38 calls to fp_get_machine_readable()
Search API
- admin_edit_group_form_validate in modules/
admin/ admin.groups.inc - Validate handler for edit group form.
- advise_display_popup_change_term in modules/
advise/ advise.module - This popup allows the advisor to change the advising term.
- advise_what_if_selection_form in modules/
advise/ advise.module - AdvisingScreen::display_screen in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - This function generates the HTML to display the screen. Should be used in conjunction with output_to_browser()
- AdvisingScreen::display_semester in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - Given a Semester object, this will generate the HTML to draw it out to the screen. We will take advantage of the render engine, so we can utilize hook_content_alter later on.
- AdvisingScreen::draw_box_top in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - Used to draw the beginning of semester boxes and other boxes, for example the footnotes.
- AdvisingScreen::draw_course_row in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - This is used by lots of other functions to display a course on the screen. It will show the course, the hours, the grade, and quality points, as well as any necessary icons next to it.
- AdvisingScreen::draw_group_select_row in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - This draws the "blank row" for a group on the degree plan, which instructs the user to click on it to select a course from the popup.
- AdvisingScreen::draw_pie_chart_box in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - This function is used to draw an individual pie chart box. It accepts values of top/bottom in order to come up with a percentage.
- AdvisingScreen::draw_popup_group_select_course_row in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - Used in the group selection popup, this will display a course with a radio button next to it, so the user can select it.
- AdvisingScreen::draw_progress_boxes in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - This function calls drawPieChart to construct the student's 3 progress pie charts.
- AdvisingScreen::draw_semester_box_top in classes/
AdvisingScreen.php - Uses the draw_box_top function, specifically for semesters.
- AdvisingScreenTypeView::display_semester_list in classes/
AdvisingScreenTypeView.php - Display contents of a semester list as a single semester, only displaying courses matching the requirement_type. If the requirement_type is "e", then we will also look for anything not containing a defined requirement_type.
- audit_settings_form_validate in modules/
audit/ audit.module - calendar_display_schedule_staff_page in modules/
calendar/ calendar.module - This page (primarily meant for students) is for quickly finding your advisor or professor or whomever, and finding their link to schedule an appointment with them.
- CourseList::sort_alphabetical_order in classes/
CourseList.php - Sorts the course list into alphabetical order. If load_descriptive_data() has not already been called for each course, it will call it.
- csv_to_form_api_array in includes/
misc.inc - Splits a basic csv but returns an array suitable for the form_api, retuns assoc array.
- engagements_display_main in modules/
engagements/ engagements.module - displays the main Engagements tab, which shows the history of past engagements.
- engagements_imap_get_all_received_messages in modules/
engagements/ engagements.module - Connect to our imap server, download all received messages from students (or others). We will then delete them, so they don't get read twice.
- fp_render_button in includes/
theme.inc - Returns the HTML to draw a pretty button.
- fp_render_content in includes/
render.inc - This is very similar to fp_get_form / fp_render_form, except in this case we are being passed the completed "render_array", which already contains all of our elements. We will call hooks on it, sort by weights, and then return the rendered…
- fp_render_element in includes/
render.inc - Returns the HTML to render this form (or content) element to the screen. $name is the HTML machine name. $element is an array containing all we need to render it. If you want default values to be taken from the SESSION (because we had form_errors,…
- fp_render_menu_item in includes/
theme.inc - fp_render_section_title in includes/
theme.inc - fp_render_student_profile_header in includes/
theme.inc - Returns the HTML for the "profile" header html for a student
- fp_render_sub_tab_array in includes/
theme.inc - Similar to render_tab_array.
- fp_render_tab_array in includes/
theme.inc - Given a propperly formatted tab_array, this will return the HTML to draw it on a page.
- lassie_get_machine_name in modules/
lassie/ lassie.module - Converts the string into a compatible "machine name" for Lassie to use.
- stats_display_main in modules/
stats/ stats.module - Main menu screen for this module.
- stats_download_csv_from_batch in modules/
stats/ stats.module - Lets the user download a CSV file from a completed batch.
- stats_draw_date_range_form in modules/
stats/ stats.module - Displays the HTML for the date range form used by several reports. $path is what is the form's ACTION sending to.
- student_search_render_advisees in modules/
student_search/ student_search.module - theme_table_header_sortable in includes/
theme.inc - Given an array of table headers (in the format listed below), returns back the HTML to draw it to the screen. This makes them clickable, to make the table header sortable. This is meant to be used with queries, by adding in an "ORDER BY"…
- update_status_status in modules/
update_status/ update_status.module - Implementation of hook_status.
- user_display_users in modules/
user/ user.module - Display our list of faculty/staff users in the system.
- user_permissions_form in modules/
user/ user.module - This is the permissions form, where users can set which roles have which permissions.
- z__student_search_render_advisees in modules/
student_search/ student_search.module - z______student_search_render_advisees in modules/
student_search/ student_search.module