function admin_get_group_courses

6.x admin_get_group_courses(Group $group)
4.x admin_get_group_courses(Group $group)
5.x admin_get_group_courses(Group $group)

Return back the courses in a group, suitable for the edit-group form.

2 calls to admin_get_group_courses()
admin_edit_group_form in modules/admin/
This function lets the user edit a group.
admin_process_all_definitions_perform_batch_operation in modules/admin/
This actually is the batch operation for processing all of our group definitions.


modules/admin/, line 1204


function admin_get_group_courses(Group $group) {

  // Returns a plain text list of the courses in a group's requirements
  // for use in the edit_group_form.
  $rtn = "";

  $group_sort_policy = variable_get_for_school("group_requirement_sort_policy", "alpha", $group->school_id);

  // courses not in branches...
  $courses = array();
  $c_count = 0;

  if ($group_sort_policy == 'database') {
  else {
    // By default, sort alphabetical      

  while ($group->list_courses->has_more()) 
    $course_line = "";
    $attributes = "";
    $c = $group->list_courses->get_next();
    if (strstr($c->subject_id, "&")) 
      $c->subject_id = str_replace("&", "_A_", $c->subject_id);


    if ($c->db_group_attributes != "") {
      $attributes = $c->db_group_attributes . " ";

    $course_line .= trim("$attributes$c->subject_id $c->course_num");

    if (!$course_line) {
      // Some kind of problem, just skip this because it's blank.

    if ($c->min_grade != "" && $c->min_grade != "D") 
      //$rtn .= " ($c->min_grade)";
      $course_line .= " ($c->min_grade)";

    //$rtn .= "\n";
    if (!isset($courses [$course_line])) 
      $courses [$course_line] = 0;
    // This is to check for specified repeats.
    $courses [$course_line];


  // Go through the $courses array to check for specified repeats.
  foreach (++$courses as $course => $rep_count) 
    $rep_line = " [$rep_count]";
    if ($rep_count == 1) 
      $rep_line = "";
    $rtn .= "$course$rep_line\n";

  // Now, get them branches!
  if (!$group->list_groups->is_empty) 

    while ($group->list_groups->has_more()) 
      $courses = array();
      $g = $group->list_groups->get_next();

      while ($g->list_courses->has_more()) 
        $course_line = $attributes = "";
        $c = $g->list_courses->get_next();
        if (strstr($c->subject_id, "&")) 
          $c->subject_id = str_replace("&", "_A_", $c->subject_id);

        if ($c->db_group_attributes != "") {
          $attributes = $c->db_group_attributes . " ";

        $course_line = trim("$attributes$c->subject_id $c->course_num");
        if (!$course_line) {
          // Some kind of problem, just skip this because it's blank.

        if ($c->min_grade != "" && $c->min_grade != "D") 
          $course_line .= " ($c->min_grade)";

        if (!isset($courses [$course_line])) 
          $courses [$course_line] = 0;
        // This is to check for specified repeats.
        $courses [$course_line];


      // Go through the $courses array to check for specified repeats.
      foreach (++$courses as $course => $rep_count) 
        $rep_line = " [$rep_count]";
        if ($rep_count == 1) 
          $rep_line = "";
        $rtn .= "$course$rep_line & ";

      // Take off the last &.
      $rtn = trim($rtn);
      $rtn = substr($rtn, 0, -1);
      $rtn = trim($rtn);

      $rtn .= "\n";


  return $rtn;