function fp_render_tab_array

7.x fp_render_tab_array($tab_array)
6.x fp_render_tab_array($tab_array)
4.x fp_render_tab_array($tab_array)
5.x fp_render_tab_array($tab_array)

Given a propperly formatted tab_array, this will return the HTML to draw it on a page.


array $tab_array:

  • Array should have this structure:

    • $tab_array[i]["title"] = The title or caption of the tab. "main", or "Edit", etc.
    • $tab_array[i]["active"] = boolean. True if this is the tab we are currently looking at.
    • $tab_array[i]["href"] = This is a complete href for the link we will create.
    • $tab_array[i]["on_click"] = This is an onClick command for javascript. If this is set, href will be ignored.

Return value


1 call to fp_render_tab_array()
fp_display_page in includes/
Output the contents of the $page variable to the screen. $page is an array containing details about the page, as well as its original menu item (router_item) definition.


includes/, line 1998


function fp_render_tab_array($tab_array) {

  $rtn = "";

  if (count($tab_array) == 0) {
    return "";

  $img_path = fp_theme_location() . "/images";

  $rtn .= "<ul class='tabs'>";

  for ($t = 0; $t < count($tab_array); $t++) 
    $title = @$tab_array [$t]["title"];

    // If the title has a replacement pattern in it, then we need to call a hook to see what it should be set to.
    if (strpos($title, "%") !== 0) {
      $title = menu_convert_replacement_pattern($title);

    $active = @$tab_array [$t]["active"];
    $on_click = @$tab_array [$t]["on_click"];
    $href = @$tab_array [$t]["href"];

    $extra_a = "";
    if ($on_click != "") {
      $href = "javascript:void(0);";
      $extra_a = "onclick='$on_click'";

    if ($title == "") 

    $extra_class = "inactive";
    if ($active) {
      $extra_class = "active";
      // the active tab is not clickable.
      $href = 'javascript:void(0);';
      $extra_a = '';

    if ($t == 0) {
      $extra_class .= " first";
    if ($t == count($tab_array) - 1) {
      $extra_class .= " last";

    // Also add in a machine-friendly class based on the title and position

    $extra_class .= " tab-count-$t tab-title-" . fp_get_machine_readable(strtolower(trim($title)));

    $rtn .= "<li class='tab $extra_class'><a href='$href' $extra_a>$title</a></li>";


  $rtn .= "</ul>";

  return $rtn;
