Search API
This is the initial installation file for FlightPath.
This script will handle the initial installation of FlightPath, which entails creating its database tables and settings.php file.
install.phpView source
- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * This is the initial installation file for FlightPath.
- *
- * This script will handle the initial installation of FlightPath, which
- * entails creating its database tables and settings.php file.
- */
- // Set the PHP error reporting level for FlightPath. In this case,
- // only show us errors and warnings. (Hide "notice" and "strict" messages)
- session_start();
- header("Cache-control: private");
- // Load our bootstrap (skipping over loads we don't need)
- $skip_flightpath_settings = TRUE;
- $skip_flightpath_modules = TRUE;
- require("");
- // Load needed modules
- require_once("modules/system/system.module");
- // Check here to see if FlightPath has already been installed.
- // We will do this by simply looking for the settings.php file.
- if (file_exists("custom/settings.php")) {
- die("FlightPath has already been installed. If you wish to re-install FlightPath,
- DELETE the custom/settings.php file, and drop all of the tables in FlightPath's
- database.");
- }
- /*
- * To begin setting up FlightPath, the user must have completed
- * two other steps-- select language, and pass the requirements
- * check.
- */
- $lang = "";
- if (isset($_REQUEST["lang"])) {
- $lang = $_REQUEST["lang"];
- }
- if ($lang == "") {
- install_display_lang_selection();
- die;
- }
- // If we made it here, the language must have been set. So,
- // now check the requirements, and display the results if there
- // are any.
- if ($req_array = install_check_requirements()) {
- install_display_requirements($req_array);
- die;
- }
- // Set to blank if not already there.
- if (!isset($_REQUEST['perform_action'])) $_REQUEST['perform_action'] = '';
- if ($_REQUEST["perform_action"] != "install") {
- // If we made it this far, it means we have no unfulfilled requirements.
- // Let's go ahead and ask the user for their database information.
- install_display_db_form();
- die;
- }
- else {
- // We ARE trying to install. Let's give it a go!
- install_perform_install();
- die;
- }
- die;
- // See:
- function install_get_random_string($length = 99) {
- $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@^&#%*';
- $charlen = strlen($characters);
- $random_string = '';
- for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
- $random_string .= $characters[mt_rand(0, $charlen - 1)];
- }
- return $random_string;
- }
- /**
- * Actually performs the installation of FlightPath
- */
- function install_perform_install() {
- global $user;
- if (!isset($user)) {
- $user = new stdClass();
- }
- $user->id = 1; // set to admin during install
- $db_name = trim($_POST["db_name"]);
- $db_host = trim($_POST["db_host"]);
- $db_port = trim($_POST["db_port"]);
- $db_user = trim($_POST["db_user"]);
- $db_pass = trim($_POST["db_pass"]);
- $admin_pass = trim($_POST["admin_pass"]);
- $admin_pass2 = trim($_POST["admin_pass2"]);
- $admin_name = trim($_POST["admin_name"]);
- $admin_email = trim($_POST["admin_email"]);
- if (strlen($admin_name) < 3) {
- return install_display_db_form("<font color='red'>" . st("Please select another
- username for Admin (ex: admin)
- which is at least 3 characters long.") . "</font>");
- }
- if (strlen($admin_pass) < 5) {
- return install_display_db_form("<font color='red'>" . st("Admin password must be at least 5 characters long.") . "</font>");
- }
- if ($admin_pass != $admin_pass2) {
- return install_display_db_form("<font color='red'>" . st("You must enter the same Admin password for both the
- 'Admin Password' field and the 'Re-enter Password'
- field.") . "</font>");
- }
- if (!filter_var($admin_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
- // invalid emailaddress
- return install_display_db_form("<font color='red'>" . st("You must enter a valid email address for the admin user.") . "</font>");
- }
- // Place into settings so our installation procedures will work.
- $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["db_host"] = $db_host;
- $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["db_port"] = $db_port;
- $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["db_user"] = $db_user;
- $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["db_pass"] = $db_pass;
- $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["db_name"] = $db_name;
- // Make sure admin information is OK.
- // We will attempt to connect to this database. If we have any problems, we will go back to
- // the form and inform the user.
- try {
- $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$db_host;port=$db_port;dbname=$db_name;charset=utf8mb4", $db_user, $db_pass);
- $GLOBALS['pdo'] = $pdo;
- }
- catch (Exception $e) {
- // Connection failed!
- return install_display_db_form("<div style='color:red;'>" . st("Could not connect. Please check that you have
- created the database already, and given the user all of the permissions
- (except Grant). Then, make sure you typed the username and
- password correctly, as well as the database name itself.
