function FlightPath::replace_missing_course_in_group

7.x FlightPath.php FlightPath::replace_missing_course_in_group($course_id, $group_id)
6.x FlightPath.php FlightPath::replace_missing_course_in_group($course_id, $group_id)
1 call to FlightPath::replace_missing_course_in_group()


classes/FlightPath.php, line 1261




function replace_missing_course_in_group($course_id, $group_id) 
  // Given a group in the degree plan, this will
  // make sure that course is actually in the group.  If it
  // is not, then it will add it in where it should be.
  // This is necessary because we have previously removed
  // courses which the student hadn't taken.  Well, if the
  // student was advised for a particular course in a group,
  // then that course probably was originally removed
  // from the group.  So, put it back in.

  // Were we given a valid group_id?
  if (!$group_id) {

  // First, find the group.
  if (!$group = $this->degree_plan->find_group($group_id)) 
    fpm("Admin note: could not find group '$group_id' for replace_missing_course_in_group, for course '$course_id'.");

  // Okay, now tell the group to replace the instance of this course
  // in the group.  This is made easy, because we have
  // the dbGroupRequirementID, which is the actual id from the
  // row in group_requirements that this course was advised from.
