function _AdvisingScreen::draw_course_row
Search API
4.x _AdvisingScreen.php | _AdvisingScreen::draw_course_row(Course $course, $icon_filename = "", $title_text = "", $js_toggle_and_save = false, $bool_display_check = true, $bool_add_footnote = true, $bool_add_asterisk_to_transfers = false) |
5.x _AdvisingScreen.php | _AdvisingScreen::draw_course_row(Course $course, $icon_filename = "", $title_text = "", $js_toggle_and_save = false, $bool_display_check = true, $bool_add_footnote = true, $bool_add_asterisk_to_transfers = false) |
This is used by lots of other functions to display a course on the screen. It will show the course, the hours, the grade, and quality points, as well as any necessary icons next to it.
Course $course:
string $icon_filename:
string $title_text:
bool $js_toggle_and_save:
- If set to TRUE, when the checkbox next to this course is clicked, the page will be submitted and a draft will be saved.
bool $bool_display_check:
- If set to FALSE, no checkbox will be displayed for this course row.
bool $bool_add_footnote:
bool $bool_add_asterisk_to_transfers:
Return value
4 calls to _AdvisingScreen::draw_course_row()
- _AdvisingScreen::build_excess_credit in classes/
_AdvisingScreen.php - Constructs the HTML to show the Excess Credits list.
- _AdvisingScreen::build_transfer_credit in classes/
_AdvisingScreen.php - Constructs the HTML which will be used to display the student's transfer credits
- _AdvisingScreen::display_group_course_list in classes/
_AdvisingScreen.php - Displays all the courses in a CourseList object, using the draw_course_row function.
- _AdvisingScreen::display_semester in classes/
_AdvisingScreen.php - Given a Semester object, this will generate the HTML to draw it out to the screen.
- classes/
_AdvisingScreen.php, line 2866
function draw_course_row(Course $course, $icon_filename = "", $title_text = "", $js_toggle_and_save = false, $bool_display_check = true, $bool_add_footnote = true, $bool_add_asterisk_to_transfers = false)
// Display a course itself...
$pC = "";
$w1_1 = $this->width_array [0];
$w1_2 = $this->width_array [1];
$w1_3 = $this->width_array [2];
$w2 = $this->width_array [3];
$w3 = $this->width_array [4];
$w4 = $this->width_array [5];
$w5 = $this->width_array [6];
$w6 = $this->width_array [7];
$img_path = fp_theme_location() . "/images";
// The current term we are advising for.
$advising_term_id = $GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_term_id"];
if (!$advising_term_id) {
$advising_term_id = 0;
// If the course has already been advised in a different semester,
// we should set the advising_term_id to that and disable unchecking.
if ($course->advised_term_id * 1 > 0 && $course->bool_advised_to_take == true && $course->advised_term_id != $advising_term_id)
$course->display_status = "disabled";
$advising_term_id = $course->advised_term_id;
if ($course->subject_id == "")
$subject_id = $course->subject_id;
$course_num = $course->course_num;
$o_subject_id = $subject_id;
$o_course_num = $course_num;
$footnote = "";
$ast = "";
// Is this actually a transfer course? If so, display its
// original subject_id and course_num.
if ($course->bool_transfer == true)
$subject_id = $course->course_transfer->subject_id;
$course_num = $course->course_transfer->course_num;
$institution_name = $course->course_transfer->institution_name;
if ($bool_add_asterisk_to_transfers == true)
if ($course->course_transfer->transfer_eqv_text != "")
$ast = "*";
$GLOBALS ["advising_course_has_asterisk"] = true;
// Apply a footnote if it has a local eqv.
if ($bool_add_footnote == true && $course->course_id > 0)
$footnote = "";
$footnote .= "<span class='superscript'>T";
$fcount = count($this->footnote_array ["transfer"]) + 1;
if ($course->bool_has_been_displayed == true)
{ // If we've already displayed this course once, and are
// now showing it again (like in the Transfer Credit list)
// we do not want to increment the footnote counter.
$fcount = $course->transfer_footnote;
$course->transfer_footnote = $fcount;
$footnote .= "$fcount</span>";
$this->footnote_array ["transfer"][$fcount] = "$o_subject_id $o_course_num ~~ $subject_id $course_num ~~ ~~ $institution_name";
if ($course->bool_substitution == true)
if ($course->course_substitution->subject_id == "")
{ // Reload subject_id, course_num, etc, for the substitution course,
// which is actually the original requirement.
if (is_object($course->course_substitution))
$o_subject_id = $course->course_substitution->subject_id;
$o_course_num = $course->course_substitution->course_num;
if ($bool_add_footnote == true)
$footnote = "";
$footnote .= "<span class='superscript'>S";
$fcount = count($this->footnote_array ["substitution"]) + 1;
if ($course->bool_has_been_displayed == true)
{ // If we've already displayed this course once, and are
// now showing it again (like in the Transfer Credit list)
// we do not want to increment the footnote counter.
$fcount = $course->substitution_footnote;
$course->substitution_footnote = $fcount;
$footnote .= "$fcount</span>";
$this->footnote_array ["substitution"][$fcount] = "$o_subject_id $o_course_num ~~ $subject_id $course_num ~~ $course->substitution_hours ~~ $course->assigned_to_group_id";
$hours = $course->hours_awarded * 1;
if ($hours <= 0) {
// Some kind of error-- default to catalog hours
$hours = $course->get_catalog_hours();
$hours = $hours * 1; // force numeric, trim extra zeros.
$var_hour_icon = " ";
if ($course->has_variable_hours() == true && !$course->bool_taken)
// The bool_taken part of this IF statement is because if the course
// has been completed, we should only use the hours_awarded.
