Search API
- 7.x modules/admin/
- 6.x modules/admin/
- 4.x modules/admin/
- 5.x modules/admin/
modules/admin/ source
- <?php
- /* Functions related to working with Course data in FP */
- /**
- * This function displays all of our courses for us to edit.
- */
- function admin_display_courses() {
- $rtn = "";
- // Do this using $render array, so it can be altered
- // by hook_content_alter
- $render = array();
- $render['#id'] = 'admin_display_courses';
- $de_catalog_year = admin_get_de_catalog_year();
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/css/admin.css");
- $cc = 1;
- $show_hidden = trim(@$_GET["show_hidden"]);
- if ($show_hidden != "") {
- $_SESSION["dehidden"] = $show_hidden;
- }
- else {
- $show_hidden = @$_SESSION["dehidden"];
- }
- // Get the "upper range" (UR) and
- // lower range (LR) of the courses in question...
- $ur = trim(@$_GET["ur"]);
- $lr = trim(@$_GET["lr"]);
- if ($ur == "") {
- // meaning, no range was set. Use A - AZZZZZ, so, all of the A's.
- $ur = @$_SESSION["dec_ur"];
- $lr = @$_SESSION["dec_lr"];
- if ($ur == "") {
- // if still blank, assign it..
- $ur = "A";
- $lr = "AZZZZ";
- }
- }
- $_SESSION["dec_ur"] = $ur;
- $_SESSION["dec_lr"] = $lr;
- //fp_set_title(t("Courses for @year", array("@year" => $de_catalog_year)));
- $render['title_top'] = array(
- 'value' => "<h2 class='title'>" . t("Courses for @year", array("@year" => $de_catalog_year)) . "</h2>",
- );
- $html = "";
- $letter_ranges = array(
- "A" => array("A", "AZZZZ"),
- "B" => array("B", "BZZZZ"),
- "C-CN" => array("C", "CNZZZ"),
- "CO-CZ" => array("CO", "CZZZZ"),
- "D" => array("D", "DZZZZ"),
- "E" => array("E", "EZZZZ"),
- "F" => array("F", "FZZZZ"),
- "G" => array("G", "GZZZZ"),
- "H" => array("H", "HZZZZ"),
- "I-L" => array("I", "LZZZZ"),
- "M-MR" => array("M", "MRZZZ"),
- "MS-MZ" => array("MS", "MZZZZ"),
- "N-O" => array("N", "OZZZZ"),
- "P" => array("P", "PZZZZ"),
- "Q-R" => array("Q", "RZZZZ"),
- "S-SO" => array("S", "SOZZZ"),
- "SP-SZ" => array("SP", "SZZZZ"),
- "T-Z" => array("T", "ZZZZZ"),
- );
- $html .= "<div class='admin-courses-select-letter-bar'>
- ";
- foreach($letter_ranges as $disp => $vals) {
- $html .= l($disp, "admin/courses", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year&ur=" . $vals[0] . "&lr=" . $vals[1], array("class" => "admin-courses-letter-link")) . " ";
- }
- $html .= "</div>
- <div class='tenpt'>
- <div style='padding: 5px;'>
- " . l(t("Add a course for @year", array("@year" => $de_catalog_year)), "admin/courses/edit-course", "course_id=new&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . "
- </div>
- Legend: <br> [e] = Course has at least one add'l excluded name.
- [v] = Course has at least one add'l valid name.
- </div>
- ";
- $exclude_line = "and exclude != 1";
- if ($show_hidden == "yes") {
- $html .= "<div class='tenpt'><b>" . t("Showing excluded courses.") . " ";
- $html .= l(t("Hide?"), "admin/courses", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year&show_hidden=no");
- $html .= "</b></div>";
- $exclude_line = "";
- }
- else {
- $html .= "<div class='tenpt'><b>" . t("Hiding excluded courses.") . " ";
- $html .= l(t("Show?"), "admin/courses", "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year&show_hidden=yes");
- $html .= "</b></div>";
- }
- $html .= "<hr><br>";
- $render['upper_links'] = array(
- 'value' => $html,
- );
- $render['courses_table_top'] = array(
- 'value' => "<table border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' class='disp-courses-table'>",
- );
- $q = "SELECT * FROM draft_courses
- catalog_year = '?'
- AND subject_id BETWEEN '?' AND '?'
