function CourseList::sort_group_requirement_id

7.x CourseList.php CourseList::sort_group_requirement_id()
6.x CourseList.php CourseList::sort_group_requirement_id()

Sorts the courses based on their db_group_requirement_id value


classes/CourseList.php, line 1318




function sort_group_requirement_id() {

  $sort_list = array();

  // go through the courses, creating an array keyed by db_degree_requirement_id.
  for ($t = 0; $t < count($this->array_list); $t++) {
    $id = (string) $this->array_list [$t]->db_group_requirement_id; // not necessarily an integer, don't cast as one.

    // make sure that $id is at least 20 digits, padding 0's on the left, so that the sort works even if the id is a different
    // number of digits.
    $id = str_pad($id, 20, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
    $sort_list [$id][] = $this->array_list [$t];

  //sort the array in order ascending
  //clear the internal array, then refill it with the now sorted courses.
  $this->array_list = array();
  foreach ($sort_list as $courses) {
    foreach ($courses as $course) {
      $this->array_list [] = $course;
