26 calls to fp_theme_location()

admin_display_edit_degree in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
This screen displays the form which allows the user to actually edit a degree.
admin_display_groups in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
This function will display a list of all our groups.
admin_display_groups_popup_select_icon in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
This popup is called from the edit group page. It lets the user select an icon to assign to a group.
admin_edit_group_form in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
This function lets the user edit a group.
advise_display_history in modules/advise/advise.history.inc
Displays the history tab on screen.
blank_degrees_menu in modules/blank_degrees/blank_degrees.module
Implementation of hook_menu
course_search_display_courses in modules/course_search/course_search.module
Show the user their select of courses.
course_search_display_edit_courses in modules/course_search/course_search.edit.inc
Display a plain list of courses, making it easier for admins to edit schedules and details in one spot.
course_search_menu in modules/course_search/course_search.module
fp_mobile_template.php in themes/classic/fp_mobile_template.php
fp_print_template.php in themes/classic/fp_print_template.php
fp_render_currently_advising_box in includes/theme.inc
Draws the CurrentlyAdvisingBox which appears at the top of the screen, containing the student's information like name, major, etc.
fp_render_curved_line in includes/theme.inc
Will draw a string in a pretty curved box. Used for displaying semester titles.
fp_render_tab_array in includes/theme.inc
Given a propperly formatted tab_array, this will return the HTML to draw it on a page.
fp_template.php in themes/classic/fp_template.php
hook_menu in includes/hook.api.php
Allows modules to specify valid URLs in FlightPath, and define what function to call when the user visits that URL.
stats_menu in modules/stats/stats.module
Implementation of hook_menu
student_search_query_advisees in modules/student_search/student_search.module
system_init in modules/system/system.module
Called on every page load.
system_menu in modules/system/system.module
_AdvisingScreen::build_footnotes in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
Constructs the HTML which will show footnotes for substitutions and transfer credits.
_AdvisingScreen::display_popup_course_description in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
Displays the contents of the Descripton tab for the course popup.
_AdvisingScreen::display_screen in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
This function generates the HTML to display the screen. Should be used in conjunction with output_to_browser()
_AdvisingScreen::draw_course_row in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
This is used by lots of other functions to display a course on the screen. It will show the course, the hours, the grade, and quality points, as well as any necessary icons next to it.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_group_select_row in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
This draws the "blank row" for a group on the degree plan, which instructs the user to click on it to select a course from the popup.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_popup_group_select_course_row in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
Used in the group selection popup, this will display a course with a radio button next to it, so the user can select it.