- AND delete_flag = '0'
- $exclude_line
- ORDER BY subject_id, course_num";
- $result = db_query($q, $de_catalog_year, $ur, $lr);
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($result)) {
- extract($cur, 3, "db");
- $ex_names = "";
- $val_names = "";
- // Check to see if this course has more than one name...
- // removed AND `catalog_year`='$de_catalog_year' from query,
- // because we don't care what other cat year it came from.
- $res2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_courses
- WHERE course_id = '?'
- ", $db_course_id);
- while ($cur2 = db_fetch_array($res2)) {
- if ($cur2["subject_id"] == $db_subject_id && $cur2["course_num"] == $db_course_num) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($cur2["exclude"] == "1") {
- $ex_names = "[e]";
- }
- else {
- $val_names = "[v]";
- }
- }
- $spanstyle = "";
- if ($db_exclude == "1") {
- $spanstyle = "background-color: #ddd;";
- }
- $temp_course = new Course();
- $db_title = $temp_course->fix_title($db_title);
- $db_min_hours = $db_min_hours*1;
- $db_max_hours = $db_max_hours*1;
- $db_repeat_hours = $db_repeat_hours*1;
- $hrs = $db_min_hours;
- if (trim($db_min_hours) != trim($db_max_hours)) {
- $hrs .= " - $db_max_hours";
- }
- $hrs .= " hrs.";
- $rep_hours = "";
- if ($db_repeat_hours > $db_min_hours) {
- $rep_hours = " rep to $db_repeat_hours hrs.";
- }
- // remove special chars from subject_id...
- $display_subject_id = $db_subject_id;
- $db_subject_id = str_replace("&","_A_",$db_subject_id);
- $render['course_row_' . $db_course_id] = array(
- 'value' => "
- <tr style='$spanstyle'>
- <td valign='top' width='90%'>
- <a name='course_$db_course_id'></a>
- <div style='$spanstyle padding:3px;'>
- " . l("$display_subject_id $db_course_num - $db_title", "admin/courses/edit-course", "course_id=$db_course_id&subject_id=$db_subject_id&course_num=$db_course_num&de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year") . " - $hrs$rep_hours</div>
- </td>
- <td valign='top' width='5%'>
- $ex_names
- </td>
- <td valign='top' width='5%'>
- $val_names
- </td>
- </tr>",
- 'data' => array(
- 'course_id' => $db_course_id,
- 'catalog_year' => $de_catalog_year,
- 'db_row' => $cur,
- 'subject_id' => $db_subject_id,
- 'course_num' => $db_course_num,
- ),
- );
- } // while
- $render['courses_table_bottom'] = array(
- 'value' => "</table>",
- );
- $rtn .= fp_render_content($render);
- return $rtn;
- }
- /**
- * This form lets the user edit details about a course.
- */
- function admin_edit_course_form() {
- $form = array();
- $de_catalog_year = admin_get_de_catalog_year();
- $course_id = @$_REQUEST["course_id"];
- $subject_id = @$_REQUEST["subject_id"];
- $subject_id = str_replace("_A_","&",$subject_id);
- $course_num = @$_REQUEST["course_num"];
- $m = 0;
- fp_set_title(t("Edit Course @course", array("@course" => "$subject_id $course_num ($de_catalog_year)")));
- fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/css/admin.css");
- fp_add_js(fp_get_module_path("admin") . "/js/admin.js");
- $form["de_catalog_year"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $de_catalog_year,
- );
- $form["course_id"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $course_id,
- );
- $form["subject_id"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $subject_id,
- );
- $form["course_num"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => $course_num,
- );
- $form["perform_action2"] = array(
- "type" => "hidden",
- "value" => "",
- );
- // Begin the form...
- // TODO: implement this!
- if (@$_SESSION["de_advanced_mode"] == true)
- {
- $pC .= " <span class='tenpt' style='background-color: yellow; margin-left: 20px;'>
- adv: course_id = $course_id. Used by:
- <a href='javascript: popupWindow(\"admin.php?performAction=popup_degrees_using_course&course_id=$course_id\")'>[degrees]</a>
- <a href='javascript: popupWindow(\"admin.php?performAction=popup_groups_using_course&course_id=$course_id\")'>[groups]</a>
- <a href='javascript: popupWindow(\"admin.php?performAction=popup_students_using_course&course_id=$course_id\")'>[students]</a>
- </span>";
- }
- $course = new Course($course_id,false,null,false,$de_catalog_year, true);
- $course->catalog_year = $de_catalog_year; // Since it may be 1900, force it!