- <br><br>Full exception message: " . $e->getMessage()) . "</div>");
- }
- ///////////////////////////////
- // If we have made it here, then we have been provided valid database credentials.
- // Let's write out our settings.php file.
- $settings_template = trim(install_get_settings_file_template());
- // Add in our replacements
- $settings_template = str_replace("%DB_HOST%", $db_host, $settings_template);
- $settings_template = str_replace("%DB_PORT%", $db_port, $settings_template);
- $settings_template = str_replace("%DB_NAME%", $db_name, $settings_template);
- $settings_template = str_replace("%DB_USER%", $db_user, $settings_template);
- $settings_template = str_replace("%DB_PASS%", $db_pass, $settings_template);
- $settings_template = str_replace("%CRON_SECURITY_TOKEN%", md5(time()), $settings_template);
- $settings_template = str_replace("%ENCRYPTION_KEY_STRING%", install_get_random_string(99) , $settings_template);
- // Attempt to figure out the file_system_path based on __FILE__
- $file_system_path = str_replace("install.php", "", __FILE__);
- // Convert \ to / in the file system path.
- $file_system_path = str_replace("\\", "/", $file_system_path);
- // Get rid of the last character, which should be a / at this point.
- $file_system_path = substr($file_system_path, 0, -1);
- $settings_template = str_replace("%FILE_SYSTEM_PATH%", $file_system_path, $settings_template);
- // Attempt to figure out the base URL.
- $protocol = "http";
- if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off') { $protocol = "https"; }
- // This method of determining protocol no longer seems to work
- //$protocol = strpos(strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']),'https') === FALSE ? 'http' : 'https';
- $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
- $script = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
- $base_url = $protocol . "://" . $host . $script;
- $base_url = str_replace("/install.php", "", $base_url);
- $settings_template = str_replace("%BASE_URL%", $base_url, $settings_template);
- // Figure out the base_path and add it in.
- $base_path = str_replace($protocol . "://" . $host, "", $base_url);
- if ($base_path == "") $base_path = "/"; // If it is empty, then we are on a bare URL and it should just be /
- $settings_template = str_replace("%BASE_PATH%", $base_path, $settings_template);
- // Okay, we have completed all the changes to the settings template string, we can
- // write it out to a file now.
- if (!file_put_contents("custom/settings.php", $settings_template)) {
- die("There was an error trying to write out the /custom/settings.php file. Please
- make sure the /custom directory is writable to the webserver.");
- }
- ///////////////////////////////////
- // Okay, we have just written out our settings.php file.
- // We now need to install our database. We will do this by
- // running the system module's hook_install, as it contains all
- // of our various tables needed to run FlightPath.
- include_once("modules/system/system.install");
- $GLOBALS["fp_die_mysql_errors"] = TRUE;
- // call system_install() to perform our numerous DB table creations.
- system_install();
- // With db tables created, let's include our settings file so we can get some
- // important GLOBAL variables set up.
- include("custom/settings.php");
- // Re-establish DatabaseHandler object connection since we just re-loaded the settings file.
- $temp_db = new DatabaseHandler();
- // Get our hash of the admin password
- $new_pass = user_hash_password($admin_pass);
- // Add the admin user to the newly-created users table and the "faculty" table.
- db_query("INSERT INTO users (user_id, user_name, cwid, password, email, is_faculty, f_name, l_name)
- VALUES ('1', ?, '1', ?, ?, '1', 'Admin', 'User') ", $admin_name, $new_pass, $admin_email);
- db_query("INSERT INTO faculty (cwid) VALUES ('1') ");
- // Having made it here, we now need to call system_enable,
- // which will in turn enable all of the other modules which
- // we will need to have, as well as other database changes.
- system_enable();
- // Now that we have enabled all of the modules (and made other database changes)
- // let's re-include the bootstrap file, which will re-init our GLOBAL settings,
- // as well as load all of our new modules.
- $skip_flightpath_settings = FALSE;
- $skip_flightpath_modules = FALSE;
- include("");
- // Re-establish DatabaseHandler object connection since we just re-loaded the settings file.
- $temp_db = new DatabaseHandler();
- /////////////////////////
- // Now, we need to clear our caches and re-build the menu router.
- fp_clear_cache();
- // wipe out the SESSION to remove any extraneous messages.
- session_destroy();
- // Okay, now we are done!
- // let's re-direct to a new page.
- fp_goto("install-finished");
- }
- /**
- * Returns a template for a new settings file.
- *
- * The only role of this function is to provide a settings
- * template, with replacement patterns which we will use to create
- * a new settings.php file.
