Search API
- 7.x modules/student_priority/student_priority.module
- 6.x modules/student_priority/student_priority.module
modules/student_priority/student_priority.moduleView source
- <?php
- // TODO: There should be a UI where organizations can turn on and off calculations, assign scores, etc.
- function student_priority_menu() {
- $items = array();
- $items["student-profile/priority-calculations"] = array(
- "title" => "Priority Calculations",
- "page_callback" => "student_priority_display_priority_calculations_page",
- "access_callback" => "system_can_access_student", // make sure we are allowed to access the student specified by current_student_id.
- "type" => MENU_TYPE_TAB,
- "tab_family" => "priority-calculations",
- "page_settings" => array(
- "display_currently_advising" => TRUE,
- "screen_mode" => "not_advising",
- ),
- );
- return $items;
- }
- /**
- * Displays the calculations used to get the priority values. Can be displayed in either the dialog or stand-alone.
- */
- function student_priority_display_priority_calculations_page() {
- global $current_student_id, $user;
- $student_id = $current_student_id;
- $rtn = "";
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path('student_profile') . '/css/style.css');
- fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path('advise') . '/js/advise.js');
- fp_set_title('');
- $rtn .= "";
- if ($_GET['window_mode'] == 'popup') {
- $rtn .= "<a class='tests-expand-link' href='javascript:parent.window.location=\"" . fp_url("student-profile/priority-calculations", "current_student_id=$current_student_id") . "\"; void(0);'><i class='fa fa-expand'></i> " . t("View full page") . "</a>";
- }
- $rtn .= "<p>" . t("This system is able to make calculations as to the student's \"Academic Priority\", or, how at-risk the
- student is of experiencing significant difficulties.") . "</p>";
- $rtn .= "<h3>" . t("Current Academic Priority:") . "</h3>";
- $rtn .= "<!--current-academic-priority-->";
- $rtn .= "<h3>" . t("Calculations:") . "</h3>";
- $rtn .= "<div>" . t("The following calculations were used to determine the student's current Academic Priority. The score value increases their priority average.") . "</div>";
- $rtn .= "
- <table border='1' style='max-width: 600px;' class='calc-tests-table'>
- <tr>
- <th width='70%'>Test</th>
- <th width='15%'>Result</th>
- <th width='15%'>Score</th>
- </tr>";
- // Get student calculations
- $calcs = student_priority_get_calculations_for_student($student_id, TRUE);
- foreach ($calcs['calc_test_results'] as $machine_name => $details) {
- $result = $result_label = $details['result'];
- if (isset($details['result_label'])) $result_label = $details['result_label'];
- $score = $details['score'];
- $extra = isset($details['extra']) ? trim($details['extra']) : '';
- $test_title = $calcs['calc_tests'][$machine_name]['title'];
- $test_description = @$calcs['calc_tests'][$machine_name]['description'];
- $more_content = "";
- $more_toggle = "";
- if ($extra != "") {
- // click to toggle div
- $rnd = md5(mt_rand(0,9999) . mt_rand(99,99999) . microtime());
- $more_toggle = "<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='jQuery(\"#test-extra-$rnd\").toggle();' class='test-more-toggle' title='Click for more details'><i class='fa fa-ellipsis-h'></i></a>";
- $more_content = "<div id='test-extra-$rnd' class='test-extra' style='display:none;'>
- $extra
- </div>";
- }
- $bgcolor='white';
- if (is_numeric($score)) {
- if ($score > 0) $bgcolor = '#fff4f4';
- $score = (strlen("$score") == 1) ? number_format($score, 1) : $score; // force at least X num of decimals
- }
- $rtn .= "<tr>
- <td style='background-color: $bgcolor; color: black;'>$more_toggle$test_title$more_content</td>
- <td style='background-color: $bgcolor;'>$result_label</td>
- <td style='background-color: $bgcolor;'>$score</td>
- </tr>";
- } // foreach priority_tests
- $rtn .= "</table>";
- $total_score = $calcs['total'];
- $count = $calcs['count'];
- $avg = $calcs['avg'];
- $percent = $calcs['percent'];
- $max_possible = $calcs['max_possible'];
- // TODO: these might be controlled by setting one day
- $academic_priority_desc = array(
- "high" => t("High"),
- "medium" => t("Medium"),
- "normal" => t("Normal"),
- );
- $rtn .= "<p><b>Totals:</b> $total_score score / $max_possible max = <b>" . $percent . "</b>%.
