("[li]", "<li>", $str);
    $str = str_replace("[/li]", "</li>", $str);

    $str = str_replace("[br]", "<br>", $str);

    // convert more than 1 space into 2 hard spaces...
    $str = str_replace("  ", "&nbsp;&nbsp;", $str);

    // Check for colored text
    $str = preg_replace("(\[color=(.+?)\](.+?)\[\/color\])is", "<span style='color:$1;'>$2</span>", $str);

    // valid URL characters...
    $url_search_string = " a-zA-Z0-9\:\/\-\?\&\.\=\_\~\#\'";
    // Check for a link...
    $str = preg_replace("(\[url\=([$url_search_string]*)\](.+?)\[/url\])", "<a href='$1' target='_blank' class='nounderline'>$2</a>", $str);
    // check for a link that does NOT load in a new window (URL2)
    $str = preg_replace("(\[url2\=([$url_search_string]*)\](.+?)\[/url2\])", "<a href='$1'>$2</a>", $str);
    // check for a link to a popup....
    $str = preg_replace("(\[popup\=([$url_search_string]*)\](.+?)\[/popup\])", "<a href='javascript: popupHelpWindow(\"$1\");' class='nounderline'>$2</a>", $str);
    // Images...  (looks like: [img]http://www.image.jpg[/img]
    //$str = preg_replace("(\[img\]([$url_search_string]*)\](.+?)\[/img\])", "<img src='$1' border='0'>", $str);

    // Images
    // [img]pathtoimage[/img]
    $str = preg_replace("/\[img\](.+?)\[\/img\]/", "<img src='$1' border='0'>", $str);

    // [img=widthxheight]image source[/img]
    $str = preg_replace("/\[img\=([0-9]*)x([0-9]*)\](.+?)\[\/img\]/", "<img src='$3' width='$1' height='$2' border='0'>", $str);

    return $str;

   * Clear the session varibles.
  function clear_variables() 
    // Clear the session variables.
    $csid = $_REQUEST ["current_student_id"];

    $_SESSION ["advising_student_id$csid"] = "";
    $_SESSION ["advising_student_id"] = "";
    $_SESSION ["advising_major_code$csid"] = "";
    $_SESSION ["advising_track_code$csid"] = "";
    $_SESSION ["advising_term_id$csid"] = "";
    $_SESSION ["advising_what_if$csid"] = "";
    $_SESSION ["what_if_major_code$csid"] = "";

    $_SESSION ["cache_f_p$csid"] = "";
    $_SESSION ["cache_what_if$csid"] = "";


   * Constructs the HTML which will be used to display
   * the student's transfer credits
  function build_transfer_credit() 
    $pC = "";
    $is_empty = true;
    $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_top("Transfer Credit", true);
    // Basically, go through all the courses the student has taken,
    // And only show the transfers.  This is similar to Excess credit.

    $this->student->list_courses_taken->sort_alphabetical_order(false, true);
    while ($this->student->list_courses_taken->has_more()) 
      $course = $this->student->list_courses_taken->get_next();

      // Skip non transfer credits.
      if ($course->bool_transfer != true) 

      $bool_add_footnote = false;
      if ($course->bool_has_been_displayed == true) 
       { // Show the footnote if this has already been displayed
        // elsewhere on the page.
        $bool_add_footnote = true;

      $pC .= $this->draw_course_row($course, "", "", false, false, $bool_add_footnote, true);
      $is_empty = false;


    if ($GLOBALS ["advising_course_has_asterisk"] == true) 
      $pC .= "<tr>
				<td colspan='10'>
				<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top: 10px; padding: 3px;'>
				<b>*</b> Courses marked with an asterisk (*) have
					equivalencies at {$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["school_initials"]}.  
					Click on the course for more

    $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_bottom();

    if (!$is_empty) 


   * Constructs the HTML to show which courses have been added
   * by an advisor.
  function build_added_courses() 

    $pC = "";

    $semester = new Semester(-88);
    if ($new_semester = $this->degree_plan->list_semesters->find_match($semester)) 

   * Constructs the HTML to show the Excess Credits list.
  function build_excess_credit() 

    $pC = "";
    $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_top(t("Excess Credits"));
    $is_empty = true;

    // Basically, go through all the courses the student has taken,
    // selecting out the ones that are not fulfilling any
    // requirements.
    while ($this->student->list_courses_taken->has_more()) 
      $course = $this->student->list_courses_taken->get_next();

      if ($course->bool_has_been_displayed == true) 
       { // Skip ones which have been assigned to groups or semesters.

      // Skip transfer credits.
      if ($course->bool_transfer == true) 

      // Skip substitutions
      if ($course->bool_substitution == true) 

      $pC .= $this->draw_course_row($course, "", "", false, false);
      $is_empty = false;

    $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_bottom();

    if (!$is_empty) 

   * Constructs the HTML which will show footnotes for substitutions
   * and transfer credits.
  function build_footnotes($bool_include_box_top = TRUE) 
    // Display the footnotes & messages.

    $pC = "";
    $is_empty = true;
    if ($bool_include_box_top) {
      $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_top(t("Footnotes & Messages"), true);

    $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8' class='tenpt'>
    $fn_type_array = array("substitution", "transfer");
    $fn_char = array("substitution" => "S", "transfer" => "T");
    $fn_name = array("substitution" => t("Substitutions"),
      "transfer" => t("Transfer Equivalency Footnotes"));
    $fn_between = array("substitution" => t("for"),
      "transfer" => t("for") . " {$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["school_initials"]}'s");
    for ($xx = 0; $xx <= 1; $xx++) 
      $fn_type = $fn_type_array [$xx];
      if (count($this->footnote_array [$fn_type]) < 1) 

      $pC .= "<div style='padding-bottom: 10px;'>
						<b>{$fn_name [$fn_type]}</b>";
      $is_empty = false;
      for ($t = 1; $t <= count($this->footnote_array [$fn_type]); $t++) 
        $line = $this->footnote_array [$fn_type][$t];

        if ($line == "") 

        $extra = ".";

        $temp = explode(" ~~ ", $line);
        $o_course = trim($temp [0]);
        $new_course = trim($temp [1]);
        $using_hours = trim($temp [2]);
        if ($using_hours != "") 
          $using_hours = "($using_hours hrs)";
        $in_group = trim($temp [3]);

        $fbetween = $fn_between [$fn_type];

        if ($in_group > 0 && $fn_type == "substitution") 
          $new_group = new Group();
          $new_group->group_id = $in_group;
          $extra = "<div style='padding-left:45px;'><i>" . t("in") . " $new_group->title.</i></div>";
          if ($new_course == $o_course || $o_course == "") 
            $o_course = t("was added");
            $fbetween = "";
            $extra = str_replace("<i>" . t("in"), "<i>" . t("to"), $extra);

        $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'>&nbsp; &nbsp;
					<sup>{$fn_char [$fn_type]}$t</sup>
					$new_course $using_hours $fbetween $o_course$extra</div>";

      $pC .= "</div>";

    ////  Moved Courses...
    $m_is_empty = true;
    $pC .= "<!--MOVEDCOURSES-->";
    while ($this->student->list_courses_taken->has_more()) 
      $c = $this->student->list_courses_taken->get_next();
      // Skip courses which haven't had anything moved.
      if ($c->group_list_unassigned->is_empty == true) 

      if ($c->course_id > 0) 

      $l_s_i = $c->subject_id;
      $l_c_n = $c->course_num;
      $l_term = $c->get_term_description(true);

      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='padding-left: 10px; padding-bottom: 5px;'>
							$l_s_i $l_c_n ($c->hours_awarded " . t("hrs") . ") - $c->grade - $l_term

      while ($c->group_list_unassigned->has_more()) 
        $group = $c->group_list_unassigned->get_next();
        $group_title = "";
        if ($group->group_id > 0) 
          $group_title = "<i>$group->title</i>";
        else {
          $group_title = t("the degree plan");
        $pC .= t("was removed from") . " $group_title.";

      $pC .= "</div>";

      $m_is_empty = false;
      $is_empty = false;

    if ($m_is_empty == false) 
      $mtitle = "<div style='padding-bottom: 10px;'>
						<div style='padding-bottom: 5px;'>
						<b>" . t("Moved Courses") . "</b><br>
				" . t("Some courses have been moved out of their 
				original positions on your degree plan.") . "</div>";
      $pC = str_replace("<!--MOVEDCOURSES-->", $mtitle, $pC);
      $pC .= "</div>";

    // For admins only....
    if (user_has_permission("can_substitute") && $bool_include_box_top) {
      if ($this->bool_print != true) 
       { // Don't display in print view.
        $pC .= "<div style='tenpt'>				
					<a href='javascript: popupWindow2(\"" . base_path() . "/advise/popup-toolbox/transfers\",\"\");'><img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/toolbox.gif' border='0'>" . t("Administrator's Toolbox") . "</a>
        $is_empty = false;

    $pC .= "</td></tr>";

    if ($bool_include_box_top) {
      $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_bottom();

    if (!$is_empty) 

    // Return so other functions can use this output, if needed.
    return $pC;

   * Used in the Toolbox popup, this will display content of the tab which
   * shows a student's substututions
   * @return string
  function display_toolbox_substitutions() 
    $pC = "";
    // This will display the substitution management screen.

    $pC .= fp_render_curved_line(t("Manage Substitutions"));

    $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'>
				" . t("The following substitutions have been made for this student:") . "
    $is_empty = true;

    while ($this->student->list_substitutions->has_more()) 
      $substitution = $this->student->list_substitutions->get_next();

      $course_requirement = $substitution->course_requirement;
      $subbed_course = $substitution->course_list_substitutions->get_first();

      $sub_s_i = $subbed_course->subject_id;
      $sub_c_n = $subbed_course->course_num;

      $cr_s_i = $course_requirement->subject_id;
      $cr_c_n = $course_requirement->course_num;
      $cr_hrs = $course_requirement->get_hours();

      $in_group = ".";
      if ($subbed_course->assigned_to_group_id > 0) 
        $new_group = new Group();
        $new_group->group_id = $subbed_course->assigned_to_group_id;

        $in_group = " in $new_group->title.";

      $sub_action = t("was substituted for");
      $sub_trans_notice = "";
      if ($substitution->bool_group_addition == true) 
        $sub_action = t("was added to");
        $cr_s_i = $cr_c_n = "";
        $in_group = str_replace("in", "", $in_group);

      if ($subbed_course->bool_transfer == true && is_object($subbed_course->course_transfer)) 
        $sub_s_i = $subbed_course->course_transfer->subject_id;
        $sub_c_n = $subbed_course->course_transfer->course_num;
        $sub_trans_notice = "[" . t("transfer") . "]";

      $by = $remarks = "";
      $temp = $this->db->get_substitution_details($subbed_course->db_substitution_id);
      $by = $this->db->get_faculty_name($temp ["faculty_id"], false);
      $remarks = $temp ["remarks"];
      $ondate = format_date($temp ["posted"]);

      if ($by != "") 
        $by = " <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; " . t("Substitutor:") . " $by. 
						<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <i>$ondate.</i>";

      if ($remarks != "") 
        $remarks = " <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; " . t("Remarks:") . " <i>$remarks</i>.";

      $extra = "";
      if ($substitution->bool_outdated) 
        $extra = " <span style='color:red'>[OUTDATED: ";
        $extra .= $substitution->outdated_note;
        $extra .= "]</span>";

      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='margin-bottom: 20px;'>
						$sub_s_i $sub_c_n $sub_trans_notice ($subbed_course->substitution_hours hrs) $sub_action
						$cr_s_i $cr_c_n$in_group $by$remarks $extra
							<a href='javascript: popupRemoveSubstitution(\"$subbed_course->db_substitution_id\");'>" . t("Remove substitution?") . "</a>

      $is_empty = false;

    if ($is_empty == true) 
      $pC .= "<div align='center'>" . t("No substitutions have been made for this student.") . "</div>";

    $pC .= "</div>";

    watchdog("toolbox", "substitutions", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

    return $pC;

   * Used in the Toolbox popup, this will display content of the tab which
   * shows a student's transfers
   * @return string
  function display_toolbox_transfers() 
    $pC = "";
    // This will display the substitution management screen.

