function z___admin_handle_edit_degree_submit

5.x z___admin_handle_edit_degree_submit()


modules/admin/, line 959


function z___admin_handle_edit_degree_submit() {

  $de_catalog_year = $_REQUEST ["de_catalog_year"];
  $db = get_global_database_handler();

  // What courses should have their type overwritten as "x"?
  $ignore_courses = csv_to_array(variable_get("ignore_courses_from_hour_counts", ""));

  // This will UPDATE a degree in the system with the courses
  // and groups that the user selected.
  $perform_action2 = trim($_POST ["perform_action2"]);

  if (strstr($perform_action2, "delGroup")) {
    $temp = explode("_", $perform_action2);
    $del_group = new Group();
    $del_group->bool_use_draft = true;
    $del_group->group_id = $temp [1];
    $del_group->assigned_to_semester_num = $temp [2];


  $major_code = trim($_POST ["major_code"]);
  if ($major_code == "") {
    die("Fatal error:  major_code not found.");

  // Since we are making a change to the draft table(s), let's add a row
  // to draft instructions.

  // Let's assemble the track selection config values into one string.  We need to loop through all of the POST
  // values, looking for each type of track.
  $db_track_selection_config = "";
  $degree_classes = fp_get_degree_classifications();
  foreach ($degree_classes ["levels"] as $level => $details) {
    if (intval($level) != 3) {
      continue; // we only care about level 3...
    foreach ($degree_classes ["levels"][$level] as $machine_name => $title) {
      // Got the machine name, now let's see if we have any values for
      // the track selections...
      $min_tracks = @intval($_POST ["tsc_{$machine_name}_min_tracks"]);
      $max_tracks = @intval($_POST ["tsc_{$machine_name}_max_tracks"]);
      $default_tracks = @trim($_POST ["tsc_{$machine_name}_default_tracks"]);

      $db_track_selection_config .= $machine_name . "~" . $min_tracks . "~" . $max_tracks . "~" . $default_tracks . "\n";

  $degree_id = "";
  // First things first, if this degree already exists in this
  // catalog year, then we need to delete it first.
  if ($degree_id = $db->get_degree_id($major_code, $de_catalog_year, true)) {
    $degree = new DegreePlan($degree_id, null, false, false, true);

    // Delete from degree_requirements WHERE this degree_id exists.
    $res = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degree_requirements
                  WHERE degree_id = '?' ", $degree_id);

    // Are we trying to DELETE this degree?  If so, keep deleting!
    if ($perform_action2 == "delete_degree" && user_has_permission("can_delete_data_entry")) {
      $res = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degrees
                  WHERE  degree_id = '?' ", $degree_id);

      // Also need to get rid of the track, if there is one for this
      // degree.
      $res = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_degree_tracks
                  WHERE major_code = '$degree->major_code' 
                  AND track_code = '$degree->track_code'
                  AND catalog_year = '?' LIMIT 1", $de_catalog_year);

      // Okay, we have deleted everything.  We need to go back to
      // just the list of degrees.
      //display_edit_degrees("<font color='green'><b>The degree $major_code ($de_catalog_year) has been deleted.</b></font>");

      fp_add_message("The degree $major_code ($de_catalog_year) has been deleted.");
      fp_goto("admin/degrees", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year");


  else {
    // We need to generate a new degreeID for this major_code and catalog_year,
    // because one does not already exist!
    if (!$degree_id = $db->request_new_degree_id()) {
      die("Error.  Could not create new degreeID.");

  // Save the entire post to the log.

  $errors = "";
  $semester_titles_csv = "";
  $highest_semester_num = 0; // What is the largest semester_num in the system?
  // Okay, now get the various courses...
  for ($semester_num = 0; $semester_num < 50; $semester_num++) 
    // Assuming no more than 50 semesters.
    $courses = trim(@$_POST ["courses_$semester_num"]);
    if ($courses == "") {

    if ($semester_num > $highest_semester_num) {
      $highest_semester_num = $semester_num;

    $course_rows = explode("\n", $courses);
    for ($t = 0; $t < count($course_rows); $t++) {
      $line = trim($course_rows [$t]);
      if ($line == "") {
      // Take out extra whitespace between tokens.
      $line = str_replace("   ", " ", $line);
      $line = str_replace("  ", " ", $line);
      $line = str_replace("  ", " ", $line);
      $line = str_replace("  ", " ", $line);

      $tokens = explode(" ", $line);
      $subject_id = $tokens [0];
      $course_num = $tokens [1];
      $requirement_type = strtolower(@$tokens [2]);

      if ($requirement_type == "") {
        // major type by default.
        $requirement_type = "m";

