function install_check_requirements

7.x install.php install_check_requirements()
6.x install.php install_check_requirements()
4.x install.php install_check_requirements()
5.x install.php install_check_requirements()

Check for missing requirements of the system.

Returns an array of missing requirements which the user must fix before installation can continue.

1 call to install_check_requirements()
install.php in ./install.php
This is the initial installation file for FlightPath.


./install.php, line 612
This is the initial installation file for FlightPath.


function install_check_requirements() {
  $rtn = array();

  // Is the /custom directory writable?
  if (!is_writable("custom")) {
    $rtn [] = st("Please make sure the <em>/custom</em> directory is writable to the web server.
               <br>Ex: chmod 777 custom");

  if (count($rtn) == 0) {
    return FALSE;
  return $rtn;