    $pC .= fp_render_curved_line(t("Manage Transfer Equivalencies"));

    $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'>
				" . t("This student has the following transfer credits and equivalencies.") . "
    $is_empty = true;

    $this->student->list_courses_taken->sort_alphabetical_order(false, true);
    while ($this->student->list_courses_taken->has_more()) 
      $c = $this->student->list_courses_taken->get_next();

      // Skip non transfer credits.
      if ($c->bool_transfer != true) 

      if ($c->course_id > 0) 
      $course = $c->course_transfer;


      $l_s_i = $c->subject_id;
      $l_c_n = $c->course_num;
      $l_title = $this->fix_course_title($c->title);

      $t_s_i = $course->subject_id;
      $t_c_n = $course->course_num;
      $t_term = $c->get_term_description(true);
      $grade = $c->grade;
      if ($grade == "W" || $grade == "F" || $grade == "NC" || $grade == "I") 
        $grade = "<span style='color: red;'>$grade</span>";

      $t_inst = $this->fix_institution_name($course->institution_name);

      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='padding-bottom: 15px;'>
							<b>$t_s_i $t_c_n</b> ($c->hours_awarded hrs) - $grade - $t_term - $t_inst
      if ($c->bool_substitution_split == true) 
        $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'><b> +/- </b> This course's hours were split in a substitution.</div>";
      $initials = $GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["school_initials"];
      // Does this course NOT have an equivalency?
      if ($c->course_id == 0) 
        // But, has the eqv been removed?  If so, display a link to restore it,
        // if not, show a link to remove it!
        if ($rC = $this->student->list_transfer_eqvs_unassigned->find_match($course)) 
          // Yes, the eqv WAS removed (or unassigned)
          $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'>" . t("This course's @initials equivalency was removed for this student.", array("@initials" => $initials)) . "<br>
							<a href='javascript: popupRestoreTransferEqv(\"$rC->db_unassign_transfer_id\")'>" . t("Restore?") . "</a></div>";
        else {
          $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'>" . t("@initials equivalency not yet entered (or is not applicable).", array("@initials" => $initials)) . "</div>";
      else {
        // This course *DOES* have an equivalency.
        $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'>$initials eqv: $l_s_i $l_c_n - $l_title</div>";

        $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' align='right'>
							<a href='javascript: popupUnassignTransferEqv(\"" . $course->course_id . "\");'>" . t("Remove this equivalency?") . "</a>


      $pC .= "</div>";

      $is_empty = false;

    if ($is_empty == true) {
      $pC .= "<div align='center'>" . t("There are no transfer equivalencies for this student.") . "</div>";

    $pC .= "</div>";

    watchdog("toolbox", "transfers", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

    return $pC;

   * Used in the Toolbox popup, this will display content of the tab which
   * shows a student's courses which they have taken.
   * @return string
  function display_toolbox_courses() 
    $pC = "";

    $pC .= fp_render_curved_line(t("All Student Courses"));

    $csid = $_REQUEST ["current_student_id"];
    $order = $_REQUEST ["order"];
    if ($order == "name") 
      $ns = "font-weight: bold; color: black; text-decoration: none;";
    else {
      $os = "font-weight: bold; color: black; text-decoration: none;";

    $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'>
				" . t("This window displays all of the student's courses
				which FlightPath is able to load.") . "					
				" . t("Order by:") . " &nbsp; &nbsp;";
    $pC .= l(t("Name"), "advise/popup-toolbox/courses", "order=name&current_student_id=$csid", array("style" => $ns)) . "&nbsp; &nbsp;";
    $pC .= l(t("Date Taken"), "advise/popup-toolbox/courses", "order=date&current_student_id=$csid", array("style" => $os));

    $pC .= "<hr>
				<table border='0' cellpadding='2'>
    $is_empty = true;
    if ($order == "name") 
    else {
    while ($this->student->list_courses_taken->has_more()) 
      $c = $this->student->list_courses_taken->get_next();

      if ($c->course_id > 0) 

      $l_s_i = $c->subject_id;
      $l_c_n = $c->course_num;
      $eqv_line = "";

      if ($c->course_transfer->course_id > 0) 
        if ($c->course_id > 0) 
          $eqv_line = "<tr>
							<td colspan='8' class='tenpt'
								style='padding-left: 20px;'>
								<i>*eqv to {$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["school_initials"]} $l_s_i $l_c_n</i></td>
        $l_s_i = $c->course_transfer->subject_id;
        $l_c_n = $c->course_transfer->course_num;


      $l_title = $this->fix_course_title($c->title);
      $l_term = $c->get_term_description(true);

      $h = $c->hours_awarded;
      if ($c->bool_ghost_hour) {
        $h .= "(" . t("ghost") . "<a href='javascript:alertSubGhost()'>?</a>)";

      $pC .= "<tr>
						<td valign='top' class='tenpt'>$l_s_i</td>
						<td valign='top' class='tenpt'>$l_c_n</td>
						<td valign='top' class='tenpt'>$h</td>
						<td valign='top' class='tenpt'>$c->grade</td>
						<td valign='top' class='tenpt'>$c->term_id</td>
      $pC .= "<td valign='top' class='tenpt'>";

      if ($c->bool_transfer) {
        $pC .= "T ";

      if ($c->bool_substitution) {
        $pC .= "S ";

      if ($c->bool_has_been_assigned) 
        $pC .= "A:";
        if ($c->assigned_to_group_id == 0) 
          $pC .= "degree plan";
        else {
          $temp_group = new Group();
          $temp_group->group_id = $c->assigned_to_group_id;
          $pC .= $temp_group->title;

      $pC .= "</td>";

      $pC .= "</tr>$eqv_line";

      $is_empty = false;

    if ($is_empty == true) 
      $pC .= "<div align='center'>" . t("No courses have been moved for this student.") . "</div>";

    $pC .= "</table>";

    $pC .= "</div>";

    watchdog("toolbox", "courses", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

    return $pC;

   * Used in the Toolbox popup, this will display content of the tab which
   * shows a student's moved courses. That is, courses which have had
   * their group memberships changed.
   * @return string
  function display_toolbox_moved() 
    $pC = "";

    $pC .= fp_render_curved_line(t("Manage Moved Courses"));

    $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'>
				" . t("This student has the following course movements.") . "
    $is_empty = true;

    while ($this->student->list_courses_taken->has_more()) 
      $c = $this->student->list_courses_taken->get_next();

      // Skip courses which haven't had anything moved.
      if ($c->group_list_unassigned->is_empty == true) 

      if ($c->course_id > 0) 

      $l_s_i = $c->subject_id;
      $l_c_n = $c->course_num;
      $l_title = $this->fix_course_title($c->title);
      $l_term = $c->get_term_description(true);

      $h = $c->hours_awarded;
      if ($c->bool_ghost_hour) {
        $h .= " [" . t("ghost") . "<a href='javascript:alertSubGhost();'>?</a>] ";

      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='padding-bottom: 15px;'>
							<b>$l_s_i $l_c_n</b> ($h " . t("hrs") . ") - $c->grade - $l_term

      while ($c->group_list_unassigned->has_more()) 
        $group = $c->group_list_unassigned->get_next();
        $group_title = "";
        if ($group->group_id > 0) 
          $group_title = "<i>$group->title</i>";
        else {
          $group_title = t("the degree plan");
        $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'>" . t("This course was removed from") . " $group_title.<br>
							<a href='javascript: popupRestoreUnassignFromGroup(\"$group->db_unassign_group_id\")'>" . t("Restore?") . "</a>

      $pC .= "</div>";

      $is_empty = false;

    if ($is_empty == true) 
      $pC .= "<div align='center'>" . t("No courses have been moved for this student.") . "</div>";

    $pC .= "</div>";

    watchdog("toolbox", "moved", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

    return $pC;

   * Constructs the HTML to show the student's test scores.
  function build_test_scores() 
    // This function will build our Test Scores box.
    // Only do this if the student actually has any test scores.

    if ($this->student->list_standardized_tests->is_empty) 

    $top_scores = array();

    $pC = "";
    $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_top(t("Test Scores"), TRUE);

    $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8' class='tenpt'>

    $fsC = "";

    // Go through and find all the test scores for the student...
    while ($this->student->list_standardized_tests->has_more()) {
      $st = $this->student->list_standardized_tests->get_next();

      $dt = strtotime($st->date_taken);
      $ddate = format_date($dt, "just_date");

      $fsC .= "<div>
						<b>$st->description</b> - $ddate
      foreach ($st->categories as $position => $cat_array) 
        $fsC .= "<li>{$cat_array ["description"]} - {$cat_array ["score"]}</li>";

      $fsC .= "</ul>


    $pC .= fp_render_c_fieldset($fsC, t("Click to view/hide standardized test scores"), TRUE);

    $pC .= "</td></tr>";

    $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_bottom();


   * This function is used by the "build" functions most often.  It very
   * simply adds a block of HTML to an array called box_array.
   * @param string $content_box
  function add_to_screen($content_box) 
    $this->box_array [] = $content_box;

   * This function calls the other "build" functions to assemble
   * the View or What If tabs in FlightPath.
  function build_screen_elements() 
    // This function will build & assemble all of the onscreen
    // elements for the advising screen.  It should be
    // called before display_screen();




    if (!$this->bool_blank) 
     { // Don't show if this is a blank degree plan.

    // invoke a hook, to give custom modules the chance to perform actions 
    // (or add blocks) to the advise screen after we have run this function.
    invoke_hook("advise_build_screen_elements", array(&$this));


   * This function is used to draw an individual pie chart box.
   * It accepts values of top/bottom in order to come up
   * with a percentage.
   * @param string $title
   * @param float $top_value
   *         - The top part of a ratio.  Ex: for 1/2, $top_value = 1.
   * @param float $bottom_value
   *         - The bottom part of a ratio.  For 1/2, $bottom_value = 2.
   *         - Do not let this equal zero.  If it does, the calculation
   *           for the pie chart will never be evaluated.
   * @param string $pal
   *         - Which palette to use for the pie chart.
   *         - Acceptable values:
   *           - core
   *           - major
   *           - cumulative
   *           - student
   * @return string
  function draw_pie_chart_box($title, $top_value, $bottom_value, $pal) 
    $pC = "";

    if ($bottom_value > 0) 
      $val = round(($top_value / $bottom_value) * 100);
    if ($val > 100) {
      $val = 99;

    $leftval = 100 - $val;

    $back_col = "660000";
    $fore_col = "FFCC33";

    if ($pal == "major") 
      $fore_col = "93D18B";

    if ($pal == "cumulative") 
      $fore_col = "5B63A5";

    $vval = $val;
    if ($vval < 1) {
      $vval = 1;

    // Create a graph using google's chart API		
    $google_chart_url = "$vval,$leftval&chs=75x75&chco=$fore_col|$back_col&chp=91.1";

    $pC .= "<table border='0' width='100%'  height='100' class='elevenpt blueBorder' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' >
  							<td class='blueTitle' align='center' height='20'>
    				" . fp_render_square_line($title) . "
 								<table border='0'>
 									<!-- <img src='jgraph/display_graph.php?pal=$pal&value=$val'> -->
 									<img src='$google_chart_url'>
 								<td class='elevenpt'>
 								    <span style='color: blue;'>$val% " . t("Complete") . "</span><br>
 								    ( <span style='color: blue;'>$top_value</span>
 									 / <span style='color: gray;'>$bottom_value " . t("hours") . "</span> )

    $pC .= "

    return $pC;

   * This function calls drawPieChart to construct the student's 3
   * progress pie charts.
   * @return string
  function draw_progress_boxes() 
    global $user;
    // Draw the boxes for student progress (where
    // the pie charts go!)
    $pC = "";

    if ($this->degree_plan->total_degree_hours < 1) 

    $total_major_hours = $this->degree_plan->total_major_hours;
    $total_core_hours = $this->degree_plan->total_core_hours;
    $total_degree_hours = $this->degree_plan->total_degree_hours;
    $fulfilled_major_hours = $this->degree_plan->fulfilled_major_hours;
    $fulfilled_core_hours = $this->degree_plan->fulfilled_core_hours;
    $fulfilled_degree_hours = $this->degree_plan->fulfilled_degree_hours;
    $major_qpts = $this->degree_plan->major_qpts;
    $degree_qpts = $this->degree_plan->degree_qpts;
    $core_qpts = $this->degree_plan->core_qpts;

    $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='2'>

    $user->settings = $this->db->get_user_settings($user->id);

    if ($user->settings ["hide_charts"] != "hide" && $this->bool_print == false && $this->bool_blank == false && $this->page_is_mobile == false) 
     { // Display the pie charts unless the student's settings say to hide them.

