function calendar_display_schedule_staff_page
Search API
7.x calendar.module | calendar_display_schedule_staff_page() |
6.x calendar.module | calendar_display_schedule_staff_page() |
This page (primarily meant for students) is for quickly finding your advisor or professor or whomever, and finding their link to schedule an appointment with them.
1 string reference to 'calendar_display_schedule_staff_page'
- calendar_menu in modules/
calendar/ calendar.module - implements hook_menu
- modules/
calendar/ calendar.module, line 611
function calendar_display_schedule_staff_page() {
global $user;
fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path('calendar') . '/css/style.css');
$db = get_global_database_handler();
if ($user->is_student) {
$your_options = array();
$advisors = advise_get_advisors_for_student($user->cwid);
foreach ($advisors as $c => $faculty_id) {
// Does this faculty member accept appointments?
$event_types = content_get_content_for_faculty_id('schedule_event_type', $faculty_id);
$bool_at_least_one_enabled = FALSE;
foreach ($event_types as $content) {
if ($content->field__enabled ['value'] == 'enabled') {
$bool_at_least_one_enabled = TRUE;
if ($bool_at_least_one_enabled) {
$your_options ['advisors'][0][$faculty_id] = $faculty_id;
} // foreach
$dept_line = "";
$params = array();
$departments = fp_get_departments($user->school_id);
$apt_from_depts = variable_get_for_school('appointments_from_departments', array(), intval($user->school_id));
if (count($apt_from_depts) > 0) {
$dept_line = "AND f.department_code IN (";
foreach ($apt_from_depts as $dept_code) {
$mdept_code = fp_get_machine_readable($dept_code);
$dept_line .= ":dept_$mdept_code,";
$params [":dept_$mdept_code"] = $dept_code;
$dept_line = rtrim($dept_line, ",");
$dept_line .= ")";
// Any other staff at the university who have appointments allowed.
if ($dept_line) {
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM users u, faculty f
WHERE is_faculty = 1
AND is_disabled = 0
ORDER BY l_name, f_name ", $params);
while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
$faculty_id = $cur ['cwid'];
$uid = intval($cur ['uid']);
$dept_code = $cur ['department_code'];
// Does this faculty member accept appointments?
$event_types = content_get_content_for_faculty_id('schedule_event_type', $faculty_id);
// fpm($event_types);
$bool_at_least_one_enabled = FALSE;
foreach ($event_types as $content) {
if ($content->field__enabled ['value'] == 'enabled') {
$bool_at_least_one_enabled = TRUE;
if ($bool_at_least_one_enabled && !in_array($faculty_id, $your_options ['advisors'][0])) {
$your_options ['staff'][$dept_code][$faculty_id] = $faculty_id;
} // while
} // if dept_line
// TODO: Hook that modifies $your_options array, so that other modules can add or remove people
// from it.
// Display the various links
$c = 0;
foreach ($your_options as $type => $details) {
foreach ($your_options [$type] as $dept_code => $details2) {
foreach ($your_options [$type][$dept_code] as $faculty_id) {
$faculty_name = fp_get_faculty_name($faculty_id);
$faculty_user_id = db_get_user_id_from_cwid($faculty_id);
$title = t("Your Advisor(s)");
if ($type == 'staff') {
$dept_title = @$departments [$dept_code];
if (!$dept_title) {
$dept_title = $dept_code;
$title = $dept_title . " - " . t("(Department/Unit)");
if ($c == 0) {
$rtn .= "<div class='schedule-appt-sep'>" . t("Other faculty/staff you may schedule appointments with:") . "</div>";
$rtn .= "<h3>" . $title . "</h3>
$base_url = $GLOBALS ['fp_system_settings']['base_url'];
$link = $base_url . '/' . fp_url("schedule-appointment/$faculty_user_id", '', FALSE);
$rtn .= "<li>" . $faculty_name . " - <a href='$link'><i class='fa fa-calendar-plus-o'></i> Schedule appointment</a></li>";
$rtn .= "</ul>";
} // foreach
} // user is student
return $rtn;