- */
- function install_get_settings_file_template() {
- return '
- <?php
- /**
- * @file
- * The settings file for FlightPath, containing database and other settings.
- *
- * Once you have made changes to this file, it would be best to change
- * the permissions to "read-only" to prevent unauthorized users
- * from altering it.
- */
- // Set the PHP error reporting level for FlightPath. In this case,
- // only show us errors and warnings. (Hide "notice" and "strict" messages)
- error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT);
- // Set the PHP max time limit which any one page is allowed to take up while
- // running. The default is 30 seconds. Change this value (or remove it)
- // as needed.
- set_time_limit(300); // 300 seconds = 5 minutes.
- ////////////////////////////////////
- // All system settings will be placed (at the end of this script)
- // into a $GLOBALS variable, but for now will be placed into the
- // array "$system_settings", defined below:
- $system_settings = array();
- ////////////////////////////////////
- // !!! *** IMPORTANT !!! *** //
- ////////////////////////////////////
- // If this variable is set to TRUE, then anyone who attempts to log in
- // will have full, admin access.
- // Only set this to TRUE if you have run into trouble, and cannot log into
- // FlightPath normally!
- // Otherwise, leave it set to FALSE!
- $system_settings["GRANT_FULL_ACCESS"] = FALSE;
- ////////////////////////////////////
- // This should be the actual filesystem path to the directory
- // where FlightPath is installed. Do NOT include a trailing slash!
- // Ex: /var/www/public_html/flightpath or, for Windows: C:/htdocs/flightpath
- // ** Depending on your webserver, you may be required to use forward-slashes! **
- // use the following line to help you figure out the fileSystemPath, by seeing
- // what the path is to this file:
- // print "<br>System path to settings.php: " . __FILE__ . "<br><br>";
- $system_settings["file_system_path"] = "%FILE_SYSTEM_PATH%";
- // The base URL is the actual URL a user would type to visit your site.
- // Do NOT enter a trailing slash!
- // Ex: http://localhost/flightpath
- $system_settings["base_url"] = "%BASE_URL%";
- // The basePath is related to the baseURL. It is the part of the URL which comes after
- // your domain name.
- // It MUST begin with a preceeding slash.
- // Ex: If your site is, then you should
- // enter "/dev/flightpath". If you are hosting on a bare domain name (
- // then simply enter "/"
- $system_settings["base_path"] = "%BASE_PATH%";
- ////////////////////////////////////
- // *** Database-related settings ***
- ////////////////////////////////////
- $system_settings["db_host"] = "%DB_HOST%"; // domain/ip address of the mysql host. ex: localhost, or, or
- $system_settings["db_port"] = "%DB_PORT%"; // default for mysql/mariadb is 3306
- $system_settings["db_name"] = "%DB_NAME%"; // Name of the actual database where flightpath\'s tables are located.
- $system_settings["db_user"] = "%DB_USER%";
- $system_settings["db_pass"] = "%DB_PASS%";
- ////////////////////////////////////
- // *** Cron-related *** //
- ////////////////////////////////////
- // If you wish to use cron.php (which will call every module\'s
- // hook_cron() function), you may set up a cron job like this:
- // php cron.php security_token_string
- // Cron Security Token: This is something which
- // must be the first argument passed to cron.php. It can be any continuous
- // string of *alpha-numeric* characters.
- // This is a security measure to prevent unauthorized users (or web-users) from
- // running cron.php, and is REQUIRED!
- // For example, if the token is CRON_TOKEN then to run the script you would need
- // to use:
- //
- // In Linux/Unix, you can use the following in your system crontab to run the FlightPath
- // cron every 10 minutes:
- // */10 * * * * wget -O - -q -t 1
- // See the System status page (/admin/config/status) for more instructions.
- //
- // The following cron_security_token has been randomly generated:
- $system_settings["cron_security_token"] = "%CRON_SECURITY_TOKEN%";
- ////////////////////////////////////
- // *** Encryption-related *** //
- ////////////////////////////////////
- // The encryption module is enabled by default, and requires an encryption key string to function
- // correctly. It should be random characters and at least 32 characthers.
- // You may also specify a key file. See admin/config/encryption for more information.
- //
- // You should PRINT this encryption string, as well as the hash protocol and cipher algorithm
- // in use (see admin/config/encryption) and store in a safe place. If the encryption key string
- // is lost, you will not be able to decrypt previously encrypted values/files.
- //
- // The encryption key string below has been randomly generated:
- $GLOBALS["encryption_key_string"] = "%ENCRYPTION_KEY_STRING%";
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// *** Custom Settings? *** ///
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // If you have any custom settings you wish to add to this file, do so here.