      $pC .= "
				<div style='margin-bottom: 10px;'>
				<table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' border='0'>
				<td width='33%' style='padding-right:5px;'>
					" . $this->draw_pie_chart_box(t("Progress - Core Courses"), $fulfilled_core_hours, $total_core_hours, "core") . "
				<td width='33%' style='padding-right: 5px;'>
					" . $this->draw_pie_chart_box(t("Progress - Major Courses"), $fulfilled_major_hours, $total_major_hours, "major") . "
				<td width='33%'>
					" . $this->draw_pie_chart_box(t("Progress - Degree"), $fulfilled_degree_hours, $total_degree_hours, "cumulative") . "


      $pC .= "
				<div style='font-size: 8pt; text-align:right;'>
					<a href='javascript:hideShowCharts(\"hide\");'>" . t("hide charts") . "</a>

      $pC .= "
    else {
      // Hide the charts!  Show a "show" link....
      $pC .= "
 			<table border='0' width='100%'  class='elevenpt blueBorder' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' >
  				<td colspan='4' class='blueTitle' align='center' height='20'>
    			" . fp_render_square_line(t("Progress")) . "
 				<td class='tenpt' width='33%' align='center'>
 					" . t("Core:") . " $fulfilled_core_hours / $total_core_hours
 				<td class='tenpt' width='33%' align='center'>
 					" . t("Major:") . " $fulfilled_major_hours / $total_major_hours
 				<td class='tenpt' width='33%' align='center'>
 					" . t("Degree:") . " $fulfilled_degree_hours / $total_degree_hours


      if ($this->bool_print != true && $this->bool_blank != true && $this->page_is_mobile != true) 

        $pC .= "<div style='font-size: 8pt; text-align:right;'>
					<a href='javascript:hideShowCharts(\"show\");'>" . t("show charts") . "</a>
      else {
        $pC .= "<div> &nbsp; </div>";
    $pC .= "

    return $pC;

   * Will display the "public note" at the top of a degree.  This
   * was entred in Data Entry.
   * @return string
  function draw_public_note() 
    // This will display a "public note" to the user about
    // this degree.  The public note was entered in Data Entry.

    if ($this->degree_plan->public_note == "") 
      return "";

    $public_note = filter_markup($this->degree_plan->public_note);

    $pC = "";

    $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8'>
					<div class='tenpt' 
						style='border: 5px double #C1A599;
								padding: 5px;
								margin: 10px;'>
					<b>" . t("Important Message:") . "</b> $public_note

    return $pC;


   * This function generates the HTML to display the screen.  Should
   * be used in conjunction with output_to_browser()
   * @return string
  function display_screen() 
    // This will generate the html to display the screen.
    $pC = "";

    if ($this->bool_hiding_grades && !$this->bool_print && $GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["hiding_grades_message"] != "") 
      // Display the message about us hiding grades.
      $pC .= "
          <tr><td colspan='2'>
          			<div class='tenpt hypo' style='margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; 
          			 padding: 2px; border: 1px solid maroon;'>
          			<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>
          			<td valign='top'>
          				<img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/alert_lg.gif' >	
          			<td valign='middle' class='tenpt' style='padding-left: 8px;'>
          			{$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["hiding_grades_message"]}

    //$pC .= $this->draw_currently_advising_box();
    $pC .= $this->draw_progress_boxes();

    $pC .= $this->draw_public_note();

    for ($t = 0; $t < count($this->box_array); $t++) 

      $align = "right";
      if ($this->is_on_left) 
        $pC .= "<tr>";
        $align = "left";

      $pC .= "<td valign='top' align='$align' class='fp-boxes'>";
      $pC .= $this->box_array [$t];
      $pC .= "</td>";

      if (fp_screen_is_mobile()) {
        // If we are on a mobile device, force it to use
        // only one column. 
        $this->is_on_left = false;

      if (!$this->is_on_left) // on right of page
        $pC .= "</tr>";
      $this->is_on_left = !$this->is_on_left;

    if (!$this->is_on_left) // on right of the page.
     { // close up any loose ends.
      $pC .= "</tr>";

    if (user_has_permission("can_advise_students")) 
      if (!$this->bool_print && !$this->bool_blank) 

        $pC .= "<tr>";

        if (!fp_screen_is_mobile()) {
          $pC .= "<td>&nbsp;</td>";

        $pC .= "<td align='center'>
						<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top:35px; margin-bottom:10px; padding: 10px; width: 200px;'>
						" . fp_render_button(t("Submit"), "submitSaveActive();") . "					

        //$this->add_to_screen("<input type='button' value='Submit' onClick='submitSaveActive();'>");

    return $pC;


   * Returns the HTML to draw a pretty button.
   * @param string $title
   * @param string $on_click
   * @param bool $bool_padd
   * @param string $style
   * @return string
  function draw_button($title, $on_click, $bool_padd = true, $style = "") 
    // Style is expected to look like:
    // style='some:thing;'
    // with SINGLE apostrophes!  not quotes.

    $on_mouse = "onmouseover='this.className=\"gradbutton gradbutton_hover hand\";'
					onmouseout='this.className=\"gradbutton hand\";'
					onmousedown='this.className=\"gradbutton gradbutton_down hand\";'
					onmouseup='this.className=\"gradbutton gradbutton_hover hand\";'

    if ($this->page_is_mobile) {
      $on_mouse = ""; // Causes problems for some mobile devices.

    if ($bool_padd) 
      $padd = "&nbsp; &nbsp;";

    $rtn = "<span class='gradbutton hand' onClick='$on_click' $on_mouse $style >
				$padd $title $padd

    return $rtn;

   * Constructs the HTML to display the list of semesters for the student.
  function build_semester_list() {

    $list_semesters = $this->degree_plan->list_semesters;
    // Go through each semester and add it to the screen...

    while ($list_semesters->has_more()) 
      $semester = $list_semesters->get_next();
      if ($semester->semester_num == -88) 
       { // These are the "added by advisor" courses.  Skip them.

      $this->add_to_screen($this->display_semester($semester, true));



   * This function is called when we know we are on a mobile
   * browser.  We have to handle tab rendering differently
   * in order to make them all fit.
   * @param unknown_type $tab_array
  function z__draw_mobile_tabs($tab_array) {

    $rtn = "";

    $js_vars = "var mobileTabSelections = new Array(); ";

    if (count($tab_array) <= 1) {
      return "";

    $rtn .= "<table border='0' width='200' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='fp-mobile-tabs'>
	           <b>Display: </b>";

    /*	  if (count($tab_array) == 1) {
	    // Just one element, no need to render the select list.
	    $rtn .= $tab_array[0]["title"];
	    $rtn .= "</td></table>";
	    return $rtn;

    $rtn .= "<select onChange='executeSelection()' id='mobileTabsSelect'>";

    for ($t = 0; $t < count($tab_array); $t++) 
      $title = $tab_array [$t]["title"];
      $active = $tab_array [$t]["active"];
      $on_click = $tab_array [$t]["on_click"];

      if ($title == "") 
      $sel = ($active == true) ? $sel = "selected" : "";

      $rtn .= "<option $sel value='$t'>$title</option>";

      $js_vars .= "mobile_tab_selections[$t] = '$on_click'; \n";


    $rtn .= "</select>

    $rtn .= '
		  <script type="text/javascript">
		  ' . $js_vars . '		  
		  function executeSelection() {
		    var sel = document.getElementById("mobileTabsSelect").value;
		    var statement = mobile_tab_selections[sel];
		    // Lets execute the statement...

    return $rtn;


   * Displays the contents of the Descripton tab for the course popup.
   * @param int $course_id
   *        - The course_id of the course to show.  Leave blank if supplying
   *          the object instead.
   * @param Course $course
   *        - The course object to display.  Leave as NULL if supplying
   *          the course_id instead.
   * @param Group $group
   *        - The Group object that this course has been placed into.
   * @param bool $show_advising_buttons
   *        - Should we show the advising buttons in this popup?  Would be
   *          set to false for student view, or for anyone who is not
   *          allowed to advise this course into a group for the student.
   * @return string
  function display_popup_course_description($course_id = "", Course $course = null, $group = null, $show_advising_buttons = false) 
    $pC = "";

    if ($course_id != "" && $course_id != 0) {

      $course = new Course($course_id);

    $db_group_requirement_id = $_REQUEST ["db_group_requirement_id"];

    if ($course == null) 
      // No course available!
      $pC .= fp_render_curved_line(t("Description"));
      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'>" . t("No course was selected.  Please
					click the Select tab at the top of the screen.") . "
      return $pC;

    $advising_term_id = $GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_term_id"];


    $course_hours = $course->get_hours();

    if ($course->bool_transfer) 


    // Does this course have more than one valid (non-excluded) name?
    $other_valid_names = "";
    if (count($course->array_valid_names) > 1) 
      for ($t = 0; $t < count($course->array_valid_names); $t++) 
        $name = $course->array_valid_names [$t];
        if ($name == "$course->subject_id~$course->course_num") 
        $other_valid_names .= ", " . str_replace("~", " ", $name);


    $initials = $GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["school_initials"];

    $pC .= fp_render_curved_line("$course->subject_id $course->course_num$other_valid_names <!--EQV1-->");
    $bool_transferEqv = true;
    if ($course->bool_transfer) 
      // This is a transfer course.  Begin by displaying the transfer credit's
      // information.

      $hrs = $course->course_transfer->get_hours() * 1;
      if ($hrs == 0) 
        $hrs = $course->get_hours();

      // make transfer course titles all caps.
      $course->course_transfer->title = strtoupper($course->course_transfer->title);

      $pC .= "<div style='margin-top: 13px;' class='tenpt'>
				<b>" . t("Transfer Credit Information:") . "</b><br>
				<div style='margin-left: 20px;' class='tenpt'>
					" . t("Course:") . " " . $course->course_transfer->subject_id . " " . $course->course_transfer->course_num . " 
					- " . $course->course_transfer->title . " ($hrs hrs)<br>
					" . t("Institution:") . " " . $this->fix_institution_name($course->course_transfer->institution_name) . "<br>
					" . t("Term:") . " " . $course->get_term_description() . "<br>
					<!-- Grade: " . $course->grade . "<br> -->

      $transfer_eqv_text = $course->course_transfer->transfer_eqv_text;
      if ($transfer_eqv_text == "") {
        $transfer_eqv_text = t("Not entered or not applicable.");
        $bool_transferEqv = false;

      $pC .= "$initials Eqv: $transfer_eqv_text<br>


    $pC .= "
		   	<div style='margin-top: 13px;'>
				<div class='tenpt'>";
    if ($course->course_id != 0) 
      $use_hours = $course_hours;
      if ($course->bool_transfer) 
        $pC .= "<b>$initials " . t("Equivalent Course Information:") . "</b><br>
						<b>$course->subject_id $course->course_num</b> - ";
        $new_course = new Course();
        $new_course->course_id = $course->course_id;
        $use_hours = $new_course->get_catalog_hours();
      $pC .= "
					<b>$course->title ($use_hours " . t("hrs") . ")</b>";
    if ($course->bool_substitution_new_from_split || $course->bool_substitution_split) 
      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='margin-bottom:5px;'>
						<i>" . t("This course's hours were split in a substitution.") . "</i> 
						<a href='javascript: alertSplitSub();'>?</a>

    $pC .= "</div>";

    if ($course->course_id != 0) 
      $pC .= "
			<div class='tenpt'>

    if ($course->bool_transfer == true && $course->course_id < 1 && $course->bool_substitution == false) 
     { // No local eqv!

      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top: 10px;'><b>Note:</b> ";
			$pC .= "
			<b>Note:</b> This course is a transfer credit which
			the student completed at <i>";

			$pC .= $this->fix_institution_name($course->course_transfer->institution_name) . "</i>.";
      $pC = str_replace("<!--EQV1-->", " (" . t("Transfer Credit") . ")", $pC);
      if (!$bool_transferEqv) 
        $t_msg = t("This course does not have an assigned @initials equivalency, or the equivalency
							has been removed for this student.
						Ask your advisor if this course will count towards your degree.", array("@initials" => $initials)) . "
      else {
        $t_msg = t("FlightPath cannot assign this course to a @initials equivalency on
							the student's degree plan, 
							or the equivalency
							has been removed for this student.
						Ask your advisor if this course will count towards your degree.", array("@initials" => $initials)) . "

      $pC .= $t_msg;

    elseif ($course->bool_transfer == true && $course->course_id > 0 && $course->bool_substitution == false) 
     { // Has a local eqv!

      $t_s_i = $course->course_transfer->subject_id;
      $t_c_n = $course->course_transfer->course_num;
      /*			$pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top: 10px;'>
			<b>Note:</b> The course listed above is equivalent
			to <b>$t_s_i $t_c_n</b>,
			which the student completed at <i>";

			// Replace the temporary comment <!--EQV1--> in the header with
			// the new eqv information.
      $pC = str_replace("<!--EQV1-->", " (" . t("Transfer Credit") . " $t_s_i $t_c_n)", $pC);
      /*			$pC .= $this->fix_institution_name($course->course_transfer->institution_name);
			$pC .= "</i>.";
      // Admin function only.
      if (user_has_permission("can_substitute")) 
        $pC .= "<div align='left' class='tenpt'>
					<b>" . t("Special administrative function:") . "</b>
						<a href='javascript: popupUnassignTransferEqv(\"" . $course->course_transfer->course_id . "\");'>" . t("Remove this equivalency?") . "</a></div>";
        $pC .= "</div>";

      $pC .= "</div>";

    if ($course->term_id != "" && $course->term_id != "11111" && $course->display_status != "eligible" && $course->display_status != "disabled") 
      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top: 10px;'>
						" . t("The student enrolled in this course in") . " " . $course->get_term_description() . ".
    else if ($course->term_id == "11111") 
      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top: 10px;'>
						" . t("The exact date that the student enrolled in this course
						cannot be retrieved at this time.  Please check the
						student's official transcript for more details.") . "


    if ($course->assigned_to_group_id * 1 > 0 && $course->grade != "" && $course->bool_transfer != true && $course->bool_substitution != true) 
      //$g = new Group($course->assigned_to_group_id);
      $g = new Group();
      $g->group_id = $course->assigned_to_group_id;