      // If this course is in our ignore list, override it's type
      // to be 'x'
      if (in_array("$subject_id $course_num", $ignore_courses)) {
        $requirement_type = "x";

      $min_grade = strtoupper(@$tokens [3]);

      if (strstr($requirement_type, "(")) {
        // This means there was no requirement_type specified, so it's "m",
        // and a min_grade was found in its place.
        $min_grade = strtoupper($requirement_type);
        $requirement_type = "m";

      $min_grade = str_replace("(", "", $min_grade);
      $min_grade = str_replace(")", "", $min_grade);

      // Okay, we now have enough information to insert the course.
      // Find out what the course_id is.
      if ($course_id = $db->get_course_id($subject_id, $course_num, "", true)) // don't care about catalog year.
        $query = "INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
                    (degree_id, semester_num, course_id, course_min_grade, course_requirement_type, data_entry_value)
                    values (?,?,?,?,?,?) ";
        $res = db_query($query, $degree_id, $semester_num, $course_id, $min_grade, $requirement_type, "$subject_id~$course_num");
      else {
        // The course_id could not be found!
        $errors .= "<br><span style='color:red;'><b>Course Not Found!</b>
              In Block " . ($semester_num + 1) . ", you specified the course
              <b>$subject_id $course_num</b> as a requirement, but this course
              could not be found.
              It was removed from that block.
              Are you sure you typed it correctly?  Please go to this
              semester, check your spelling, and add the course again.</span>";




  // Get the groups....
  foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
    if (!strstr($key, "group_")) {
    // Only look at the groups...
    $temp = explode("_", $value);

    $group_id = $temp [0];

    $semester_num = $temp [1];

    $hours = $temp [2];
    $min_hours = $hours;

    if (strstr($hours, "-")) {
      // Hours has a min hour value specified.  let's grab it.
      $tt = explode("-", $hours);
      $min_hours = $tt [0];
      $hours = $tt [1];

    $type = $temp [3];
    $min_grade = trim($temp [4]);

    if ($semester_num > $highest_semester_num) {
      $highest_semester_num = $semester_num;

    // Do not add if we are supposed to be deleting this group!
    if (isset($del_group) && is_object($del_group)) {
      if ($del_group->group_id == $group_id && $del_group->assigned_to_semester_num == $semester_num) {

    $adding_group = new Group($group_id);

    // If this group is already saved in this degree elsewhere, and it has a different type or min_grade,
    // then we must display a warning message to the user.
    $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_requirements
                     WHERE degree_id = '?'
                     AND group_id = '?'
                     AND (group_min_grade <> '?' OR group_requirement_type <> '?')", $degree_id, $group_id, $min_grade, $type);
    while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
      $errors .= "<br><span style='color:red;'><b>Group type or min grade mismatch!</b>
                  In Block " . ($semester_num + 1) . ", you specified the group <em>" . $adding_group->title . "</em> ($adding_group->group_name) with a min grade of \"<em>$min_grade</em>\"
                  and a requirement type of \"<em>$type</em>\".  However, the group was previously specified in this degree plan in Block " . ($cur ["semester_num"] + 1) . "
                  with a different requirement type and/or min grade requirement.  FlightPath will not perform calculations correctly for courses assigned to this group.
                  You should either set the duplicate occurances of the group to the same type/min grade, or create a new group to handle these alternate requirements.</span>";

    // We now have enough information to insert this group.
    //debugCT("group: $group_id $semester_num $hours $type");
    $query = "INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
                    (degree_id, semester_num, group_id,
                    group_requirement_type, group_hours_required, group_min_hours_allowed, group_min_grade)
                    values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ";
    $res = db_query($query, $degree_id, $semester_num, $group_id, $type, $hours, $min_hours, $min_grade);


  // Was there a group added or deleted?
  if (strstr($perform_action2, "addGroup")) {
    $temp = explode("_", $perform_action2);
    $group_id = $temp [1];
    $semester_num = $temp [2];
    $hours = trim($temp [3]);
    $min_hours = $hours;
    if (strstr($hours, "-")) {
      // Hours has a min hour value specified.  let's grab it.
      $tt = explode("-", $hours);
      $min_hours = $tt [0];
      $hours = $tt [1];

    $type = $temp [4];
    $min_grade = trim($temp [5]);

    $adding_group = new Group($group_id);