- //
- // As long as you place your settings in a uniquely named $GLOBALS variable, it will be accessible on every page load
- // throughout FlightPath.
- //
- // For example:
- // $GLOBALS["fp_my_custom_module_settings"]["secret_string"] = "Shhh... This is a secret.";
- //
- // If you are unsure what this might be used for, leave this section blank.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////
- // END OF SETTINGS FILE /////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////
- // *** Do not alter or remove below this line!
- /////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////
- /////////////////////////////////////
- // This will load the contents of the variables
- // table into the $system_settings variable. These are extra settings
- // which were set via the web, usually in the Admin Console.
- $db_host = $system_settings["db_host"];
- $db_port = $system_settings["db_port"];
- $db_user = $system_settings["db_user"];
- $db_pass = $system_settings["db_pass"];
- $db_name = $system_settings["db_name"];
- // Connection by IP address is fastest, so let\'s always try to do that.
- // It can be time-consuming to convert our hostname to IP address. Cache it in our SESSION
- if (isset($_SESSION["fp_db_host_ip"])) {
- $db_host_ip = $_SESSION["fp_db_host_ip"];
- if (!$db_host_ip) $db_host_ip = $db_host;
- }
- else {
- // Convert our db_host into an IP address, then save to simple SESSION cache.
- $db_host_ip = trim(gethostbyname($db_host));
- if (!$db_host_ip) $db_host_ip = $db_host;
- $_SESSION["fp_db_host_ip"] = $db_host_ip;
- }
- // Connect using PDO
- $GLOBALS["pdo"] = new PDO("mysql:host=$db_host_ip;port=$db_port;dbname=$db_name;charset=utf8mb4", $db_user, $db_pass,
- array(
- ));
- // Set our error handling... (using "silent" so I can catch errors in try/catch and display them, email, etc, if wanted.)
- $res = $GLOBALS["pdo"]->prepare("SELECT * FROM modules WHERE enabled = 1
- ORDER BY weight, name");
- $res->execute();
- while ($cur = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
- $system_settings["modules"][$cur["name"]] = $cur;
- }
- // We want to make sure the "system" module is enabled, so we will hard-code
- // its values.
- if ($system_settings["modules"]["system"]["enabled"] != 1) {
- $system_settings["modules"]["system"]["path"] = "modules/system";
- $system_settings["modules"]["system"]["enabled"] = 1;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////
- // This must appear at the VERY end! Nothing involving "system_settings" should come after this....
- //
- // Assign our system_settings to the GLOBALS array so we can access it anywhere in FlightPath.
- $GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"] = $system_settings;
- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- // PUT NOTHING BELOW THIS LINE ///////////////
- ';
- }
- /**
- * Displays the form to let a user set up a new database
- */
- function install_display_db_form($msg = "") {
- global $lang;
- $db_name = $db_host = $db_port = $db_user = $db_pass = $admin_pass = $admin_pass2 = $admin_name = $admin_email = '';
- if (isset($_POST['db_name'])) {
- $db_name = $_POST["db_name"];
- $db_host = $_POST["db_host"];
- $db_port = $_POST["db_port"];
- $db_user = $_POST["db_user"];
- $db_pass = $_POST["db_pass"];
- $admin_pass = $_POST["admin_pass"];
- $admin_pass2 = $_POST["admin_pass2"];
- $admin_name = $_POST["admin_name"];
- $admin_email = $_POST["admin_email"];
- }
- if ($db_port == "") $db_port = "3306";
- $pC = "";
- $pC .= "<h2 class='title'>" . st("Setup Database and Admin") . "</h2>$msg
- <p>" . st("You should have already set up a database and database user
- (with all privileges except Grant) for FlightPath.
