function install_display_db_form

7.x install.php install_display_db_form($msg = "")
6.x install.php install_display_db_form($msg = "")
4.x install.php install_display_db_form($msg = "")
5.x install.php install_display_db_form($msg = "")

Displays the form to let a user set up a new database

1 call to install_display_db_form()
install_perform_install in ./install.php
Actually performs the installation of FlightPath


./install.php, line 491
This is the initial installation file for FlightPath.


function install_display_db_form($msg = "") {
  global $lang;

  $db_name = $db_host = $db_port = $db_user = $db_pass = $admin_pass = $admin_pass2 = $admin_name = $admin_email = '';

  if (isset($_POST ['db_name'])) {
    $db_name = $_POST ["db_name"];
    $db_host = $_POST ["db_host"];
    $db_port = $_POST ["db_port"];
    $db_user = $_POST ["db_user"];
    $db_pass = $_POST ["db_pass"];

    $admin_pass = $_POST ["admin_pass"];
    $admin_pass2 = $_POST ["admin_pass2"];
    $admin_name = $_POST ["admin_name"];
    $admin_email = $_POST ["admin_email"];

  if ($db_port == "") {
    $db_port = "3306";

  $pC = "";

  $pC .= "<h2 class='title'>" . st("Setup Database and Admin") . "</h2>$msg
          <p>" . st("You should have already set up a database and database user
                      (with all privileges except Grant) for FlightPath.  
                      <strong>Required:  The database default Character set must be 'utf8mb4'.</strong>                              
                      Please enter database credentials and information below.") . "</p>
          <form action='install.php?lang=$lang' method='POST'>
          <input type='hidden' name='perform_action' value='install'>
          <table border='0' cellpadding='3' style='margin-left: 20px;'>

              <td colspan='2'><b>" . st("FlightPath administrator information") . "</b></td>
              <td valign='top'>" . st("Admin Username:") . "</td>
              <td valign='top'><input type='text' name='admin_name' value='$admin_name' size='15' maxlength='50'> Ex: admin</td>

              <td valign='top'>" . st("Admin Email Address:") . "</td>
              <td valign='top'><input type='text' name='admin_email' value='$admin_email' size='20'></td>

              <td valign='top'>" . st("Admin Password:") . "</td>
              <td valign='top'><input type='password' name='admin_pass' value='$admin_pass' size='20'></td>
              <td valign='top'>" . st("Re-enter Password:") . "</td>
              <td valign='top'><input type='password' name='admin_pass2' value='$admin_pass2' size='20'></td>
              <td colspan='2'><hr>
                <b>" . st("Database information") . "</b></td>
              <td valign='top'>" . st("Database Name:") . "</td>
              <td valign='top'><input type='text' name='db_name' value='$db_name' size='50'></td>
              <td valign='top'>" . st("Database Host/IP:") . "</td>
              <td valign='top'><input type='text' name='db_host' value='$db_host' size='50'></td>

              <td valign='top'>" . st("Database Port:") . "</td>
              <td valign='top'><input type='text' name='db_port' value='$db_port' size='10'> Ex: 3306</td>

              <td valign='top'>" . st("Database Username:") . "</td>
              <td valign='top'><input type='text' name='db_user' value='$db_user' size='50'></td>
              <td valign='top'>" . st("Database Password:") . "</td>
              <td valign='top'><input type='password' name='db_pass' value='$db_pass' size='50'></td>
          <input type='submit' value='" . st("Install") . "'>
          <b>" . st("Please click only once.  May take several seconds to install.") . "

  // Display the screen
  $page_content = $pC;