- $course->load_descriptive_data(false, true, false, true, true);
- $course->catalog_year = $de_catalog_year; // Since it may be 1900, force it!
- $all_names = $course->get_all_names(true);
- $warn_eqv = "";
- if (strstr($all_names, ",")) {
- $warn_eqv = "yes";
- }
- // Correct ghosthours, if they exist.
- if ($course->bool_ghost_hour) {
- $course->max_hours = 0;
- }
- if ($course->bool_ghost_min_hour) {
- $course->min_hours = 0;
- }
- $form["course_names"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Course names(s):"),
- "required" => TRUE,
- "value" => $all_names,
- "popup_description" => t("These are the possible display names for this course. Typically,
- there will be only one name. Ex: ACCT 110. You must place a space
- between the subject ID and course number.
- If this course is known by another name (has an eqv course)
- then enter it as well using a comma.
- Ex: ACCT 110, MATH 110A
- Add the word 'exclude' to prevent it from showing in course
- selection windows in FlightPath.
- Ex: ACCT 110, MATH 110A exclude
- IMPORTANT: Course names are updated for ALL YEARS of a course."),
- "weight" => 10,
- );
- $form["title"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Title:"),
- "value" => $course->title,
- "popup_description" => t("The title of the course displayed in FlightPath."),
- "weight" => 20,
- );
- $form["min_hours"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Min hours:"),
- "size" => 10,
- "value" => $course->min_hours,
- "popup_description" => t("The min and max hours for a course will usually be the same
- number. Ex: 3. If they differ, it means the course has
- variable hours.
- For example, if you have a course
- worth 1-6 hours, enter 1 for min, and 6 for max."),
- "weight" => 30,
- );
- $form["max_hours"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Max hours:"),
- "size" => 10,
- "value" => $course->max_hours,
- "popup_description" => t("The min and max hours for a course will usually be the same
- number. Ex: 3. If they differ, it means the course has
- variable hours.
- For example, if you have a course
- worth 1-6 hours, enter 1 for min, and 6 for max."),
- "weight" => 40,
- );
- $form["repeat_hours"] = array(
- "type" => "textfield",
- "label" => t("Repeat hours:"),
- "size" => 10,
- "value" => $course->repeat_hours,
- "popup_description" => t("This is the number of hours a course may be repeated for credit.
- For example, if a course is worth 3 hours, but may be repeated
- for up to 9 hours of credit, enter a 9 in this box.
- If a course CANNOT be repeated for credit, this would
- be the same number as the min and max, or simply blank.
- If you are unsure what to enter, leave it blank."),
- "weight" => 50,
- );
- $form["description"] = array(
- "type" => "textarea",
- "label" => t("Description"),
- "value" => $course->description,
- "rows" => 4,
- "cols" => 80,
- "weight" => 60,
- );
- $form["all_years"] = array(
- "type" => "checkboxes",
- "label" => t("Update for all years?"),
- "options" => array("yes" => t("Update title, description, and hour info for all years of this course.")),
- "popup_description" => t("Check this box and press Submit to update title, description, and hour information
- for all available years of this course. Note that course name is automatically
- updated for all years, regardless if you check this box or not."),
- "weight" => 70,
- );
- $form["data_entry_comment"] = array(
- "type" => "textarea",
- "label" => t("Optional Comment: (only seen by other FlightPath administrators)"),
- "rows" => 3,
- "cols" => 80,
- "value" => $course->data_entry_comment,
- "weight" => 80,
- );
- $form["submit"] = array(
- "type" => "submit",
- "value" => t("Save for @year", array("@year" => $de_catalog_year)),
- "prefix" => "<hr>",
- "weight" => 90,
- );
- // Only show delete option based on permission
- if (user_has_permission("can_delete_data_entry")) {
- $form["mark" . $m++] = array(
- "type" => "markup",
- "value" => "<div align='right' class='courses-delete-course-wrapper'>
- " . t("Delete this course?") . " <input type='button' value='X'
- onClick='adminDeleteCourse(\"$course_id\",\"$de_catalog_year\",\"$warn_eqv\");'>
- </div>",
- "weight" => 100,
- );
- }
- return $form;
- }
- function admin_edit_course_form_submit(&$form, $form_submit) {
- $values = $form_submit["values"];
- $de_catalog_year = $values["de_catalog_year"];
- $course_id = trim($values["course_id"]);
- $course_names = trim($values["course_names"]);
- $db = get_global_database_handler();
- if ($course_names == "") {
- $course_names = $values["subject_id"] . " " . $values["course_num"];
- }
- $title = trim($values["title"]);
- $min_hours = floatval(trim($values["min_hours"]));
- $max_hours = floatval(trim($values["max_hours"]));
- $repeat_hours = floatval(trim($values["repeat_hours"]));
- //$exclude = trim($_POST["exclude"]);
- $description = trim($values["description"]);
- $data_entry_comment = trim($values["data_entry_comment"]);
- // Since we are making a change to the draft table(s), let's add a row
- // to draft instructions.
