function advise_get_advisors_for_student

7.x advise.module advise_get_advisors_for_student($student_id = "")
6.x advise.module advise_get_advisors_for_student($student_id = "")

Similar to

See also

advise_get_advisees, return a list of all advisors assigned to this student.

3 calls to advise_get_advisors_for_student()
calendar_display_schedule_staff_page in modules/calendar/calendar.module
This page (primarily meant for students) is for quickly finding your advisor or professor or whomever, and finding their link to schedule an appointment with them.
engagements_handle_incoming_sms in modules/engagements/engagements.module
This catches incoming sms messages from POST, but can also be used by our "sms_get_all_messages" function, but it is also used by the sms_get_all_messages to save/update information.
engagements_imap_get_all_received_messages in modules/engagements/engagements.module
Connect to our imap server, download all received messages from students (or others). We will then delete them, so they don't get read twice.


modules/advise/advise.module, line 486


function advise_get_advisors_for_student($student_id = "") {

  $rtn = array();

  $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM advisor_student 
                            WHERE student_id = ?
                            ", array($student_id));
  while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {

    $faculty_id = $cur ['faculty_id'];
    $rtn [] = $faculty_id;

  return $rtn;