$var_hour_icon = "<img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/var_hour.gif'
title='" . t("This course has variable hours.") . "'
alt='" . t("This course has variable hours.") . "'>";
$hours = $course->get_advised_hours();
if ($course->bool_ghost_hour == TRUE) {
// This course was given a "ghost hour", meaning it is actually
// worth 0 hours, not 1, even though it's hours_awarded is currently
// set to 1. So, let's just make the display be 0.
$hours = "0";
$grade = $course->grade;
$dispgrade = $grade;
// If there is a MID, then this is a midterm grade.
$dispgrade = str_replace("MID", "<span class='superscript'>" . t("mid") . "</span>", $dispgrade);
if (strtoupper($grade) == "E")
{ // Currently enrolled. Show no grade.
$dispgrade = "";
if ($course->bool_hide_grade)
$dispgrade = "--";
$this->bool_hiding_grades = true;
$display_status = $course->display_status;
if ($display_status == "completed")
$pts = $this->get_quality_points($grade, $hours);
$course_id = $course->course_id;
$semester_num = $course->assigned_to_semester_num;
$group_id = $course->assigned_to_group_id;
$random_id = $course->random_id;
$advised_hours = $course->advised_hours;
$unique_id = $course_id . "_" . $semester_num . "_" . rand(1, 9999);
$hid_name = "advisecourse_$course_id" . "_$semester_num" . "_$group_id" . "_$advised_hours" . "_$random_id" . "_$advising_term_id" . "_random" . rand(1, 9999);
$hid_value = "";
$opchecked = "";
if ($course->bool_advised_to_take == true)
$hid_value = "true";
$opchecked = "-check";
$op_on_click_function = "toggleSelection";
if ($js_toggle_and_save == true)
$op_on_click_function = "toggleSelectionAndSave";
$extra_js_vars = "";
if ($course->display_status == "disabled")
{ // Checkbox needs to be disabled because this was advised in another
// term.
$op_on_click_function = "toggleDisabledChangeTerm";
$course->term_id = $course->advised_term_id;
$extra_js_vars = $course->get_term_description();
if ($course->display_status == "completed" || $course->display_status == "enrolled")
$op_on_click_function = "toggleDisabledCompleted";
$opchecked = "";
$extra_js_vars = $course->display_status;
if ($course->display_status == "retake")
// this course was probably subbed in while the student
// was still enrolled, and they have since made an F or W.
// So, disable it.
$op_on_click_function = "dummyToggleSelection";
$opchecked = "";
if ($this->bool_print || $this->bool_blank)
// If this is print view, disable clicking.
$op_on_click_function = "dummyToggleSelection";
if (!user_has_permission("can_advise_students"))
// This user does not have the abilty to advise,
// so take away the ability to toggle anything (like
// we are in print view).
$op_on_click_function = "dummyToggleSelection";
$op = "<img src='$img_path/cb_" . $display_status . "$opchecked.gif'
$hid = "<input type='hidden' name='$hid_name'
id='advisecourse_$unique_id' value='$hid_value'>";
// Okay, we can't actually serialize a course, as it takes too much space.
// It was slowing down the page load significantly! So, I am going
// to use a function I wrote called to_data_string().
$data_string = $course->to_data_string();
$blank_degree_id = "";
if ($this->bool_blank == true)
$blank_degree_id = $this->degree_plan->degree_id;
$js_code = "describeCourse(\"$data_string\",\"$blank_degree_id\");";
$icon_link = "";
if ($course->requirement_type == "um" || $course->requirement_type == "uc")
$icon_filename = "ucap.gif";
$title_text = t("This course is a University Capstone.");
if ($icon_filename != "") {
$icon_link = "<img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/icons/$icon_filename' width='19' height='19' border='0' alt='$title_text' title='$title_text'>";
$on_mouse_over = " onmouseover=\"style.backgroundColor='#FFFF99'\"
onmouseout=\"style.backgroundColor='white'\" ";
if (fp_screen_is_mobile()) {
$on_mouse_over = ""; // Causes problems for some mobile devices.
$hand_class = "hand";
if ($bool_display_check == false) {
$op = $hid = "";
if ($this->bool_print) {
// In print view, disable all popups and mouseovers.
$on_mouse_over = "";
$js_code = "";
$hand_class = "";
$pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8'>";
if ($course->bool_substitution_new_from_split != true || ($course->bool_substitution_new_from_split == true && $course->display_status != "eligible")) {
if ($course_num == "") {
$course_num = " ";
$pC .= "
<table border='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' align='left'>
<tr height='20' class='$hand_class $display_status'
$on_mouse_over title='$title_text'>
<td width='$w1_1' align='left'>$op$hid</td>
<td width='$w1_2' align='left' onClick='$js_code'>$icon_link</td>
<td width='$w1_3' align='left' onClick='$js_code'> $ast</td>
<td align='left' width='$w2' class='tenpt underline' onClick='$js_code'>
<td class='tenpt underline' width='$w3' align='left'
<td class='tenpt underline' width='$w4' onClick='$js_code'>$hours$var_hour_icon</td>
<td class='tenpt underline' width='$w5' onClick='$js_code'>$dispgrade </td>
<td class='tenpt underline' width='$w6' onClick='$js_code'>$pts </td>
else {
// These are the leftover hours from a partial substitution.
$pC .= "
<table border='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' align='left'>
<tr height='20' class='hand $display_status'
$on_mouse_over title='$title_text'>
<td width='$w1_1' align='left'>$op$hid</td>
<td width='$w1_2' align='left' onClick='$js_code'>$icon_link</td>
<td width='$w1_3' align='left' onClick='$js_code'> </td>
<td align='left' class='tenpt underline' onClick='$js_code'
($hours " . t("hrs left") . ")
$pC .= "</td></tr>";
return $pC;