function AdvisingScreen::draw_popup_group_select_course_row

7.x AdvisingScreen.php AdvisingScreen::draw_popup_group_select_course_row(Course $course, $group_hours_remaining = 0)
6.x AdvisingScreen.php AdvisingScreen::draw_popup_group_select_course_row(Course $course, $group_hours_remaining = 0)

Used in the group selection popup, this will display a course with a radio button next to it, so the user can select it.


Course $course:

int $group_hours_remaining:

Return value


1 call to AdvisingScreen::draw_popup_group_select_course_row()
AdvisingScreen::display_popup_group_select_course_list in classes/AdvisingScreen.php
Accepts a CourseList object and draws it out to the screen. Meant to be called by display_popup_group_select();


classes/AdvisingScreen.php, line 4908




function draw_popup_group_select_course_row(Course $course, $group_hours_remaining = 0) 
  // Display a course itself...
  $pC = "";
  $w1_1 = $this->popup_width_array [0];
  $w1_2 = $this->popup_width_array [1];
  $w1_3 = $this->popup_width_array [2];
  $w2 = $this->popup_width_array [3];
  $w3 = $this->popup_width_array [4];
  $w4 = $this->popup_width_array [5];
  $w5 = $this->popup_width_array [6];
  $w6 = $this->popup_width_array [7];

  $title_text = "";
  $icon_html = "";
  $pts = "";

  $theme ["icon"] = array();

  $theme = array();
  $theme ["screen"] = $this;
  $theme ["student"] = $this->student;
  $theme ["degree_plan"] = $this->degree_plan;
  $theme ["from_group_select"] = TRUE;

  if ($course->subject_id == "") 
    // Lacking course's display data, so reload it from the DB.
  $subject_id = $course->subject_id;
  $course_num = $course->course_num;
  $hours = $course->get_catalog_hours();
  $display_status = $course->display_status;
  $db_group_requirement_id = $course->db_group_requirement_id;
  $grade = $course->grade;
  $repeats = $course->specified_repeats;
  if ($repeats > 0 && $show_repeat_information) 
    $w3 = "15%";

  $attributes = $course->db_group_attributes;
  $attributes_class = "";
  if ($attributes == "*") {
    $attributes_class .= "group-attr-recommended";
  if ($attributes == "-") {
    $attributes_class .= "group-attr-hidden";

  //Setting in Configure School Settings:
  $show_repeat_information = (variable_get_for_school("group_list_course_show_repeat_information", "yes", $course->school_id) == "yes");

  $course_id = $course->course_id;
  //$group_id = $course->assigned_to_group_id;
  $group_id = $course->get_first_assigned_to_group_id();
  $semester_num = $course->assigned_to_semester_num;
  $req_by_degree_id = $course->req_by_degree_id;

  $min_var_hours = "";
  $var_hour_icon = " ";
  if ($course->has_variable_hours() == true) 
    $var_hour_icon = "<img src='" . fp_theme_location() . "/images/var_hour.gif'
                title='" . t("This course has variable hours.") . "'
                alt='" . t("This course has variable hours.") . "'>";

    $min_var_hours = $course->min_hours;

    // Does the var hours actually start at zero?
    if ($course->bool_ghost_min_hour) {
      $min_var_hours = 0;

  $checked = "";
  if ($course->bool_selected == true) 
    $checked = " checked='checked' ";

  $blank_degree_id = "";
  if ($this->bool_blank) 
    $blank_degree_id = $this->degree_plan->degree_id;

  //$serializedCourse = urlencode(serialize($course));
  $js_code = "popupDescribeSelected(\"$group_id\",\"$semester_num\",\"$course_id\",\"$subject_id\",\"req_by_degree_id=$req_by_degree_id&group_hours_remaining=$group_hours_remaining&db_group_requirement_id=$db_group_requirement_id&blank_degree_id=$blank_degree_id\");";

    $on_mouse_over = " onmouseover=\"style.backgroundColor='#FFFF99'\"
              onmouseout=\"style.backgroundColor='white'\" ";

  $on_mouse_over = "

  $hand_class = "hand";
  $extra_style = $extra_classes = $extra_css = $extra_html = "";

  // Add the name of the course to the extra-classes
  $extra_classes .= " cr-" . fp_get_machine_readable($course->subject_id . " " . $course->course_num);

  // Check to see if the course is in our required_courses_id_array for more than one degree.
  if (isset($this->degree_plan->required_course_id_array [$course->course_id])) {
    if (count($this->degree_plan->required_course_id_array [$course->course_id]) > 1) {
      // Add a new classname for this course...
      $extra_classes .= " course-appears-in-mult-degrees course-appears-in-" . count($this->degree_plan->required_course_id_array [$course->course_id]) . "-degrees";


  // Assemble theme array elements for the course itself.
  $theme ["course"] = array(
    "course" => $course,
    "course_id" => $course->course_id,
    "js_code" => $js_code,
    "subject_id" => $subject_id,
    "course_num" => $course_num,
    "display_status" => $display_status,
    "extra_classes" => $extra_classes,
    "hours" => $hours,
    "var_hour_icon" => $var_hour_icon,
    "grade" => $grade,
    "pts" => $pts,
    "title" => $title_text,
    "extra_html" => $extra_html,