      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top: 10px;'>
						<img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/icons/$g->icon_filename' width='19' height='19'>
						" . t("This course is a member of") . " $g->title.
      // If user is an admin...
      if (user_has_permission("can_substitute")) {
        $tflag = intval($course->bool_transfer);
        $pC .= "<div align='left' class='tenpt'>
					<b>" . t("Special administrative function:") . "</b>
						<a href='javascript: popupUnassignFromGroup(\"$course->course_id\",\"$course->term_id\",\"$tflag\",\"$g->group_id\");'>" . t("Remove from this group?") . "</a></div>";
        $pC .= "</div>";

    else if ($course->grade != "" && $course->bool_transfer != true && $course->bool_substitution != true && $course->bool_has_been_assigned == true) {
      // Course is not assigned to a group; it's on the bare degree plan.  group_id = 0.
      // If user is an admin...
      if (user_has_permission("can_substitute")) 
        $tflag = intval($course->bool_transfer);
        $pC .= "<div align='left' class='tenpt'>
					<b>" . t("Special administrative function:") . "</b>
						<a href='javascript: popupUnassignFromGroup(\"$course->course_id\",\"$course->term_id\",\"$tflag\",\"0\");'>" . t("Remove from the degree plan?") . "</a></div>";
        $pC .= "</div>";


    // Substitutors get extra information:
    if (user_has_permission("can_substitute") && $course->assigned_to_group_id > 0) {

      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top: 20px;'>
					<b>" . t("Special administrative information:") . "</b>
				<span id='viewinfolink'
				onClick='document.getElementById(\"admin_info\").style.display=\"\";\"none\"; '
				class='hand' style='color: blue;'
				> - " . t("Click to show") . " -</span>					
					<div style='padding-left: 20px; display:none;' id='admin_info'>

      // Course is assigned to a group.
      if ($course->assigned_to_group_id > 0) {
        $group = new Group();
        $group->group_id = $course->assigned_to_group_id;

        $pC .= "
  					" . t("Course is assigned to group:") . "<br>
  					&nbsp; " . t("Group ID:") . " $group->group_id<br>
  					&nbsp; " . t("Title:") . " $group->title<br>";
        $pC .= "&nbsp; <i>" . t("Internal name:") . " $group->group_name</i><br>";

        $pC .= "&nbsp; " . t("Catalog year:") . " $group->catalog_year
      $pC .= "

    if ($course->bool_substitution == true) 
      // Find out who did it and if they left any remarks.
      $db = $this->db;
      $temp = $db->get_substitution_details($course->db_substitution_id);
      $by = $db->get_faculty_name($temp ["faculty_id"], false);
      $remarks = $temp ["remarks"];
      $ondate = format_date($temp ["posted"], "", "n/d/Y");

      if ($by != "") 
        $by = " by $by, on $ondate.";

      if ($remarks != "") 
        $remarks = " " . t("Substitution remarks:") . " <i>$remarks</i>.";

      $forthecourse = t("for the original course
						requirement of") . " <b>" . $course->course_substitution->subject_id . " 
						" . $course->course_substitution->course_num . "</b>";
      if ($temp ["required_course_id"] * 1 == 0) 
        $forthecourse = "";

      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top: 10px;'>
						<b>" . t("Note:") . "</b> " . t("This course was substituted into the 
						degree plan") . " $forthecourse

      if (user_has_permission("can_substitute")) {
        $pC .= "<div align='left' class='tenpt' style='padding-left: 10px;'>
					<b>" . t("Special administrative function:") . "</b>
					<a href='javascript: popupRemoveSubstitution(\"$course->db_substitution_id\");'>" . t("Remove substitution?") . "</a>


    // Only show if the course has not been taken...
    if ($course->has_variable_hours() && $course->grade == "") 
      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top: 10px;'>
					" . t("This course has variable hours. Please select 
					how many hours this course will be worth:") . "<br>
					<select name='selHours' id='selHours' onChange='popupSetVarHours();'>

      // Correct for ghost hours, if they are there.
      $min_h = $course->min_hours;
      $max_h = $course->max_hours;
      if ($course->bool_ghost_min_hour) {
        $min_h = 0;
      if ($course->bool_ghost_hour) {
        $max_h = 0;

      for ($t = $min_h; $t <= $max_h; $t++) 
        $sel = "";
        if ($t == $course->advised_hours) {
          $sel = "SELECTED";
        $pC .= "<option value='$t' $sel>$t</option>";
      $pC .= "</select> " . t("hours.") . "<br>

      if ($course->advised_hours > -1) 
        $var_hours_default = $course->advised_hours;
      else {
        $var_hours_default = $min_h;


    if ($show_advising_buttons == true && !$this->bool_blank) {

      // Insert a hidden radio button so the javascript works okay...
      $pC .= "<input type='radio' name='course' value='$course->course_id' checked='checked'
					style='display: none;'>
					<input type='hidden' name='varHours' id='varHours' value='$var_hours_default'>";

      if (user_has_permission("can_advise_students")) 
        $pC .= "<div style='margin-top: 20px;'>
				" . fp_render_button(t("Select Course"), "popupAssignSelectedCourseToGroup(\"$group->assigned_to_semester_num\", \"$group->group_id\",\"$advising_term_id\",\"$db_group_requirement_id\");", true, "style='font-size: 10pt;'") . "
    else if ($show_advising_buttons == false && $course->has_variable_hours() == true && $course->grade == "" && user_has_permission("can_advise_students") && !$this->bool_blank) {
      // Show an "update" button, and use the course's assigned_to_group_id and
      // assigned_to_semester_num.
      $pC .= "
					<input type='hidden' name='varHours' id='varHours' value='$var_hours_default'>";

      $pC .= fp_render_button(t("Update"), "popupUpdateSelectedCourse(\"$course->course_id\",\"$course->assigned_to_group_id\",\"$course->assigned_to_semester_num\",\"$course->random_id\",\"$advising_term_id\");");


    return $pC;

   * Simple function to make an institution name look more pretty, because
   * all institution names pass through ucwords(), sometimes the capitalization
   * gets messed up.  This function tries to correct it.
   * Feel free to override it and add to it, if needed.
   * @param string $str
   * @return string
  function fix_institution_name($str) 
    $str = str_replace("-", " - ", $str);
    $str = ucwords(strtolower($str));
    $str = str_replace(" Of ", " of ", $str);
    $str = str_replace("clep", "CLEP", $str);
    $str = str_replace("_clep", "CLEP", $str);
    $str = str_replace("_act", "ACT", $str);
    $str = str_replace("_sat", "SAT", $str);
    $str = str_replace("Ap ", "AP ", $str);
    $str = str_replace("_dsst", "DSST", $str);

    // Fix school initials.
    // Turns "Ulm" into "ULM"
    $school_initials = $GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["school_initials"];
    $str = str_replace(ucwords(strtolower($school_initials)), $school_initials, $str);

    if ($str == "") 
      $str = "<i>unknown institution</i>";

    return $str;

   * Left in for legacy reasons, this function uses a new Course object's
   * method of $course->fix_title to make a course's title more readable.
   * @param string $str
   * @return stromg
  function fix_course_title($str) 

    $new_course = new Course();
    $str = $new_course->fix_title($str);

    return $str;

   * Given a Semester object, this will generate the HTML to draw it out
   * to the screen.
   * @param Semester $semester
   * @param bool $bool_display_hour_count
   *       - If set to TRUE, it will display a small "hour count" message
   *         at the bottom of each semester, showing how many hours are in
   *         the semester.  Good for debugging purposes.
   * @return string
  function display_semester(Semester $semester, $bool_display_hour_count = false) 
    // Display the contents of a semester object
    // on the screen (in HTML)
    $pC = "";
    $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_top($semester->title);

    $count_hoursCompleted = 0;

    // First, display the list of bare courses.


    while ($semester->list_courses->has_more()) 
      $course = $semester->list_courses->get_next();
      // Is this course being fulfilled by anything?

      if (!($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty)) 
       { // this requirement is being fulfilled by something the student took...

        $pC .= $this->draw_course_row($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first());
        $course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first()->bool_has_been_displayed = true;

        if ($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first()->display_status == "completed") 
         { // We only want to count completed hours, no midterm or enrolled courses.
          $h = $course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first()->hours_awarded;
          if ($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first()->bool_ghost_hour == TRUE) {
            $h = 0;
          $count_hoursCompleted += $h;

      else {
        // This requirement is not being fulfilled...
        $pC .= $this->draw_course_row($course);


      //$pC .= "</td></tr>";


    // Now, draw all the groups.
    while ($semester->list_groups->has_more()) 

      $group = $semester->list_groups->get_next();
      $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8'>";
      $pC .= $this->display_group($group);
      $count_hoursCompleted += $group->hours_fulfilled_for_credit;
      $pC .= "</td></tr>";

    // Add hour count to the bottom...
    if ($bool_display_hour_count == true && $count_hoursCompleted > 0) 
      $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8'>
				<div class='tenpt' style='text-align:right; margin-top: 10px;'>
				Completed hours: $count_hoursCompleted
      $pC .= "</td></tr>";

    // Does the semester have a notice?
    if ($semester->notice != "") 
      $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8'>
					<div class='hypo tenpt' style='margin-top: 15px; padding: 5px;'>
						<b>Important Notice:</b> $semester->notice

    $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_bottom();

    return $pC;

   * This function displays a Group object on the degree plan.  This is not
   * the selection popup display.  It will either show the group as multi
   * rows, filled in with courses, or as a "blank row" for the user to click
   * on.
   * @param Group $place_group
   * @return string
  function display_group(Group $place_group) 
    // Display a group, either filled in with courses,
    // and/or with a "blank row" for the user to
    // click on.
    $pC = "";

    // Now, if you will recall, all of the groups and their courses, etc,
    // are in the degree_plan's list_groups.  The $place_group object here
    // is just a placeholder.  So, get the real group...

    if (!$group = $this->degree_plan->find_group($place_group->group_id)) 
      fpm("Group not found.");

    $title = $group->title;

    $display_course_list = new CourseList();

    // Okay, first look for courses in the first level
    // of the group.

    $display_semesterNum = $place_group->assigned_to_semester_num;

    while ($group->list_courses->has_more()) 
      $course = $group->list_courses->get_next();

      // Do we have enough hours to keep going?
      $fulfilled_hours = $display_course_list->count_hours();
      $remaining = $place_group->hours_required - $fulfilled_hours;

      // If the course in question is part of a substitution that is not
      // for this group, then we should skip it.
      if (!($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty)) 
        $try_c = $course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first();
        if ($try_c->bool_substitution == true && $try_c->assigned_to_group_id != $group->group_id) 


      if (!($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty) && $course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first()->bool_has_been_displayed != true && $course->bool_has_been_displayed != true) 
        $c = $course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first();
        if ($remaining < $c->get_hours()) 

        $c->temp_flag = false;
        $c->icon_filename = $group->icon_filename;
        $c->title_text = "This course is a member of $group->title.";


      if ($course->bool_advised_to_take && $course->bool_has_been_displayed != true && $course->assigned_to_semester_num == $display_semesterNum) 
        $c = $course;
        if ($remaining < $c->get_hours()) 

        $c->temp_flag = true;
        $c->icon_filename = $group->icon_filename;
        $c->title_text = "The student has been advised to take this course to fulfill a $group->title requirement.";


    while ($group->list_groups->has_more()) 
      $branch = $group->list_groups->get_next();
      // look for courses at this level...
      if (!$branch->list_courses->is_empty) 

        while ($branch->list_courses->has_more()) 
          $course = $branch->list_courses->get_next();

          // Do we have enough hours to keep going?
          $fulfilled_hours = $display_course_list->count_hours();
          $remaining = $place_group->hours_required - $fulfilled_hours;

          if (!($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty) && $course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first()->bool_has_been_displayed != true && $course->bool_has_been_displayed != true) 
            $c = $course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first();
            if ($remaining < $c->get_hours() || $remaining < 1) 

            $c->temp_flag = false;
            $c->icon_filename = $group->icon_filename;
            $c->title_text = "This course is a member of $group->title.";

            if (!$display_course_list->find_match($c)) 
             { // Make sure it isn't already in the display list.

            else if (is_object($c->course_transfer)) 
              if (!$display_course_list->find_match($c->course_transfer)) 
               { // Make sure it isn't already in the display list.


          if ($course->bool_advised_to_take && $course->bool_has_been_displayed != true && $course->assigned_to_semester_num == $display_semesterNum) 

            $c = $course;
            if ($remaining < $c->get_hours() || $remaining < 1) 


            $c->temp_flag = true;
            $c->icon_filename = $group->icon_filename;
            $c->title_text = "The student has been advised to take this course to fulfill a $group->title requirement.";
            if (!$display_course_list->find_match($c)) 





    $pC .= $this->display_group_course_list($display_course_list, $group, $display_semesterNum);

    $fulfilled_hours = $display_course_list->count_hours("", false, false, true);
    $fulfilled_credit_hours = $display_course_list->count_credit_hours("", false, true);

    $test_hours = $fulfilled_hours;
    // if the fulfilledCreditHours is > than the fulfilledHours,
    // then assign the fulfilledCreditHours to the testHours.
    if ($fulfilled_credit_hours > $fulfilled_hours) 
     { // done to fix a bug involving splitting hours in a substitution.		  
      $test_hours = $fulfilled_credit_hours;
    // If there are any remaining hours in this group,
    // draw a "blank" selection row.
    $remaining = $place_group->hours_required - $test_hours;
    $place_group->hours_remaining = $remaining;
    $place_group->hours_fulfilled = $fulfilled_hours;
    $place_group->hours_fulfilled_for_credit = $fulfilled_credit_hours;
    if ($remaining > 0) 
      $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8' class='tenpt'>";
      $pC .= $this->draw_group_select_row($place_group, $remaining);
      $pC .= "</td></tr>";

    return $pC;

