function user_edit_user_advisees_form

7.x user.module user_edit_user_advisees_form()
6.x user.module user_edit_user_advisees_form()
5.x user.module user_edit_user_advisees_form()

This form lets us populate the advisor_student table


modules/user/user.module, line 1681


function user_edit_user_advisees_form() {

  $form = array();

  $faculty_cwid = $_REQUEST ["faculty_cwid"];
  $user_id = db_get_user_id_from_cwid($faculty_cwid);
  $de_catalog_year = @$_REQUEST ["de_catalog_year"];

  // Figure out what the page's sub-tabs should be, and set them.
  $tab_array = array();
  $tab_array [0]["title"] = t("Edit Faculty/Staff User");
  $tab_array [0]["active"] = FALSE;
  $tab_array [0]["on_click"] = "window.location=\"" . fp_url("admin/users/edit-user", "faculty_cwid=$faculty_cwid&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "\"";

  $tab_array [1]["title"] = t("Edit Faculty Advisees");
  $tab_array [1]["active"] = TRUE;
  $tab_array [1]["on_click"] = "window.location=\"" . fp_url("admin/users/edit-user/advisees", "faculty_cwid=$faculty_cwid&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "\"";

  // If there are attributes for a student, then show the tab.
  $attributes = user_get_registered_attributes();

  foreach ($attributes as $def) {
    if (@$def ['settings']['user_type'] == 'faculty' || @$def ['settings']['user_type'] == 'all') {
      $tab_array [2]["title"] = t("Edit User Attributes");
      $tab_array [2]["active"] = FALSE;
      $tab_array [2]["on_click"] = "window.location=\"" . fp_url("admin/users/edit-user/attributes", "user_id=$user_id&user_type=faculty&faculty_cwid=$faculty_cwid&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "\"";


  if ($faculty_cwid != "new") {
    $name = fp_get_faculty_name($faculty_cwid);
    fp_set_title(t("Edit Faculty/Staff Advisees of @name (@id)", array("@name" => $name, "@id" => $faculty_cwid)));
  else {
    // A new student!  We can't create a new student until a CWID is assigned.
    fp_set_title(t("Create New Faculty/Staff User"));
    $form ["mark_sorry"] = array(
      "type" => "markup",
      "value" => "<p>" . t("Sorry, but you cannot add advisees to this faculty member until the faculty member
                      has been fully created (and given a CWID).  Use the Edit Faculty/Staff User button above
                      to return to that screen.") . "</p>",
    return $form;

  $form ["user_id"] = array(
    "type" => "hidden",
    "value" => $user_id,

  $form ["perform_action2"] = array(
    "type" => "hidden",
    "value" => "",

  $form ["faculty_cwid"] = array(
    "type" => "hidden",
    "value" => $faculty_cwid,

  // We are good to go... display the box for entering CWIDS
  $form ["markup_explain"] = array(
    "value" => "<p>" . t("
                If this faculty user is an advisor, you may enter their advisees' CWIDs in the box below, one
                per line.  This will be used to populate the advisor_student table.
                <i>Anything after a # sign will be ignored.  It is for your benefit only, it will NOT be saved.</i>
                <b>Important:</b> If you have any routines which modify or edit the advisor_student table,
                this data will be overwritten.") . "</p>",


  $contents = "";
  $db = get_global_database_handler();
  // begin by reading what's already there.
  $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM advisor_student WHERE faculty_id = ? ", $faculty_cwid);
  while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
    $contents .= trim($cur ["student_id"]);
    // If this student exists, get their name and other info as well, to help with display.
    $name = $db->get_student_name($cur ["student_id"]);
    $student_majors = $db->get_student_majors_from_db($cur ["student_id"], TRUE);
    $majors = "";
    foreach ($student_majors as $code => $details) {

      $majors .= $code . ", ";


    $majors = rtrim(trim($majors), ",");

    if ($name || $majors) {
      $contents .= "   #  $name - $majors ";
    $contents .= "\n";
  $contents = trim($contents);

  $form ["students"] = array(
    "type" => "textarea",
    "label" => t("Advisee Student CWIDs:"),
    "value" => $contents,
    "rows" => 20,
    "cols" => 50,
    "description" => t("Enter advisee student CWIDs for this faculty user, one per line."),

  $form ["warn_me"] = array(
    "type" => "checkbox",
    "label" => t("Warn me if I enter a student CWID which doesn't exist in the students/users table yet (good for catching typos)"),
    "value" => "yes",

  $form ["submit_btn"] = array(
    "type" => "submit",
    "value" => "Submit",

  return $form;
