function blank_degrees_select_degree_form

6.x blank_degrees.module blank_degrees_select_degree_form()
4.x blank_degrees.module blank_degrees_select_degree_form()
5.x blank_degrees.module blank_degrees_select_degree_form()

This form lets the user select which degree they wish to view.


modules/blank_degrees/blank_degrees.module, line 163


function blank_degrees_select_degree_form() {
  $form = array();

  $bool_show_continue = TRUE;

  // Are we in draft mode?
  if ($_SESSION ["fp_draft_mode"] == "yes") {
    $GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["bool_use_draft"] = true;
  else {
    $GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["bool_use_draft"] = false;

  if (fp_screen_is_mobile()) {
    fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("blank_degrees") . "/css/mobile.css");

  $blank_catalog_year = $_REQUEST ["blank_catalog_year"];
  if ($blank_catalog_year == "") {
    // The user must first select the desired catalog year.

    $catalog_year_options = array();
    $current_catalog_year = variable_get("current_catalog_year", 2006);

    if ($GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["bool_use_draft"]) {
      $current_catalog_year = variable_get("current_draft_catalog_year", 2006);

    $earliest_catalog_year = variable_get("earliest_catalog_year", 2006);
    for ($t = $current_catalog_year; $t >= $earliest_catalog_year; $t--) {
      $catalog_year_options [$t] = "$t-" . ($t + 1);

    $form ["blank_catalog_year"] = array(
      "type" => "select",
      "label" => t("Please begin by selecting a catalog year:"),
      "options" => $catalog_year_options,
  else {
    // Catalog year WAS specified.  So, ask the user to select a degree now.
    $form ["blank_catalog_year"] = array(
      "type" => "hidden",
      "value" => $blank_catalog_year,

    $form ["mark" . $m++] = array(
      "value" => t("Searching degrees in %year.", array("%year" => $blank_catalog_year . "-" . ($blank_catalog_year + 1))) . "
                   " . l(t("Change?"), "tools/blank-degrees"),

    $mobile_markup = "";
    $degree_options = array();
    $db = get_global_database_handler();
    if ($degree_array = $db->get_degrees_in_catalog_year($blank_catalog_year, true, $GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["bool_use_draft"], FALSE)) {
      foreach ($degree_array as $major_code => $value) {
        if (trim($value ["title"]) == "") {
        $degree_id = $value ["degree_id"];
        $title = $value ["title"];
        if ($value ["degree_class"] == "G") {
          $title = "(" . t("Graduate") . ") " . $title;
        // if title is too long, shorten it.
        $maxlen = 95;
        if (strlen($title) > $maxlen) {
          $title = substr($title, 0, $maxlen - 3) . "...";

        $degree_options [$degree_id] = $title;

        $mobile_markup .= "<a class='degree-search-degree-row'
                    href='" . fp_url("blank-degrees/display", "blank_degree_id=$degree_id&blank_catalog_year={$_REQUEST ["blank_catalog_year"]}") . "'>
                      <div class='degree-search-degree-title'>$title</div>


    if (fp_screen_is_mobile()) {
      $form ["mark" . $m++] = array(
        "value" => $mobile_markup,
      $bool_show_continue = FALSE;
    else {
      // NOT mobile
      $form ["blank_degree_id"] = array(
        "label" => t("Please select a degree"),
        "type" => "select",
        "options" => $degree_options,



  if ($bool_show_continue) {
    $form ["submit"] = array(
      "type" => "submit",
      "prefix" => "<hr>",
      "value" => t("Continue") . " -&gt;",

  return $form;