- $db->add_draft_instruction("-");
- // Unlike the degrees and the groups, course_ids are not
- // unique. Only a course_id + catalog_year pair are unique. This
- // is so we can handle equivalent courses more gracefully.
- // So, the first thing we need to do is delete *all* courses with the
- // course_id and catalog_year listed above. For most courses, this will
- // only be one row. For eqv courses, this will delete more than one row.
- if ($course_id != "new") {
- // Don't delete! Temporarily transfer to a temporary course_id.
- // Will possibly delete later.
- $res = db_query("UPDATE draft_courses
- SET course_id = '-12345'
- WHERE course_id = '?'
- AND catalog_year = '?' ", $course_id, $de_catalog_year);
- }
- if ($values["perform_action2"] == "delete_course" && user_has_permission("can_delete_data_entry")) {
- // That's it. All we wanted to do was delete the course.
- $query = "DELETE FROM draft_courses
- WHERE course_id = '-12345'
- ";
- $res = db_query($query);
- fp_add_message(t("Course %course successfully deleted for %year", array("%course" => $course_names, "%year" => $de_catalog_year)));
- // Redirect us to the list of courses.
- $form["#redirect"] = array(
- "path" => "admin/courses",
- "query" => "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year",
- );
- return;
- }
- // If the $course_id == new then create a new one.
- if ($course_id == "new") {
- $course_id = $db->request_new_course_id();
- $values["course_id"] = $course_id;
- // change the $form redirect so we get sent to the new course on save.
- $form["#redirect"] = array(
- "path" => "admin/courses/edit-course",
- "query" => "de_catalog_year=$de_catalog_year&course_id=$course_id",
- );
- }
- // Now, we will split the courseNames on commas, and for each
- // token, we will insert a row into the database.
- $courses = explode(",", $course_names);
- foreach($courses as $course) {
- $course = str_replace(" ", " ", $course);
- $course = str_replace(" ", " ", $course);
- $course = str_replace(" ", " ", $course);
- $course = trim($course);
- if ($course == "") { continue; }
- $temp = explode(" ", $course);
- $subject_id = trim($temp[0]);
- $course_num = trim($temp[1]);
- ////////////
- /// Error conditions...
- if (strtolower($course_num) == "exclude" || $course_num == "") {
- form_error("course_names", t("It appears you specified an excluded course
- without a course number. You entered %course.
- Notice there is no course number. Please re-enter.", array("%course" => "$subject_id $course_num")));
- continue;
- }
- ////////////////
- $exclude = 0;
- // Do we exclude?
- if (strtolower(trim($temp[2])) == "exclude") {
- $exclude = 1;
- // Set ALL courses with this subject_id and course_num to exclude!
- $res = db_query("UPDATE draft_courses
- SET exclude = '1'
- WHERE subject_id = '?'
- AND course_num = '?'
- ", $subject_id, $course_num);
- }
- else {
- // Aet all courses with this subject_id and course_num to NOT exclude!
- $res = db_query("UPDATE draft_courses
- SET exclude = '0'
- WHERE subject_id = '?'
- AND course_num = '?'
- ", $subject_id, $course_num);
- }
- // Did the user specify a course which already exists? If so,
- // mark that course's ID as -12345...
- $res = db_query("UPDATE draft_courses
- SET course_id = '-12345'
- WHERE subject_id = '?'
- AND course_num = '?'
- AND catalog_year = '?' ", $subject_id, $course_num, $de_catalog_year);
- // We now have enough information to make an insertion into
- // the table.
- $query = "INSERT INTO draft_courses
- (`course_id`,`subject_id`,`course_num`,`catalog_year`,
- `title`,`description`,`min_hours`,`max_hours`,`repeat_hours`,
- `exclude`,`data_entry_comment`)
- values ('?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?','?') ";
- //debug_c_t($query);
- $res = db_query($query, $course_id,$subject_id,$course_num,$de_catalog_year,
- $title,$description,$min_hours,$max_hours,$repeat_hours,
- $exclude,$data_entry_comment);
- // Now, this part is tricky. Are there any courses which already
- // existed with this subject_id and course_num, but not this course_id?