   * Find all instaces of a Course in a Group and mark as displayed.
   * @param Group $group
   * @param Course $course
  function mark_course_as_displayed(Group $group, Course $course) 
    // Find all instances of $course in $group,
    // and mark as displayed.

    if ($obj_list = $group->list_courses->find_all_matches($course)) 
      $course_list = CourseList::cast($obj_list);
    // Now, go through all the course lists within each branch...
    while ($group->list_groups->has_more()) 
      $g = $group->list_groups->get_next();
      if ($obj_list = $g->list_courses->find_all_matches($course)) 

        $course_list = CourseList::cast($obj_list);


   * Displays all the courses in a CourseList object, using
   * the draw_course_row function.
   * It looks like the group and semester_num are not being used
   * anymore.
   * @todo Check on unused variables.
   * @param CourseList $course_list
   * @param unknown_type $group
   * @param unknown_type $semester_num
   * @return unknown
  function display_group_course_list($course_list, $group, $semester_num) 
    while ($course_list->has_more()) 
      $course = $course_list->get_next();

      $pC .= $this->draw_course_row($course, $course->icon_filename, $course->title_text, $course->temp_flag);

      // Doesn't matter if its a specified repeat or not.  Just
      // mark it as having been displayed.
      $course->bool_has_been_displayed = true;

    return $pC;


   * This draws the "blank row" for a group on the degree plan, which instructs
   * the user to click on it to select a course from the popup.
   * @param Group $group
   * @param int $remaining_hours
   * @return string
  function draw_group_select_row(Group $group, $remaining_hours) 
    $pC = "";
    $img_path = fp_theme_location() . "/images";
    $on_mouse_over = " onmouseover=\"style.backgroundColor='#FFFF99'\"
      				onmouseout=\"style.backgroundColor='white'\" ";

    if ($this->page_is_mobile) {
      $on_mouse_over = ""; // Causes problems for some mobile devices.

    $w1_1 = $this->width_array [0];
    $w1_2 = $this->width_array [1];
    $w1_3 = $this->width_array [2];
    $w2 = $this->width_array [3];
    $w3 = $this->width_array [4];
    $w4 = $this->width_array [5];
    $w5 = $this->width_array [6];
    $w6 = $this->width_array [7];

    $s = "s";
    if ($remaining_hours < 2) 
      $s = "";
    $select_icon = "<img src='$img_path/select.gif' border='0'>";
    $icon_link = "<img src='$img_path/icons/$group->icon_filename' width='19' height='19' border='0' alt='$title_text' title='$title_text'>";

    $blank_degree_id = "";
    if ($this->bool_blank) 
      $blank_degree_id = $this->degree_plan->degree_id;

    $js_code = "selectCourseFromGroup(\"$group->group_id\", \"$group->assigned_to_semester_num\", \"$remaining_hours\", \"$blank_degree_id\");";

    $row_msg = "<i>Click <font color='red'>&gt;&gt;</font> to select $remaining_hours hour$s.</i>";
    $hand_class = "hand";

    if ($this->bool_print) 
      // In print view, disable all popups and mouseovers.
      $on_mouse_over = "";
      $js_code = "";
      $hand_class = "";
      $row_msg = "<i>Select $remaining_hours hour$s from $group->title.</i>";

    if ($group->group_id == -88) 
     { // This is the Add a Course group.
      $row_msg = "<i>Click to add an additional course.</i>";
      $select_icon = "<span style='font-size: 16pt; color:blue;'>+</span>";
      $icon_link = "";

    $pC .= "
   		<table border='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' align='left'>
     	<tr height='20' class='$hand_class'
      		$on_mouse_over title='$group->title'>
      		<td width='$w1_1' align='left'>&nbsp;</td>
      		<td width='$w1_2' align='left' onClick='$js_code'>$icon_link</td>
      		<td width='$w1_3' align='left' onClick='$js_code'>$select_icon</td>
      		<td align='left' colspan='5' class='tenpt underline' onClick='$js_code'>

    return $pC;

   * Uses the draw_box_top function, specifically for semesters.
   * @param string $title
   * @param bool $hideheaders
   * @return string
  function draw_semester_box_top($title, $hideheaders = false) 

    $w = 340;
    if ($this->page_is_mobile) {
      $w = "100%";
    return $this->draw_box_top($title, $hideheaders, $w);

   * Uses the draw_box_bottom function, specifically for semesters.
   * Actually, this function is a straight alias for $this->draw_box_bottom().
   * @return string
  function draw_semester_box_bottom() 
    return $this->draw_box_bottom();

   * Very, very simple.  Just returns "</table>";
   * @return string
  function draw_box_bottom() 
    return "</table>";

   * Used to draw the beginning of semester boxes and other boxes, for example
   * the footnotes.
   * @param string $title
   * @param bool $hideheaders
   *       - If TRUE, then the course/hrs/grd headers will not be displayed.
   * @param int $table_width
   *       - The HTML table width, in pixels.  If not set, it will default
   *         to 300 pixels wide.
   * @return string
  function draw_box_top($title, $hideheaders = false, $table_width = 300) {
    // returns the beginnings of the year tables...

    // Get width values from width_array (supplied by calling function,
    // for example, draw_year_box_top
    $w1_1 = $this->width_array [0];
    $w1_2 = $this->width_array [1];
    $w1_3 = $this->width_array [2];
    $w2 = $this->width_array [3];
    $w3 = $this->width_array [4];
    $w4 = $this->width_array [5];
    $w5 = $this->width_array [6];
    $w6 = $this->width_array [7];

    if ($this->bool_popup == true) 
      $w1_1 = $this->popup_width_array [0];
      $w1_2 = $this->popup_width_array [1];
      $w1_3 = $this->popup_width_array [2];
      $w2 = $this->popup_width_array [3];
      $w3 = $this->popup_width_array [4];
      $w4 = $this->popup_width_array [5];
      $w5 = $this->popup_width_array [6];
      $w6 = $this->popup_width_array [7];

    $headers = array();
    if ($hideheaders != true) 
      $headers [0] = t("Course");
      $headers [1] = t("Hrs");
      $headers [2] = t("Grd");
      $headers [3] = t("Pts");

    $rtn = "
		   <table border='0' width='$table_width' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' class='fp-box-top'>
    		<td colspan='8' class='blueTitle' align='center' valign='top'>
    $rtn .= fp_render_curved_line($title);

    $rtn .= "
    if (!$hide_headers) 
      $rtn .= "
   			<tr height='20'>

    			<td width='$w1_1' align='left'>

    			<td width='$w1_2' align='left'>

    			<td width='$w1_3' align='left'>
        		<td align='left' width='$w2'>
     				<font size='2'><b>$headers [0]</b></font>

    			<td width='$w3' align='left'>&nbsp;</td>
    			<td width='$w4'>
     				<font size='2'><b>$headers [1]</b></font>
    			<td width='$w5'>
     				<font size='2'><b>$headers [2]</b></font>
    			<td width='$w6'>
     				<font size='2'><b>$headers [3]</b></font>
    return $rtn;

  } // draw_year_box_top

   * This is used by lots of other functions to display a course on the screen.
   * It will show the course, the hours, the grade, and quality points, as well
   * as any necessary icons next to it.
   * @param Course $course
   * @param string $icon_filename
   * @param string $title_text
   * @param bool $js_toggle_and_save
   *         - If set to TRUE, when the checkbox next to this course is clicked,
   *           the page will be submitted and a draft will be saved.
   * @param bool $bool_display_check
   *         - If set to FALSE, no checkbox will be displayed for this course row.
   * @param bool $bool_add_footnote
   * @param bool $bool_add_asterisk_to_transfers
   * @return string
  function draw_course_row(Course $course, $icon_filename = "", $title_text = "", $js_toggle_and_save = false, $bool_display_check = true, $bool_add_footnote = true, $bool_add_asterisk_to_transfers = false) 
    // Display a course itself...
    $pC = "";
    $w1_1 = $this->width_array [0];
    $w1_2 = $this->width_array [1];
    $w1_3 = $this->width_array [2];
    $w2 = $this->width_array [3];
    $w3 = $this->width_array [4];
    $w4 = $this->width_array [5];
    $w5 = $this->width_array [6];
    $w6 = $this->width_array [7];

    $img_path = fp_theme_location() . "/images";

    // The current term we are advising for.
    $advising_term_id = $GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_term_id"];
    if (!$advising_term_id) {
      $advising_term_id = 0;

    // If the course has already been advised in a different semester,
    // we should set the advising_term_id to that and disable unchecking.
    if ($course->advised_term_id * 1 > 0 && $course->bool_advised_to_take == true && $course->advised_term_id != $advising_term_id) 
      $course->display_status = "disabled";
      $advising_term_id = $course->advised_term_id;

    if ($course->subject_id == "") 

    $subject_id = $course->subject_id;
    $course_num = $course->course_num;

    $o_subject_id = $subject_id;
    $o_course_num = $course_num;

    $footnote = "";
    $ast = "";
    // Is this actually a transfer course?  If so, display its
    // original subject_id and course_num.
    if ($course->bool_transfer == true) 
      $subject_id = $course->course_transfer->subject_id;
      $course_num = $course->course_transfer->course_num;
      $institution_name = $course->course_transfer->institution_name;

      if ($bool_add_asterisk_to_transfers == true) 
        if ($course->course_transfer->transfer_eqv_text != "") 
          $ast = "*";
          $GLOBALS ["advising_course_has_asterisk"] = true;

      // Apply a footnote if it has a local eqv.
      if ($bool_add_footnote == true && $course->course_id > 0) 
        $footnote = "";

        $footnote .= "<span class='superscript'>T";
        $fcount = count($this->footnote_array ["transfer"]) + 1;
        if ($course->bool_has_been_displayed == true) 
         { // If we've already displayed this course once, and are
          // now showing it again (like in the Transfer Credit list)
          // we do not want to increment the footnote counter.
          $fcount = $course->transfer_footnote;
        $course->transfer_footnote = $fcount;
        $footnote .= "$fcount</span>";
        $this->footnote_array ["transfer"][$fcount] = "$o_subject_id $o_course_num ~~ $subject_id $course_num ~~  ~~ $institution_name";

    if ($course->bool_substitution == true) 

      if ($course->course_substitution->subject_id == "") 
       { // Reload subject_id, course_num, etc, for the substitution course,
        // which is actually the original requirement.
        if (is_object($course->course_substitution)) 


      $o_subject_id = $course->course_substitution->subject_id;
      $o_course_num = $course->course_substitution->course_num;

      if ($bool_add_footnote == true) 
        $footnote = "";
        $footnote .= "<span class='superscript'>S";
        $fcount = count($this->footnote_array ["substitution"]) + 1;
        if ($course->bool_has_been_displayed == true) 
         { // If we've already displayed this course once, and are
          // now showing it again (like in the Transfer Credit list)
          // we do not want to increment the footnote counter.
          $fcount = $course->substitution_footnote;
        $course->substitution_footnote = $fcount;
        $footnote .= "$fcount</span>";
        $this->footnote_array ["substitution"][$fcount] = "$o_subject_id $o_course_num ~~ $subject_id $course_num ~~ $course->substitution_hours ~~ $course->assigned_to_group_id";


    $hours = $course->hours_awarded * 1;

    if ($hours <= 0) {
      // Some kind of error-- default to catalog hours
      $hours = $course->get_catalog_hours();

    $hours = $hours * 1; // force numeric, trim extra zeros.

    $var_hour_icon = "&nbsp;";

    if ($course->has_variable_hours() == true && !$course->bool_taken) 
      // The bool_taken part of this IF statement is because if the course
      // has been completed, we should only use the hours_awarded.

