61 calls to module_enabled()

admin_add_degree_form_submit in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
Submit handler for the add_degree_form.
admin_add_degree_form_validate in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
Validate handler for add_degree_form
admin_advising_settings_form in modules/admin/admin.module
This is a systems settings form, which lets the user edit advising variabled for FlightPath.
admin_copy_degree_form_submit in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
admin_copy_degree_form_validate in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
Validate handler. Make sure our allow_overwrite setting is working. Check for existing major code.
admin_courses_list_filter_form in modules/admin/admin.courses.inc
admin_degrees_list_filter_form in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
admin_display_courses in modules/admin/admin.courses.inc
This function displays all of our courses for us to edit.
admin_display_degrees in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
admin_display_degrees_popup_add_group2 in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
admin_display_groups in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
This function will display a list of all our groups.
admin_display_groups_popup_edit_definition in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
admin_display_groups_popup_show_group_use in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
Displays a popup showing where a particular group is being used in FlightPath.
admin_display_main in modules/admin/admin.module
This is the "main" page for the admin module. It's what the user first sees when the click to go to the Admin page.
admin_edit_degree_form_validate in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
admin_edit_group_form_validate in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
Validate handler for edit group form.
admin_get_course_array_from_definition_data in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
admin_groups_list_filter_form in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
AdvisingScreen::output_to_browser in classes/AdvisingScreen.php
This method outputs the screen to the browser by performing an include(path-to-theme-file.php). All necessary information must be placed into certain variables before the include happens.
alerts_settings_form in modules/alerts/alerts.module
audit_settings_form in modules/audit/audit.module
blank_degrees_select_degree_form in modules/blank_degrees/blank_degrees.module
This form lets the user select which degree they wish to view.
calendar_appointment_content_form_validate in modules/calendar/calendar.module
Custom validate handler for when we save an appointment form. We want to confirm the student is valid, and also store ONLY the cwid.
calendar_appointment_settings_form in modules/calendar/calendar.module
Lets an admin user configure global settings regarding appointments in FlightPath
calendar_confirm_cancel_appointment_form in modules/calendar/calendar.module
Confirm we actually want to cancel this appointment
calendar_confirm_cancel_appointment_form_submit in modules/calendar/calendar.module
calendar_content_register_content_type in modules/calendar/calendar.module
For use with the content module. We will register our custom content type(s) for use with this module.
calendar_display_user_appointment_settings_page in modules/calendar/calendar.module
This page is where the user can configure their various appointment settings (like when they offer them)
calendar_form_alter in modules/calendar/calendar.module
Implements hook_form_alter
calendar_schedule_appointment_confirm_form_validate in modules/calendar/calendar.module
This is our last chance to validate the form before saving.
comments_render_comment in modules/comments/comments.module
Display the comment array in a pretty way.
content_add_new_uploaded_file in modules/content/content.module
bool_replace_existing means should we replace an existing file (based on filename) with this new one? Instead of creating an INSERT, that is.
course_search_display_courses in modules/course_search/course_search.module
Show the user their select of courses.
course_search_display_edit_courses in modules/course_search/course_search.edit.inc
Display a plain list of courses, making it easier for admins to edit schedules and details in one spot.
course_search_display_search in modules/course_search/course_search.module
Displays the search pulldown for the user to use to find courses.
course_search_edit_course_details_form in modules/course_search/course_search.edit.inc
This form lets the user edit the course's syllabus or rotation schedule
course_search_settings_form in modules/course_search/course_search.module
The system settins form for course_search settings.
DatabaseHandler::get_course_id in classes/DatabaseHandler.php
fp_get_departments in includes/misc.inc
Returns an array (suitable for form api) of departments on campus which faculty/staff can be members of.
fp_mail in includes/misc.inc
Send an email. Drop-in replacement for PHP's mail() command, but can use SMTP protocol if enabled.
fp_render_student_profile_header in includes/theme.inc
Returns the HTML for the "profile" header html for a student
stats_draw_majors_pulldown in modules/stats/stats.module
Display a major selection pulldown, used by other reports.
stats_report_advisor_use in modules/stats/stats.module
This report shows which advisors are using FlightPath most often.
stats_report_course_use_summary in modules/stats/stats.module
This report will display everywhere a particular course is used in FlightPath (groups and degrees)
stats_report_major_counts in modules/stats/stats.module
This report shows how many students are in each major.
stats_report_major_students_progress_form in modules/stats/reports.major-students-progress.inc
Simply display a form letting the user select an available major.
stats_report_student_course_list in modules/stats/stats.module
This report shows a list of all of a student's courses which FlightPath is aware of.
student_files_handle_upload in modules/student_files/student_files.module
Handles the upload of a file which we assume is located at $_FILES["student_file_upload_file"], or the provided $file array.
student_files_settings_form in modules/student_files/student_files.module
student_search_get_advisee_table_headers in modules/student_search/student_search.module
student_search_get_majors_for_fapi in modules/student_search/student_search.module
Returns an array of majors from the database, suitable for use with our Form API.
student_search_get_school_ids_user_is_allowed_to_search in modules/student_search/student_search.module
student_search_render_advisees in modules/student_search/student_search.module
system_display_dashboard_page in modules/system/system.module
This is the "dashboard" page for FlightPath, which replaces the "main" page from FP 5.
system_login_form in modules/system/system.module
This draws the form which facilitates logins.
system_login_form_submit in modules/system/system.module
Submit handler for login form. If we are here, it probably means we have indeed authenticated. Just in case, we will test the form_state["passed_authentication"] value, which we expect to have been set in our validate handler.
system_render_advising_snapshop_for_iframe in modules/system/system.module
This is meant to be a widget which shows in the dashboard of the advising user, within an iframe, since it can take a while to load.
system_school_data_form in modules/system/system.module
This form is for the school-data, like subject code descriptions, colleges, etc.
user_edit_user_form in modules/user/user.module
Let the user edit a user's roles and other information.
user_list_filter_form in modules/user/user.module
user_student_list_filter_form in modules/user/user.student.inc