function calendar_get_appointments_for_faculty
Search API
7.x calendar.module | calendar_get_appointments_for_faculty($faculty_id, $start_date, $end_date, $bool_include_external_cals = FALSE) |
6.x calendar.module | calendar_get_appointments_for_faculty($faculty_id, $start_date, $end_date, $bool_include_external_cals = FALSE) |
Return back a list of appointment content nodes for this faculty member, which fall between the specified datetimes.
dates expected to look like: Y-m-d
1 call to calendar_get_appointments_for_faculty()
- calendar_get_available_faculty_schedule in modules/
calendar/ calendar.module - Returns back an array of time slots available for this faculty member and event_type
- modules/
calendar/ calendar.module, line 1200
function calendar_get_appointments_for_faculty($faculty_id, $start_date, $end_date, $bool_include_external_cals = FALSE) {
$rtn = array();
$start_date .= " 00:00:01";
$end_date .= " 23:59:59";
$res = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT(a.cid) FROM content__appointment a, content n
WHERE field__faculty_id = ?
AND (field__appointment_datetime BETWEEN ? AND ?)
AND a.vid = n.vid
AND a.cid = n.cid
AND n.delete_flag = 0
AND published = 1
ORDER BY a.vid DESC", array($faculty_id, $start_date, $end_date));
while ($cur = db_fetch_object($res)) {
$cid = $cur->cid;
$content = content_load($cid);
//$ap_datetime_ts = convert_time(strtotime($content->field__appointment_datetime['value']));
$ap_datetime_ts = strtotime($content->field__appointment_datetime ['value']);
$year = date('Y', $ap_datetime_ts);
$month = date('n', $ap_datetime_ts);
$day = date('j', $ap_datetime_ts);
$hm = date('g:ia', $ap_datetime_ts);
$rtn [$year][$month][$day][$ap_datetime_ts] = array(
'start_ts' => $ap_datetime_ts,
'hm' => $hm,
'end_ts' => $ap_datetime_ts + (intval($content->field__appointment_duration_minutes ['value']) * 60),
'origin' => 'fp',
'tz' => 'UTC',
} // while
$faculty_user_id = db_get_user_id_from_cwid($faculty_id, 'faculty');
$faculty_tz = fp_get_user_timezone($faculty_user_id);
if ($bool_include_external_cals) {
// Meaning, we should also look up the external ics feeds we may have.
$x = fp_get_module_path('calendar', TRUE, FALSE) . '/lib/ics-parser/vendor/autoload.php';
require_once ($x);
// Find external feeds (if any exist) for this user.
$ics_feeds = array();
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM content__schedule_unavailable_time a, content n
WHERE field__faculty_id = ?
AND field__ics_url != ''
AND a.vid = n.vid
AND a.cid = n.cid
AND n.delete_flag = 0
AND published = 1
ORDER BY a.vid DESC", array($faculty_id));
while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
$ics_url = trim($cur ['field__ics_url']);
if ($ics_url) {
$ics_feeds [] = array(
'url' => $ics_url,
'tz' => $faculty_tz,
'cid' => $cur ['cid'],
// DEV
//$ics_feeds[] = array(
// 'url' => "",
// 'tz' => 'America/Chicago',
foreach ($ics_feeds as $details) {
$ics = $details ['url'];
$tz = @$details ['tz'];
$cid = $details ['cid'];
if (!$tz) {
$tz = $faculty_tz;
$ical = NULL;
$ical_str = "";
try {
// grab from cache or re-download the ics file?
// See if more than 5 number of minutes have passed since we last pulled this file,
// and regenerate it if so. Otherwise, use a database cache. Maybe serialized into the user_attributes table?
$test = user_get_attribute($faculty_user_id, 'cache_ics_feed__' . $cid . '_reload_after_ts', 0);
if (time() < $test) {
// It has been cached previously, and the cache is still valid. Let's see if we can get what's there.
$ical_str = user_get_attribute($faculty_user_id, 'cache_ics_feed__' . $cid, "");
watchdog('calendar_ical', "Loading cached ics $ics ($cid)", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
if (!$ical_str || $ical_str == "") {
watchdog('calendar_ical', "Downloading ics $ics ($cid) from web and caching", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
$ical_str = fp_url_get_contents($ics);
// Save to user_attributes as a cache for later retrieval
user_set_attribute($faculty_user_id, 'cache_ics_feed__' . $cid, $ical_str);
user_set_attribute($faculty_user_id, 'cache_ics_feed__' . $cid . '_reload_after_ts', time() + (5 * 60));
if ($ical_str == "") {
watchdog('calendar_ical', "Error trying to read ical: $ics (cid: $cid). String is empty", array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
fpm("error trying to read ical");
$ical = new ICal\ICal();
if ($ical == NULL) {
watchdog('calendar_ical', "Error trying to load ical: $ics string (cid: $cid) String: $ical_str", array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
fpm("error trying to load ical_str");
$events = $ical->eventsFromRange($start_date, $end_date);
foreach ($events as $event) {
// if this is a "free" time, then the "transp" property will == "TRANSPARENT". If it's "busy" it will be "OPAQUE".
// We want to ignore anything marked as "free".
if (@$event->transp === "TRANSPARENT") {
$utc_start = $event->dtstart_array [2]; // the UTC timestamp
$utc_end = $event->dtend_array [2];
// Convert into the OWNER's timezone!
$converted_start = convert_time($utc_start, 'UTC', $tz);
$converted_end = convert_time($utc_end, 'UTC', $tz);
$ap_datetime_ts = $converted_start;
$summary = $event->summary; // title. basically.
$location = $event->location; // zoom link or whatever. Goes with body.
$description = $event->description; // the body.
// In order to catch events which span more than one day, let's add an entry
// for each day covered between our start and end times.
$last_date = '';
for ($t = $converted_start; $t <= $converted_end; $t = $t + 21600) {
$test_ts = $t;
if (date('Y-m-d', $test_ts) == $last_date) {
continue; // same date already, skip it.
$year = date('Y', $test_ts);
$month = date('n', $test_ts);
$day = date('j', $test_ts);
$last_date = date('Y-m-d', $test_ts);
$rtn [$year][$month][$day][$ap_datetime_ts] = array(
'start_ts' => $converted_start,
'end_ts' => $converted_end,
'converted_to_tz' => $tz,
'origin' => $ics,
'summary' => $summary,
'location' => $location,
'description' => filter_markup($description, 'basic'),
} // for t
} // foreach events
catch (Exception $e) {
watchdog('calendar_ical', "Couldn't load calendar ical $ics. Exception: <pre>" . print_r($e, TRUE) . "</pre>");
} // bool_include_external_cals
return $rtn;