function schools_administer_schools_form_submit

7.x schools.module schools_administer_schools_form_submit($form, $form_state)
6.x schools.module schools_administer_schools_form_submit($form, $form_state)


modules/schools/schools.module, line 1372
Schools module.


function schools_administer_schools_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
  $values = $form_state ["values"];

  variable_set("schools_allow_courses_from_default_school", $values ["schools_allow_courses_from_default_school"]);

  fp_add_message(t("Settings saved successfully."));

  if (trim($values ["new_school"]) != "") {
    $new_school = trim($values ["new_school"]);

    if (!strstr($new_school, "~")) {
      form_error("new_school", t("Sorry, but the format you entered was not correct. Plase enter a unique 1 to 5 character code for this school, tilda (~), then the name.
                                  <br> Ex:  ULM ~ University of Louisiana Monroe"));

    $temp = explode("~", $new_school);
    $code = trim(strtoupper($temp [0]));
    $new_school = trim($temp [1]);

    // Clean up any trouble chars
    $new_school = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/", " ", $new_school);
    $code = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/", "", $code);

    if ($code == "" || strlen($code) > 5) {
      form_error("new_school", t("Sorry, but the format you entered was not correct. Plase enter a unique 1 to 5 character code for this school, tilda (~), then the name.
                                  <br> Ex:  ULM ~ University of Louisiana Monroe"));

    // Check that code is not already in use.
    $temp = schools_get_school_id_from_school_code($code);
    if ($temp) {
      form_error("new_school", t("Sorry, but the code you specified is already in use."));

    // Okay, add to the roles table.
    db_query("INSERT INTO schools (school_code, name) VALUES (?,?) ", strtoupper($code), $new_school);

    fp_add_message(t("The new school has been added successfully."));

  if (strstr($values ["perform_action2"], "del~_~")) {
    $temp = explode("~_~", $values ["perform_action2"]);
    $i = trim($temp [1]);
    // Remove this rid from the table.
    db_query("DELETE FROM schools WHERE school_id = ? ", $i);
    fp_add_message(t("The school has been deleted successfully.  All data linking to this school id (%i) still exists.", array("%i" => $i)));


  if (strstr($values ["perform_action2"], "edit~_~")) {
    $temp = explode("~_~", $values ["perform_action2"]);
    $i = trim($temp [1]);
    $new_school = trim($temp [2]);

    if (!strstr($new_school, "~")) {
      form_error("", t("Sorry, but the format you entered was not correct. Plase enter a unique 1 to 5 character code for this school, tilda (~), then the name.
                                  <br> Ex:  ULM ~ University of Louisiana Monroexxx"));

    $temp = explode("~", $new_school);
    $code = trim(strtoupper($temp [0]));
    $new_school = trim($temp [1]);

    $new_school = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_\-]/", " ", $new_school);
    $code = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/", "", $code);

    // Check that code is not already in use
    $temp = schools_get_school_id_from_school_code($code);
    if ($temp) {
      if ($temp != $i) { // meaning, it's not the school we are editing.
        form_error("new_school", t("Sorry, but the code you specified is already in use."));

    if ($code == "" || strlen($code) > 5) {
      form_error("", t("Sorry, but the format you entered was not correct. Plase enter a unique 1 to 5 character code for this school, tilda (~), then the name.
                                  <br> Ex:  ULM ~ University of Louisiana Monroe"));

    if (trim($new_school) != "") {

      // Let's update the table.
      db_query("UPDATE schools SET name = ?, school_code = ? 
                WHERE school_id = ? ", $new_school, strtoupper($code), $i);

      fp_add_message(t("The school has been edited successfully."));

  } // if edit

  // Rebuild the menu cache, since other modules have tabs and/other menu items based on schools
