function stats_report_major_students_progress_perform_batch_operation
Search API
7.x | stats_report_major_students_progress_perform_batch_operation(&$batch, $major, $school_id = 0) |
6.x | stats_report_major_students_progress_perform_batch_operation(&$batch, $major, $school_id = 0) |
This is the actual batch process function which gets called per run of the batch.
unknown_type $batch:
unknown_type $major:
- modules/
stats/, line 145 - This file handles the more complicated Major Students Progress csv export report, since it is part of a batch process.
function stats_report_major_students_progress_perform_batch_operation(&$batch, $major, $school_id = 0) {
// For later, let's get our requirement types from the pie chart config...
$requirement_types = array();
// Get the requested piecharts from our config...
$temp = variable_get_for_school("pie_chart_config", "c ~ Core Requirements\nm ~ Major Requirements\ndegree ~ Degree Progress", $school_id);
$lines = explode("\n", $temp);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if (trim($line) == "") {
$temp = explode("~", $line);
$requirement_type = trim($temp [0]);
$label = trim($temp [1]);
$requirement_types [$requirement_type] = $label;
//////////////////////////// FIRST TIME ///////////////////////////////
// If this is our first time through, let's init our values.
if (!isset($batch ["results"]["total"])) {
// Our first time through. Let's start up.
$batch ["results"]["current"] = 0;
$batch ["results"]["finished"] = FALSE;
$batch ["csv"] = "CWID, LAST, FIRST, CATALOG, MAJOR, RANK, ";
// Get the requested piecharts from our config...
$temp = variable_get_for_school("pie_chart_config", "c ~ Core Requirements\nm ~ Major Requirements\ndegree ~ Degree Progress", $school_id);
$lines = explode("\n", $temp);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
if (trim($line) == "") {
$temp = explode("~", $line);
$requirement_type = trim($temp [0]);
$label = trim($temp [1]);
$requirement_types [$requirement_type] = $label;
$batch ["csv"] .= "$requirement_type FULFILLED, $requirement_type TOTAL, $requirement_type PERCENT, $requirement_type GPA, ";
$batch ["csv"] .= "\n";
// We need the "total" number of students in the selected major.
$res = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM students a, users b, student_degrees c
WHERE major_code = ?
AND is_active = 1
AND is_student = 1
AND a.cwid = b.cwid
AND b.school_id = ?
AND a.cwid = c.student_id
ORDER BY l_name, f_name
", array($major, $school_id));
$cur = db_fetch_array($res);
$batch ["results"]["total"] = $cur ["count"];
// Okay, we can now begin the actual batch process.
$current = $batch ["results"]["current"];
$total = $batch ["results"]["total"];
$limit = 7; // how many records to examine for THIS time through the function.
$c = 0; // count of records.
$db = get_global_database_handler();
// Find active students with this major
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM students a, users b, student_degrees c
WHERE major_code = ?
AND is_active = 1
AND is_student = 1
AND a.cwid = b.cwid
AND b.school_id = ?
AND a.cwid = c.student_id
ORDER BY l_name, f_name
LIMIT $current, $limit", array($major, $school_id));
while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
if ($c >= $limit) {
$l_name = $cur ["l_name"];
$f_name = $cur ["f_name"];
// Remove possible trouble characters from names.
$l_name = str_replace(",", "", $l_name);
$f_name = str_replace(",", "", $f_name);
$cwid = $cur ["cwid"];
$major_code = $cur ["major_code"];
$catalog_year = $cur ["catalog_year"];
$rank = $cur ["rank_code"];
$batch ["csv"] .= "$cwid, $l_name, $f_name, $catalog_year, $major_code, $rank, ";
// Load them up fully and calculate their percentages
$student = new Student($cwid, $db);
$degree_id = $db->get_degree_id($major_code, $catalog_year, FALSE, $school_id);
if ($degree_id) {
// Fully build up a FlightPath screen in memory, as if the student
// were looking at this on a web page....
$degree_plan = new DegreePlan($degree_id, $db, false, $student->array_significant_courses);
$fp = new FlightPath($student, $degree_plan);
$screen = new AdvisingScreen("", $fp);
$screen->view = "year";
$fp->assign_courses_to_semesters(); // bare degree plan. not groups.
// Okay, perform the percentage calculations...
$degree_plan->calculate_progress_hours(FALSE, $requirement_types);
$degree_plan->calculate_progress_quality_points(FALSE, $requirement_types);
$use_degree_id = $degree_id;
if (!isset($degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$use_degree_id])) {
$use_degree_id = 0;
foreach ($requirement_types as $requirement_type => $label) {
// Okay, let's see if this degreeplan even has any data on this requirement type.
$total_hours = $degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$use_degree_id][$requirement_type]["total_hours"] * 1;
$fulfilled_hours = $degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$use_degree_id][$requirement_type]["fulfilled_hours"] * 1;
$qpts_hours = $degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$use_degree_id][$requirement_type]["qpts_hours"] * 1;
$qpts = $degree_plan->gpa_calculations [$use_degree_id][$requirement_type]["qpts"] * 1;
$gpa = $percent = 0;
if ($qpts_hours > 0) {
$gpa = fp_truncate_decimals($qpts / $qpts_hours, 3);
if ($total_hours > 0) {
$percent = round(($fulfilled_hours / $total_hours) * 100);
$batch ["csv"] .= "$fulfilled_hours, $total_hours, $percent, $gpa, ";
$batch ["csv"] .= "\n";
} // while $cur = db_fetch_array
// Update our $batch results variables
$batch ["results"]["current"] = $current + $c;
if ($batch ["results"]["current"] >= $total) {
// We are finished!
$batch ["results"]["finished"] = TRUE;
// Add the batch_id to the SESSION so we can call it back later on.
$_SESSION ["stats_report_major_students_progress"][$school_id] = array();
$_SESSION ["stats_report_major_students_progress"][$school_id]["last_batch_id"] = $batch ["batch_id"];
$_SESSION ["stats_report_major_students_progress"][$school_id]["last_timestamp"] = time();
$_SESSION ["stats_report_major_students_progress"][$school_id]["last_major"] = $major;