- </p>
- <p>
- <b>" . t("Percent Scoring:") . "</b>
- <br><span class='profile-priority-bar priority-normal'>" . $academic_priority_desc['normal'] . "</span> 0 to 30
- <br><span class='profile-priority-bar priority-medium'>" . $academic_priority_desc['medium'] . "</span> 31 to 70
- <br><span class='profile-priority-bar priority-high'>" . $academic_priority_desc['high'] . "</span> 71 to 100
- </p>
- ";
- // Update the "academic priority" field at the top of the page, based on ranges.
- $academic_priority = student_priority_get_student_academic_priority_label($percent);
- $machine = $academic_priority['machine'];
- $label = $academic_priority['label'];
- $priority_html = "<span class='profile-priority-bar priority-$machine'>" . $label . "</span>";
- $rtn = str_replace("<!--current-academic-priority-->", $priority_html, $rtn);
- // Let's set our breadcrumbs
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- $crumbs = array();
- $crumbs[] = array(
- 'text' => 'Students',
- 'path' => 'student-search',
- );
- $crumbs[] = array(
- 'text' => $db->get_student_name($current_student_id) . " ($current_student_id)",
- 'path' => 'student-profile',
- 'query' => "current_student_id=$current_student_id",
- );
- $crumbs[] = array(
- 'text' => t("Student Profile"),
- 'path' => 'student-profile',
- 'query' => "current_student_id=$current_student_id",
- );
- fp_set_breadcrumbs($crumbs);
- return $rtn;
- } //student_priority_display_priority_calculations_page
- /**
- * Returns 'normal', 'medium', or 'high' based on values.
- *
- * TODO: Make those values be able to be set by configuration.
- *
- * TODO: If we have have a student specified, then see if we have a special priority value for them?
- *
- */
- function student_priority_get_student_academic_priority_label($priority_val, $student_id = NULL) {
- $academic_priority_label = array(
- "high" => "High",
- "medium" => "Medium",
- "normal" => "Normal",
- );
- //if ($priority_val == -1) {
- // $priority_val = @floatval($student_node->field_priority_value['und'][0]['value']);
- //}
- $machine = 'normal';
- if ($priority_val >= 31 && $priority_val <= 70) $machine = "medium";
- if ($priority_val > 70 ) $machine = "high";
- $rtn = array();
- $rtn['val'] = $priority_val;
- $rtn['machine'] = $machine;
- $rtn['label'] = $academic_priority_label[$machine];
- return $rtn;
- }
- /**
- * Queries for the academic priority value, and if its older than the set number of seconds, we will re-calculate for
- * this student. Set to zero to force it to recalculate every time.
- */
- function student_priority_get_academic_priority_value($student_id, $recalculate_if_older_than = 86400) {
- $check_ts = time() - $recalculate_if_older_than;
- $val = db_result(db_query('SELECT priority_value FROM student_priority WHERE student_id = ? AND updated > ?', array($student_id, $check_ts)));
- if (!$val) {
- // Recalculate!
- //fpm('recalculating');
- $calcs = student_priority_get_calculations_for_student($student_id, TRUE);
- $rtn = $calcs['percent'];
- return $rtn;
- }
- return $val;
- } // .. get academic priority value
- /**
- * Run all of the calculations for a student, and return back the results
- * in a formatted array.
- *
- * If bool_save_to_student is true, then we will write the results to the student_priority.
- *
- */
- function student_priority_get_calculations_for_student($student_cwid, $bool_save_to_student = FALSE) {
- global $current_student_id, $user, $student;
- if (!isset($student) || $student == null || !is_object($student)) {
- $student = new Student($current_student_id);
- }
- $rtn = array();
- //load student as object for use in the calculation tests.