      $var_hour_icon = "<img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/var_hour.gif'
								title='" . t("This course has variable hours.") . "'
								alt='" . t("This course has variable hours.") . "'>";
      $hours = $course->get_advised_hours();


    if ($course->bool_ghost_hour == TRUE) {
      // This course was given a "ghost hour", meaning it is actually
      // worth 0 hours, not 1, even though it's hours_awarded is currently
      // set to 1.  So, let's just make the display be 0.
      $hours = "0";

    $grade = $course->grade;

    $dispgrade = $grade;
    // If there is a MID, then this is a midterm grade.
    $dispgrade = str_replace("MID", "<span class='superscript'>" . t("mid") . "</span>", $dispgrade);

    if (strtoupper($grade) == "E") 
     { // Currently enrolled.  Show no grade.
      $dispgrade = "";

    if ($course->bool_hide_grade) 
      $dispgrade = "--";
      $this->bool_hiding_grades = true;

    $display_status = $course->display_status;

    if ($display_status == "completed") 
      $pts = $this->get_quality_points($grade, $hours);

    $course_id = $course->course_id;
    $semester_num = $course->assigned_to_semester_num;
    $group_id = $course->assigned_to_group_id;
    $random_id = $course->random_id;
    $advised_hours = $course->advised_hours;

    $unique_id = $course_id . "_" . $semester_num . "_" . rand(1, 9999);
    $hid_name = "advisecourse_$course_id" . "_$semester_num" . "_$group_id" . "_$advised_hours" . "_$random_id" . "_$advising_term_id" . "_random" . rand(1, 9999);
    $hid_value = "";
    $opchecked = "";
    if ($course->bool_advised_to_take == true) 
      $hid_value = "true";
      $opchecked = "-check";

    $op_on_click_function = "toggleSelection";
    if ($js_toggle_and_save == true) 
      $op_on_click_function = "toggleSelectionAndSave";

    $extra_js_vars = "";
    if ($course->display_status == "disabled") 
     { // Checkbox needs to be disabled because this was advised in another
      // term.
      $op_on_click_function = "toggleDisabledChangeTerm";
      $course->term_id = $course->advised_term_id;
      $extra_js_vars = $course->get_term_description();


    if ($course->display_status == "completed" || $course->display_status == "enrolled") 
      $op_on_click_function = "toggleDisabledCompleted";
      $opchecked = "";
      $extra_js_vars = $course->display_status;

    if ($course->display_status == "retake") 
      // this course was probably subbed in while the student
      // was still enrolled, and they have since made an F or W.
      // So, disable it.
      $op_on_click_function = "dummyToggleSelection";
      $opchecked = "";

    if ($this->bool_print || $this->bool_blank) 
      // If this is print view, disable clicking.
      $op_on_click_function = "dummyToggleSelection";

    if (!user_has_permission("can_advise_students")) 
      // This user does not have the abilty to advise,
      // so take away the ability to toggle anything (like
      // we are in print view).
      $op_on_click_function = "dummyToggleSelection";

    $op = "<img src='$img_path/cb_" . $display_status . "$opchecked.gif'
    $hid = "<input type='hidden' name='$hid_name'
						id='advisecourse_$unique_id' value='$hid_value'>";

    // Okay, we can't actually serialize a course, as it takes too much space.
    // It was slowing down the page load significantly!  So, I am going
    // to use a function I wrote called to_data_string().

    $data_string = $course->to_data_string();
    $blank_degree_id = "";
    if ($this->bool_blank == true) 
      $blank_degree_id = $this->degree_plan->degree_id;

    $js_code = "describeCourse(\"$data_string\",\"$blank_degree_id\");";

    $icon_link = "";

    if ($course->requirement_type == "um" || $course->requirement_type == "uc") 
      $icon_filename = "ucap.gif";
      $title_text = t("This course is a University Capstone.");

    if ($icon_filename != "") {
      $icon_link = "<img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/icons/$icon_filename' width='19' height='19' border='0' alt='$title_text' title='$title_text'>";

    $on_mouse_over = " onmouseover=\"style.backgroundColor='#FFFF99'\"
      				onmouseout=\"style.backgroundColor='white'\" ";

    if (fp_screen_is_mobile()) {
      $on_mouse_over = ""; // Causes problems for some mobile devices.

    $hand_class = "hand";

    if ($bool_display_check == false) {
      $op = $hid = "";

    if ($this->bool_print) {
      // In print view, disable all popups and mouseovers.
      $on_mouse_over = "";
      $js_code = "";
      $hand_class = "";

    $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8'>";

    if ($course->bool_substitution_new_from_split != true || ($course->bool_substitution_new_from_split == true && $course->display_status != "eligible")) {

      if ($course_num == "") {
        $course_num = "&nbsp;";

      $pC .= "
   		<table border='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' align='left'>
     	<tr height='20' class='$hand_class $display_status'
      		$on_mouse_over title='$title_text'>
      		<td width='$w1_1' align='left'>$op$hid</td>
      		<td width='$w1_2' align='left' onClick='$js_code'>$icon_link</td>
      		<td width='$w1_3' align='left' onClick='$js_code'>&nbsp;$ast</td>
      		<td align='left' width='$w2' class='tenpt underline' onClick='$js_code'>
       		<td class='tenpt underline' width='$w3' align='left' 
	       <td class='tenpt underline' width='$w4' onClick='$js_code'>$hours$var_hour_icon</td>
       	   <td class='tenpt underline' width='$w5' onClick='$js_code'>$dispgrade&nbsp;</td>
       	   <td class='tenpt underline' width='$w6' onClick='$js_code'>$pts&nbsp;</td>

    else {
      // These are the leftover hours from a partial substitution.

      $pC .= "
   		<table border='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' align='left'>
     	<tr height='20' class='hand $display_status'
      		$on_mouse_over title='$title_text'>
      		<td width='$w1_1' align='left'>$op$hid</td>
      		<td width='$w1_2' align='left' onClick='$js_code'>$icon_link</td>
      		<td width='$w1_3' align='left' onClick='$js_code'>&nbsp;</td>
      		<td align='left' class='tenpt underline' onClick='$js_code'
       				&nbsp; &nbsp; $subject_id &nbsp;
	       			&nbsp; ($hours " . t("hrs left") . ")


    $pC .= "</td></tr>";

    return $pC;

   * Calculate the quality points for a grade and hours.
   * This function is very similar to the one in the Course class.
   * It is only slightly different here.  Possibly, the two functions should be
   * merged.
   * @param string $grade
   * @param int $hours
   * @return int
  function get_quality_points($grade, $hours) {

    $pts = 0;
    $qpts_grades = array();

    // Let's find out what our quality point grades & values are...
    if (isset($GLOBALS ["qpts_grades"])) {
      // have we already cached this?
      $qpts_grades = $GLOBALS ["qpts_grades"];
    else {
      $tlines = explode("\n", variable_get("quality_points_grades", "A ~ 4\nB ~ 3\nC ~ 2\nD ~ 1\nF ~ 0\nI ~ 0"));
      foreach ($tlines as $tline) {
        $temp = explode("~", trim($tline));
        if (trim($temp [0]) != "") {
          $qpts_grades [trim($temp [0])] = trim($temp [1]);

      $GLOBALS ["qpts_grades"] = $qpts_grades; // save to cache

    // Okay, find out what the points are by multiplying value * hours...

    if (isset($qpts_grades [$grade])) {
      $pts = $qpts_grades [$grade] * $hours;

    return $pts;


   * Used in the group selection popup, this will display a course with
   * a radio button next to it, so the user can select it.
   * @param Course $course
   * @param int $group_hours_remaining
   * @return string
  function draw_popup_group_select_course_row(Course $course, $group_hours_remaining = 0) 
    // Display a course itself...
    $pC = "";
    $w1_1 = $this->popup_width_array [0];
    $w1_2 = $this->popup_width_array [1];
    $w1_3 = $this->popup_width_array [2];
    $w2 = $this->popup_width_array [3];
    $w3 = $this->popup_width_array [4];
    $w4 = $this->popup_width_array [5];
    $w5 = $this->popup_width_array [6];
    $w6 = $this->popup_width_array [7];

    if ($course->subject_id == "") 
      // Lacking course's display data, so reload it from the DB.

    $subject_id = $course->subject_id;
    $course_num = $course->course_num;
    $hours = $course->get_catalog_hours();
    $display_status = $course->display_status;
    $db_group_requirement_id = $course->db_group_requirement_id;
    $grade = $course->grade;
    $repeats = $course->specified_repeats;
    if ($repeats > 0) 
      $w3 = "15%";

    $course_id = $course->course_id;
    $group_id = $course->assigned_to_group_id;
    $semester_num = $course->assigned_to_semester_num;

    $var_hour_icon = "&nbsp;";
    if ($course->has_variable_hours() == true) 
      $var_hour_icon = "<img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/var_hour.gif'
								title='" . t("This course has variable hours.") . "'
								alt='" . t("This course has variable hours.") . "'>";

    $checked = "";
    if ($course->bool_selected == true) 
      $checked = " checked='checked' ";
    $op = "<input type='radio' name='course' value='$course_id' $checked>";
    $hid = "<input type='hidden' name='$course_id" . "_subject'
						id='$course_id" . "_subject' value='$subject_id'>
					<input type='hidden' name='$course_id" . "_db_group_requirement_id'
						id='$course_id" . "_db_group_requirement_id' value='$db_group_requirement_id'>";

    $blank_degree_id = "";
    if ($this->bool_blank) 
      $blank_degree_id = $this->degree_plan->degree_id;

    //$serializedCourse = urlencode(serialize($course));
    $js_code = "popupDescribeSelected(\"$group_id\",\"$semester_num\",\"$course_id\",\"$subject_id\",\"group_hours_remaining=$group_hours_remaining&db_group_requirement_id=$db_group_requirement_id&blank_degree_id=$blank_degree_id\");";

    $on_mouse_over = " onmouseover=\"style.backgroundColor='#FFFF99'\"
      				onmouseout=\"style.backgroundColor='white'\" ";

    if ($this->page_is_mobile) {
      $on_mouse_over = ""; // Causes problems for some mobile devices.

    $hand_class = "hand";
    $extra_style = "";

    if ($course->bool_unselectable == true) 
      // Cannot be selected, so remove that ability!
      $hand_class = "";
      $on_mouse_over = "";
      $js_code = "";
      $op = "";
      $extra_style = "style='font-style: italic; color:gray;'";

    $pC .= "
   		<table border='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' align='left'>
     	<tr height='20' class='$hand_class $display_status'
      		$on_mouse_over title='$title_text'>
      		<td width='$w1_1' align='left'>$op$hid</td>
      		<td width='$w1_2' align='left' onClick='$js_code'>$icon_link</td>
      		<td width='$w1_3' align='left' onClick='$js_code'>&nbsp;</td>
      		<td align='left' width='$w2' class='tenpt underline' 
      				onClick='$js_code' $extra_style>
       		<td class='tenpt underline' $extra_style width='$w3' align='left' 
    if ($repeats > 0) 
      $pC .= "
				<td class='tenpt underline' style='color: gray;' 
					onClick='$js_code' colspan='3'>
				<i>" . t("May take up to") . " <span style='color: blue;'>" . ($repeats + 1) . "</span> " . t("times.") . "</i>
    else {

      $pC .= "
	       <td class='tenpt underline' width='$w4' onClick='$js_code' $extra_style>$hours&nbsp;$var_hour_icon</td>
       	   <td class='tenpt underline' width='$w5' onClick='$js_code'>$grade&nbsp;</td>
       	   <td class='tenpt underline' width='$w6' onClick='$js_code'>$pts&nbsp;</td>

    $pC .= "

    return $pC;

   * This is used to display the substitution popup to a user, to let them
   * actually make a substitution.
   * @param int $course_id
   * @param int $group_id
   * @param int $semester_num
   * @param int $hours_avail
   * @return string
  function display_popup_substitute($course_id = 0, $group_id, $semester_num, $hours_avail = "") 
    // This lets the user make a substitution for a course.
    $pC = "";

    $course = new Course($course_id);
    $bool_sub_add = false;

    $c_title = t("Substitute for") . " $course->subject_id $course->course_num";
    if ($course_id == 0) 
      $c_title = t("Substitute an additional course");
      $bool_sub_add = true;
    $pC .= fp_render_curved_line($c_title);

    $extra = ".<input type='checkbox' id='cbAddition' value='true' style='display:none;'>";
    if ($group_id > 0) 
      $new_group = new Group($group_id);
      $checked = "";
      if ($bool_sub_add == true) {
        $checked = "checked disabled";
      $extra = " " . t("in the group %newg.", array("%newg" => $new_group->title)) . "
			" . t("Addition only:") . " <input type='checkbox' id='cbAddition' value='true' $checked> 
			   <a href='javascript: alertSubAddition();'>?</a>";

    $c_hours = $course->max_hours * 1;
    $c_ghost_hour = "";
    if ($course->bool_ghost_hour == TRUE) {
      $c_ghost_hour = t("ghost") . "<a href='javascript: alertSubGhost();'>?</a>";

    if (($hours_avail * 1 > 0 && $hours_avail < $c_hours) || ($c_hours < 1)) 

      // Use the remaining hours if we have fewer hours left in
      // the group than the course we are subbing for.
      $c_hours = $hours_avail;

    if ($hours_avail == "" || $hours_avail * 1 < 1) 
      $hours_avail = $c_hours;

    $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'>
					" . t("Please select a course to substitute
				for %course", array("%course" => "$course->subject_id $course->course_num ($c_hours $c_ghost_hour " . t("hrs") . ")")) . "$extra
				<div class='tenpt' 
					style='height: 175px; overflow: auto; border:1px inset black; padding: 5px;'>
					<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>

    $this->student->list_courses_taken->sort_alphabetical_order(false, true);

    for ($t = 0; $t <= 1; $t++) 
      if ($t == 0) {
        $the_title = "{$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["school_initials"]} " . t("Credits");
        $bool_transferTest = true;
      if ($t == 1) {
        $the_title = t("Transfer Credits");
        $bool_transferTest = false;

      $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='3' valign='top' class='tenpt' style='padding-bottom: 10px;'>
				<td class='tenpt' valign='top' >" . t("Hrs") . "</td>
				<td class='tenpt' valign='top' >" . t("Grd") . "</td>
				<td class='tenpt' valign='top' >" . t("Term") . "</td>

      $is_empty = true;
      while ($this->student->list_courses_taken->has_more()) 
        $c = $this->student->list_courses_taken->get_next();

        if ($c->bool_transfer == $bool_transferTest) 

        if (!$c->meets_min_grade_requirement_of(null, "D")) 
         { // Make sure the grade is OK.

