32 calls to fpm()

admin_apply_draft_changes_form_submit in modules/admin/admin.module
Handles the actual moving of draft courses into production.
admin_display_main in modules/admin/admin.module
This is the "main" page for the admin module. It's what the user first sees when the click to go to the Admin page.
advise_display_popup_group_select in modules/advise/advise.module
AdvisingScreen::display_group in classes/AdvisingScreen.php
This function displays a Group object on the degree plan. This is not the selection popup display. It will either show the group as multi rows, filled in with courses, or as a "blank row" for the user to click on.
AdvisingScreen::display_popup_group_select in classes/AdvisingScreen.php
This function displays the popup which lets a user select a course to be advised into a group.
alerts_update in modules/alerts/alerts.install
announcements_update in modules/announcements/announcements.install
calendar_get_appointments_for_faculty in modules/calendar/calendar.module
Return back a list of appointment content nodes for this faculty member, which fall between the specified datetimes.
content_cron in modules/content/content.module
content_display_devel in modules/content/content.module
Simply returns the fpm() results for the supplied content.
course_search_download_syllabus in modules/course_search/course_search.module
This function will actually deliver a syllabus to the user's browser for download.
csv_multiline_to_array in includes/misc.inc
From https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.str-getcsv.php#117692
DatabaseHandler::db_error in classes/DatabaseHandler.php
Draw out the error onto the screen.
DatabaseHandler::db_query in classes/DatabaseHandler.php
This function is used to perform a database query. It uses PDO execute, which will take automatically replace ? with variables you supply as the arguments to this function, or as an array to this function. Either will work. Do this by using ?, or…
depricated_message in includes/misc.inc
Displays a depricated message on screen. Useful for tracking down when depricated functions are being used.
engagements_handle_incoming_sms in modules/engagements/engagements.module
This catches incoming sms messages from POST, but can also be used by our "sms_get_all_messages" function, but it is also used by the sms_get_all_messages to save/update information.
engagements_update in modules/engagements/engagements.install
FlightPath::load_advising_session_from_database in classes/FlightPath.php
FlightPath::replace_missing_course_in_group in classes/FlightPath.php
fpmct in includes/misc.inc
Convenience function, will use fp_debug_ct() to display a message, and the number of miliseconds since its last call.
lassie_start in modules/lassie/lassie.module
Set a new job for Lassie to watch.
prereqs_update in modules/prereqs/prereqs.install
smtp_mail in modules/smtp/smtp.module
For attachments, the array can be one of two methods:
Student::load_courses_taken in classes/Student.php
student_files_update in modules/student_files/student_files.install
student_priority_get_calculations_for_student in modules/student_priority/student_priority.module
Run all of the calculations for a student, and return back the results in a formatted array.
system_reload_and_cache_course_inventory in modules/system/system.module
Formerly part of the FlightPath class, this function will read in or reload the course inventory into a file, which then goes into the SESSION to make it faster to access.
system_update in modules/system/system.install
_content_generate_create_table_sql in modules/content/content.module
Meant to be run by admin, this generates table creation sql for a given type.
_engagements_imap_get_attachments in modules/engagements/engagements.module
$inbox is the imap link. email_number is msg_no.
_fp_error_handler in includes/misc.inc
This is our custom error handler, which will intercept PHP warnings, notices, etc, and let us display them, log them, etc.
__schools_add_school_id_to_fp5_tables in modules/schools/schools.module