    // If this group is already saved in this degree elsewhere, and it has a different type or min_grade,
    // then we must display a warning message to the user.
    $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_degree_requirements
                     WHERE degree_id = '?'
                     AND group_id = '?'
                     AND (group_min_grade <> '?' OR group_requirement_type <> '?')", $degree_id, $group_id, $min_grade, $type);
    while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
      $errors .= "<br><span style='color:red;'><b>Group type or min grade mismatch!</b>
                  In Block " . ($semester_num + 1) . ", you specified the group <em>" . $adding_group->title . "</em> ($adding_group->group_name) with a min grade of \"<em>$min_grade</em>\"
                  and a requirement type of \"<em>$type</em>\".  However, the group was previously specified in this degree plan in Block " . ($cur ["semester_num"] + 1) . "
                  with a different requirement type and/or min grade requirement.  FlightPath will not perform calculations correctly for courses assigned to this group.
                  You should either set the duplicate occurances of the group to the same type/min grade, or create a new group to handle these alternate requirements.</span>";

    $query = "INSERT INTO draft_degree_requirements
                    VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ";
    $res = db_query($query, $degree_id, $semester_num, $group_id, $type, $hours, $min_hours, $min_grade);


  // Make the semesterTitlesCSV...
  for ($semester_num = 0; $semester_num <= $highest_semester_num; $semester_num++) {

    if ($semester_num > 99) {
      break; // some problem.  Give up.  Don't try to go past 99 semesters!

    $semester_titles_csv .= trim(@$_POST ["semester_title_$semester_num"]) . ",";

  // Before we UPDATE, also grab the degree title, degree_type,
  // and exclude value, etc....
  $degree_title = trim($_POST ["title"]);
  $degree_type = trim($_POST ["degree_type"]);
  $degree_class = trim($_POST ["degree_class"]);
  $degree_level = strtoupper(trim($_POST ["degree_level"]));
  $exclude = trim($_POST ["exclude"]);
  $allow_dynamic = trim($_POST ["allow_dynamic"]);
  $advising_weight = intval($_POST ["advising_weight"]);
  $override_degree_hours = trim($_POST ["override_degree_hours"]);
  $public_note = trim($_POST ["public_note"]);
  $min_tracks = intval($_POST ["min_tracks"]);
  $max_tracks = intval($_POST ["max_tracks"]);
  $default_tracks = trim($_POST ["default_tracks"]);

  $res = db_query("UPDATE draft_degrees
              SET semester_titles_csv = ?,
                  title = ?,
                  degree_type = ?,
                  degree_class = ?,
                  degree_level = ?,
                  exclude = ?,
                  allow_dynamic = ?,
                  advising_weight = ?,
                  override_degree_hours = ?,
                  track_selection_config = ?,
                  public_note = ?
              WHERE degree_id = ? ", 
  $semester_titles_csv, $degree_title, $degree_type, $degree_class, $degree_level, $exclude, $allow_dynamic, $advising_weight, $override_degree_hours, 
  $db_track_selection_config, $public_note, $degree_id);

  ////  Was there a track title/description?  If so, UPDATE that in the tracks
  // table...
  if (strstr($major_code, "_")) {
    // There was a track. Update track description.
    $temp = explode("_", $major_code);
    $major = trim($temp [0]);
    // major might now have a | at the end.  If so, take it out.
    if (substr($major, strlen($major) -1, 1) == "|") {
      $major = str_replace("|", "", $major);

    $track = trim($temp [1]);
    $track_description = trim($_POST ["track_description"]);
    $track_title = trim($_POST ["track_title"]);
    $res = db_query("UPDATE draft_degree_tracks
                SET `track_description`='?',
                WHERE `track_code`='?'
                AND `major_code`='?' 
                AND `catalog_year`='?' ", $track_description, $track_title, $track, $major, $de_catalog_year);

  //$msg = "<font color='green' size='4'>Degree updated successfully at " . get_current_time() . ".</font>";
  fp_add_message("Degree updated succesfully.");
  $button_msg = urlencode("Degree updated successfully at " . date("H:i:s"));
  $bool_scroll = $bool_button_msg = true;
  if ($errors != "") 
    fp_add_message("ERRORS/WARNINGS: $errors");
    $bool_scroll = $bool_button_msg = false;

    $button_msg = urlencode("The degree plan was saved, but an error or warning has occured.  Please see error message at the top of the page.");
    $_REQUEST ["scroll_top"] = 0;


  fp_goto("admin/degrees/edit-degree", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year&major_code=$major_code&scroll_top=" . $_REQUEST ["scroll_top"] . "&button_msg=" . $button_msg);