        $t_flag = 0;
        if ($c->bool_transfer == true) 
          $t_flag = 1;
        $is_empty = false;

        $subject_id = $c->subject_id;
        $course_num = $c->course_num;
        $tcourse_id = $c->course_id;

        if ($bool_transferTest == false) 
          // Meaning, we are looking at transfers now.
          // Does the transfer course have an eqv set up?  If so,
          // we want *that* course to appear.
          if (is_object($c->course_transfer)) 
            $subject_id = $c->course_transfer->subject_id;
            $course_num = $c->course_transfer->course_num;
            $tcourse_id = $c->course_transfer->course_id;
            $t_flag = 1;

        $m_hours = $c->hours_awarded * 1;

        if ($c->max_hours * 1 < $m_hours) 
          $m_hours = $c->max_hours * 1;


        if (($hours_avail * 1 > 0 && $hours_avail < $m_hours) || ($m_hours < 1)) 
          $m_hours = $hours_avail;

        // is max_hours more than the original course's hours?
        if ($m_hours > $c_hours) 
          $m_hours = $c_hours;

        if ($m_hours > $c->hours_awarded) 
          $m_hours = $c->hours_awarded;

        if ($c->bool_substitution != true && $c->bool_outdated_sub != true) 
          $h = $c->hours_awarded;
          if ($c->bool_ghost_hour == TRUE) {
            $h .= "(ghost<a href='javascript: alertSubGhost();'>?</a>)";

          $pC .= "<tr>
						<td valign='top' class='tenpt' width='15%'>
							<input type='radio' name='subCourse' id='subCourse' value='$tcourse_id'
						<td valign='top' class='tenpt underline' width='13%'>
						<td valign='top' class='tenpt underline' width='15%'>

						<td valign='top' class='tenpt underline' width='10%'>
						<td valign='top' class='tenpt underline' width='10%'>
						<td valign='top' class='tenpt underline'>
							" . $c->get_term_description(true) . "

        else {

          if (is_object($c->course_substitution) && $c->course_substitution->subject_id == "") 
           { // Load subject_id and course_num of the original
            // requirement.

          $extra = "";
          if ($c->assigned_to_group_id > 0) 
            $new_group = new Group($c->assigned_to_group_id);
            $extra = " in $new_group->title";
          if ($c->bool_outdated_sub == true) 
            $help_link = "<a href='javascript: popupHelpWindow(\"help.php?i=9\");' class='nounderline'>(?)</a>";
            $extra .= " <span style='color:red;'>[" . t("Outdated") . "$help_link]</span>";

          // It has already been substituted!
          $pC .= "<tr style='background-color: beige;'>
						<td valign='top' class='tenpt' width='15%'>
						 " . t("Sub:") . "
						<td valign='top' class='tenpt' colspan='5'>
							$course_num ($c->substitution_hours)
							 -> " . $c->course_substitution->subject_id . "
							 " . $c->course_substitution->course_num . "$extra




      if ($is_empty == true) 
        // Meaning, there were no credits (may be the case with
        // transfer credits)
        $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8' class='tenpt'>
							- " . t("No substitutable credits available.") . "

      $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='4'>&nbsp;</td></tr>";

    $pC .= "</table></div>
		<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top: 5px;'>
			" . t("Select number of hrs to use:") . "
			<select name='subHours' id='subHours' onChange='popupOnChangeSubHours()'>
				<option value=''>" . t("None Selected") . "</option>

    // If we have entered manual hours (like for decimals), they go here:
    // The subManual span will *display* them, the hidden field keeps them so they can be transmitted.		
    $pC .= "
			<span id='subManual' style='font-style:italic; display:none;'></span>			  
			<input type='hidden' id='subManualHours' value=''>

		<input type='hidden' name='subTransferFlag' id='subTransferFlag' value=''>
		<input type='hidden' name='subTermID' id='subTermID' value=''>
		<input type='button' value='Save Substitution' onClick='popupSaveSubstitution(\"$course_id\",\"$group_id\",\"$semester_num\");'>
		<div class='tenpt' style='padding-top: 5px;'><b>" . t("Optional") . "</b> - " . t("Enter remarks:") . " 
		<input type='text' name='subRemarks' id='subRemarks' value='' size='30' maxlength='254'>

    return $pC;

   * This function displays the popup which lets a user select a course to be
   * advised into a group.
   * @param Group $place_group
   * @param int $group_hours_remaining
   * @return string
  function display_popup_group_select(Group $place_group, $group_hours_remaining = 0) 
    $pC = "";

    $advising_term_id = $GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_term_id"];

    if ($place_group->group_id != -88) 
      // This is NOT the Add a Course group.

      if (!$group = $this->degree_plan->find_group($place_group->group_id)) 
        fpm("Group not found.");
    else {
      // This is the Add a Course group.
      $group = $place_group;

    $group_id = $group->group_id;

    // So now we have a group object, $group, which is most likely
    // missing courses.  This is because when we loaded & cached it
    // earlier, we did not load any course which wasn't a "significant course,"
    // meaning, the student didn't have credit for it or the like.
    // So what we need to do now is reload the group, being careful
    // to preserve the existing courses / sub groups in the group.

    if ($group_hours_remaining == 0) 
      // Attempt to figure out the remaining hours (NOT WORKING IN ALL CASES!)
      // This specifically messes up when trying to get fulfilled hours in groups
      // with branches.
      $group_fulfilled_hours = $group->get_fulfilled_hours(true, true, false, $place_group->assigned_to_semester_num);
      $group_hours_remaining = $place_group->hours_required - $group_fulfilled_hours;


    $display_semesterNum = $place_group->assigned_to_semester_num;
    $pC .= "<!--MSG--><!--MSG2--><!--BOXTOP-->";

    $bool_display_submit = true;
    $bool_display_back_to_subject_select = false;
    $bool_subject_select = false;
    $bool_unselectableCourses = false;
    $final_course_list = new CourseList();

    if (!($group->list_courses->is_empty)) 


      $new_course_list = $group->list_courses;
      // Is this list so long that we first need to ask the user to
      // select a subject?
      if ($new_course_list->get_size() > 30) 

        // First, we are only going to do this if there are more
        // than 30 courses, AND more than 2 subjects in the list.
        $subject_array = $new_course_list->get_course_subjects();
        if (count($subject_array) > 2) 
          // First, check to see if the user has already
          // selected a subject.
          $selected_subject = trim(addslashes($_GET ["selected_subject"]));
          if ($selected_subject == "") 
            // Prompt them to select a subject first.
            $pC .= $this->draw_popup_group_subject_select($subject_array, $group->group_id, $display_semesterNum, $group_hours_remaining);
            $new_course_list = new CourseList(); // empty it
            $bool_display_submit = false;
            $bool_subject_select = true;
          else {
            // Reduce the newCourseList to only contain the
            // subjects selected.
            $bool_display_back_to_subject_select = true;



    if (!($group->list_groups->is_empty)) 
      // Basically, this means that this group
      // has multiple subgroups.  We need to find out
      // which branches the student may select from
      // (based on what they have already taken, or been
      // advised to take), and display it (excluding duplicates).
      // The first thing we need to do, is find the subgroup
      // or subgroups with the most # of matches.
      $new_course_list = new CourseList();
      $all_zero = true;

      // Okay, this is a little squirely.  What I need to do
      // first is get a course list of all the courses which
      // are currently either fulfilling or advised for all branches
      // of this group.
      $fa_course_list = new CourseList();
      while ($group->list_groups->has_more()) 
        $branch = $group->list_groups->get_next();
      // Alright, now we create a fake student and set their
      // list_courses_taken, so that we can use this student
      // to recalculate the count_of_matches in just a moment.
      $new_student = new Student();
      $new_student->list_courses_taken = $fa_course_list;

      // Okay, now we need to go through and re-calculate our
      // count_of_matches for each branch.  This is because we
      // have cached this value, and after some advisings, it may
      // not be true any longer.

      $highest_match_count = 0;
      while ($group->list_groups->has_more()) 
        $branch = $group->list_groups->get_next();
        // recalculate count_of_matches here.
        $clone_branch = new Group();
        $clone_branch->list_courses = $branch->list_courses->get_clone(true);
        $matches_count = $this->flightpath->get_count_of_matches($clone_branch, $new_student, null);
        $branch->count_of_matches = $matches_count;
        if ($matches_count >= $highest_match_count) 
         { // Has more than one match on this branch.

          $highest_match_count = $matches_count;

      // If highestMatchCount > 0, then get all the branches
      // which have that same match count.
      if ($highest_match_count > 0) 
        while ($group->list_groups->has_more()) 
          $branch = $group->list_groups->get_next();

          if ($branch->count_of_matches == $highest_match_count) 
           { // This branch has the right number of matches.  Add it.

            $all_zero = false;



      if ($all_zero == true) 
        // Meaning, all of the branches had 0 matches,
        // so we should add all the branches to the
        // newCourseList.

        while ($group->list_groups->has_more()) 
          $branch = $group->list_groups->get_next();
      else {
        // Meaning that at at least one branch is favored.
        // This also means that a user's course
        // selections have been restricted as a result.
        // Replace the MSG at the top saying so.
        $msg = "<div class='tenpt'>" . t("Your selection of courses has been
							restricted based on previous course selections.") . "</div>";
        $pC = str_replace("<!--MSG-->", $msg, $pC);

      // Okay, in the newCourseList object, we should
      // now have a list of all the courses the student is
      // allowed to take, but there are probably duplicates.





    // Remove courses which have been marked as "exclude" in the database.


    // Here's a fun one:  We need to remove courses for which the student
    // already has credit that *don't* have repeating hours.
    // For example, if a student took MATH 113, and it fills in to
    // Core Math, then we should not see it as a choice for advising
    // in Free Electives (or any other group except Add a Course).
    // We also should not see it in other instances of Core Math.
    if ($group->group_id != -88 && $this->bool_blank != TRUE) 
      // Only do this if NOT in Add a Course group...
      // also, don't do it if we're looking at a "blank" degree.
      $final_course_list->remove_previously_fulfilled($this->student->list_courses_taken, $group->group_id, true, $this->student->list_substitutions);


    if (!$final_course_list->has_any_course_selected()) {
      if ($c = $final_course_list->find_first_selectable()) {
        $c->bool_selected = true;

    // flag any courses with more hours than are available for this group.
    if ($final_course_list->assign_unselectable_courses_with_hours_greater_than($group_hours_remaining)) 

      $bool_unselectableCourses = true;

    $pC .= $this->display_popup_group_select_course_list($final_course_list, $group_hours_remaining);

    // If there were no courses in the finalCourseList, display a message.
    if (count($final_course_list->array_list) < 1 && !$bool_subject_select) 
      $pC .= "<tr>
					<td colspan='8'>
						<div class='tenpt'>
						<b>Please Note:</b> 
						" . t("FlightPath could not find any eligible
						courses to display for this list.  Ask your advisor
						if you have completed courses, or may enroll in
						courses, which can be
						displayed here.");

      if (user_has_permission("can_advise_students")) {
        // This is an advisor, so put in a little more
        // information.
        $pC .= "
									<div class='tenpt' style='padding-top: 5px;'><b>" . t("Special note to advisors:") . "</b> " . t("You may still
											advise a student to take a course, even if it is unselectable
											in this list.  Use the \"add an additional course\" link at
											the bottom of the page.") . "</div>";
      $pC .= "						</div>
      $bool_no_courses = true;

    $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_bottom();

    $s = "s";

    if ($group_hours_remaining == 1) {
      $s = "";
    if ($bool_unselectableCourses == true) {
      $unselectable_notice = " <div class='tenpt'><i>(" . t("Courses worth more than %hrs hour$s
								may not be selected.", array("%hrs" => $group_hours_remaining)) . ")</i></div>";
      if (user_has_permission("can_advise_students")) {
        // This is an advisor, so put in a little more
        // information.
        $unselectable_notice .= "
									<div class='tenpt' style='padding-top: 5px;'><b>" . t("Special note to advisors:") . "</b> " . t("You may still
											advise a student to take a course, even if it is unselectable
											in this list.  Use the \"add an additional course\" link at
											the bottom of the page.") . "</div>";

    if ($group_hours_remaining < 100 && $bool_no_courses != true) {
      // Don't show for huge groups (like add-a-course)
      $pC .= "<div class='elevenpt' style='margin-top:5px;'>
					" . t("You may select <b>@hrs</b>
						hour$s from this list.", array("@hrs" => $group_hours_remaining)) . "$unselectable_notice</div>";

    if ($bool_display_submit == true && !$this->bool_blank && $bool_no_courses != true) 
      if (user_has_permission("can_advise_students")) {
        $pC .= "<input type='hidden' name='varHours' id='varHours' value=''>
					<div style='margin-top: 20px;'>
				" . fp_render_button(t("Select Course"), "popupAssignSelectedCourseToGroup(\"$place_group->assigned_to_semester_num\", \"$group->group_id\",\"$advising_term_id\",\"-1\");", true, "style='font-size: 10pt;'") . "