  $op_on_click_function = "adviseSelectCourseFromGroupPopup";

  $theme ["op"] = array(
    "display_status" => $display_status,
    "extra_css" => $extra_css,
    "onclick" => array(
      "function" => $op_on_click_function,
      "arguments" => array(""),
    "checked" => $checked,
    "hidden_field" => "<input type='hidden' name='$course_id" . "_subject'
                            id='$course_id" . "_subject' value='$subject_id'>
                          <input type='hidden' name='$course_id" . "_db_group_requirement_id'
                              id='$course_id" . "_db_group_requirement_id' value='$db_group_requirement_id'>
                          <input type='hidden' name='$course_id" . "_req_by_degree_id' id='$course_id" . "_req_by_degree_id' value='$req_by_degree_id'>
                          <input type='hidden' name='$course_id" . "_min_var_hours' id='$course_id" . "_min_var_hours' value='$min_var_hours'>

  $theme ["course"]["js_code"] = $js_code;

  // Invoke a hook on our theme array, so other modules have a chance to change it up.   
  invoke_hook("theme_advise_course_row", array(&$theme));

  // Actually draw out our $theme array now....

  // The checkbox & hidden element....
  $op = $hid = "";
  if (isset($theme ["op"]) && count($theme ["op"]) > 0) {
    $onclick = "";
    $onclick = $theme ["op"]["onclick"]["function"] . "(\"" . join("\",\"", $theme ["op"]["onclick"]["arguments"]) . "\")";

    $checked = $theme ["op"]["checked"];
    $hid = $theme ["op"]["hidden_field"];
    $op = "<input type='radio' name='course' class='cb-course' id='cb-course-$course_id' value='$course_id' $checked onClick='return $onclick;' $extra_css>";


  // The icon....
  $icon_html = "";
  if (isset($theme ["icon"]) && count($theme ["icon"]) > 0) {

    $icon_html = "<img class='advising-popup-group-select-course-icon'
                      src='{$theme ["icon"]["location"]}/{$theme ["icon"]["filename"]}' width='14' height='14' border='0' alt='{$theme ["icon"]["title"]}' title='{$theme ["icon"]["title"]}'>";

  if ($course->bool_unselectable == true) 
    // Cannot be selected, so remove that ability!
    $hand_class = "";
    $on_mouse_over = "";
    $js_code = "";
    $op = $op_on_click_function = "";
    $extra_style = "style='font-style: italic; color:gray;'";


  // Actually draw the row's HTML


  $js_code = $theme ["course"]["js_code"];

  $pC .= "
      <table border='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%' cellspacing='0' align='left' class='group-course-row $attributes_class'>
      <tr class='$hand_class {$theme ["course"]["display_status"]} {$theme ["course"]["extra_classes"]}'
          $on_mouse_over title='{$theme ["course"]["title"]}'>
          <td width='$w1_1' class='group-w1_1' align='left'>$op$hid<span onClick='$js_code'>$icon_html</span></td>
          <td width='$w1_2' class='group-w1_2' align='left' onClick='$js_code'> </td>
          <td width='$w1_3' class='group-w1_3' align='left' onClick='$js_code'>&nbsp;</td>
          <td align='left' width='$w2' class='  underline group-w2' 
              onClick='$js_code' $extra_style>
              {$theme ["course"]["subject_id"]}</td>
          <td class='  underline group-w3' $extra_style width='$w3' align='left' 
              {$theme ["course"]["course_num"]}</td>
  if ($repeats > 0 && $repeats < 20 && $show_repeat_information) 
    $pC .= "
        <td class='  underline group-may-repeat' style='color: gray;' 
          onClick='$js_code' colspan='3'>
        <i>" . t("May take up to") . " <span style='color: blue;'>" . ($repeats + 1) . "</span> " . t("times.") . "</i>
  else if ($repeats > 0 && $repeats >= 20 && $show_repeat_information) {
    $pC .= "
        <td class='  underline group-may-repeat' style='color: gray;' 
          onClick='$js_code' colspan='3'>
        <i>" . t("May be repeated for credit.") . "</i>
  else if ($theme ["course"]["extra_html"] != "") {
    $pC .= "
        <td class='  underline' class='group-w4' width='$w4' onClick='$js_code' $extra_style>{$theme ["course"]["hours"]} {$theme ["course"]["var_hour_icon"]}</td>
        <td class='  underline group-course-extra-html' 
          onClick='$js_code' colspan='10'>
          {$theme ["course"]["extra_html"]}
  else {

    $pC .= "
         <td class='  underline' class='group-w4' width='$w4' onClick='$js_code' $extra_style>{$theme ["course"]["hours"]} {$theme ["course"]["var_hour_icon"]}</td>
           <td class='  underline' class='group-w5' width='$w5' onClick='$js_code'>{$theme ["course"]["grade"]}&nbsp;</td>
           <td class='  underline' class='group-w6' width='$w6' onClick='$js_code'>{$theme ["course"]["pts"]}&nbsp;</td>

  $pC .= "

  return $pC;