- // This would happen if we add an eqv for a course that already existed
- // elsewhere. We want to change that existing course's ID to match the
- // new one, but we also need to update EVERY table that used the old
- // course_id with the new course_id, including degree plans, groups,
- // substitutions, etc.
- // query for subject_id and course_num but != course_id.
- // get oldCourseID.
- // call function update_course_id(oldCourseID, newCourseID)
- $res2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_courses WHERE
- subject_id = '?'
- AND course_num = '?'
- AND course_id != '?'
- AND course_id != '-12345' ", $subject_id, $course_num, $course_id);
- while ($cur2 = db_fetch_array($res2)) {
- $old_course_id = $cur2["course_id"];
- // Now, update all the existing references to $old_course_id
- // with the new course_id.
- $db2 = new DatabaseHandler();
- $db2->update_course_id($old_course_id, $course_id, true);
- // Now, add it to our list of things to update when we apply
- // the draft changes...
- $db2->add_draft_instruction("update_course_id,$old_course_id,$course_id");
- }
- }
- // We have to accomodate the situation that there used to be an
- // eqv set up (multiple course names were set) but now there is not.
- // In other words, someone wanted to undo an eqv.
- // We used to have: ACCT 101, MATH 101
- // But they took out the comma. So, only ACCT 101 just got written
- // to the database, while MATH 101 has been marked as -12345 and is
- // destined to be deleted.
- // -- we need to give MATH 101 a new course_id and update that course_id
- // for all years.
- // Then, we need to go through all our tables and update where it was
- // actually spelled out that "MATH 101" be used with the new course_id.
- // -- This process will ensure that no previous existing courses
- // will get deleted. That they will remain as their own unique
- // courses.
- // First thing's first. Go through all the courses with the course_id
- // of -12345. If we find one that does not have the same subject_id
- // and course_num with the new ID, then this is a removed eqv, and
- // that is our cue that it should be it's own course.
- $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_courses
- WHERE course_id = '-12345' ");
- while ($cur = db_fetch_array($res)) {
- $found_s_i = $cur["subject_id"];
- $found_c_n = $cur["course_num"];
- $db2 = new DatabaseHandler();
- $res2 = $db2->db_query("SELECT * FROM draft_courses
- WHERE course_id = '?'
- AND subject_id = '?'
- AND course_num = '?'
- AND catalog_year = '?' ", $course_id, $found_s_i, $found_c_n, $de_catalog_year);
- if ($db2->db_num_rows($res2) == 0) {
- // Meaning, this course name is not listed with the course_id,
- // so this is a broken eqv.
- // We should make a new course_id and all that for this course,
- // for all available years.
- $new_course_id = $db2->request_new_course_id();
- $db3 = new DatabaseHandler();
- $res3 = $db3->db_query("UPDATE draft_courses
- SET course_id = '?'
- WHERE subject_id = '?'
- AND course_num = '?' ", $new_course_id, $found_s_i, $found_c_n);
- // removed WHERE `course_id`='-12345' from query. We want to UPDATE
- // this across all years for this course.
- // And also UPDATE every other table that specified foundSI &CN
- // as a requirement.
- $db3->update_course_requirement_from_name($found_s_i, $found_c_n, $new_course_id);
- $db3->add_draft_instruction("update_course_requirement_from_name,$found_s_i,$found_c_n,$new_course_id");
- }
- }
- // Was the "all_years" box checked? If it was, then update all instances
- // of this course, across all available catalog years.
- if (is_array($values["all_years"]) && $values["all_years"]["yes"] == "yes") {
- $res = db_query("UPDATE draft_courses
- SET title = '?',
- description = '?',
- min_hours = '?',
- max_hours = '?',
- repeat_hours = '?'
- WHERE course_id = '?' ", $title, $description, $min_hours, $max_hours, $repeat_hours, $course_id);
- }
- // Clean up. Delete the temporary course_id...
- $res = db_query("DELETE FROM draft_courses WHERE course_id = '-12345' ");
- fp_add_message("Course updated successfully.");
- }
Name | Description |
admin_display_courses | This function displays all of our courses for us to edit. |
admin_edit_course_form | This form lets the user edit details about a course. |
admin_edit_course_form_submit |