
Primary tabs

Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Locationsort descending Description
calendar_update modules/calendar/calendar.install
calendar_install modules/calendar/calendar.install Hook install. Called when the module is installed on the admin modules page.
calendar_get_available_faculty_schedule modules/calendar/calendar.module Returns back an array of time slots available for this faculty member and event_type
calendar_get_appointments_for_faculty modules/calendar/calendar.module Return back a list of appointment content nodes for this faculty member, which fall between the specified datetimes.
calendar_get_upcoming_appointments_for_cwid modules/calendar/calendar.module Returns an array of upcoming appointments, where the user is specified by CWID. start_date and end_date is meant to be in UTC, in the form of Y-m-d
calendar_find_and_remind_notify_upcoming_appointments modules/calendar/calendar.module This function will find appointments approaching within X number of minutes, and send out notifications to all involved.
calendar_cron modules/calendar/calendar.module Implements hook_cron
calendar_display_user_appointment_settings_page modules/calendar/calendar.module This page is where the user can configure their various appointment settings (like when they offer them)
calendar_display_schedule_appointment_completed_page modules/calendar/calendar.module The user has successfully completed their appointment scheduling. Display a Thank You page.
calendar_perm modules/calendar/calendar.module
calendar_display_schedule_staff_page modules/calendar/calendar.module This page (primarily meant for students) is for quickly finding your advisor or professor or whomever, and finding their link to schedule an appointment with them.
calendar_confirm_cancel_appointment_form_submit modules/calendar/calendar.module
calendar_confirm_cancel_appointment_form modules/calendar/calendar.module Confirm we actually want to cancel this appointment
calendar_access_can_cancel_appointment modules/calendar/calendar.module Make sure the user is allowed to cancel this appointment.
calendar_display_upcoming_appointments modules/calendar/calendar.module
calendar_menu modules/calendar/calendar.module implements hook_menu
calendar_schedule_appointment_confirm_form modules/calendar/calendar.module The confirmation form the user will see once they have made their schedule selections.
calendar_content_alter modules/calendar/calendar.module Implements hook_content_alter. We want to alter the way that our calendar appointments are displayed.
calendar_build_custom_calendar modules/calendar/calendar.module Actually renders the HTML for the calendar.
calendar_ics_split modules/calendar/calendar.module This lets us split up a line for ics into 75-char octets, according to the rules from:
calendar_get_ics_invitation_string modules/calendar/calendar.module Return back an ics file (as a string) to be used as an attachment for emails, which will facilitate a calendar invitation.
calendar_appointment_content_form_validate modules/calendar/calendar.module Custom validate handler for when we save an appointment form. We want to confirm the student is valid, and also store ONLY the cwid.
calendar_form_alter modules/calendar/calendar.module Implements hook_form_alter
calendar_get_date_range modules/calendar/calendar.module Creating date collection between two dates
calendar_display_mobile_date_page modules/calendar/calendar.module This function is specifically for displaying the events on a particular day for the user, presumed to be in a mobile experience.
calendar_display_calendar modules/calendar/calendar.module
calendar_content_register_content_type modules/calendar/calendar.module For use with the content module. We will register our custom content type(s) for use with this module.
calendar_render_mini_calendar modules/calendar/calendar.module
calendar_get_available_times_on_date modules/calendar/calendar.module
calendar_display_schedule_appointment_page modules/calendar/calendar.module This is the page which lets students schedule an appointment with the faculty member supplied in the user_id.
calendar_schedule_appointment_confirm_form_submit modules/calendar/calendar.module We passed validation, it's time to actually submit now!
calendar_schedule_appointment_confirm_form_validate modules/calendar/calendar.module This is our last chance to validate the form before saving.
calendar_appointment_settings_form modules/calendar/calendar.module Lets an admin user configure global settings regarding appointments in FlightPath
comments_get_comments modules/comments/comments.module Returns an array of comments for this student, sorted most recent first.
comments_render_comment modules/comments/comments.module Display the comment array in a pretty way.
comments_popup_display_all_comments modules/comments/comments.module Displays all comments for a student in a popup window, meant for printing.
comments_menu modules/comments/comments.module
comments_popup_display_comment modules/comments/comments.module
comments_can_access_comments modules/comments/comments.module Used by the menu to determine if the comments tab should appear.
comments_cron modules/comments/comments.module hook_cron
comments_perform_delete_comment modules/comments/comments.module "delete" a comment (actually, all we do is flag it as deleted)
comments_comment_form_submit modules/comments/comments.module
comments_comment_form modules/comments/comments.module This is the form to enter a new comment.
comments_display_main modules/comments/comments.module This displays the primary Comments tab, where we see past comments and can enter a new one (with the right permissions).
comments_perm modules/comments/comments.module
comments_get_comment modules/comments/comments.module
hook_content_save modules/content/content.api.php Functionally works the same as hook_content_load() above.
hook_content_load modules/content/content.api.php This hook is called by the function content_load($cid), and allows other modules to act on content which is being loaded. As with other hooks, modules act on the hook based on their weight in the modules table in the database.
hook_content_register_content_type modules/content/content.api.php Sample hook other modules implement to register a content type.
content_update modules/content/content.install