    // Substitutors get extra information:
    if (user_has_permission("can_substitute") && $group->group_id != -88) 
      $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top: 20px;'>
					<b>" . t("Special administrative information:") . "</b>
				<span id='viewinfolink'
				onClick='document.getElementById(\"admin_info\").style.display=\"\";\"none\"; '
				class='hand' style='color: blue;'
				> - " . t("Click to show") . " -</span>					
					<div style='padding-left: 20px; display:none;' id='admin_info'>
					" . t("Information about this group:") . "<br>
					&nbsp; " . t("Group ID:") . " $group->group_id<br>
					&nbsp; " . t("Title:") . " $group->title<br>";
      $pC .= "&nbsp; <i>" . t("Internal name:") . " $group->group_name</i><br>";

      $pC .= "&nbsp; " . t("Catalog year:") . " $group->catalog_year

    if ($bool_display_back_to_subject_select == true) {
      $csid = $GLOBALS ["current_student_id"];
      $blank_degree_id = "";
      if ($this->bool_blank) 
        $blank_degree_id = $this->degree_plan->degree_id;
      $back_link = "<span class='tenpt'>
						<a href='" . base_path() . "/advise/popup-group-select&window_mode=popup&group_id=$group->group_id&semester_num=$display_semesterNum&group_hours_remaining=$group_hours_remaining&current_student_id=$csid&blank_degree_id=$blank_degree_id' 
						class='nounderline'>" . t("Click here to return to subject selection.") . "</a></span>";
      $pC = str_replace("<!--MSG2-->", $back_link, $pC);

    $box_top = $this->draw_semester_box_top("$group->title", !$bool_display_submit);
    $pC = str_replace("<!--BOXTOP-->", $box_top, $pC);

    return $pC;

   * When the groupSelect has too many courses, they are broken down into
   * subjects, and the user first selects a subject.  This function will
   * draw out that select list.
   * @param array $subject_array
   * @param int $group_id
   * @param int $semester_num
   * @param int $group_hours_remaining
   * @return string
  function draw_popup_group_subject_select($subject_array, $group_id, $semester_num, $group_hours_remaining = 0) 
    $csid = $GLOBALS ["current_student_id"];
    $blank_degree_id = "";
    if ($this->bool_blank) 
      $blank_degree_id = $this->degree_plan->degree_id;
    $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8' class='tenpt'>";
    $pC .= "<form action='" . base_path() . "/advise/popup-group-select' method='GET' style='margin:0px; padding:0px;' id='theform'>
					<input type='hidden' name='window_mode' value='popup'>
					<input type='hidden' name='group_id' value='$group_id'>
					<input type='hidden' name='semester_num' value='$semester_num'>
					<input type='hidden' name='group_hours_remaining' value='$group_hours_remaining'>
					<input type='hidden' name='current_student_id' value='$csid'>
					<input type='hidden' name='blank_degree_id' value='$blank_degree_id'>
					" . t("Please begin by selecting a subject from the list below.") . "
					<select name='selected_subject'>
					<option value=''>" . t("Please select a subject...") . "</option>
					<option value=''>----------------------------------------</option>
    $new_array = array();
    foreach ($subject_array as $key => $subject_id) 

      if ($title = $this->flightpath->get_subject_title($subject_id)) {
        $new_array [] = "$title ~~ $subject_id";
      else {
        $new_array [] = "$subject_id ~~ $subject_id";



    foreach ($new_array as $key => $value) 
      $temp = explode(" ~~ ", $value);
      $title = trim($temp [0]);
      $subject_id = trim($temp [1]);
      $pC .= "<option value='$subject_id'>$title ($subject_id)</option>";

    $pC .= "</select>
				<div style='margin: 20px;' align='left'>
				" . fp_render_button(t("Next") . " ->", "document.getElementById(\"theform\").submit();") . "
					<!-- <input type='submit' value='submit'> -->
    $pC .= "</td></tr>";

    return $pC;

   * Accepts a CourseList object and draws it out to the screen. Meant to
   * be called by display_popup_group_select();
   * @param CourseList $course_list
   * @param int $group_hours_remaining
   * @return string
  function display_popup_group_select_course_list(CourseList $course_list = null, $group_hours_remaining = 0) 
    // Accepts a CourseList object and draws it out to the screen.  Meant to
    // be called by display_popup_group_select().
    $pC = "";

    if ($course_list == null) 


    $old_course = null;

    while ($course_list->has_more()) 
      $course = $course_list->get_next();
      if ($course->equals($old_course)) 
       { // don't display the same course twice in a row.

      $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8'>";

      if ($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty && !$course->bool_advised_to_take) 
       { // So, only display if it has not been fulfilled by anything.
        $pC .= $this->draw_popup_group_select_course_row($course, $group_hours_remaining);
        $old_course = $course;
      $pC .= "</td></tr>";

    return $pC;

   * Returns a list of "hidden" HTML input tags which are used to keep
   * track of advising variables between page loads.
   * @param string $perform_action
   *       - Used for when we submit the form, so that FlightPath will
   *         know what action we are trying to take.
   * @return string
  function get_hidden_advising_variables($perform_action = "") 
    $rtn = "";

    $rtn .= "<span id='hidden_elements'>
			<input type='hidden' name='perform_action' id='perform_action' value='$perform_action'>
			<input type='hidden' name='perform_action2' id='perform_action2' value=''>
			<input type='hidden' name='scroll_top' id='scroll_top' value=''>
			<input type='hidden' name='load_from_cache' id='load_from_cache' value='yes'>
			<input type='hidden' name='print_view' id='print_view' value='{$GLOBALS ["print_view"]}'>			
			<input type='hidden' name='hide_charts' id='hide_charts' value=''>
			<input type='hidden' name='advising_load_active' id='advising_load_active' value='{$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_load_active"]}'>
			<input type='hidden' name='advising_student_id' id='advising_student_id' value='{$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_student_id"]}'>
			<input type='hidden' name='advising_term_id' id='advising_term_id' value='{$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_term_id"]}'>
			<input type='hidden' name='advising_major_code' id='advising_major_code' value='{$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_major_code"]}'>
			<input type='hidden' name='advising_track_code' id='advising_track_code' value='{$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_track_code"]}'>
			<input type='hidden' name='advising_update_student_settings_flag' id='advising_update_student_settings_flag' value=''>
			<input type='hidden' name='advising_what_if' id='advising_what_if' value='{$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_what_if"]}'>
			<input type='hidden' name='what_if_major_code' id='what_if_major_code' value='{$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["what_if_major_code"]}'>
			<input type='hidden' name='what_if_track_code' id='what_if_track_code' value='{$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["what_if_track_code"]}'>
			<input type='hidden' name='advising_view' id='advising_view' value='{$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_view"]}'>

			<input type='hidden' name='current_student_id' id='current_student_id' value='{$GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["current_student_id"]}'>
			<input type='hidden' name='log_addition' id='log_addition' value=''>
			<input type='hidden' name='fp_update_user_settings_flag' id='fp_update_user_settings_flag' value=''>

    return $rtn;



Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Modifiers Type Descriptionsort ascending
_AdvisingScreen::draw_public_note function Will display the "public note" at the top of a degree. This was entred in Data Entry.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_popup_group_subject_select function When the groupSelect has too many courses, they are broken down into subjects, and the user first selects a subject. This function will draw out that select list.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_box_bottom function Very, very simple. Just returns "</table>";
_AdvisingScreen::draw_menu_items function Uses the draw_menu_item method to draw the HTML for all the supplied menu items, assuming the user has permission to view them.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_semester_box_top function Uses the draw_box_top function, specifically for semesters.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_semester_box_bottom function Uses the draw_box_bottom function, specifically for semesters. Actually, this function is a straight alias for $this->draw_box_bottom().
_AdvisingScreen::draw_box_top function Used to draw the beginning of semester boxes and other boxes, for example the footnotes.
_AdvisingScreen::display_toolbox_transfers function Used in the Toolbox popup, this will display content of the tab which shows a student's transfers
_AdvisingScreen::display_toolbox_substitutions function Used in the Toolbox popup, this will display content of the tab which shows a student's substututions
_AdvisingScreen::display_toolbox_moved function Used in the Toolbox popup, this will display content of the tab which shows a student's moved courses. That is, courses which have had their group memberships changed.
_AdvisingScreen::display_toolbox_courses function Used in the Toolbox popup, this will display content of the tab which shows a student's courses which they have taken.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_popup_group_select_course_row function Used in the group selection popup, this will display a course with a radio button next to it, so the user can select it.
_AdvisingScreen::output_to_browser function This method outputs the screen to the browser by performing an include(path-to-theme-file.php). All necessary information must be placed into certain variables before the include happens.
_AdvisingScreen::display_popup_substitute function This is used to display the substitution popup to a user, to let them actually make a substitution.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_course_row function This is used by lots of other functions to display a course on the screen. It will show the course, the hours, the grade, and quality points, as well as any necessary icons next to it.
_AdvisingScreen::__construct function This is the constructor. Must be named this for inheritence to work correctly.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_c_fieldset function This function will return the HTML to contruct a collapsible fieldset, complete with javascript and style tags.
_AdvisingScreen::determine_mobile_device function This function will attempt to determine automatically if we are on a mobile device. If so, it will set $this->page_is_mobile = TRUE
_AdvisingScreen::add_css function This function simply adds a reference for additional CSS to be link'd in to the theme. It is used by add-on modules.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_pie_chart_box function This function is used to draw an individual pie chart box. It accepts values of top/bottom in order to come up with a percentage.
_AdvisingScreen::add_to_screen function This function is used by the "build" functions most often. It very simply adds a block of HTML to an array called box_array.
_AdvisingScreen::z__draw_mobile_tabs function This function is called when we know we are on a mobile browser. We have to handle tab rendering differently in order to make them all fit.
_AdvisingScreen::display_screen function This function generates the HTML to display the screen. Should be used in conjunction with output_to_browser()
_AdvisingScreen::display_popup_group_select function This function displays the popup which lets a user select a course to be advised into a group.
_AdvisingScreen::display_group function This function displays a Group object on the degree plan. This is not the selection popup display. It will either show the group as multi rows, filled in with courses, or as a "blank row" for the user to click on.
_AdvisingScreen::build_screen_elements function This function calls the other "build" functions to assemble the View or What If tabs in FlightPath.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_progress_boxes function This function calls drawPieChart to construct the student's 3 progress pie charts.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_group_select_row function This draws the "blank row" for a group on the degree plan, which instructs the user to click on it to select a course from the popup.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_menu_item function Simply builds a single menu item.
_AdvisingScreen::fix_institution_name function Simple function to make an institution name look more pretty, because all institution names pass through ucwords(), sometimes the capitalization gets messed up. This function tries to correct it.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_button function Returns the HTML to draw a pretty button.
_AdvisingScreen::get_hidden_advising_variables function Returns a list of "hidden" HTML input tags which are used to keep track of advising variables between page loads.
_AdvisingScreen::fix_course_title function Left in for legacy reasons, this function uses a new Course object's method of $course->fix_title to make a course's title more readable.
_AdvisingScreen::display_semester function Given a Semester object, this will generate the HTML to draw it out to the screen.
_AdvisingScreen::mark_course_as_displayed function Find all instaces of a Course in a Group and mark as displayed.
_AdvisingScreen::display_popup_course_description function Displays the contents of the Descripton tab for the course popup.
_AdvisingScreen::display_group_course_list function Displays all the courses in a CourseList object, using the draw_course_row function.
_AdvisingScreen::z__convert_bbcode_to_html function Converts a string containing BBCode to the equivalent HTML.
_AdvisingScreen::build_footnotes function Constructs the HTML which will show footnotes for substitutions and transfer credits.
_AdvisingScreen::build_transfer_credit function Constructs the HTML which will be used to display the student's transfer credits
_AdvisingScreen::build_added_courses function Constructs the HTML to show which courses have been added by an advisor.
_AdvisingScreen::build_test_scores function Constructs the HTML to show the student's test scores.
_AdvisingScreen::build_excess_credit function Constructs the HTML to show the Excess Credits list.
_AdvisingScreen::build_semester_list function Constructs the HTML to display the list of semesters for the student.
_AdvisingScreen::clear_variables function Clear the session varibles.
_AdvisingScreen::get_quality_points function Calculate the quality points for a grade and hours.
_AdvisingScreen::display_popup_group_select_course_list function Accepts a CourseList object and draws it out to the screen. Meant to be called by display_popup_group_select();
_AdvisingScreen::$width_array public property
_AdvisingScreen::$degree_plan public property
_AdvisingScreen::$screen_mode public property
_AdvisingScreen::$bool_blank public property
_AdvisingScreen::$admin_message public property
_AdvisingScreen::$theme_location public property
_AdvisingScreen::$page_hide_report_error public property
_AdvisingScreen::$page_title public property