- <br><br>
- <strong>Required: The database default Character set must be 'utf8mb4'.</strong>
- <br><br>
- Please enter database credentials and information below.") . "</p>
- <hr>
- <form action='install.php?lang=$lang' method='POST'>
- <input type='hidden' name='perform_action' value='install'>
- <table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='margin-left: 20px;'>
- <tr>
- <td colspan='2'><b>" . st("FlightPath administrator information") . "</b></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top'>" . st("Admin Username:") . "</td>
- <td valign='top'><input type='text' name='admin_name' value='$admin_name' size='15' maxlength='50'> Ex: admin</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top'>" . st("Admin Email Address:") . "</td>
- <td valign='top'><input type='text' name='admin_email' value='$admin_email' size='20'></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top'>" . st("Admin Password:") . "</td>
- <td valign='top'><input type='password' name='admin_pass' value='$admin_pass' size='20'></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top'>" . st("Re-enter Password:") . "</td>
- <td valign='top'><input type='password' name='admin_pass2' value='$admin_pass2' size='20'></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan='2'><hr>
- <b>" . st("Database information") . "</b></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top'>" . st("Database Name:") . "</td>
- <td valign='top'><input type='text' name='db_name' value='$db_name' size='50'></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top'>" . st("Database Host/IP:") . "</td>
- <td valign='top'><input type='text' name='db_host' value='$db_host' size='50'></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top'>" . st("Database Port:") . "</td>
- <td valign='top'><input type='text' name='db_port' value='$db_port' size='10'> Ex: 3306</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top'>" . st("Database Username:") . "</td>
- <td valign='top'><input type='text' name='db_user' value='$db_user' size='50'></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td valign='top'>" . st("Database Password:") . "</td>
- <td valign='top'><input type='password' name='db_pass' value='$db_pass' size='50'></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <br><br>
- <input type='submit' value='" . st("Install") . "'>
- <br>
- <b>" . st("Please click only once. May take several seconds to install.") . "
- </form>";
- // Display the screen
- $page_content = $pC;
- install_output_to_browser($page_content);
- }
- /**
- * Check for missing requirements of the system.
- *
- * Returns an array of missing requirements which the user must fix before
- * installation can continue.
- *
- */
- function install_check_requirements() {
- $rtn = array();
- // Is the /custom directory writable?
- if (!is_writable("custom")) {
- $rtn[] = st("Please make sure the <em>/custom</em> directory is writable to the web server.
- <br>Ex: chmod 777 custom");
- }
- if (count($rtn) == 0) return FALSE;
- return $rtn;
- }
- /**
- * Displays the requirements on screen for the user.
- */
- function install_display_requirements($req_array) {
- global $lang;
- $pC = "";
- $pC .= "<h2 class='title'>" . st("Check Requirements") . "</h2>
- <p>" . st("The following requirements must be fixed before installation of FlightPath
- can continue.") . "</p>";
- foreach ($req_array as $req) {
- $pC .= "<div style='padding: 5px; margin: 10px; border: 1px solid red;
- font-family: Courier New, serif; font-size:0.9em'>$req</div>";
- }
- $pC .= "<p>" . st("Please fix the problems listed, then reload to try again:") . "
- <br><a href='install.php?lang=$lang'>" . st("Click here to try again") . "</a>";
- // Display the screen
- $page_content = $pC;
- install_output_to_browser($page_content);
- }
- function install_display_lang_selection() {
- $html = "";
- $html .= "<h2 class='title'>Install FlightPath</h2>
- Please follow the instructions on the following pages to complete
- your installation of FlightPath.
- <h3 class='title'>Select language</h3>
- Please begin by selecting an installation language.
- <ul>
- <li><a href='install.php?lang=en'>English</a></li>
- </ul>
- <br><br><br>
- <b>Please note:</b> By proceeding with this installation, you affirm that you
- have read, understand, and agree with the LICENSE.txt file and the COPYRIGHT.txt file
- included with this software package.
- Specifically, that you accept and agree with the GNU GPL license, and with the statement
- that this software is provided to you without warranty. If you have any questions,
- please visit before proceeding with installation.";
- // Display the screen
- install_output_to_browser($html);
- }
- function install_output_to_browser($page_content, $page_title = "Install FlightPath 7") {
- print "
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' />
- <title>$page_title</title>
- <style>
- body
- {
- font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans serif;
- background-color: white;
- }
- .top-banner {
- width: 820px; /* the size of page-content + padding */
- margin-left: auto;
- margin-right: auto;
- margin-bottom: 1.2em;
- background-color: white;
- border: 3px solid #ccc;
- border-radius: 5px;
- }
- /* Page content */
- .page-content {
- width: 800px;
- min-height: 400px;
- margin-top: 50px;
- margin-left: auto;
- margin-right: auto;
- padding-left: 10px;
- padding-right: 10px;
- padding-top: 5px;
- padding-bottom: 50px;
- border: 1px solid #ccc;
- box-shadow: 1px 1px 50px #ccc;
- border-radius: 5px;
- background-color: white;
- }
- .page-is-popup .page-content {
- min-height: 250px;
- width: 90%;
- }
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
- <div class='page-content'>
- $page_content
- </div>
- </body>
- </html>
- ";
- }
Name | Description |
install_check_requirements | Check for missing requirements of the system. |
install_display_db_form | Displays the form to let a user set up a new database |
install_display_lang_selection | |
install_display_requirements | Displays the requirements on screen for the user. |
install_get_random_string | |
install_get_settings_file_template | Returns a template for a new settings file. |
install_output_to_browser | |
install_perform_install | Actually performs the installation of FlightPath |