function calendar_content_alter

6.x calendar.module calendar_content_alter(&$render, $render_id)

Implements hook_content_alter. We want to alter the way that our calendar appointments are displayed.


modules/calendar/calendar.module, line 3900


function calendar_content_alter(&$render, $render_id) {
  global $user;

  if (strstr($render_id, "content_")) {
    if (@$render ['#content-type'] == 'appointment') {

      $cid = str_replace("content_", "", $render_id);
      $content = content_load($cid);

      $student_name = @fp_get_student_name($content->field__student_id ['value'], TRUE);
      $faculty_name = @fp_get_faculty_name($content->field__faculty_id ['value']);

      // Replace our rendered values with actual names, instead of ONLY cwids.

      $render ['field__faculty_id']['value'] = "<div class='field-value'>$faculty_name</div>";
      $render ['field__student_id']['value'] = "<div class='field-value'>$student_name</div>";

      // Make a nice title for this appointment.

      $apt_title = t("Meeting between @ft and @st on @dt", array("@ft" => $faculty_name, "@st" => $student_name, "@dt" => $content->field__appointment_datetime ['display_value']));

      $render ['content_title']['value'] = "<div class='content-title'>$apt_title</div>";
      fp_set_title($apt_title); // set the page title in case we are viewing not in a dialog

      // If the user has permission to cancel appointments involving them, then show link!
      if (user_has_permission("can_cancel_own_appointments")) {
        if ($user->cwid == $content->field__student_id ['value'] || $user->cwid == $content->field__faculty_id ['value'] || $user->id == 1) {

          // if we are in an iframe, include that in query
          $query = "";
          if (isset($_REQUEST ['window_mode'])) {
            $query .= "window_mode=" . $_REQUEST ['window_mode'];
          $cancel_link = fp_url("calendar/confirm-cancel-appointment/$content->cid", $query);

          $render ['cancel_link'] = array(
            'value' => "<a href='$cancel_link' title='Cancel appointment' class='button cancel-button'>" . t("Cancel Appointment?") . "</a>",
            'weight' => 99999,

        } // if user is involved in this, or they are admin.

      } // user has permission            

      // If we have valid video data, we should display relevant links to join the meeting and such.

      unset($render ['field__video_data']);
      if ($render ['#content_object'] && $render ['#content_object']->field__video_data['value'] != "") {
        // Meaning, we have video meeting data to display!

        // create new markup field which renders out the video links and such.
        $decoded = json_decode($render ['#content_object']->field__video_data['value']);

        $meeting_id = $decoded->id;
        $join_url = $decoded->join_url;
        $dial_in = $decoded->settings->global_dial_in_numbers [0]->number;

        if (function_exists("engagements_convert_to_pretty_phone_number")) {
          $dial_in = engagements_convert_to_pretty_phone_number($dial_in, TRUE);

        $video_info .= "<p><b>" . t("Zoom Meeting:") . "</b> <a href='$join_url'>" . $join_url . "</a> \n<br> " . t("Be sure to download the Zoom app on your phone, tablet, or computer.") . " \n<br> " . t("To dial in instead of using video chat, you may dial:<br>\n @dial (ID: @id)", array("@dial" => $dial_in, "@id" => $meeting_id)) . ".</p>\n";

        $render ['video_information'] = array(
          'type' => 'markup',
          'value' => "<div class='video-information'>" . $video_info . "</div>",
          'weight' => 65,

      } // video_data != ""

    } // this is type appointment

  } // this probably is a content node view
