function install_display_lang_selection

7.x install.php install_display_lang_selection()
6.x install.php install_display_lang_selection()
4.x install.php install_display_lang_selection()
5.x install.php install_display_lang_selection()
1 call to install_display_lang_selection()
install.php in ./install.php
This is the initial installation file for FlightPath.


./install.php, line 656
This is the initial installation file for FlightPath.


function install_display_lang_selection() {
  $html = "";

  $html .= "<h2 class='title'>Install FlightPath</h2>
          Please follow the instructions on the following pages to complete
          your installation of FlightPath.
            <h3 class='title'>Select language</h3>
          Please begin by selecting an installation language.
            <li><a href='install.php?lang=en'>English</a></li>
          <b>Please note:</b> By proceeding with this installation, you affirm that you
          have read, understand, and agree with the LICENSE.txt file and the COPYRIGHT.txt file
          included with this software package.
          Specifically, that you accept and agree with the GNU GPL license, and with the statement
          that this software is provided to you without warranty.  If you have any questions,
          please visit before proceeding with installation.";

  // Display the screen