- $use_student = $student;
- if ($student_cwid != $current_student_id) {
- $use_student = new Student($student_cwid);
- }
- $student_user_id = db_get_user_id_from_cwid($use_student->student_id, 'student');
- $calc_test_results = array();
- $total = 0;
- $max_possible = 0;
- $count = 0;
- // Invoke a hook to run our priority calculations.
- // First, get all our tests from all modules.
- $calc_tests = array();
- invoke_hook('define_calculation_tests', array(&$calc_tests));
- /////////////////////////////////
- // sort results by weight, title.
- /////////////////////////////////
- $sorted_calc_tests = array();
- $lines = array();
- foreach ($calc_tests as $key => $value) {
- $lines[] = str_pad($value['weight'], 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " ~~~ " . $value['title'] . " ~~~ " . $key;
- }
- sort($lines);
- foreach ($lines as $line) {
- $temp = explode("~~~", $line);
- $key = trim($temp[2]);
- $sorted_calc_tests[$key] = $calc_tests[$key];
- }
- $calc_tests = $sorted_calc_tests;
- //////////////////////////
- $rtn['calc_tests'] = $calc_tests;
- foreach ($calc_tests as $callback => $details) {
- $file = @$details['file']; // 0 = module, 1 = filename
- if ($file) {
- $x = include_once(fp_get_module_path($file[0], TRUE, FALSE) . "/" . $file[1]);
- if (!$x) {
- fpm('Could not load include file:' . fp_get_module_path($file[0], TRUE, FALSE) . "/" . $file[1]);
- }
- // Now execute the callback.
- $calc_test_results[$callback] = call_user_func_array($callback, array($use_student));
- }
- // Are we instead looking for a user attribute?
- if (isset($details['result_from_user_attribute'])) {
- $val = user_get_attribute($student_user_id, $details['result_from_user_attribute']);
- if ($val == '') {
- $val = 'SKIP';
- }
- $calc_test_results[$callback]['result'] = $val;
- $calc_test_results[$callback]['result_label'] = $val;
- // If we have the original options we can use for the label, use that.
- //fpm($details);
- if (isset($details['options'][$val])) {
- $calc_test_results[$callback]['result_label'] = $details['options'][$val];
- }
- }
- $raw_score = $details['result_scores'][$calc_test_results[$callback]['result']];
- // If the raw_score is "SKIP" then we don't want to count this at all.
- if (is_numeric($raw_score)) {
- $score = floatval($raw_score);
- $calc_test_results[$callback]['score'] = $score;
- // Figure out the max possible score from this test.
- $test_max_score = 0;
- foreach ($details['result_scores'] as $k => $v) {
- $v = floatval($v);
- if ($v > $test_max_score) $test_max_score = $v;
- }
- $max_possible += $test_max_score;
- $total = $total + $score;
- $count++;
- }
- else {
- $calc_test_results[$callback]['score'] = $raw_score;
- }
- } // foreach
- $avg = 0;
- if ($count > 0) {
- $avg = round($total / $count, 2);
- }
- $percent = 0;
- if ($max_possible > 0) {
- $percent = round(($total / $max_possible * 100), 2);
- }
- $rtn['calc_test_results'] = $calc_test_results;
- $rtn['count'] = $count;
- $rtn['total'] = $total;
- $rtn['avg'] = $avg;
- $rtn['max_possible'] = $max_possible;
- $rtn['percent'] = $percent;
- // Should we save the value to the student_priority table?
- if ($bool_save_to_student) {
- db_query('REPLACE INTO student_priority (student_id, priority_value, results, updated)
- VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ', array($student_cwid, $percent, serialize($rtn), time()));
- }
- return $rtn;
- } // student_priority_get_calculations_for_student($student_nid)
- // See the *api.php file for an example of how to create tests.
Name | Description |
student_priority_display_priority_calculations_page | Displays the calculations used to get the priority values. Can be displayed in either the dialog or stand-alone. |
student_priority_get_academic_priority_value | Queries for the academic priority value, and if its older than the set number of seconds, we will re-calculate for this student. Set to zero to force it to recalculate every time. |
student_priority_get_calculations_for_student | Run all of the calculations for a student, and return back the results in a formatted array. |
student_priority_get_student_academic_priority_label | Returns 'normal', 'medium', or 'high' based on values. |
student_priority_menu |