function _AdvisingScreen::__construct

4.x _AdvisingScreen.php _AdvisingScreen::__construct($script_filename = "", FlightPath $flightpath = null, $screen_mode = "")
5.x _AdvisingScreen.php _AdvisingScreen::__construct($script_filename = "", FlightPath $flightpath = null, $screen_mode = "")

This is the constructor. Must be named this for inheritence to work correctly.


string $script_filename:

  • This is the script which forms with POST to. Ex: "advise.php"

FlightPath $flightpath :

string $screen_mode:

  • A string describing what "mode" we are in.

    • If left blank, we assume it is full-screen and normal.
    • If set to "popup" then we are in a popup window, and we will not draw certain elements.


classes/_AdvisingScreen.php, line 36




function __construct($script_filename = "", FlightPath $flightpath = null, $screen_mode = "") 
  $this->width_array = array("10%", "8%", "8%", "17%", "26%", "10%", "10%", "9%");
  $this->popup_width_array = array("17%", "1%", "1%", "15%", "26%", "15%", "15%", "10%");

  $this->script_filename = $script_filename;
  $this->is_on_left = true;
  $this->box_array = array();
  $this->footnote_array = array();

  $this->page_extra_css_files = array();

  $this->flightpath = $flightpath;
  $this->degree_plan = $flightpath->degree_plan;
  $this->student = $flightpath->student;

  $this->db = get_global_database_handler();

  if ($screen_mode == "popup") 
    $this->bool_popup = true;

  $this->bool_blank = false;

  $this->screen_mode = $screen_mode;

  //$this->settings = $this->db->get_flightpath_settings();

  $this->earliest_catalog_year = $GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["earliest_catalog_year"];

