function content_edit_content_form_submit
Search API
7.x content.module | content_edit_content_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) |
6.x content.module | content_edit_content_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) |
4.x content.module | content_edit_content_form_submit(&$form, $form_state) |
5.x content.module | content_edit_content_form_submit(&$form, $form_state) |
Submit handler for the edit content form.
unknown_type $form:
- modules/
content/ content.module, line 1497
function content_edit_content_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) {
global $user;
$values = $form_state ["values"];
$cid = $values ['cid'];
$type = $values ["type"];
// are we trying to delete?
if (isset($values ['submit_delete']) && trim($values ['submit_delete']) != '') {
// Yes, we are deleting!
$content = content_load($cid);
if (!content_user_access('delete', $content->cid)) {
fp_add_message(t("Sorry, you do not have permission to delete this content."));
$content->delete_flag = 1;
watchdog("content", "delete cid:$cid, type:$type", array());
// find out if we should redirect anywhere in particular for this deletion.
if (isset($form ['#redirect'])) {
fp_add_message(t("The content was deleted successfully."));
$form ['#redirect']['query'] .= "&del=" . $content->cid;
else {
// No redirect was specified, so let's send us to the home page.
fp_add_message(t("The content was deleted successfully."));
$form ['#redirect']['path'] = "<front>";
$now = time();
$types = content_get_types();
// Does the user have permission to edit/add this content?
$access_action = "add";
$var = $type;
if ($cid !== "new") {
$access_action = "edit";
$var = $cid;
if (!content_user_access($access_action, $var)) {
fp_add_message(t("Sorry, you do not have permission to @action that content type.", array("@action" => $access_action)));
// Assemble into a content object, then call content_save();
if ($values ['cid'] == 'new') {
// This is a NEW content obj!
$content = new stdClass();
$content->type = $type;
$content->cid = "new";
$content->published = 1;
$content->delete_flag = 0;
content_save($content); // Do an initial save, so we get its cid back.
else {
// This is an EXISTING content. Load it.
$content = content_load($values ['cid']);
$cid = $content->cid;
// Clean the title of any XSS attempts
$title = filter_markup($values ['title']);
$content->title = $title; // required
// set published status. 0 for not, 1 for published
$content->published = (bool) $values ['published'];
// Add in our new field values.
foreach ($types [$type]['fields'] as $fieldname => $details) {
if ($details ['type'] != 'cfieldset') {
if ($details ['type'] == 'datetime-local') {
// Since this is datetime-local, the value is actually already in the user's timezone.
// We want to CHANGE THIS TO UTC, so it saves in the database as UTC.
$val_ts = @strtotime($values [$fieldname]);
$utc_ts = convert_time($val_ts, fp_get_user_timezone(), 'UTC');
$values [$fieldname] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $utc_ts);
// Do the same for "time" field type. We need to convert to UTC from the user's timezone.
if ($details ['type'] == 'time') {
// Since this is time, the value is actually already in the user's timezone.
// We want to CHANGE THIS TO UTC, so it saves in the database as UTC.
$val_ts = @strtotime("2000-01-01 " . $values [$fieldname]); // give a bogus date just so our times make since.
$utc_ts = convert_time($val_ts, fp_get_user_timezone(), 'UTC');
$values [$fieldname] = date('H:i', $utc_ts);
// If this field type is "file" then we are going to do something special with it
// don't need to do this if we are just editing an existing content node and hitting "save"
if ($details ['type'] == 'file') {
$uploaded_files = fp_re_array_files($_FILES [$fieldname]); // makes them easier to work with.
$fid = "";
foreach ($uploaded_files as $file) {
if ($file && $file ['name'] != '') {
// Now, save to the content_files table.
$fid .= content_add_new_uploaded_file($file, $cid) . ",";
} // foreach
// Do we have any previously uploaded files we need to include?
if (@$form_state ['values']['previous_upload_' . $fieldname] != "") {
$fid .= "," . $form_state ['values']['previous_upload_' . $fieldname] . ",";
$fid = ltrim($fid, ",");
for ($t = 0; $t < 10; $t++) {
$fid = str_replace(",,", ",", $fid); // get rid of any duplicate commas
$fid = rtrim($fid, ","); // trim any extra commas
$values [$fieldname] = $fid;
} // if details = file
$content->{'field__' . $fieldname}['value'] = @$values [$fieldname];
else {
foreach ($details ['elements'] as $c => $v) {
foreach ($details ['elements'][$c] as $fieldname => $edetails) {
if ($details ['type'] == 'datetime-local') {
// Since this is datetime-local, the value is actually already in the user's timezone.
// We want to CHANGE THIS TO UTC, so it saves in the database as UTC.
$val_ts = @strtotime($values [$fieldname]);
$utc_ts = convert_time($val_ts, fp_get_user_timezone(), 'UTC');
$values [$fieldname] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $utc_ts);
// Do the same for "time" field type. We need to convert to UTC from the user's timezone.
if ($details ['type'] == 'time') {
// Since this is time, the value is actually already in the user's timezone.
// We want to CHANGE THIS TO UTC, so it saves in the database as UTC.
$val_ts = @strtotime("2000-01-01 " . $values [$fieldname]); // give a bogus date just so our times make since.
$utc_ts = convert_time($val_ts, fp_get_user_timezone(), 'UTC');
$values [$fieldname] = date('H:i', $utc_ts);
$content->{'field__' . $fieldname}['value'] = @$values [$fieldname];
$form_state ['content_object'] = $content;
watchdog("content", "edited/saved cid:$cid, type:$type", array());
if (isset($form ['#redirect'])) {
if ($form ['#redirect']['path'] == 'content/new') {
$form ['#redirect']['path'] = 'content/' . $content->cid;
fp_add_message(t('Saved successfully.'));